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Environmental Modelling & Software 95 (2017) 246e257

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A model for simulating the performance and irrigation of green

stormwater facilities at residential scales in semiarid and
Mediterranean regions
Josefina Herrera a, b, Carlos A. Bonilla a, b, Lina Castro c, Sergio Vera b, d, Rodolfo Reyes a, b,
s a, b, e, f, *
Jorge Girona
Departamento de Ingeniería Hidra ulica y Ambiental, Pontificia Universidad Cato lica de Chile, Avenida Vicun~ a Mackenna 4860, Santiago, Chile
Centro de Desarrollo Urbano Sustentable CONICYT/FONDAP/15110020, Avenida Vicun ~ a Mackenna 4860, Santiago, Chile
Escuela de Ingeniería Civil, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaíso, Avenida Brasil 2147, Valparaíso, Chile
Departamento de Ingeniería y Gestio n de la Construccion, Pontificia Universidad Cato lica de Chile, Avenida Vicun
~ a Mackenna 4860, Santiago, Chile
Centro de Investigacion para la Gestion Integrada de Desastres Naturales CONICYT/FONDAP/15110017, Avenida Vicun ~ a Mackenna 4860, Santiago, Chile
Centro Interdisciplinario de Cambio Global UC, Pontificia Universidad Cato lica de Chile, Avenida Vicun ~ a Mackenna 4860, Santiago, Chile

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Impervious areas change hydrological processes, reducing infiltration and evapotranspiration, and
Received 23 September 2016 increasing direct runoff. Stormwater practices using green infrastructure are implemented locally to
Received in revised form control runoff and preserve the hydrological cycle. Applying these techniques in semiarid and Medi-
10 April 2017
terranean regions requires accounting for aspects related to the maintenance of green areas. This study
Accepted 15 June 2017
Available online 26 June 2017
develops the Integrated Hydrological Model at Residential Scale, a continuous model for representing the
performance and irrigation of green stormwater facilities at residential scales. Among other relevant
process, the model simulates evaporation from bare soil and redistribution between soil layers. Different
Continuous simulation
components of the model were tested using laboratory and numerical experiments, and then an
Soil water content application to a case study and a sensitivity analysis were carried out. The model identifies significant
Green infrastructure differences in the performance of a rain garden with different vegetation, climate and irrigation practices
Hydrological modeling and provides good insight for the maintenance needs of green infrastructure for runoff control.
Irrigation © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Global sensitivity analysis

Software availability Software required: MS Excel (the MATLAB Runtime compiler is

provided). Matlab codes can be obtained from the
Name of software: IHMORS developers upon request
Developer: Josefina Herrera and Jorge Girona s
Contact address: Jorge Girona s, Departamento de Ingeniería
Hidraulica y Ambiental and Centro de Desarrollo Urbano 1. Introduction
Sustentable (CEDEUS), Pontificia Universidad Cato lica de
~ a Mackenna 4860, Santiago, Chile. Email:
Chile, Av. Vicun Urban development reduces infiltration rates and surface stor- age capacity, producing higher direct runoff volumes and peak flow
Availability: Free download at discharges (Xiao et al., 2007; Freni and Oliveri, 2007). To reduce
software.html (personal website) these effects, different practices known as sustainable urban
First available: 2016 drainage systems (SUDS), low impact development (LID) and best
management practices (BMP) have been developed (Fletcher et al.,
2014). These practices replicate natural processes of capture,
retention and infiltration to preserve the hydrological cycle and
* Corresponding author. Av. Vicun~ a Mackenna 4860, Santiago, Chile. control runoff quantity and quality from frequent events (Huang
E-mail address: (J. Girona et al., 2014; Fletcher et al., 2014; Walsh et al., 2014; Everett et al.,
1364-8152/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J. Herrera et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 95 (2017) 246e257 247

