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1st Answer

Introduction: Product development refers to both an exciting as well as challenging

endeavour. From initial decision to research as well as prototyping, no two product
launches would ever be the same. However, there is a general process that can
enable one to get started with the process of product development.
The process of product development would describe the six main steps that are
required in order to take a product from the initial concept to the launch of the
product in the final market. This involves identification of a market need, research the
competition, ideating a solution, development of a product roadmap, and establishing
a least viable product.
Concept and Application:
Following are the six stages of product development:
Not only does the process of product development enable to simplify a launch, but it
also encourages a cross-team collaboration with the team members and their team
work at the forefront of the process.
Idea generation:
The first stage of the process of product development starts by generation of new
ideas. This the innovation phase, where the team would brainstorm the concepts of
the product on the basis of the needs of the consumers, testing the concept along
with market research.
Target Market: The target market is the profile of the consumer that is being built by
an individual for the product. These are the potential consumers. This is important to
ensure identification in the start so that one is able to build the concept of the product
around the target market from the start.
Existing products: When one has a new product concept, it is a good idea to ensure
that the existing product portfolio is evaluated. Are there any existing products
solving a problem.
In order to validate a product concept, it is important to consider documentation
ideas in the form of a business case. This would enable all the members of the team
to ensure a clear understanding of the features of the initial product and the objective
of the launch of a new product.
Product definition: Once the business case has been completed and the target
market as well as the functions of the product are discussed, it is time to ensure a
product definition.
This is also known as the scoping or development concept, and emphasis is on
refining the strategy of the product.
During this stage, it is important to define the specifics including:
Business Analysis: A business analysis comprises of mapping the strategy of
distribution, e-commerce and a much more in-depth analysis of the competitors.
The main purpose of this step is to begin to build a clearly defined roadmap of the
Value proposition: The value proposition is what problem a product would be solving.
It is important to consider how it would differ from other products in the market. This
value is very useful for market research and also to develop the marketing strategy.
3. Prototyping: During this stage, the team would intensively research as well as
document the product by creation of a much more detailed plan of business and
construction of the product.
These early-stage prototypes may be as simple as drawing or a much more complex
computer that renders the initial design. With these prototypes, one can identify the
risk areas before the product has been created.
During this phase, one would work on specifics like:
Feasibility analysis: The next step in the process would be to evaluate the strategy of
the product on the basis of feasibility. It is important to determine if the workload as
well as estimated timeframe is possible to achieve. If not, it becomes very important
to adjust the dates accordingly and also request help from other stakeholders.
Initial Design: During this phase, the project stakeholders would be working together
to produce a mock-up of the product on the basis of the MVP prototype. The design
must be created with the target audience in mind and also complement the important
functions of the product. A good design of a product can take various iterations to get
it right, and may also involve communication with distributors to source important
Sourcing Material: It has an important role to play in the design of the initial mock-up.
Validation and testing: To go live with a new product, one has to validate and test it. This
makes sure that each part of the product – from development to marketing – is working
in an effective manner before it is released to the public.
To make sure the product quality, it is important to complete the following:
Concept Development and Testing: One may be able to ensure a successful design of
the prototype, but one may still require working through any issues that may arise while
the concept development. This can involve development of software or the physical
production of the initial prototype. Test functionality by enlisting the help of the members
of the team and beta testers in order to assure that the quality is developed.
Commercialization: Now, it is the time to commercialize the concept, and this involves
launching the product as well as ensuring an implementation on the website. By now, the
design as well as the quality that has been tested for development and marketing plan
has been finalized. In this stage, the company must work on:
Product Development: This refers to the physical creation of the product that would be
released to the consumers. This may need production or extra development for the
concept of software. It is important to provide the team with the final prototype and MVP
iterations in order to produce the product to correct specifications.

Product development process examples:

Now, that one has understood the six stages of the life cycle of the product, it is important
to see some instances of most amazing strategies of product development of iconic
startups to inspire your own.

Example1: How Figma expanded their features of the product>

Originally started in the year 2012, Figma was the first grade-UI design too that was built
totally on the browser.
Their mission would be to make design accessible to more people and enable them to
ensure creativity to life. They have displayed this by constantly adding new features of
the product, such as multiple capabilities of flow, a time of brainstorming along with an
interactive whiteboard co-ordinating successful release of software, and establishing trust
through transparency.

Conclusion: A right process of product development enables the company to streamline

every step with tasks that are organized and collaboration of the team. The six stages
that are outlined above would get the team through all the process steps, right from the
initial idea screening to the phase of development.
2nd Answer

Introduction: The In these times, educational institutions' creativity and innovation

are being challenged. Due to the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, educational
leaders have had to be innovative in how they provide and offer their services, which
has accelerated plans for digital transformation in all educational establishments
worldwide. Students and learners must also have access to these services and be
able to afford them in order to take advantage of them. In this article, I provide
leaders in education with practical guidance on how to conduct a SWOT analysis to
determine whether an e-Learning solution is appropriate for their institution.
Concept and Application:
How does SWOT analysis work?
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats are all abbreviations of SWOT.
In this instance, the terms "strengths" and "weaknesses" refer to internal digital
issues that must be understood by each facilitator. Before implementing your e-
Learning strategy, you should revisit your strategy to eliminate weaknesses if they
are greater than your strengths.
The term "opportunities" refers to circumstances that can be capitalized on as a
result of changes in the market (such as students with a new set of criteria) and the
technology that is available to better meet the new requirements. Anything that can
hinder your expansion from the outside can be considered a threat, such as the
continued IT training of staff members or the absence of formal accreditation for
online courses.

