Luyện Tập - Nâng Cấp Câu

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Luyện tập – Seeing that và Given that (Buổi 2, 6-7-2022)



Tuấn Anh:

11. Due to the fact that Peter is always noisy, he is loathed by other individuals in class

12. Given that the weather is extremely harsh, people had better stay at home

13. Seeing that David wishes to keep him healthy lifestyle, he tends to devote his time to doing exercises=taking
physical activities

keep sb adj=make sb adj (ex: keep me busy by learning IELTS Writing)

14. Due to the fact that this examine examination is effortless, i am able to handle it so well=I can get it done well

15. Given that Phuong doesn’t does not have a concentration on her lesson/lecture, she doesn’t does not
comprehend/grasp it

16. Seeing that my brother gets a good academic background=is well-educated, it is straightforwardly for him to get a
job=gain a well-paid job

17. He isn’t is not against the law, given that he is a law-abiding citizens

18. Due to the fact that Loc is overweight/obese, he should dedicate his time to doing exercise=taking physical

19. Given that rural life is taxing, numerous citizens have a tendency to migrate to tremendous
major/huge/large/sprawling cities to look for jobs=seek for employment more straightforwardly

20. Seeing that he has got a remarkable voice, spectators highly esteem him

21. Due to the fact that the water is contaminated, we are unable to swim in this

22. Given that David is indolent/slothful, he fails the examination

23. Seeing that the examination is demanding, i am unable to get through it

24. Due to the fact that Michael communicates in English fluently=has a good command of English, he will become

25. Given that Anna is clever=bright, she is adored by everyone

26. Seeing that this computer is high-cost=exorbitant/extravagant, she cannot have the money for=afford it

27. Due to the fact that Thomas is joyful,he will give you a hand support/assist/aid you

28. Given that Diana is occupied at the moment, she is unable to go out with=accompany him

29. Seeing that Mai is a talkative individual in class, she is often disciplined/penalized/punished by teachers/educators

30. Due to the fact that this restaurant is well-known/reputable/reliable, my family/family members will have a meal

31. Given that the environment is contaminated, everyone should work together=collaborate with each other=join
hands to to preserve/safeguard/conserve it

32. Seeing that the internet is highly beneficial/advantageous practical, we had better utilize it
33. Due to the fact that my family is crucial/vital/indispensable, i don’t do not wish to live away from them

34. Given that she is exhausted/fatigued, she doesn’t wish to communicate with=interact with anyone

35. Seeing that you were against the law, the police halted/hindered/prevented you

36. Due to the fact that the details are is essential, we had better not miss/omit it

37. Given that Ho Chi Minh city is exceedingly advanced, numerous rural citizens have a tendency to look for a job=seek
for employment effortlessly=without difficulty

38. Seeing that fossil fuels=fuels derived from fossils are restricted/scarce/limited, it is crucial for us to search for other
unlimited energy materials sustainable sources of power

39. It is vital to read this contract more thoroughly, due to the fact that it has been to be signed tomorrow

40. Given that David is juvenile, it is compulsory for him to depend on his parent now

Further practice:

8. Because spending a lot of time using social networking sites is bad for our vision, we should limit the use of

9. Because I want to spend my money on education such as learning IELTS or TESOL, I should not waste a lot of
money on unnecessary things

10. Due to the fact that he studies well, everybody loves him.

11. Owing to the fact that I want to look for a good job, I should/have to study more.

12. He studies hard because he wants to pass IELTS exam.

13. He spends his time on learning English because he believes that it will help him look for a good job easily.

14. He tries to save a lot of money because he wants to buy house for his parents.

15. Because he needs to go to school early, he must get up early

16. I get used to practicing my listening skill on the internet because it can help me save a lot of time and money.

17. Because I am old enough, I do not want to depend heavily on my parents

18. Because the Vietnamese government plays an important role in=plays an integral part in improving the whole
educational system which/that has focused mainly on theories that seem to be unnecessary in a modern society, they
should change the old way of teaching.

19. The Vietnamese government should spend more money on improving textbooks mainly because some types of
books which are being taught at schools across the nation seem to be old.