2015; Houdeshel et al., 2015). interceptors, and studied runoff reduction and their efficient use of
SUDS, BMP and LID typically consider green areas that receive irrigation water. Despite these studies successfully simulated the
precipitation and runoff from impervious areas (Sample and dynamics of soil water content, they did not focus on the soil
Heaney, 2006; Xiao et al., 2007), which irrigate them to some moisture regime so as to determine percentages of time in which
extent. Such property may be very relevant in semiarid and Med- soil water content reaches critical levels for vegetation survival, or
iterranean regions as it can lead to lower maintenance costs to assist decision making in irrigation. Such characterization would
(Sample and Heaney, 2006; Houdeshel and Pomeroy, 2013; Sample allow a better quantification of the time involved in irrigation,
et al., 2014). Moreover, considering this supplemental irrigation can which translates into maintenance costs that are time dependent.
drastically change the design in these climates as compared to This paper presents the Integrated Hydrological Model at Resi-
humid areas (Ascione et al., 2013), as well as the selection of the dential Scale (IHMORS), a software to evaluate, in a continuous
vegetation (Houdeshel and Pomeroy, 2013; Houdeshel et al., 2015). manner, the rainfall-runoff processes and stormwater control at
Finally, and despite the results of these drainage practices can vary residential scales, together with the irrigation of green areas by
substantially due to different climate conditions (Huang et al., means of an irrigation module. Thus, the model is particularly
2014), their performance and effectiveness have been less often suitable for Mediterranean and semiarid areas in which irrigation is
tested in semiarid and Mediterranean climates (Houdeshel et al., essential for the vegetation's survival through the year. The model
2015). simulates surface and subsurface processes and accounts for the
Hydrological models are tools for assessing the performance of water content dynamics in different soil layers. Its different com-
stormwater facilities. Models like SWMS-2D, HYDRUS and SWAP ponents were first tested using laboratory and numerical experi-
simulate water and/or solutes and heat transport to model runoff ments, and then an application to a case study was carried out. In
control (Li and Babcock, 2014). Nonetheless, despite their complete this application we assess the long-term performance in terms of
treatment of the soil-vegetation-atmosphere processes, none of runoff control and irrigation needs of rain gardens with different
them are suitable for simulating complex systems with storage vegetation, under different climates and irrigation practices. Finally,
structures, drainages or connections among areas which are able to a global sensitivity analysis of the model parameters is also
alter the water movement (Li and Babcock, 2014). SWMM v5.1 presented.
(Rossman, 2010) is a more suitable model for stormwater facilities
thas has been implemented in semiarid and Mediterranean areas 2. Methodology
(e.g., Huang et al., 2014; Walsh et al., 2014). Its LID module to
simulate LID practices (e.g., rain gardens, green roofs, infiltration IHMORS is a physically-based continuous hydrological model
trenches) has been reported to produce both unsatisfactory results for simulating rainfall-runoff processes in urban areas, which fo-
when simulating stormwater runoff hydrographs (Burszta- cuses on the performance of stormwater runoff control facilities, as
Adamiak and Mrowiec, 2013; Li and Babcock, 2014; Carson et al., well as irrigation practices at a residential scale. The model was
2017) as well as successful results after calibrated using observa- developed in MATLAB and uses a MS Excel spreadsheet for data
tions (Palla and Gnecco, 2015; Rosa et al., 2015; Yang et al., 2015). input. Common SUDS techniques like rain gardens, green roofs,
Nonetheless, the model calculates Evapotranspiration (ET) on a surface retention areas and driveway interceptors can be simulated
daily basis using temperature data, and thus neither the type of by combining and connecting different subareas, each with
plant nor the available soil moisture control the process (Rossman, different properties. Input data include: (1) meteorological infor-
2010; Carson et al. 2017). Moreover, SWMM does not explicitly mation, (2) time step information, (3) subareas’ spatial configura-
compute bare soil evaporation, which requires certain particular tion, (4) physical properties of subareas, and (5) an optional user
considerations (Allen et al., 1998, 2005). Furthermore, it is not defined irrigation program, although IHMORS also computes irri-
possible to capture and visualize the soil water dynamics within gation programs based on ET demands or a required minimum soil
multiple soil layers in different LIDs, nor in contributing sub- water content.
catchments. Finally it is neither possible to explicitly enter an irri- The model partially builds on the framework proposed by Xiao
gation schedule, nor to design one using the dynamics of ET or the et al. (2007) for the representation of both surface and subsurface
soil moisture. Overall, models able to simulate the surface/subsur- processes together with watering needs. Nonetheless, IHMORS
face processes and the continuous dynamics of the soil water implements several changes and improvements including: (1) the
content controlled by ET and irrigation dynamics are essential explicit and flexible representation of the connectivity among
when studying the performance of green infrastructure in semiarid subareas, (2) the simulation of water redistribution among soil
and Mediterranean regions (Sample and Heaney, 2006; Houdeshel layers during dry-weather, (3) the evaporation from bare soil linked
et al., 2015). These capabilities permit the evaluation of plant sur- to subsurface processes to correctly simulate the soil moisture in
vival and the analysis of the sustainability of drainage techniques. each layer, and (4) the simulation of storage and subsurface runoff
From our literature review of available models, only the SPAW transport through conduit elements.
model (Saxton and Willey, 2005), which simulates water transport IHMORS considers a cascade of permeable and/or impermeable
with an agricultural focus (Li and Babcock, 2014), is able to subareas with one or more soil layers each, which are conceived as
explicitly consider the irrigation needs and has been used in urban rectangular planes interconnected through horizontal runoff flows.
settings (Lucas, 2006). However some of its characteristics affect its These flows are distributed uniformly over the downstream sub-
suitability for urban areas, as it runs on a daily basis and explicit areas as an additional form of precipitation. Fig. 1 shows all of the
connections among areas are not possible. Nonetheless, other hydrological processes the model can simulate at each time step Dt
studies have developed original models to deal explicitly with the (h) defined by the user. Water entering each subarea in the form of
issue of irrigation of drainage control practices. Sample and Heaney rainfall, run-on and/or irrigation, can be intercepted by vegetation
(2006) compared and integrated different irrigation management or stored by the surface storage capacity. The water that reaches the
options within the context of LIDs modeling to perform an eco- surface can infiltrate or return to the atmosphere by evaporation
nomic analysis in Boulder, USA. Alternatively, Xiao et al. (2007) from bare soil or ET from vegetated soil. Water moves through the
developed and assessed a numerical model on an hourly basis to soil layers by percolation and/or redistribution during dry weather
simulate hydrological processes at residential scales. They analyzed days. Water reaching the last soil layer, can either go to the drainage
rain gutters, cisterns, law retention basins and driveway system, and/or become deep percolation. Note that a free boundary
248 J. Herrera et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 95 (2017) 246e257

as evaporation (mm):

ES ¼ kET0 t (4)

where k is the leaf area index, and t is the time from the beginning
of the storm (h) identified after defining a minimum dry inter-
event time. Because the interception acts homogeneously over
rainfall and irrigation, the potential dependency of interception on
the irrigation method should be considered when defining the
irrigation plan. During dry periods the intercepted water evapo-
rates, freeing up storage for future storms.