SWOT Evaluation: How does your educational establishment stack up?

When considering the implementation of e-Learning, your strengths and
opportunities should be rated highly. Could your shortcomings and dangers at any
point be transformed into qualities and potential open doors? How can the
foundation for an effective e-Learning strategy be effectively laid? All organizations
that want to change need to do a lot of self-evaluation.
How does SWOT help?
• Recognizing areas of an organization's effectiveness
• Finding areas for improvement
• Setting objectives and strategic plans.
• determining the new initiative's viability.
• Being aware of how to use the new technology.
Assessment of qualities, shortcomings, valuable open doors and dangers can be
applied when a top to bottom assessment is expected to make changes or
enhancements. It can assist in the improvement and development of new e-Learning
programs and opportunities as well as the examination of positive and negative
aspects of distance learning.
The educational services and goals of e-Learning must be considered in a SWOT
analysis from three distinct perspectives:
Institutions, Faculty, and Students: According to recent data, the majority of
universities offer online degree and certificate programs (undergraduate, graduate,
doctoral, and certificate). Every year, more types of e-Learning courses are made
available by universities.
e-Learner characteristics • Students are typically older, have families, and work full-
time, so flexibility is essential.
e-Learners are self-motivated and self-directed, and 66% of them are female.
• They frequently seek education to advance in their careers, obtain promotions, or
maintain their current position.
2. The e-Facilitator's faculty characteristics include: • Expertise and confidence in
• A method of instruction that is interactive and student-centered.
• Awareness of e-learners, the majority of whom are adults and self-directed.
• Open to discussion and feedback, and always working toward improvement.
• Authentic learning resources and apps (such as videos, podcasts, and virtual
Political The single most significant political factor that affects online learning is as
Internet access is restricted For political reasons, some countries, most notably
China, restrict internet access. This makes giving a web based growth opportunity
essentially more troublesome, since the learning materials must be facilitated in the
suitable nation and should meet nearby guidelines. Online education is broadly
permitted in some jurisdictions, but certain materials, like maps (particularly of
disputed territories), are prohibited from being distributed under more specific
internet regulations.
Two aspects of the economy are at play in online learning:
Affordability of online education In general, online education is less expensive than
traditional education because it doesn't require teachers to be present in person.
Digital materials can also be distributed very easily because there are no
manufacturing or shipping costs between copies. As a result, online education
providers can sell their learning materials at very low prices while still making a
healthy profit!
High initial cost Despite being a cheaper alternative to traditional education in the
long run, online learning has a relatively high initial cost. This is because in order to
use digital materials, every student needs access to an electronic device. This is not
a big deal in developed nations because many students already have or can easily
afford electronic devices. Laptops and smartphones can be prohibitively expensive in
developing nations. Fortunately, electronic device prices are falling steadily.
Social factors The following social factors have an effect on online learning:
Inadequate human interaction Online education has the disadvantage of reducing
human interaction, despite its tremendous efficiency. Students who attend a physical
school face-to-face interact with former classmates, teachers, and other individuals,
like those they meet on their commute. People who learn from a screen lose out on
the human interaction that is likely crucial to social development and mental health.
Here are a portion of the Mechanical variables influencing web based learning:
Access to electronic devices is a major obstacle to online education, as discussed in
the Economic section of this PESTLE analysis. Even if they could use the online
learning materials, not all students, especially those in developing nations, would
have access to electronic devices. There may be electronic devices available, but
they may not be of sufficient quality (such as being too slow) to ensure a positive
learning experience.
Legal The following legal factors influence online learning:
Publisher cooperation is essential for effective online learning because educational
publishers frequently have stringent regulations regarding how their learning
materials can be distributed. Digital copies of almost all traditional textbooks, for
instance, are not possible. As a result, educational providers would need to utilize
the resources of specialist, online-friendly publishers or (which is nearly impossible)
request special permission from traditional publishers.
Decline in paper squander
Regardless of having upsides and downsides for energy utilization, a shift to web-
based learning would definitely diminish paper squander. Consider the hundreds of
millions, if not billions, of textbooks that are thrown away annually. At the end of the
school year, there is nothing left to throw away with digital learning materials!
Analysis of Online Education Using PESTLE: Final Thoughts In general, there is a lot
of potential in online education. By making affordable, high-quality education
accessible to students all over the world and possibly lowering the schooling's impact
on the environment, it has the potential to transform the way we learn.
Conclusion: However, online education is not without its difficulties. There are
internet restrictions to contend with from a political standpoint. Financially, there is a
significant outlay. Online education reduces human contact and raises concerns
about how minors will be cared for from a cultural perspective. Collaboration
between educational publishers raises legal concerns.
3rd Answer
Introduction: Porter’s 5 forces is one of the most useful tools for businesses to stay
ahead in a competitive market. It refers to a framework that helps to analyze a
company’s competitive strengths and weakness. The number and power of an
organization’s competitive rivals, prospective new entrants, suppliers, customers,
and products or services that can substitute the firm’s products influencing the
company’s profitability. The five forces work in the following way:

