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One of the few streamers I'm genuinely happy for whenever you get what you want.

on Chow and looking forward to awesome content!



3 replies
11 months ago
chow was my first nat 5 when i was like level 14, he was super helpful because he
could farm faimon hell so early even with terrible runes, yes he was slow but he
never failed and when you're new and dont have thousands of crystals using energy
efficiently is nice. still use him in guild content and rta. really love that he
can solo the water mini boss in lab on hell (long as you can get him to the boss)

of your top 8 most wanted I've got 4 (chow, mages and ren) and got both mages as
options for the 8 year summon.



6 replies
Ventus -XR
Ventus -XR
11 months ago (edited)
Who also was waiting for oliver last spot for the meme



5 replies
11 months ago
A few months back I got Bastet, a unit I've wanted for the past 6 -7 years (since
release). So many stones saved and anniversary scrolls. And she popped out from one
scroll I summoned while I was on a Teams Meeting. I couldn't even celebrate. Just
looked at my phone in shock.


7 months ago
The slowmotion in the end was just beautiful. The spotlight that Chow needed and
something he has never ever gotten from his summoners xD.


11 months ago
Make sure to post content about the chow. I've been very vocal about how amazing he
is since his buff. In some situations he's a much better jager. Especially vs heal


11 months ago (edited)
Honestly man I'm happy to see that you want Chow. Part of the reason I even kept
playing was monsters like Chow. He had that long awaited buff that made him on par
but not ridiculous. He was my top wanted Nat5 ever since 2014 and I pulled him
last year. I put him on Vio/destroy SPD CD HP with lot of crit rate , ATK, resist
and solid Def subs

I have a bunch of new Nat5s in my event:

Borgnine (water slayer)
Kashmir (wind striker)
Dominic (wind wep.master)
I still have the 30k to pull and 40k to pull.

What are your thoughts on those if I took one? I'm mid-game and working on ad close
to 100% r5 runs as I can, keeping up my seige teams and buffing my existing cairos
teams for runes.


1 reply
Enrique Gonzalez
Enrique Gonzalez
11 months ago
Chow has been awesome for me from the start, my first nat 5. However, he's pretty
strong now with all the recent changes, specially in water based composition in
Interserver Arena.


11 months ago
I saw the title and was like bagel finally gets his chow and wasn't proven wrong
still fun to watch his reaction I'm waiting for a game changing unit I got 2 more
summons to go it's between amelia, wind ominyouji or fire totemist, tried getting
amelia thru stones but no luck she's looking like my choice tho for my bolverk



2 replies
Lp0 tr33
Lp0 tr33
11 months ago
Tip for getting more coins faster: Buy energy through crystal refreshes instead of
using the event energy. The event energy expires months from now.



2 replies
Jess M
Jess M
11 months ago
I'm with you Bagel. I waited almost 8 years for a Chow. As soon as I summoned him,
I was stunned for a good 5 mins. EIGHT YEARS! I had the runes and everything ready
for him


1 reply
11 months ago (edited)
The energy in this video about Chow is so amazing 😂 Congrats!


11 months ago
GZ Bagel! FINALLY getting that Chow you wanted on your main. I've summoned 2 on
different accounts & was stoked to get him each time. Haven't personally done my 8
year summons event but I'm hoping for new monsters. Once again, Congratulations 🎉
on Chow!

Pawsitive Bus
Pawsitive Bus
11 months ago
Crazy I have no where near the monster box bagel has but my choice is between Zen
and Chow with the other 6 being dupes. I like his decisiveness but I’m just going
to sit on zen for the full 40days left just incase a patch comes out before it
ends. Congrats on the new unit maybe I’ll see his spotlight in coming videos and
you’ll convince me to snag him early.

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