2.1.3. Infiltration
The model assumes infiltration excess overland flow to generate
surface runoff. Nonetheless, when soil reaches saturation, the
simulated infiltration rate reduces to also represent the saturation
excess overland flow mechanism (Beven, 2012). The infiltration rate
f (mmh1) and cumulative infiltration F (mm) are computed using
the Green and Ampt equation (Green and Ampt, 1911):
Fig. 1. Conceptual representation of the physical processes at a residential scale
simulated in IHMORS. jDq
f ¼ Ks þ1 (5)
condition for the last soil layer is used for this purpose. In parallel,
where Ks is the saturated hydraulic conductivity (mmh1) and Dq
non-infiltrated water becomes runoff contributing to the drainage
(m3m3) and j (mm) are the soil water content variation and
system or another subarea.
suction head at the wetting front respectively. Note that F ¼ 0
before irrigation or a precipitation event begins. j varies with
2.1. Hydrological processes moisture content and is calculated using the van Genuchten
equation (van Genuchten, 1980):
2.1.1. Evapotranspiration  
Evapotranspiration ET (mmh1) from vegetated soils is simu-   n n1
lated after computing the reference evapotranspiration ET0 j ¼ jb Se 1 (6)
(mmh1) using the hourly Penman-Monteith equation:
  where jb is the bubbling pressure (mm), n is the curve shape
0:408DðRn  GÞ þ g Tþ273
37 u e*  e
2 a
ET0 ¼ (1) parameter and Se is the relative saturation:
D þ gð1 þ 0:34u2 Þ
q  qr
where Rn is the net radiation (MJ m2h1), G is the soil heat flow Se ¼ (7)
qs  qr
(MJ m2h1), g is the psychometric constant (kPa C1), T ( C) and
u2 (ms1) are the hourly air temperature and wind speed at 2 m where qs and qr are the saturated and residual soil water contents
height respectively, e* and ea (kPa) are the saturation and actual respectively (m3m3).
vapor pressure, and D is the slope vapor pressure curve (kPa C1).
Then, ET is given as (Allen et al., 1998):
2.1.4. Bare soil evaporation
8 Evaporation E (mmh1) from bare soil is simulated as a two
< ET0 Kc q1 > qFC1
stage-process (Allen et al., 2005). In the first stage E occurs at a rate
ET ¼ q1 (2)
: ET0 Kc q1  qFC1 limited only by energy availability at the surface. Then E decreases
qFC1 and depends on the soil hydraulic properties and surface moisture.
IHMORS simulates E for the first stage with the equation proposed
where q1 (m3m3) is the average soil water content q (m3m3) of by Allen et al. (2005), whereas an extra parameter b is used to
the first layer, qFC1 is the soil water content at field capacity of the simulate the second one (Snyder et al., 2000):
first soil layer (m3m3), and Kc is the crop coefficient that depends

on the plant date and the duration of the different stages of crop Kr Kc;max ET0 Kr ¼ 1
growth. Note that q1 =qFC1 is a form of the water-stress coefficient
E¼ (8)
bKr Kc;max ET0 Kr < 1
defined by Allen et al. (1998).
where Kc;max is the maximum Kc value representing an upper limit
2.1.2. Interception on evaporation due to natural constraints on available energy, and
Interception I (mm) by vegetation and surface storage is esti- Kr is the daily reduction coefficient given by:
mated for each Dt using a modified Merriam equation (Merriam, 8
> 1 qd  qREW
1960): >
  0:5qWP  qd
Kr ¼ qREW > qd > 0:5qWP (9)
I ¼ S 1  eS þ ES > qWP  qREW
(3) > 0:5
0 qd < 0:5qWP
where S is the maximum interception capacity (mm), P is cumu-
lative precipitation and/or irrigation (mm) and ES is the water lost where qd is q at the end of the previous day (m3m3), qWP is q at
J. Herrera et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 95 (2017) 246e257 249

wilting point (m3m3), and qREW (m3m3) is q corresponding to the unsaturated flow for short periods of time.
readily evaporated water level (Allen et al., 2005):
2.1.7. Irrigation
qREW ¼ qFC  (10) Irrigation typically corresponds to a daily amount of water
ze applied at a certain frequency within the day (this amount and/or
frequency may change throughout the year). This approach can be
where dREW is the maximum water depth than can evaporate in the
quiet inefficient when the occurrence of rainfall is not considered
first stage (mm) and ze is the soil depth subjected to drying through
(Stewart and Musick, 1982). IHMORS addresses this issue by
evaporation, with values ranging between 0.10 and 0.15 m (Allen
considering 3 irrigation plans proposed by Sample and Heaney
et al., 2005). Experimental values of b and dREW are shown in sec-
(2006): (1) An irrigation plan provided by the user (i.e. a depth
tion 3.1.
vs. time table), (2) the use of the previous plan as long as the field
capacity is not exceeded (i.e. the availability of a soil moisture
2.1.5. Percolation sensor is assumed), and (3) A daily plan defined by a certain per-
The percolation rate pej (mm h1) through each soil layer j when centage of the previous 24 h ET0 , which can vary for different time
q > qFC is not instantaneously simulated but attenuated by a delay steps and are provided by the user. Alternatively, IHMORS can
factor, as proposed by Savabi and Williams (1995): compute the irrigation needs so that q in the top layer is always
8 above a certain desirable value defined by the user.
>   Dt

< qj  qFC 1  e tj qj > qFCj 2.2. Outputs of the model
pej ¼
Dt (11)
> 0 qj  qFCj 2.2.1. Soil water content
A single but time-variant soil water content q is assumed for
each layer j. Its rate of change in time wj (mm) is estimated using the
where dj is the thickness of layer j (mm) and tj is the travel time mass balance equation:
through layer j (h): 
dwj f  vc ET  ð1  vc ÞE  pe1 þ r1 j ¼ 1 ðtop soil layerÞ
qj  qFCj ¼
dt pej1  pej þ rj  rj1 j>1
tj ¼ dj (12)
Kj (15)

where Kj is the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity of layer j where vc is the portion of the area covered with vegetation. Then, q
(mmh1) given by van Genuchten (1980) and Mualem (1976): in each layer j, qj , at each Dt is estimated as:
n=ðn1Þ ðn1Þ=n dwj Dt
Kj ¼ Ks SLej 1  1  Sej (13) qj ¼ qi;j þ (16)
dt dj