Concept and Application:

Competitive rivalry: The first aspect that needs to be analyzed is the amount of
competition faced by my organization. It is important to think on a macro as well as
micro scale regarding the number of competitors an organization has in the industry
it belongs too. Markets having few competing brands can be attractive, but at the
same time it can be short-lived.

Threat of Substitute products: This refers to the probability that consumers will find
a different (read: quicker and easier) way of doing what an organization provides or
sells. A brand may have initially conceived products or services helping customers,
but as technology changes over a period of time, so do the desires and problems of

It is always important to examine how your consumer’s live has changed as your
organization has grown. For instance, a brand may be selling a piece of software
automating a process or synchronizes activity into one platform. As the behavior of
user changes, the organization needs to find new opportunities in order to update
their product, or even grow a new service offering.

Bargaining power of buyers: The organization needs to find how much power the
purchaser of their products has over them. If a company is selling a product, their
power can be likely contained to order amounts or needs of personalized products.
However, if an organization offers a service, customers become more open to
negotiation. It is necessary to know that customers are extremely price-savvy and
may already have experience to deal with their competitors. In order to determine
your relationship with purchase power, it is important to be flexible on service and at
the same time maintain a dominating position in the market.

Threat of new entrants: Industries which are strictly regulated and need huge
amounts of capital investments imply that brands making it can have a firm foothold
in a market. Alternatively, markets that an organization can get set up in quickly and
with low financial risk imply you can start building customers on a rapid scale, though
there is always a threat of copycat brands and similar products eating up the market

The threat of new entry is analyzed on the basis of how secure your brand is from
being surrounded by competing brands. Let’s suppose you’ve found a way to lower
costs in the IT industry – an organization needs to protect his/her company from
imitators and rival companies who have the strength to drive down the market prices.

Bargaining power of suppliers: It is very important for an organization to assess

the suppliers they rely on and the potential power they have over the
products/services provided by an organization/brand. The more the number of
suppliers available to an organization, the easier and less expensive it becomes for
them to switch to a cheaper alternative. If there are less suppliers an organization
can procure raw materials from, in situations when they sell products manufactured
with highly-specific materials, the greater the bargaining power these suppliers have
over their organization. A rise in their prices has an immediate effect on the
profitability of the organization.


Introduction: IP provides a wide range of tools that often establish the companies
apart and edge out the competition. Scientific as well as market studies indicate that
the packaging innovation has a direct impact on the purchase behaviour. Consumers
purchase products on the basis of color, shape and markings on the package.

Many innovative entrepreneurs and chefs all over the globe use science more often
and new technology to reinvent this industry.

Concept and Application:

IPR refers to any or all the rights that are associated with intangible assets that are
owned by an individual or a person or a company and protected against use without
any consent. Intangible assets often refer to a non-physical property, and this includes
the right of ownership in intellectual property.

Some of the examples of IPR involve:

• Patents

• Domain Names

• Industrial Design

• Trademarks.

Trademarks: At its most basic level, a trade refers to a combination of letters, word’s
sounds or any other design that would distinguish the products and services of

These are unique to a company and the main idea is to establish the brand and
reputation. Registering a trademark would provide the holder with an exclusive right to
make use of it for a specified period of time.
For instance, the distinctive name can be trademarked (SamSam) can be registered
as a trademark and this can garner initial protection, which can be renewed.
Traditionally, trademarks are registered on names, logos and slogans. So, the food
startup brand can register the trademark for a unique name of the food item
specifically as well as the brand or logo of the company in general.
Copyright: It refers to the exclusive legal right to produce, reproduce, publish or
perform an artistic work. The creator of copyright is most the owner of the brand by
default, subject to a relationship of employment or agreement mentioning otherwise.
Patents: Patents are awarded for new as well as useful inventions or any new
improvement to existing inventions or recipes. The newness needs that the invention
has to be the first in the world. The need for the invention to be novel needs the
invention to be non-obvious to a person who has been working in the field of the
To actually be granted a patent, for instance, SamSam food corner, they need to
ensure that they protect the recipe of their fast-food items. So, the way to establish a
patent is to secure the entire process, the ingredients, the recipe and the name of
the dish, all of them being novel and non-obvious.
Conclusion: So, it can be concluded that SamSam fast-food corner needs to use
trademarks to protect its name from being used by other companies or brands, and

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