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Chapter III.1.

2  Sterilization of Implants and Devices 1339

methods embodied in national and international stan-

CHAPTER III.1.2  STERILIZATION dards are the foundation for the strong patient safety
OF IMPLANTS AND DEVICES record of terminal sterilization. However, some materi-
Byron Lambert1 and Jeffrey Martin2 als, especially biologics, may have undesirable responses
Science, Abbott Vascular, Temecula, CA, USA to the techniques used, and then may require special ster-
of Corporate Quality Technology, Alcon® a Novartis ilization methods. Sterility assurance concepts are, there-
­Company, Fort Worth, Texas, USA fore, reviewed in sufficient detail to give the biomaterials
scientist confidence in evaluating all options for finding
a sterilization solution (see below, Sterility and Patient
Safety). The chapter closes with a view toward excit-
Successful sterilization of biomaterials used in implants ing challenges on the terminal sterilization horizon. The
and devices is a critical prerequisite for their successful combination device market offers compelling patient
clinical application. It requires knowledge of sterility benefits, and equally compelling challenges for terminal
concepts and sterilization technologies that render prod- sterilization. Awareness of these challenges and knowl-
ucts sterile. Understanding the effect of sterilization pro- edge to meet them will serve the biomaterials scientist
cesses on the biomaterials themselves is also increasingly well (see below, Summary and Future Challenges).
important. These topics are the focus of this chapter.
Delivering a sterile product is the responsibility of
a hospital, a manufacturer of an aseptically processed
device or a manufacturer of a terminally sterilized device. How is microbial contamination on fully packaged
This chapter is largely focused on the latter: industrial devices reduced by 9, 12 or even greater orders of mag-
terminal sterilization. Equipping the biomaterials scien- nitude? This section provides a concrete understanding
tist to find a terminal sterilization solution for a product, of industrial sterilization technologies that deliver these
if possible, and thereby avoiding aseptic processing of enormous microbial reduction levels. Two terminal
the product, is a desired outcome of the chapter. sterilization modalities, radiation sterilization and eth-
The current regulatory expectation of the term ylene oxide sterilization, dominate the industrial (non-
“­sterile” for blood-contacting medical devices and hospital) terminal sterilization market. These robust
implants is to produce only one non-sterile device out workhorse terminal sterilization technologies utilize
of one million. If you think about it, this is an extreme well-established validation processes (see below, Steril-
target. Fortunately, it is normally attainable, and ity and Patient Safety) that, in most instances, far exceed
clearly a patient heading to the hospital appreciates this regulatory requirements for a one in a million sterility
high safety target. The patient, however, would cease assurance level. Under well-controlled and validated
to be pleased if that sterile device failed during treat- conditions, neither of these modalities inflicts signifi-
ment because the sterilization cycle was so rigorous cant material degradation damage on many traditional
in killing microbes that it also damaged the product. devices. In addition, both are capable of processing high
The challenge for the biomaterials scientist respon- volumes of product at low cost. These important tech-
sible for defining a terminal sterilization process is an nologies are reviewed in some detail, along with a brief
optimization problem – to determine and define a cost overview of a number of other methodologies that are
effective sterilization process window where sterility is less frequently utilized.
achieved, and yet deleterious material effects are mini-
mized. Many traditional medical devices are made with
materials that are compatible with multiple sterilization
Radiation Sterilization
modalities. In this scenario, finding a terminal steriliza- Safety First.  Radiation sterilization doses are lethal.
tion solution is straightforward. However, the optimi- Terminal sterilization doses typically range from 8 to
zation problem is much more complex for biologics and 35 kGy. An acute lethal dose to man is approximately
combination devices, both of which are important and 0.01 kGy, requiring an exposure time of only a fraction
rapidly ­growing markets. of a second in some processes. To ensure worker safety
To navigate these challenges, it is useful for the bio- in these high radiation environments, significant shield-
materials scientist to have a concrete understanding of ing, robust interlocks, and the utmost care are required in
common terminal sterilization technologies (see below, radiation processing facilities. Another safety concern is
Sterilization Technologies), which are the basis of both exposure to ozone, a toxic gas, produced by radiation as
achieving sterility and any product material effects. it passes through air. Appropriate ventilation and ozone
Material compatibility constraints often drive the choice monitors are required to provide fresh air, and ensure the
of sterilization modality. The next section of the chap- safety of personnel prior to entering a processing cell.
ter, therefore, provides an overview of sterilization mate- Technology Overview.  Terminal sterilization by radia-
rial compatibility challenges and guidance (see below, tion sterilization is elegantly simple. Fully packaged
Material Compatibility). Robust sterilization validation medical devices are exposed to a validated dose from

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