where L is the pore tortuosity, whose typical value is 0.5. where qi;j is the soil water content of layer j at the beginning of Dt
2.1.6. Redistribution IHMORS first solves the mass balance without considering the
Redistribution is the water movement in unsaturated soils, due redistribution. q is lower and upper limited by qr and qs respec-
to capillarity and the gravitational gradient, that occurs during dry tively. Thus, the infiltration rate is iteratively reduced if q > qs ,
weather conditions or when infiltration is null (Smith et al., 2002). whereas if q < qr , the evaporation and/or the percolation rate is
Redistribution is simulated with a simplified version of the iteratively lowered. Only after these adjustments can the redistri-
Richards' equation that uses the vertical component of the Darcy's bution be calculated for the same Dt.
law (Corradini et al., 2000; Guo and Luu, 2015), and a delay factor:
! 2.2.2. Rainfall excess and surface runoff
Dq dj The rainfall excess ie (ms1) in each Dt is given by
rj ¼ Kj þ cosa 1e j j (14)
ie ¼ p  f (17)
where rj is the redistribution rate from layer j (mmh ) to the layer where p combines precipitation, irrigation and run-on from up-
j±1 (above or below depending on the flow direction) located at a stream subareas. Note that p accounts for ET from intercepted
distance dz (mm), dj is the suction head difference between layer j water (Fig. 1), whereas ET from readily available excess rainfall is
and layer j±1 (mm), a is the angle between the flow direction and neglected in Equation (17). Nonetheless ET and its effect on the
the vertical axis (i.e. for a positive upward flow a ¼ p), and Dqj is the available water content are continuously simulated for the top soil
variation of q in layer j due to redistribution. Hence, water flows layer (Equation (15)). Surface runoff Qsp (m3s1) is calculated using
from the layer with the lower absolute suction head to the adjacent the non-linear reservoir equations for a rectangular plane with
one. For 3 or more layers, rj is split according to a factor pr , given by storage depth hp (m) (Huber et al., 2010):
the dj values between adjacent layers and that from where redis-
tribution flow is established. Thus, more redistribution occurs be- dh Qsp
tween layers with larger values of dj. ¼ ie  (18)
dt A
Note that IHMORS simplifies the simulation of the unsaturated
flow (percolation and distribution) in order to model continuously w 5 1
other various surface processes taking place in urban environ-
Qsp ¼ h  hp 3 s2 (19)
ments. Hence, we recommend a model such as HYDRUS (Simunek
et al., 2013) in case the simulation focuses mainly on the where h is the flow depth (m), t is the time (s), w is the subarea
250 J. Herrera et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 95 (2017) 246e257

width (m2), nm is the Manning coefficient and s is the surface slope Table 1
(m m1). Evaporation parameters for five soil samples.

Unit Sample

2.2.3. Subsuperficial hydrograph A b c D e

The output of percolated water from the last layer is modeled qWP 3
m m 3
0.026 0.120 0.004 0.110 0.170
combining a linear channel with lag-time t (h) and a linear reser- dREW mm 22 27 16 16 6
voir with parameter k (h). The corresponding instantaneous unit Kc;max 2.368 2.658 1.627 1.489 0.428
hydrograph u(t) is (Bras, 1990): b 0.208 0.462 0.523 0.800 1.934

1 ðttÞ
uðtÞ ¼ e k (20)
k small MAE values lower than the observed s). For all the cases, the
Parameters t and k are representative of the residence time of first stage in evaporation lasted for 2 days. Note that the irregu-
percolated water before reaching the point where the hydrograph larities of the simulated curves are due to the Dt adopted.
is simulated. These parameters can be defined to simulate a variety
of situations typical of drainage systems, such as contribution to
base flow and subsurface drainage through perforated pipes. The 3.2. Subsurface runoff hydrograph testing
subsurface outflow Qsb (m3s1) corresponds to the convolution
between uðtÞ and pe from the layer, which is solved numerically Using the Armfield Ltd. S12Mkll Advanced Hydrology Study Sys-
utilizing a time step finer than Dt. tem, we carried out two experiments with sample a soil (Table 1) to
test the model's capability to simulate subsurface flow and the
3. Model testing outflow hydrograph. Using nozzles we applied rain pulses of 139
and 128 mm h1 during 15 min over 6.3 cm depth of soil, which was
We used three experiments to test critical components of the packed in a square box 50 cm wide draining through a lateral
model not commonly considered explicitly by other hydrological orifice. Initial q values were 0.32 and 0.33 m3 m-3 respectively. Both
models for urban settings: bare soil evaporation, subsurface runoff q in the center at 3 cm depth and the outflow from the box were
hydrograph and soil moisture redistribution. In particular, imple- measured every 5 min. Percolation parameters from Equations
menting bare soil evaporation and redistribution in the model (11)e(13) were measured in the laboratory (Table 2), and the pa-
required a novel approach, whereas the analysis of subsurface rameters to calculate the subsurface hydrograph (Equation (20))
runoff facilitated testing the simulation of the downstream were calibrated and validated with the first and second experiment
contribution of percolated flows. Moreover, this testing process was respectively.
used to estimate values for some unknown relevant parameter, Fig. 3a and Fig. 3b show the dynamics of q for both experiments.
which allowed an implementation with rain gardens described Observed data were very constant over time and thus the model
later. simulates the observations as good as their average in both cases
As goodness-of-fit measures between observed and predicted N (i.e. MCE values ~0 and MAE values ~ s). The subsurface flow is well
data (Ot and Pt respectively), we adopted the Mean Absolute Error simulated, and both the calibration and validation hydrographs
(MAE) and the Modified Coefficient of Efficiency (MCE) (Legates produced by IHMORS match the observations fairly well (Fig. 3c
and McCabe, 1999; Bennett et al., 2013): and d). Likely because IHMORS treats each soil layer as a lumped
system, the mean of observed q is better reproduced than its vari-
ability in each layer. Additionally, part of the model error is due to
MAE ¼ N Ot  Pt (21) the assumption of a homogeneous discharge from the horizontal

