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Topic: Science in culture. Famous people of Great Britain 27.02.


Students will be able to understand and discuss the role of science in British
Students will learn about some famous scientists and their contributions to British
Students will expand their vocabulary related to science and culture;
Lesson duration: 90 minutes
Group: ІБАС

Equipment: handout with vocabulary words, worksheet with comprehension

Course of the lesson
1. Introduction (10 minutes)
1) Ask students if they know any famous British scientists. Write any names on
the board that students come up with.
2) Ask students if they know any scientific discoveries that have been made by
British scientists.
2. Vocabulary (15 minutes)
1) Vocabulary list:
Innovate: To create something new or make changes to something that already exists;
Experiment: A scientific test to learn or prove something;
Hypothesis: An idea or explanation that has not yet been proven;
Discover: To find or learn something new;
Theory: An explanation for something that is based on evidence and scientific
Pioneer: A person who is the first to do something or explore a new area;
Invent: To create something that has never existed before;
Revolutionize: To completely change something or make a big impact on it;
2) Do the exercise:
1. Thomas Edison is widely regarded as a ________________ who
revolutionized the field of electricity by inventing the light bulb.
2. Scientists often use a ________________ to test a
________________ and make a prediction about the outcome of an
3. Steve Jobs is remembered for his ability to ________________ and
bring to market innovative technology that changed the way we live
and work.
4. Marie Curie is recognized as a pioneering scientist who made many
discoveries in the field of radioactivity, including the discovery of the
elements polonium and radium.
5. The ________________ of evolution by natural selection, proposed
by Charles Darwin, continues to be a widely accepted scientific
6. The Wright brothers were pioneers of aviation who
________________ the first successful powered flight in 1903.
7. The process of scientific ________________ involves testing ideas
and hypotheses through experiments and observations to gain a
deeper understanding of the world around us.
8. Alexander Graham Bell is known for inventing the telephone, which
________________ communication and connected people around the
9. Albert Einstein is considered one of the greatest scientists of all time
for his contributions to physics, including the development of the
theory of relativity.
10.Many companies encourage their employees to ________________
and think outside the box to find new and innovative solutions to
3. Video viewing ( 40 minutes)
Where did you see these things in the video? Put them in the right
The Science Museum:
The Wellcome Collection:

a) a bookcase of f) a space module

reference files g) an aeroplane
b) a skeleton sculpture h) an early steam engine
c) something of i) anatomical models
Napoleon's j) cars
d) a model of DNA k) glass display cabinets
e) a rocket l) masks

2) Choose the right answer.

1. Which collection d) neither of them
contains some art works?
a) The Science Museum 4. Which collection is
concerned with science
and technology?
b) The Wellcome a) The Science Museum
Collection b) The Wellcome
c) both of them Collection
d) neither of them c) both of them
d) neither of them
2. Which place has
nearly a quarter of a 5. Which place has a
million room dedicated to
objects? Stephen Hawking?
a) The Science Museum a) The Science Museum
b) The Wellcome b) The Wellcome
Collection Collection
c) both of them c) both of them
d) neither of them d) neither of them
6. Which place is in
3. Which collection is London?
concerned with learning a) The Science Museum
and knowledge? b) The Wellcome
a) The Science Museum Collection
b) The Wellcome c) both of them
Collection d) neither of them
c) both of them
7. Which place is
involved in raising 9. Which collection was
money for started by a
research? businessman?
a) The Science Museum a) The Science Museum
b) The Wellcome b) The Wellcome
Collection Collection
c) both of them c) both of them
d) neither of them d) neither of them

8. Which place 10. Which place has an

specialises in health- invisibility cloak in its
related collection?
objects? a) The Science Museum
a) The Science Museum b) The Wellcome
b) The Wellcome Collection
Collection c) both of them
c) both of them d) neither of them
d) neither of them

3) Match the halves of these sentences from the video.

1. The exhibitions range a) collector of objects.
2. Sir Henry Wellcome b) for human
was an avid development.
3. The Wellcome Trust c) from technology to
brought space.
4. This is a take d) his collection up to
5. Knowledge is the date.
foundation e) of science everywhere
6. You see the impact you look.
f) on a skeleton.
4) Which words can we use in the spaces? There are always more than
two right answers.
1. The science museum a) contains
_______ over 230,000 b) holds
objects, although only a c) houses
fraction can be on d) is home to
display at any one time. e) puts up
f) shelters for knowledge?
a) chase
2. The science museum is b) hunt
home to over 230 c) look
thousand objects, although d) quest
only a fraction can e) research
be on _______ at any one f) search
a) display 6. Many of these medical
b) exhibition objects were _______
c) exposure by Sir Henry Wellcome.
d) presentation a) amassed
e) show b) brought together
f) sight c) collected
d) composed
3. The only _______ is where e) saved up
to start - this f) taken in
place is huge!
a) issue 7. The Medicine Now gallery
b) matter looks at medicine,
c) point art and science in a
d) problem contemporary _______.
e) question a) context
f) topic b) environment
c) scene
4. If you want to go to one d) setting
place to _______ the e) stage
modern world, this is where f) story
you've got to come.
a) answer 8. Medical research _______
b) decipher human health
c) figure out throughout the world.
d) solve a) advances
e) understand b) boosts
f) work out c) brings on
d) causes
5. What makes Britain so e) encourages
great in the _______ f) promotes
1. Worksheet task (10 minutes)
1) Read the article and then do the activity.
7. Discussion (10 minutes)
1. Which of these situations is an example of success, in your opinion?
2. A man loses his job and sets up a new business which goes on to
become a multi-million pound enterprise. But along the way, he
becomes so obsessed with his new company that he neglects his
family and they leave him.
3. A boy loses a leg in a road accident. He goes back to school and
passes his exams the same year.
4. A sportsman wins Olympic gold in the marathon. Although the tests
are all negative, he knows in his heart he was taking performance
enhancing drugs.
5. Some students pass their exams very easily. They had worked very
hard but the teacher had also given them the answers on the morning
of the test.
6. A single mother with no free time gets a part-time job as a secretary.
She loses it within a week and goes back to care for her children full-
7. A film director wins five Oscars for a film that has shocked his local
Scottish city community because it gives a false impression of their
8. A young scientist discovers something that could become a cure for
cancer. At the moment, it is uncertain if his discovery will amount to
8. Homework (5 minutes)
Complete the worksheet exercises.

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