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Interviewing Techniques

with Barbara Bruno

Interview Scorecard
Candidate Name: __________________________________________________________ Date: ___________________

Position Interviews For: ______________________________________________________________________________

Name of Interviewer: ________________________________________________________________________________

Rank the candidate using a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being highest).

Interview After Hire

Criteria Rating Performance Gap Action Items
(1-5) (1-5)

Performance Objection #1

Performance Objection #2

Performance Objection #3

Performance Objection #4

Performance Objection #5

Performance Objection #6

Technical Ability

Soft Skill Examples

• Communication
• Interpersonal/Team
• Organizational
• Problem-Solving

Interviewing Techniques with Barbara Bruno 1 of 2

Total Average Rating: _________

Rating Definitions
5 – Candidate is well versed in this area and will need little or no training.

4 – Candidate has done similar work, but minimal experience in this area.

3 – Candidate can do the work, but will need training.

2 – Candidate lacks this experience or skill.

1 – Unqualified

Candidates who average a 3 or less should be eliminated from consideration.

Additional Interview Notes: _________________________________________________________________________________________________



Concerns: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Interviewing Techniques with Barbara Bruno 2 of 2

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