bottom, whereas in the experiment the drainage is lateral. None-
P theless, modeling more soil layers can eventually improve the
Ot  P t representation of this variability.
MCE ¼ 1  Pi (22)

t Ot  O

where O is the observed mean. MAE is residual measure that 3.3. Redistribution testing
quantify the goodness-of-fit in the units of the variable (Bennett
et al., 2013). Additionally, the MCE is a relative error measure to The redistribution component of IHMORS was tested against
test the model's ability to preserve the pattern of observed data HYDRUS-1D, a popular software package that solves the Richards’
(Bennett et al., 2013), which combines the correlation coefficient equation to simulate unsaturated flow in porous media. We simu-
and observed and simulated means (m) and standard deviations (s) lated a 0.6 m depth soil composed of a 0.2 m depth top layer (layer
(Legates and McCabe, 1999; Bennett et al., 2013). 1) and a 0.4 m depth bottom layer (layer 2) with the same soil
parameters (Table 2). Three cases with different initial water con-
3.1. Evaporation testing tents for layers 1 and 2 were defined (i.e. 0.14 and 0.15 for case 1,
0.15 and 0.15 for case 2, and 0.16 and 0.15 for case 3). Fig. 4 compares
To test the evaporation model, five substrates used in green the evolution of q in both layers just due to redistribution calculated
roofs were dried under ambient conditions and weighed daily to with HYDRUS-1D (H) and IHMORS (I). In all the cases, MCE
measure evaporative water loss. qWP (Equation (9)) was measured values > 0.5, small MAE values and similar values of m and s
in the laboratory, whereas dREW (Equation (10)) was defined so that demonstrate that the dynamics of q simulated by both models are
the extension of the first stage in evaporation were 2e3 days (Allen similar, despite the simpler approach of IHMORS. Note that values
et al., 1998). IHMORS calculated ET, and then evaporation parame- tend to be constant as the hydraulic head becomes the same for
ters from Equations (8)e(10) were calibrated (Table 1). The mois- both layers. For an even more robust assessment, the redistribution
ture dynamics of the samples simulated every 5 min (Fig. 2) closely routine can be further evaluated using other initial moisture con-
resembles that of the experimental data (MCE values > 0.8 and tents in each layer, or observed data in a multilayer soil system.
J. Herrera et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 95 (2017) 246e257 251

Fig. 2. Time evolution of experimental (EXP) and simulated (IHMORS) soil water content under evaporation for soil samples described in Table 1. m and s for observed and simulated
data are also presented.

Table 2 control and dynamics of q and irrigation needs, under different

Soil parameters of the substrate used in laboratory experiments. climates and irrigation practices. A rain garden is a depression in
Unit Value the ground filled with plants and a surface mulch layer, which al-
lows storing, infiltrating and evapotranspiring stormwater runoff
Percolation parameters
qr m3m3 0.01
(Cahill, 2012).
qs m3m3 0.540 Two rain gardens were designed and continuously simulated
n 1.8 over years 2012 and 2013 as if they were implemented in the
Ks mmh1 1250 Chilean cities of Santiago (33 260 S 70 390 W) and Temuco (38 460 S
qFC m3m3 0.230
72 380 W), which are representative of the dry (semi-arid) and wet
L 0.5
Hydrograph parameters
extremes of a Mediterranean climate. Santiago has a warm
t h 107 temperate climate with dry summers, a mean annual precipitation
k 6$106 of 313 mm, and ~25e30 rainy days per year. Temuco has a warm
temperate humid climate with warm summers, a mean annual
precipitation of 1157 mm, and ~160 rainy days per year (Peel et al.,
2007; DGAC, 2016). In both cases, the rain gardens are fully covered
with vegetation, have an area A ¼ 2 m2, and are designed to control
the runoff from a 100% impervious area Aimp ¼ 10 m2. The simu-
lations considered a minimum dry weather time of 6 h to separate
rainfall events, and a simulation time step of Dt ¼ 15 min. Hourly
records of precipitation, temperature, wind velocity, relative hu-
midity and net radiation from INIA (2012) were used. Annual pre-
cipitation during 2012 and 2013 were 295 and 156 mm in Santiago,
and 582 and 623 mm in Temuco.

4.2. Rain garden design

Both rain gardens were designed according to traditional stan-

dards (UDFCD, 2010; Cahill, 2012) to control the water quality
capture volume (WQCV), i.e. the volume representative of runoff
from frequent storm events (UDFCD, 2010). The Chilean regulation
defines the WQCV as the runoff volume produced by a represen-
tative frequent precipitation of Pr ¼ 10 mm (Santiago) and
Fig. 3. Observed (EXP) and simulated (IHMORS) q dynamics and subsurface hydro- Pr ¼ 12 mm (Temuco) falling over the contributing impervious area
graphs. (a) and (c) show the results for experiment 1 (calibration), whereas (b) and (d) Aimp (m2) (MOP, 2013). For both cases we considered a contributing
show results for experiment 2 (validation). m and s for observed and simulated data are rectangular surface with a roughness coefficient nimp ¼ 0.011, slope
also presented.
simp ¼ 2% and width wimp ¼ 5 m. For the top layer (L1), in both cases
we defined a depth d1 ¼ 0.2 m representative of the depth of the
4. Application to rain gardens root zone (Shorten and Pleasants, 2007), whereas for the bottom
layer (L2) a depth d2 ¼ 0.4 m was selected. Furthermore, both rain
4.1. Description gardens have the same slope (sgarden ¼ 0.1%) and width (wgarden ¼
2 m). Only the ponding depth D differs for both locations (D ¼
To illustrate its capabilities, IHMORS is used to simulate and 50 mm for Santiago and D ¼ 60 mm for Temuco), as this design
assess the long-term performance of rain gardens in terms of runoff variable depends on the local WQCV.
To facilitate our analysis, we used the same substrate from the
252 J. Herrera et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 95 (2017) 246e257

