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A study on HR Practices in
Talented minds company

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Bachelor of Business Administration




Under the guidance of

VIT Business School
VIT Vellore.

Human resource management plays a critical role in the success of any organization. Effective HR practices
are essential for attracting, retaining, and developing top talent, which in turn drives business growth and

Each and every practice that focuses on improving competence, satisfaction, commitment,or culture can
be classified as HR. A system, a process, an activity, a norm, a rule, or simply a wayof doing things
might be used to describe the practice. Human Resource procedures do make a difference in how a firm
operates. Human resource practices that play a role to one or more of thethree C's: Competencies,
Commitment, and Culture are considered good. They must be developedand implemented in a cost-
effective manner, with periodic reviews and revisions to improve theirefficacy and appropriateness.
The following are three important functions that HR practices can play:

i. Developing critical organizational competencies

ii. Increasing employee happiness

iv. Increasing shareholder and customer satisfaction

Effective HR practices do make a difference in the organization's overall performance. They

improve an organization's internal skills so that it can deal with present and future difficulties. Human
Resource practices that are good for the organization's employees are also good for the employees'
well-being. Proper Human Resource practices can build dedication and motivation, which can lead
tohard work and have a positive impact on the organization. This system, which includes strong HR
practices, can help the firm manage itself internally and tackle external difficulties in a sustainable and
long-term manner.HR Practices include:
• HR Planning
• Recruitment & Selection
• Induction
• Training & Development
• Performance Appraisal
• Career Planning
• Fringe Benefits
• Reward & Recognition
• Welfare Activities as per Statutory Requirement
• Safety, Health and Environment Policy
• Suggestions Scheme
• Promotion & Transfers
• Exit Policy

HR policies have a long-term and considerable impact on an employee's work production.The

industry's leading practices should be able to deal with issues such an expanding number of
employees, new working environments, cultures, re - structuring, and the persistent and often
negative consequences of technology. The firm will benefit from adopting human resource practices
since it will lower staff costs while increasing productivity. As a result, HR managers arerequired to
properly address those problems for the organization's benefit. The quality of internal organizational
processes improves considerably when some of the innovative HR strategies are implemented.
Employee Benefits, Employee Responsibilities, and Workplace Employment Procedures are outlined
in these Human Resources Practices.

The purpose of this research paper is to examine the effective HR practices at Talented Minds
Company. This study will analyze the company's recruitment and selection process, employee
training and development, performance management, and compensation and benefits programs. The
research will also explore the impact of these HR practices on employee satisfaction and motivation,
and the overall performance of the organization.


• Demo & Gisela (2011)

The major goal of this research was to give a scenario of investigations on HRM policies,based
on the findings of a literature review that included international production and the scenarioof 108
papers published in top-level national journals. A research agenda was proposed as a resultof this
review. In conclusion, it is advised that GP policies and practices be linked to other organizational
behavior variables and that diverse analytical approaches be merged to better understand their
influence on employee wellbeing and performance effectiveness.
• Horta & Priscila (2012)

HRM policies must contribute to greater well-being and strengthen employees' confidence in
organizations; this study sought to assess the relationship between these variables as perceived
by 141 employees in an information technology MNC’s. Thus, it was possible to identify and
confirm the impact of HRM policies on both organizational confidence and employee well-being
at work, as well as the impact of confidence on well-being..
• Shaw, Jason D.Park, Tae-Youn Kim, Eugene (2013)

As projected, Study 1 demonstrates that when HRM investments are significant, the relationship
between human capital losses (voluntary turnover rates) and workforce performance takes the
form of an attenuated negative relationship. Under certain conditions, Study 2 demonstrates
relatively strong curvilinear impacts of voluntary turnover rates on business performance mostly
through profitability. The consequences for resource-based theory and strategic human resource
management are discussed.
• Saifalislam, K. & Osman, Abdullah & AlQudah, Mohammadnoor. (2014)

The aim of the research is to investigate the impact of Human Resource Management (HRM)
practices, as well as the factors that influence recruitment and selection, as well as trainingand
development, on the organizational performance of the Jordanian Public University in the
Kingdom of Jordan. The sample consists of university employees and lecturers. The interpretation
of descriptive statistics and correlations revealed that recruitment and selection, as well as training
and development, were significantly correlated with Jordanian Public University organizational
• Adil,(2015)

Selection practices, Performance appraisal, employment security, compensation, job

descriptions, career opportunities, and training and development practices are all examples of
HRM practises that can be aggregated as a means of communicating to employees about the
specific skills and abilities required to build and maintain a competitive edge.
• Shen and Benson (2016)

"High efficiency wages and work environment to workforce, hiring and retaining socially
conscious workers, offering CSR training, as well as taking full advantage of staffs' social
contributions in promotion, performance evaluation, and reimbursement," according to the
definition of socially responsible HRM.
• M. Suman Kumar, P.Archana (2017)

The purpose of this paper is to present a narrative literature review on IHRP (Innovative Human
Resource Practices) over the last two decades. It identifies gaps in the existing literature and
provides guidance for future research. According to the findings of the studies, there is a link
between Innovative Human Resource Practices and HR Outcomes.
• Dr. Janes O. Samwel, (2018),

