Lý thuyết - Cách diễn đạt NGUYÊN NHÂN - KẾT QUẢ

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Lý thuyết – Cách diễn đạt NGUYÊN NHÂN – KẾT QUẢ (Task 2)

(Buổi 1, 4-7-2022)

1. Because/since/as S V, S V

=S V, because/since/as S V

Ví dụ 1:

 Writing is a difficult skill. (nguyên nhân)

 I need to spend much time on it. (kết quả)

=>Because Writing is a difficult skill, I need to spend much time on it.

Nâng cấp “because”=>since/as/seeing that*/given that*/due to the fact that(ăn gian từ vựng)

=>Seeing that Writing is a difficult skill, I need to spend much time on it. (Câu đã được nâng cấp “because”=> “seeing

=I need to spend much time on Writing, seeing that it is a difficult skill.

 Sb need(s) to V=>there is a need for sb to V=It is necessary/essential for sb to V

 difficult (adj)=>demanding/challenging/tough/tricky/taxing
 spend (v) much time on sth/V-ing=>dedicate (C1) (v) plenty of time to sth/V-ing

=>There is a need for me dedicate to plenty of time to Writing, seeing that it is a demanding skill. (Câu band 7.0+, nâng
cấp “Vocab + Grammar”)

Ví dụ 2:

 The weather today is very bad.

 Everyone should stay at home.

=>Given that the weather today is very=extremely/highly/exceedingly/hugely bad=poor/awful/unfavourable/adverse,

everyone=all individuals=people=everybody should=had better stay at home.

=>Given that the weather today is highly awful, people had better stay at home.

Ví dụ 3: Seeing that the Covid-19 pandemic in Vietnam was a deadly=fatal event last year=a year ago,
many=numerous/countless Vietnamese people=Vietnamese citizens passed away.

=>Due to the fact that the Covid-19 pandemic in Vietnam was a fatal event a year ago, numerous citizens in Vietnam
passed away.

Ví dụ 4: Because=Given that=Seeing that the prices of petrol and oil=the costs of petrol and oil is at present=currently
very=exceedingly high, this is making difficult=challenging for the Vietnamese. (thầy Hiếu)

make it difficult for sb: gây khó khăn cho ai đó

be negatively impacted by…: bị tác động xấu bởi…

positively/negative impact (v) sb or sth:

Ví dụ 5: The global=worldwide economy has been negatively/adversely/badly impacted, given that there has been a war
between Russia and Ukraine.

Ví dụ 6: Seeing that more and more=a growing number of people are illegally=unlawfully catching fish,
many=numerous=a large quantity of marine creatures/species are in danger of=on the verge of extinction.
on the verge of…=in danger of…=at risk of…=on the brink of…

=>A large quantity of marine creatures are on the verge of extinction, seeing that a growing number of people are
unlawfully catching fish.

Tổng kết:

 upgrade “Vocab + Grammar” cho 1 câu văn, để tăng được tính học thuật
 đảm bảo “content or meaning” của 1 câu văn không bị thay đổi nghĩa
 không thay “synonym” 1 cách máy móc, luôn luôn tập thói quen tra lại từ đã thay trên “Oxford hoặc Cambridge”

Further Practice:
1. Because Mai is sad, she doesn’t want to talk to anyone. (nâng cấp Vocab +Grammar vừa học)

Given that Mai is sad=unhappy/depressed/upset, she does not wish to communicate with anyone.

2. Since this smartphone is very expensive, I cannot afford it.

3. Because Trong talks a lot in class, he is often punished by everyone.
4. Because Loan works hard, she will soon become successful=>gain/achieve huge successes in the future.
5. I cannot take part in this trip because I’m busy now.
6. Anna doesn’t want to talk to anyone because she is unhappy now.
7. Because the Internet is very important, we need to take advantage of it.
8. Because this trip is very meaningful, I encourage everyone to join.
9. As this game is very difficult, I cannot solve it in a short time.
10. Because Alex always respects other people’s ideas, he is highly appreciated.

Tuấn Anh:

1. Due to the fact Mai is upset, she does not wish to communicate with anyone

2. Given that this smartphone is exceedingly high-priced/high-cost/exorbitant/extravagant, i cannot afford it.

3. Seeing that Trong is a talkative individual in class, he is often/constantly/regularly punished=penalized by people

4. Due to the fact that Loan is hard-working=diligent/studious, she will soon become prosperous in the future=in the
coming years=in the years that follow

5. I cannot attend/engage in/take part in/become involved in this short journey, given that i’m occupied at the moment

6. Anna doesn’t=>does not wish to communicate with=interact with anyone, seeing that she is depressed now=at this

7. Due to the fact that the Internet is truly vital/indispensable (C2), we need to make use of=utilize it

8. Given that this travel is absolutely meaningful=beneficial/advantageous, i inspire stimulate/spur people to participate

encourage (v) sb to V=>spur/stimulate (v) sb to V: khuyến khích ai đó làm

9. Seeing that this game is extremely taxing, i cannot=am unable to handle it in a short time=shortly (adv)

10. Due to the fact that Alex always=constantly/regularly/frequently respects=shows respect for other people’s points of
view , he is greatly regarded.

Respect (v) sb=show (v) respect for sb.

2. Seeing that this smartphone is highly/exceedingly high-priced=exorbitant/extravagant, I am not able=am unable to pay
for it.

3. Given that Tom talks too much=becomes talkative in class, he is often=frequently/regularly

punished=penalized/disciplined (bị kỷ luật)P by everybody.

4. Due to the fact that Loan works really diligently, she would achieve huge successes become thriving in the near future.

5. I can not participate in=become involved in this trip=this short journey due to the fact that I'mI am occupied right now.

 a trip=a short journey

 a voyage=a long journey (by sea or plane)

6. Anna doesn't does not feel like talking anymore, seeing that she is upset/depressed.

7. Seeing that the Internet is ts extremely crucial, it is necessary for us=>there is a need for us to make use of=make the
most of it.

a golden opportunity=a window of opportunity (idiom)

8. Given that this trip is highly meaningful=beneficial/advantageous, I recommend people to join.

9. Seeing that this game is exceedingly challenging, I can not handle it shortly

10. Given that Alex always respects=shows respect for othe people's points of view, he is greatly regarded.

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