David and Nadi Horo Matching

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David Michel Bennett Nadi

Date of Birth 04/09/1975 14/06/1977
Day of Birth Thursday Tuesday
Time of Birth 4:00:00 AM 7:05:00 AM
Place of Birth Honolulu Taunggyi
Country U.S.A. Myanmar
Latitude 21.19 N 20.50 N
Longitude 157.52 W 97.0 E
LT Correction +331:28 +58:0
Local Mean Time 19:31:28 07:33:00
Sidreal Time 21:19:57 1:1:51
Obliq 23:26:33 23:26:32

Lagna Taurus Gemini

Lagna Lord Venus Mercury
Rashi Cancer Aries
Rashi Lord Moon Mars
Nakshatra Ashlesha Krittika
Nakshatra Lord Mercury Sun
Charan 4 1
Tithi Chaturdasi Krishna Trayodasi Krishna
Paya Copper Gold
S.S. Yoga Siva Sukarma
Karan Vishti Vanija
Varna Brahmin Kshatriya
Tatwa Jala Prithvi
Vashya Jalachar Chatushpad
Yoni Cat(M) Sheep(F)
Ganam Rakshas Rakshas
Nadi Anta Anta
Nadi Pada Aadi Ant
Vihaga Karanda Vayas
First Letters Dee, Doo, Day, Do Aa, Ee, U, A
Decanate 2 3
Sun Sign Virgo Gemini

Paing Zayar Linn - Vedic Astrologer

Generated by Horoscope Explorer (c) Public Software Library India Pvt Ltd - www.itbix.com
David Michel Bennett & Nadi
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Boy's Data Girl's Data

Planets Rashi Degrees Dir Rashi Degrees Dir

Ascendant Taurus 06:54:31 Gemini 28:47:44

Sun Leo 17:42:02 Direct Taurus 29:19:44 Direct
Mercury Virgo 12:45:33 Direct Taurus 11:51:31 Direct
Venus Leo 05:34:05 Retro Aries 13:36:04 Direct
Mars Taurus 18:27:42 Direct Aries 12:19:46 Direct
Jupiter Aries 00:29:38 Retro Taurus 22:20:40 Direct
Saturn Cancer 05:11:27 Direct Cancer 19:46:25 Direct
Moon Cancer 27:20:40 Direct Aries 29:41:39 Direct
Rahu Scorpio 01:20:40 Retro Virgo 29:12:35 Retro
Ketu Taurus 01:20:40 Retro Pisces 29:12:35 Retro
Uranus Libra 06:18:02 Direct Libra 14:34:45 Retro
Neptune Scorpio 15:33:25 Direct Scorpio 21:00:10 Retro
Pluto Virgo 14:32:18 Direct Virgo 17:52:23 Retro

Boy's Kundli Girl's Kundli

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Guna Match Table

GROUP Boy Girl Points Max. Points

Varna Brahmin Kshatriya 1 1

Vashya Jalachar Chatushpad 2 2

Tara Naidhava Kshema 1.5 3

Yoni Kuta Cat(M) Sheep(F) 3 4

Graha Maitri Moon Mars 4 5

Gana Rakshas Rakshas 6 6

Rasi Cancer Aries 7 7

Nadi Anta Anta 0 8

Total --- --- 24.5 36

Match Making Score is: 24.5

The marriage compatbility score is very good. This speaks of only good in all respects pertaining to married life.
Marriage between the prospective pair is highly recommended. There couple will live in harmony and will help
in each other's progress in life.

Manglik Vichar
The boy is Manglik but the dosha is cancelled due to auspicious position of planets. The girl is not Manglik.
Marriage between the couple is possible and will have no ill-effect on the count of Manglik Dosha.

Other Kootas

Boy Girl Favourable

Rajju Pada Nabhi Yes

Mahendra Ashlesha Krittika Yes

Stree Deergha Ashlesha Krittika Yes

Vedha Ashlesha Krittika Yes

David Michel Bennett and Nadi
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Marriage Match Score Analysis

The boy’s varan is Brahmin and the girl comes under Kshatriya. This combination
indicates that the boy could be able to plan well regarding the domestic affairs, and
in turn the girl will feel happy to carry out these pursuits nicely. She will be hard
working and laborious. The boy may have all praise for her sincerity towards the
domestic endeavors. She will also appreciate his keenness in general affairs. A
good deal of understanding is indicated by this varan combination, which basically
represents the inner urge to take part in the general endeavors of the domestic life.
Therefore, both matched well as far as varan compatibility concerned.

The boy’s vashya is Jalchar, while the girl belongs to Chatushpad vashya. This is a
good combination. The natives will encourage each other towards expansion and
progress in ventures, family, etc. The boy will help the girl to bring out her best in all
fields. In turn, the girl will provide him a base for his work or operations. They both
will have mutual understanding in most of the cases. Family happiness is also
indicated. Both are matched well as far as vashya guna is concerned.

The boy’s tara is Vadh and the girl comes under Ksheme tara. This combination
often presents communication problems. The girl responds on a rational level, while
the boy reacts on an emotional level, consequently, then find it difficult to understand
each other. The boy can seem nagging and overly critical or hit-picking to the girl,
while the boy may seem moody, lazy, overly emotional and irrational to the girl. In
the midst of adversities, the girl may turn out with tremendous courage, while the
boy may find it difficult to cope with. If overall compatibility exists, there is no harm to
go for this alliance.

Yoni Kuta
The boy’s yoni is Bilav and the girl comes under Mesh yoni. The girl will energize
and encourage the boy into greater self-confidence and constructive action. The
boy, in turn, will soothe and calm the girl and provide a base of operation or home
for work and activity. This combination is helpful for mutual endeavor requiring
energy, encouragement and determination. This combination does indicate peace
and harmony into their domestic life. Physically, they will find each other extremely

Graha Maitri
The boy’s rasi lord is the Moon and the girl comes under Mars lordship. This
combination indicates that the natives will enjoy perfect wavelength and harmony in
their relationship. The girl can help the boy over come his psychological inertia and
fear based on his past-experiences, while the boy can have a calming effect on the
girl. This combination is helpful for any mutual endeavor, requiring energy, courage
and determination. This combination also provides the strength to the over all
David Michel Bennett and Nadi
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The boy and the girl both comes under Rakshasha gan. This is one of the best
combination as far as gan guna compatibility is concerned. The natives bring out
each other’s qualities of patience, hard work, prudence and fore sight. In marital
relationships, this combination enhances the durability of the union. The natives
liking for principles and mutual responsibility will make them stead fast and loyal
friends. There could be mutual interest in making the home a place of peace,
spiritual retreat, mediation or religious or educational activity. Both native will be
interested in helping those which are less fortunate than themselves.

The boy’s bhakoot rasi is Kark and the girl comes under Mesh bhakoot. This is one
of the best combination as far as bhakoot compatibility is concerned. The natives
will have a sympathetic, emotional attunement with each other. A mutual
appreciation of the good things in the life can lead to a strong mutual involvement in
establishing a pleasant and beautiful domestic life. They will often have cultural
interest in common and will use their home as a place for pursuing each others
activities and as a gathering place and refuge for family and friends.

The boy and the girl both comes under Antya nadi. This is not a good combination
as far as nadi compatibility is concerned. There could be danger to the longevity of
the married life. The natives will not able to understand each other’s view points and
bring their ego in the relationship. However, if the natives born in different charan or
pad of the constellation, this alliance should be considered for matrimony.

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