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ECE 221
Fundamentals of Electronic

Logic Gates using Diode

Submitted by:

Jay Mariel C. Cornelio

Bai Rheena M. Lozano


Submitted to:

Subject Instructor
ECE 121 | Fundamentals of Electronics Circuits


A diode is an electrical component that only permits one direction of current

flow in a circuit. A diode is constructed of a semiconductor material like silicon or
germanium. The diode becomes forward-biased and permits current to flow through
it when a voltage applied to the anode exceeds the voltage applied to the cathode.
However, the diode becomes reverse-biased and stops the flow of current when the
voltage at the cathode is higher than the voltage at the anode. Diodes are frequently
employed as rectifiers, voltage regulators, and signal modulators in electronic

Logic gates are one of the essentials and foundation of digital circuits that
perform logical operations on one or more inputs and produces a single binary
output. The AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR, and XNOR gates are examples of
basic logic gates. An AND gate generates a HIGH output only when all of its inputs
are HIGH. The output of a OR gate produces a HIGH output when at least one of its
inputs is HIGH. The NOT gate produces a HIGH output when its input is LOW, and
vice versa. A NAND gate produces a LOW output only when all of its inputs are
HIGH. Otherwise, it produces a HIGH output. While the NOR gate produces a LOW
output when at least one of its inputs is HIGH. Otherwise, it produces a HIGH output.
An XOR gate generates a HIGH output when exactly one of its inputs is HIGH,
whereas an XNOR gate produces a HIGH output when both of its inputs are either
both HIGH or both LOW.

Logic gates are the foundation of digital circuits, and they are used in a wide
variety of engineering applications. These are some common applications of logic
gates in engineering that are present in the field of engineering (Tocci,2016). First is
digital circuits, Logic gates are essential in the structure design of digital circuits.
These circuits are used in a variety of applications in different kinds of circuits and
the present in engineering. It performs a logic functions and operations, data
processing, decision making,and control. In communication, logic gates are present
and used in system for encoding and decoding data, it also detect errors and signals
to patch data. In control systems logic gates are used in control circuits, which are
used to control the operation of machines and systems. According (Moss,2016)
ECE 121 | Fundamentals of Electronics Circuits

Without logic gates, the development of the digital systems that we use today would
not have been possible. Overall, logic gates are a component that is important of
many engineering applications, and their versatility and reliability make them an
indispensable tool for modern engineering.



1. Diode
2. Resistor 1k
3. LED
4. Jumper Wire
5. Breadboard
6. Transistor
7. 9V Battery
ECE 121 | Fundamentals of Electronics Circuits

The materials needed for the activity are bought in the electrical shops, we
bought the materials in Sinamar Trading, Kabacan, North Cotabato.

After all the materials are collected, we then browsed the internet for the idea
on what is a logic gates. We found the diagrams and truth tables that are needed for
the activity

When we finished in browsing the internet for the circuit diagrams and truth
tables, we then set up the breadboard and all the material that we bought to start the
activity. We assembled al the circuits of every logic gates

After the circuit has been assembled, we immediately hook it up to a power

supply which is a 9V battery and to check if the circuit is right and fully functional to
satisfy the tables of gate that we are testing

Write and discuss the truth table of each logic gates. Compare the result of
your truth table and hardware.

Write your conclusion about the results of the laboratory activity. You may
also add your learnings and interest gained after doing this activity.

At least 6-8 photos/screenshots caption showing the conduct of the laboratory
activity. Take a video while you are doing your activity and upload in the VLE.

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