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Topic: «Er esimi - El esinde»

Purpose: To inform about the intellectuals of the Kazakh people who became victims of left-wing
politics in a tragic period in the history of the Kazakh people, to foster respect for their names and
not to forget them, as well as to evaluate that time through the eyes of the generation of an
independent country
Visualisation: Short videos from wartime, pictures of intellectuals, documentary film.

Host: Respected, the people of Alash! Welcome to our round table dedicated to the Day of
Remembrance of the Victims of Famine and Political Repression on May 31! The past twentieth
century will be remembered for great events in the history of the Kazakh people. Among these
events, the years 1930-1938, experienced by our people "a thousand dead and a thousand
resurrected", were a difficult and tense period. To remember, not to forget about our noble
brothers who remember the past, do not live to see this day and dream is the duty of every
generation. M. Makataev:

Біздер мына дәуірменен бірге өстік,

Қарап соның қабағына күн кештік.

Уақыттың үніменен тілдестік,

Уақыттың көшіменен бір көштік.

Біз жараттық мынау ғажап ғасырды,

Тарихы оның біздерменен ашылды,

Біздің мына қолтаңбамыз басулы,

Құрметтендер жиырмасыншы ғасырды! – this is how he assesses the century in which he


In his speech, the head of state said: "it is our moral duty and a guarantee that we will never al-
low this horror to happen again. This is a very important historical lesson for us and we must al-
ways remember it.

Our guests who took part in the round table today:

Host: Pay attention to the video dedicated to the victims of famine and political repression on the

Host: The story of the Great Famine massacre in Kazakhstan should begin with two very
important remarks: we must say that in Soviet times there were two famine massacres in
Kazakhstan. Of course, the greatest famine massacre took place in the 30s of the last century. It
is called in history – the years of famine. But at the same time, one should not forget about the
famine that occurred in 1919-1922. Now, what would you say about Goloshchekin's policy in the

Participants of the round table are given the floor.

Host: F. I. Goloshchekin, who came to the leadership of the regional party organization under
the slogan "Sovietization of the village", chose the direction of aggravating the class struggle in
the village. Among the rich kulaks were also those who had a house with an iron roof or 2
names. The direction of mass collectivization of Agriculture was envisaged, and the task of elimi-
nating the – kulaks as a class was put forward. Collectivization began with the confiscation of the

Forced collectivization of Agriculture led the population to mass famine. On the ground, there
were misjudgments of the poor and middle peasants, improper molestation of peasant cattle, de-
privation of property rights, and forced eviction from their permanent place of residence. In 1930-
1932, there was a forced eviction from the place of tribulation. In 1930-1932, a terrible famine
was raging. By the beginning of the 30s, the Kazakh population was 4 million 800 thousand.

Of these, 2 million 300 thousand died of hunger in 3 years. As a result of the policy of genocide,
the people suffered such a tragedy. He almost destroyed an entire nation with his bottom. But
our people did not give up in silence. From 1929 to 31, there were 72 uprisings in Kazakhstan.
This is evidenced by the uprisings of Sozak, Adai, Sabyraly.

A documentary is shown on the screen.

Host: According to the famous "Article 58" of the RSFSR, which entered into law on June 6,
1927, on the basis of which millions of innocent people lost their lives.

Participants of the round table are given the floor.


In accordance with the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 14, 1993" on rehabilitation
of victims of mass political repression", those subjected to repressions were acquitted en masse,
the names of Kazakh figures were returned to the people. Still, no one can erase from the mem-
ory of the people the horrors that befell our people. This is an urgent problem in the history of our

This ended the event dedicated to the day of remembrance of the victims of famine and political
repression. We thank you for coming and sharing your thoughts. Dear Youth, let us always pay
tribute to the memory of our ancestors, who fought for our future, not forgetting about our past.

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