The goal of this paper is to examine the importance of human resource planning to the
organization by reviewing various human resource planning literature. The findings show that
there is a significant relationship between human resource planning and organisational manpower
requirements, as well as between human resource planning and organisational performance; thus,
this paper recommends that organisations continue to practice and maintain effective human
resource planning, as it plays a critical role in achieving the organisations' objectives.
• Wang, Ying & Kim, Sunghoon & Rafferty, Alannah & Sanders, Kk. (2019)

Researchers are paying more attention towards how employees perceive human resources (HR)
practices, and they've looked into whether and how employees' idiosyncratic or collective
opinions of HR practices influence employee engagement.
• Yousef Alsafadi , Shadi Altahat (2020)

The purpose of this study is to look into the impact of Human Resource Management Practices
(HRMP) on employee performance (EP). 480 questionnaires were circulated among Jordanian
commercial bank employees to collect data. HRMP had a positive influence on EP, and also job
satisfaction and its elements, according to the research (job stability and job enrichment).The
present findings indicate the significance of job satisfaction and employee engagement in
reaching human resource performance objectives

• Govand Anwar, Nabaz Nawzad Abdullah (2021)

The impact of HR practices on organizational performance: A study published in the Journal of

Applied Psychology found that HR practices such as selection, training and development, and
performance management can significantly improve organizational performance.

• M.Ali and S.khan (2022)

The effectiveness of human resource management practices on employee retention: a literature

review" by m. ali and s. khan, published in the journal of management in 2022. this study provides
a review of the literature on the relationship between hr practices and employee retention and
identifies the hr practices that are most effective in retaining employees

Employees are required to act accordingly in the workplace, and HR practices provides that
framework. These policies cover all aspects of employment, including recruitment, compensation,
termination, benefits, employee relations, and leaves of absence, and are written representations
of the company's goals and criteria. They specify how employees must carry out their duties and
communicate with one another. Managers, employees, and the HR department all have a
responsibility in making sure HR regulations and practices are followed. HR policies exist in
talentedminds however they are merely on paper and are ineffectively executed. The relationship
between superiors and subordinates should be preserved. Every employee should be aware of his
or her responsibilities. This study is being conducted in order to learn about the employees'
perceptions of the policies and how to make them more effective.

Taking the company's objective of being a world-class organization to fruition. To address

the shortage of specialists that arises as a result of increased capacity utilization, expansion, and
modernization. This is accomplished by developing a multi-level programme for inducting
qualified technocrats and management professionals. A variety of human resource training
programmes and familiarization regimens are undertaken on a regular basis to enable smooth
technology migrations.


• To study about the major HR practices of the talented minds company.

• To identify the technique of recruitment and selection & training and development.

• To study how consistently the practices and policies have been implemented

• To know employee’s attitude and satisfaction levels towards the Grievance

handling,compensation system & welfare policy followed by talented minds

A research technique is a method for solving a research problem in a methodical manner.

It can be thought of as a science that studies how scientific research is carried out. In research
methodology, researchers not only understand research methods, but also the reasoning behind the
methods researchers use in the perspective of our proposed research, explaining why we use one
method or technique over another and why we don't use others so that research results can be
analyzed by the researcher or others.


HR practices in Talented minds

Independent variables

• Recruitment
• Training & Development
• Compensation
• Performance Appraisal
• Retirement Planning

Dependent Variable

• Employee engagement

Effective HR practices is positively correlated with Organizational productivity.

In order to achieve the above objectives and research variables this study assumed the following
• H01 : There is no significant relationship between Recruitment policy and employee
engagement of Talented minds company
• H02 : There is no significant relationship between training and development policy and
employee engagement of Talented minds company
• H03 : There is no significant relationship between compensation policy and employee
engagement of Talented minds company
• H04 : There is no significant relationship between Performance Appraisal and employee
engagement of Talented minds company
• H05 : There is no significant relationship between Retirement Planning and employee
engagement of Talented minds company

A research design is the organization of circumstances and data analysis in such a way thatit tries
to combine relevance to the research goal with procedural economy. In truth, research design is
the conceptual framework within which research is carried out; it serves as the blueprintfor data
collection, measurement, and analysis.
1 Data source Primary Data and Secondary Data

2 Research approach Descriptive research-Survey method

3 Instrument used Questionnaire and literature reviews

4. Area of Survey Talented minds

5. Sampling Plan

(a) Sampling Size -

(b) Sampling Method Probability sampling method

(c)Method used to collect Direct Contact Method, E-Mail, Telephone

Questionnaire & Skype

6. Tools for Analysis 1. Percentage Method

2. Weighted averages analysis

3. Anova

➢ Proposed Research Methodology

In order to realize this study a methodology consisting of a combination of primary and secondary
data has been used. A considerable amount of secondary data is gathered from existing literature
about the impact of HR practices on organizational performance. For empirical analysis of the
study, a questionnaire has been used. The results include the analysis of questionnaires gathered
regard to the research objective.

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