Fig. 4. Soil water content simulated by IHMORS (I) and HYDRUS (H). For both models 1 and 2 correspond to layers 1 and 2. The initial water contents considered for layers 1 and 2
were (a) 0.14 and 0.15, (b) both 0.15, (c) 0.16 and 0.15. m and s for HYDRUS and IHMORS results are also presented.

validation experiments for both rain gardens (i.e. sample a) but with both cities, most of incoming water becomes infiltration (F) (~97%)
a wilting point is qWP ¼ 0.15 m3 m-3. Different vegetation for each whereas a very minor portion is intercepted (I). Interception is
city was chosen based on the local climate. Hence, species of Sedum similar despite the larger interception capacity of the Sedum used in
(Sedum rupestre, Sedum spurium, Sedum kamtschaticum, and Sedum Santiago, as the annual rainfall in Temuco is larger. Because infil-
rubrotinctum) and grass, whose corresponding parameters ac- tration rates were not exceeded by precipitation during both years
cording to Equations (2) and (3) are presented in Table 3, were of simulation, no surface runoff was simulated. Around 90% of the
adopted for Santiago and Temuco respectively. An initial water incoming water (87.9% in Santiago and 90.1% in Temuco) leave the
content of 0.15 m3 m-3 in both layers was assumed for each garden. rain gardens through L2.
In Santiago, 70.3% of the incoming water to the rain garden
percolates from L1 to L2, whereas an additional 25% redistributes to
4.3. Results and discussion L2 during dry-weather conditions (Fig. 6). The remaining ~10% in L1
evapotranspires. In contrast, in Temuco redistribution to L2 during
Fig. 5 shows the temporal dynamics of q for both locations. As the dry season is the most relevant flow acting over the water
expected, q in Santiago is less variable, very responsive to the incoming to L1 (~48%). This occurs because the high rates of rainfall
seasonal precipitation in the middle of the year (winter), and de- raise q in L1 more often (Fig. 5), which in turn increases the suction
creases at very constant rates during the dry months of fall and head gradient and enhances redistribution. This phenomenon also
summer (Fig. 5a). In contrast, q in Temuco is much more variable increases q of L2 above qFC , which explains the larger percolation
throughout the year as precipitation occurs throughout the season. from L2 in Temuco. Proportionally, water loss through ET from L1
For both cities, q increases with precipitation events and decreases was greater in Santiago although the crop coefficient of grass in
quickly after each peak, as reported in previous studies (Xiao et al., Temuco exceeds that of the Sedum used in Santiago. A similar result
2007; Houdeshel and Pomeroy, 2013). Because L2 is deeper, the is reported by DehghaniSanij et al. (2004), who measured higher
variability in this layer is much less significant than for L1 in both values of ET0 for soils in semiarid regions. Lastly, note that redis-
cities. For example, in Temuco q tends to a value of 0.23 in L2, except tribution due to capillarity from L2 to L1 is minor in both cities,
when it rains or during dry periods in summer. although larger in Santiago (7.7% vs. 4.1%). Overall these results
Annual volume balances in percentages of the total incoming demonstrate that redistribution during dry-weather days can
water (i.e. precipitation plus run-on) for both locations are pre- relevant, and should be simulated by models describing water
sented in Fig. 6. These balances show the behavior of both the rain flows in LID's and green areas in general.
garden as a whole (dashed lines) and the layers within them. For To illustrate the effect of the rain gardens on the incoming flow,
we use the flow duration curve, i.e. the curve defining the per-
centage of time a given flow is equaled or exceeded (Cigizoglu and
Table 3
Vegetation parameters for each rain garden. Bayazit, 2000). Hence, we compare the curves for the input flow
and the output flow (i.e. the percolation from L2) both for Santiago
Unit Vegetation
and Temuco (Fig. 7a). We used values of k ¼ t ¼ 0.0056 h in
Sedum Grass Equation (20), which implies the simulation of a conduit draining
k 3 2.8 the percolation with an average response time of 40 s. There is an
S Mm 1.27 0.254 overall reduction in the peak flows and an increase of the low flows
Kca 0.53b 0.95c for both locations, although this is more notorious in Temuco,
Constant value for the year. where precipitation is more frequent. The peak flow attenuation
Sherrard and Jacobs, 2005. and the corresponding impact over the recession flows is illustrated
Allen et al. (1998).
J. Herrera et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 95 (2017) 246e257 253

Fig. 5. Precipitation and temporal evolution of the soil water content using continuous simulation during 2012 and 2013 for Santiago (a) and Temuco (b).

in Fig. 7b and c, which compare the response to single events in

both locations. This behavior is typical of stormwater control
practices that reduce and delay peak flows.

4.3.1. Evaluation of different design practices

We use IHMORS to evaluate the performance of the rain garden
under different design practices (i.e. vegetation types and connec-
tivity with upstream contributing areas), although one could also
vary the type of substrate. The analysis considers both grass and
Sedum for each location, as well as bare soil. Likewise, the rain
garden in Temuco was tested after removing the summer precipi-
tation to analyze the impact of a dry summer over the dynamics of
Table 4 compares the principal outflows of the rain gardens with
Fig. 6. Simulated water balance for the rain gardens in Santiago (a) and Temuco (b)
and without vegetation. All values are expressed as percentages of
during 2012 and 2013. L1 and L2 are the soil layers 1 and 2, P is the precipitation, F is
infiltrated water, I is the intercepted water, Pe is the percolated water, ET is the the incoming water in each location. Percolation is the lowest in
evapotranspired water, and R is the redistributed water during dry weather. Values in both cities (and thus evaporation is the largest) when no vegetation
parentheses are percentages of the incoming water. is used. As expected, the water lost by evaporation (E) from soil is
proportionately higher in drier rather than humid areas. Note also
that the difference of ET between grass and Sedum is more signif-
icant in Santiago (5.3 vs 2.8). Thus, it becomes clear that vegetation
should be carefully selected when designing green infrastructure in
semiarid regions.
We now focus our analysis on assessing the temporal dynamics
of q by means of what we call the soil water content duration
(SWCD) curve. This curve represents the percentage of time that a
given value of q is equaled or exceeded, and is similar to the flow
duration curve. The SWCD curve characterizes the overall dynamics
of q, and allows detecting the number of days in which a particular
value (e.g. qFC , qWP ) is exceeded, or in which irrigation becomes