8. Seeing that spending much time on social networking sites has a negative effect on=negatively affect/impact our
vision, it is essential for us to restrict the use of=reduce the consumption of FB.
9. Given that I desired to invest money in=make substantial investments in dedicate money for education such as
learning IELTS or TESOL, I should not throw=should avoid throwing money away at
unnecessary/useless/pointless/inessential things.

 waste (v) money on sth/V-ing=>squander (v) (C2) money on sth/V-ing=throw money away on sth/V-ing

10. Given that he studies effectivelyhe is an amazing learner, everybody admires him.

11. Seeing that I wish to seek for a well-paid job, there is a need for me to study more diligently.

12. He studies industriously, given that he is in hope of passing the IELTS exam.

13. He dedicates his time to learning English, seeing that he believes that it will assist him in search of with searching for
a well-paid job without difficulty.

14. He makes an effort=spare no effort to save=economize on much=plenty of money, given that he wishes to purchase
a house for his father and mother.

 Save (v) sth=>economize (v) on sth=skimp (v) on sth

15. Given that he needs to go to school=attends classes on time, he have has to get up early.

16. I am used to practicing my listening skill on the Internet=online (adv)=on technological platforms, seeing that it is
more likely to help me save time and money=economize on resources.

 Be/get used to sth or V-ing=>make (v) a habit of + V-ing=become (v) accustomed to sth/V-ingv: có thói quen làm

 Money, time and effort (phrase)=resources (n): thời gian, tiền bạc, công sức

17. Seeing that I am mature/grown-up enough, I do not wish to rely on my parents.

18. Seeing that the Vietnamese government=the authoritiy in Vietnam has a huge impact on plays an integral part in
enhancing the entire educational system, which has mostly concentrated on theories that appear to be pointless in a
modern society=in an advanced/civilized society, they should replace the old medthod of teaching=oudated teaching

19. The Vietnamese government should put more resources into upgrading textbooks mostly, given that some kinds of
books which are being taught at schools all over the country=across the nation are likely to be out-of-date=oudated.

Tuấn Anh:

8. Given that dedicating a lot of time to using social networking sites=social media platforms=social networks is tough
for detrimental to our vision=eyesight, we had better restrict using facebook

 Be bad for sb/sth=>be detrimental (C1) to sb/sth

9. Seeing that i wish to invest my money in on education=schooling, such as=namely/including/like learning IELTS or
TESOL, i had better not squander a lot of=>plenty of=a large amount of money on
needless/pointless/useless/inessential things

10. Given that he gets a good academic background, people admire him

11. Seeing that i wish to be in search of work, i had better study more studiously

12. He studies diligently given that he wishes to pass ielts exam

13. He dedicates his time to learning English seeing that he believes that it will assist him to seek for employment

14. He attempts/strive/endeavour/make an effort/spare no effort to save a lot of money=economize on plenty of

money given that he wishes to purchase house for his parents

15. Seeing that he needs to go to school=attend classes punctually, he must get out of bed early rise on time

16. I get used to=make a habit of=become accustomed to practicing my listening skill on the internet=online=on
technological platforms given that it able to assist me not to waste a lot of money and time=squander resources

17. Given that i am mature, i do not wish to reply rely heavily on my parents=father and mother

18. Seeing that the goverment in VietNam plays a vital role in enhancing the entirely educational system that has
concentrate mainly on principles that seem to be disadvantageous in a modern/advanced/civilized society, the had
better alter the old=>outdated/obsolete/out-of-date manner of teaching

19. The Vietnamese authorities had better invest more money on enhancing schoolbook mainly given that some sort of
books which are being educated at school across the nation seem to be out-of-date=outdated dateless

 spend money on…=>invest (v) money in…=>put resources into…=make (v) substantial investments in…

ex: Our company will make substantial investments in the field of e-commerce

Lý thuyết – By dint of=by virtue of=on account of=as a result of

1. Because of=>by dint of/on account of…+ V-ing hoặc N phrase, S V

Nphrase (The/a/an/this/that (adv) + (adj) + N)

=S V by dint of/on account of…+ V-ing hoặc N phrase

Ví dụ 1:

 Because the weather is poor, everyone should stay at home.

=>By dint of the poor weather, everyone should stay at home.

=>As a result of the poor weather, everyone should stay at home.

=everyone should stay at home, as a result of the poor weather

Ví dụ 2:

 Seeing that this smartphone is very expensive, I cannot afford it.

=>By dint of this very expensive smartphone,….

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