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Topic: Society life. Holidays in Great Britain 06.03.


By the end of this lesson, students will be able to describe the society life and holidays
in Great Britain, use new vocabulary, and improve their speaking and writing skills.
Lesson duration: 90 minutes
Group: ІБАС
Equipment: Whiteboard and markers, handouts with vocabulary list and conversation
questions, audio or video recordings of British English, Student book «Карп’юк 10
Course of the lesson
1. Introduction (10 minutes)
1) How You spent their last holidays?
2) Do ex. 1, p. 188.
2. Vocabulary (15 minutes)
1) Vocabulary List:
Society life Public holidays
Tradition Religious holidays
Culture Christmas
Celebrate Easter
Customs Halloween
Parade Bonfire night
Festivals New Year's Eve
Holidays Thanksgiving
Bank holidays Valentine's Day
National holidays
2) Conversation Questions:
1. What are some important traditions in Great Britain?
2. How do people celebrate national holidays in Great Britain?
3. What is your favorite holiday? Why?
4. Have you ever celebrated a British holiday? Which one? How was
5. What are some popular festivals in Great Britain?
6. What is your ideal holiday destination in Great Britain?
7. What do you think about British society life and culture?
3. Listening ( 15 minutes)
1) Do ex. 2, p. 188–189.
S p e a k e r 1. I’m a teacher in a big city in Northern Ireland with two names. It’s
called Londonderry and Derry. In the past there were problems between the people
who wanted to be British and the people who wanted to be Irish, but it’s better now. I
just say I’m Northern Irish.
S p e a k e r 2. I live with my mum and dad in Birmingham, in England. My mum’s
from Yorkshire. She’s very funny but has a different accent to me. We often visit my
mum’s parents in Leeds. My grandparents were born in Jamaica, in the Caribbean,
and came here to live. My dad says he’s British but my mum says she’s Caribbean. I
say I’m black British.
2) Do ex. 3 a, b, p. 189. Listen and repeat correctly.
3) Do ex. 3 c, p. 189.
1. The 443-foot-high observation wheel is the world’s tallest one; the tourist
attraction was built to mark the millennium. A 30-minute ride allows you to get
panoramic views of London.
2. Standing at 1,345 metres above sea level, it is located at the western end of the
Grampian Mountains. Ben Nevis is the collapsed dome of an ancient volcano. Take a
camera and take some of breathtaking views as you go up!
3. The Giant’s Causeway, the result of an ancient volcanic eruption, is one of the
most popular tourist attractions in Northern Ireland. The tops of the columns form
stepping stones lead from the cliff foot and disappear under the sea.
4. The Conway castle on the west coast of Britain is defended by towers with a gate
leading down to the river. The castle is amongst the finest medieval fortifications in
the UK.

4. Summary. (10 minutes)

1) Do ex. 5 b, p. 191
5. Reading Comprehension (35 minutes)
1) Match the vocabulary with the correct definition and write a–h next to
the number 1–8.
1…….. a package holiday 6…….. a holiday resort
2…….. the UK 7…….. a silent disco
3…….. a rollercoaster 8…….. a language
4…….. a campsite exchange
5…….. wild camping
a. staying with a family in a different country to learn a language
b. a place which provides holiday accommodation, food and
c. a ride at a theme park
d. a flight with hotel or apartment
e. spending the night in a tent in the countryside, not on a
f. a place to stay in a tent or caravan
g. the United Kingdom; it is made up of England, Northern
Ireland, Scotland and Wales
h. a place where everybody dances, listening to their own music
on headphones
2) Reading the text.

3) Circle True or False for these sentences.

1.Most working people in the UK have about six weeks' annual holiday.
True False
2. The British government doesn’t want families to go on holiday during
school term time. True False
3. The weather is always warm and sunny in summer in Britain. True
4. The south coast is a popular place to camp. True False
5. Butlin’s holiday resorts are not expensive. True False
6. There are summer camps for teenagers in the UK. True False
4) Circle the best preposition to complete these sentences.
1.British people usually have their holidays in / on / at summer.
2. School children are in / on / at holiday from approximately the end of
3. In / On / At winter some people go skiing.
4. You can sign up to try a new roller coaster ride in / on / at their
5. As well as plants you can also see top bands play in / on / at the Eden
6. Newquay is in / on / at the south coast of England.
7. A seven-day July summer holiday in / on / at Butlin’s costs about 130
pounds per person.
8. In a language exchange, a teenager spends a week or two in / on / at a
foreign country.
5) Discussion
Are you going on holiday this year?
Where would you like to go?

8. Homework (5 minutes)
Ask the students to write a short paragraph describing their ideal holiday in Great
Britain. Encourage them to use the new vocabulary and phrases they learned during
the lesson.

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