Table 4
Simulated water balance of rain gardens in Santiago and Temuco with Sedum (S),
grass (G) and bare soil (B). Precipitation becomes percolation (Pe) and evapotrans-
piration or evaporation (ET/E). Values are expressed as percentages of the incoming

Santiago Temuco

Fig. 7. Entering and exiting simulated flow duration curve (a) during 2012 and 2013 for
Pe 87.9 84.9 82.3 92.1 90.1 83.7
Santiago (Q IN
S and Q S
) and Temuco (Q IN OUT
T and Q T ). Hydrographs for single events
ET/E 10.0 15.3 18.9 3.8 6.6 16.1
with their starting date are presented for Santiago (b) and Temuco (c).
254 J. Herrera et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 95 (2017) 246e257

essential. Thus, this curve can potentially be used to estimate irri-

gation costs associated with not only the amount of water needed,
but also with the amount of time involved in the process (i.e.
personnel expense, maintenance, transportation, contracts, etc.).
Fig. 8 shows the SWCD curves for Santiago (Fig. 8a) and Temuco
(Fig. 8b) as well as the critical values qFC and qWP . SWCD curves are
compared for three cases in which either Sedum (S), grass (G) or
bare soil (B) is considered for the rain garden. Furthermore, an
additional SWCD curve is plotted for Temuco, which is obtained
after removing summer precipitation. Results show that planting
Sedum instead of grass is better in terms of having overall larger
soil moisture contents. This is much more obvious in Santiago,
where for ~50% of the time the differences in q exceed 0.01 m3 m-3.
On the other hand, the difference is minor in Temuco and is more
noticeable only for the driest 10% of the time. The SWCD curves can
be compared using as a reference qWP , which corresponds to the
theoretical minimum value of q to be satisfied with irrigation. Thus,
irrigation is essential for at least 60% of the time in Santiago,
although different volumes would be needed depending on the
type of vegetation. In Temuco, irrigation is necessary for approxi-
mately 25% of the time, and the water volume involved is very
similar despite the vegetation type. Fig. 9. Soil water content duration curves for the rain garden in Santiago with Sedum
In Santiago bare soil allows having, during certain periods of connected (C) and disconnected (WC) with the contributing impervious area.
time, values of q larger than those simulated when using vegeta-
tion. This condition occurs for ~35% (grass) and ~10% (Sedum) of the
a year), a 0.01 m3 m-3 difference in q between the connected and
time (around the end of summer and beginning of fall). This does
disconnected rain garden is simulated for ~180 days. Overall, results
not occur in Temuco, as using grass or Sedum allows having values
show that capturing rainwater and using it for landscape watering
of q exceeding the ones associated with a bare soil. If Temuco had
needs is a reasonable and realistic way to reduce water used in
no summer precipitation, the q dynamics of a rain garden with
landscape irrigation (Seymour, 2005; Houdeshel et al., 2012),
grass would be more similar to that of semiarid regions like San-
particularly in regions where precipitation and the hot season are
tiago. Indeed Fig. 8b shows that q is lower than values to be ob-
tained with bare soil for approximately the 60 driest days in the
year (i.e. 20% of the time).
Finally, we assess the relevance of the connectivity between the
4.3.2. Evaluation of different irrigation schedules
rain garden and the upstream contributing impervious area. Fig. 9
In semi-arid and Mediterranean regions an irrigation plan and
compares the SWCD curves for Santiago simulated when such
schedule become key. To explore this issue we use IHMORS to test 3
connection is and is not considered (i.e. the garden only receives
irrigation plans for the rain garden with Sedum implemented in
water from the precipitation falling on it). The SWCD curve of the
Santiago: (1) a base user-defined irrigation program shown in
disconnected rain garden falls below that of the connected rain
Table 5 (P1) defined for an experimental green roof with Sedum in
garden, and thus it becomes clear that runoff captured by green
Santiago (Reyes et al., 2016); (2) a constant irrigation of 8.6 mm (i.e.
infrastructure can become available for the vegetation. Despite the
the daily average of P1) during 15 min, which is applied every day at
reduced number of days with precipitation in Santiago (25e30 days
8:00 a.m. only if q < qFC (i.e. the plan simulates the existence of a soil
moisture sensor) (P2); and (3) a variable irrigation program cor-
responding to a proportion of the previous 24 h of ET0 , which is
applied daily at 8:00 a.m. for 15 min (P3). In IHMORS P1 and P2 are
entered by the user, although for P2 the model determines when
the irrigation takes places based on the simulated q. The model
automatically computes P3 using the proportion factor specified by
the user.

Table 5
Irrigation program P1. Irrigation is applied during 15 min.

Month Time of application Depth (mm)

January 6:00e14:00e22:00 10
February 6:00e14:00e22:00 6
March 6:00e14:00e22:00 5
April 6:00e14:00e22:00 2.5
May 6:00e14:00e22:00 2
June 8:00 2
July 8:00 2
August 8:00 2
September 8:00 2
October 8:00 2
Fig. 8. Soil water content duration curve of (a) a rain garden in Santiago with Sedum
November 8:00e18:00 2.5
(S), grass (G) and bare soil (B), (b) a rain garden in Temuco with Sedum, grass, bare soil
December 8:00e13:00e18:00 4
and grass without considering summer precipitation (GS).
J. Herrera et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 95 (2017) 246e257 255

Table 6
Sensitivity results for each layer in Santiago (S) and Temuco (T). Also general results
for each layer (G1 and G2) and for both layers (G) are shown. Subscripts 1 and 2
denote the layer to which the parameter belongs. Very important and important
parameters are marked in dark gray and clear gray respectively.

Parameters Range Layer 1 Layer 2 G

S T G1 S T G2

d1 0.1e0.5 3 5 3 13 10 10 3
qi1 qr-qs 15 10 10 5 11 5 5
qr1 0.001e0.205 12 4 4 14 6 6 4
qs1 0.332e0.582 1 6 1 8 7 7 1
n1 1.039e2.09 7 1 1 1 3 1 1
L1 0e2.5 21 12 12 20 21 20 12
Ks1 288e1368 13 13 13 17 18 17 13
jb1 0e1791 11 7 7 15 8 8 7
qFC1 qr-qs 2 3 2 3 4 3 2
d2 0.1e0.5 5 20 5 6 19 6 5
qi2 qr-qs 20 18 18 18 20 18 18
qr2 0.001e0.205 9 11 9 7 9 7 7
qs2 0.332e0.582 10 2 2 2 2 2 2
n2 1.039e2.09 6 9 6 4 1 1 1
L2 0e2.5 19 14 14 21 14 14 14
Ks2 288e1368 16 15 15 11 15 11 11
jb2 0e1791 8 16 8 9 12 9 8
qFC2 qr-qs 4 8 4 12 5 5 4
Fig. 10. Soil water content duration curves for the rain garden in Santiago with Sedum Kc 0.25e1.25 14 19 14 19 17 17 14
and three irrigation schedules: a monthly irrigation program (P1), a constant irrigation S 0.254e1.27 18 17 17 16 16 16 16
program with soil moisture sensor reporting field capacity (P2), and an irrigation plan k 0.001e18 17 21 17 10 13 10 10
that replicates the previous day evapotranspiration (P3). The curve associated with no
irrigation (WI) is also presented.

Additionally, the table reports a general parameter rank for L1 (G1)

SWCD curves associated with each plan are shown in Fig. 10, and L2 (G2), equal to the highest rank among the locations. Finally,
which also presents the curve when no irrigation is implemented. an overall general parameter rank (G) given by the highest rank
For the three irrigation programs, q remains close to the wilting between G1 and G2 is also reported. The resulting rankings are
point, although different water volumes are involved. P1 and P2 different for each city, but the parameters of each layer affect the
imply using pretty much the same amount of water (i.e. 12.59 m3 behavior of q in it the most (i.e. parameters of L1 affect q1 and pa-
and 12.52 m3), although P2 reduces by 7 the number of days in rameters of L2 affect q2 ). The effect of the parameters of L1 over q2 is
which irrigation is provided during the 2 years. In fact, this result slightly more notorious than that of parameters of L2 over q1, likely
demonstrates the advantages of using the SWCD curve to under- because both percolation and redistribution take place from L1 to
stand the impacts of irrigation programs beyond the irrigation L2, but only redistribution occurs from L2 to L1. Overall 3 very
volumes involved. P3 consumes a significant less amount of water important parameters are identified (last column G, Table 6): the
(84% less than P1) but vegetation may still wilt during the driest curve shape parameter of the van Genuchten equation in L1 and L2
month of the year (i.e. ~10% of the time) when q < qWP , and thus (n1 and n2 ), and qs in L1 (qs1 ). However, qs1 is slightly important for
irrigation must be intensified. For the sake of comparison, the simulations in L2 (column G2) whereas n2 is just important for L1.
amount of irrigation needed to preserve q always above the average Four parameters in L1 (d1 , qi1 , qr1 , qFC1 ) and 3 in L2 (d2 , qs2 and qFC2 )
between qFC and qWP (i.e. q > 0.19) is 13.6 m3. are important, whereas 11 parameters, including those represen-
tative of the vegetation, are slightly important. Note that together
with n, qFC and qS are consistently sensitive parameter regardless of
4.3.3. Global sensitivity analysis
the location and the layer. Hence, the percolation process driven by
A global sensitivity analysis was carried out to identify key pa-
the [qFC -qS ] range, proves to be very relevant in controlling the
rameters affecting the model performance. We adopted a screening
performance of rainfall gardens. Note that qWP was not included in
method known as LH-OAT because of its efficiency and low
the sensitivity analysis as neither irrigation nor evaporation from
computational cost (van Griensven et al., 2006). This method
bare soil are simulated.
combines latin hyperbolic (LH) and one factor at-a-time (OAT)
sampling, which allows controlling the total number of simulations
while an optimal representation of the parameter space is estab- 5. Conclusion
lished (van Griensven et al., 2006). As a result, the method calcu-
lates partial and total effects (in percentage) associated with the 21 This study developed and tested IHMORS, a hydrological model
parameters considered in the analysis, and ranks them in order of which simulates surface and subsurface processes to analyse the
importance. Following van Griensven et al. (2006) approach, pa- performance and irrigation of green infrastructure and stormwater
rameters with ranking positions of 1, 2e6, 7e20, and 21 are cate- facilities at residential scales. Laboratory and numerical experi-
gorized as very important, important, slightly important and not ments allowed validating the bare soil evaporation, subsurface
important respectively. runoff hydrograph and soil moisture redistribution routines. These
We carried out 22,000 runs with parameters varying according critical components of IHMORS are rarely simulated explicitly in
to the ranges shown in Table 6. The model performance for each run other similar models, and become very relevant in semiarid and
was characterized by the MCE (Equation (22)) for the simulated Mediterranean environments. Other capabilities of IHMORS
dynamics of q in each layer, after assuming the results in Fig. 5 to be include: (1) it continuously simulates the soil water content dy-
the “observations”. Table 6 shows the resulting parameters’ ranking namics and surface and subsurface runoff; (2) it can simulate a
according to their total effects on q in each layer for each city. wide range of spatial configurations by combining and connecting
256 J. Herrera et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 95 (2017) 246e257

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