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The Effect of E-Sport on Institute of Physical Education, Sports and Recreation

Bachelor of Physical Education Students Well-being

SY: 2022-2023

A Research Paper Presented to:

The Faculty of Institute of Physical Education, Sports and Recreation
Bicol University, Daraga, Albay

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Subject
Research 1

Beato Angelica A.
Legaspi John Carl S.
Miraflor Missy M.
Nacion Denver F.
Chapter 1
The Problem and Its Background


Computer is a powerful technology that has revolutionized the entire world,

it is one of the most significant innovations we have had in centuries. This is one of the

greatest human inventions that has ever existed and has changed our lives. As the modern

world continues to thrive and develop, technology, and computers have become an

integral part of our daily lives, helping us to make our lives easier and more comfortable.

But that’s not just what computers do, they also become a part of entertainment to the

people especially the young ones in a form of video games and because of it, computers

also form a new industry that is what we called now E-Sports or electronic sports where

players compete with each other to a particular video game just like the traditional sports.

E-sports is live competitive video gaming. As with traditional sports, professional

players compete in tournaments and championships, watched by millions of people

worldwide, with huge prize money at stake. There are also non-professional players –

including scholastic esports players – who spend a significant amount of time practicing

and playing. In fact, across the US, 175 universities and colleges are members of the

National Association of Collegiate E-sports (NACE)1 and offer varsity e-sports


According to Nielsen and Karhulahti (2017). The Problematic Coexistence of

Internet Gaming Disorder and E-sports becoming a professional player requires huge

commitment. Those striving for an e-sports career put in six to 12 hours of e-sports play
and related activities each day6 – almost all their waking hours. Furthermore, The

American Psychological Association (APA) and World Health Organization (WHO)

gaming disorder criteria for diagnosing disordered gaming among professional and non-

professional gamers in the context of e-sports. They found that professional gamers may

be at greater risk of disordered gaming than non-professional gamers.

Sitting in front of a computer screen for long hours a day might have

negative consequences on teenagers’ physical health, mental processing, mental health,

and depression, social and emotional problems. Additionally, significant challenges face

e-sport players and workers alike: toxicity in the community, agency-player-game owner

problems, non-professionalized business (Steinkuehler, 2019). These kinds of stressors

may cause suppressing effects on player’s capability, life satisfaction and game

performance. For example, in the countries like China and South Korea, when e-sport

team loses a big event, professional players might get threatened for their lives by

passionate followers in their country (Joindota, 2016). In many competitions, e--sport

players are exposed to physiological and psychological stresses (Hallman & Giel, 2018).

Such as, being a top dog against the underdog in front of the crowd puts more pressure on

the top dog team players to not being humiliated for losing or staying undefeated for

months and they are playing to keep these stats alive.

E-sports have enormous challenges with respect to its demands and maintaining

their place in the technology field. With the challenges come different issues related to

mental and physical both. As per research, it has been reflected that computer games are

criticized for all manner of negative mental health consequences. Few research has

suggested that gaming leads to people feeling nervous, frustrated, irritated, or even
aggressive. Nevertheless, adaptive cognitive patterns, depressive thoughts and behaviors,

low self-esteem, depression, and poor academic success are often correlated with

inappropriate and intense video gaming. Further, it has also been found that playing

games for more than three to four hours can lead to addictive behavior in children.

Symptoms such as psychiatric disorders, lack of motivation, functional deficiency, deceit,

and withdrawal can be caused by the intense playing of E-sports. Moreover, people who

spend less time playing E-sports have higher levels of psychological well-being as

compared to those who spend more time on E-sports. Also, people who have less

psychological well-being, have more chance of developing depression. (Goh C, Jones C,

Copello A. 2019)

Right now, in the Philippines, e-sports has risen to prominence, with millions of

people participating worldwide. It is also an action that gamers engage in to satisfy their

gaming desires. E-Sport is rapidly growing, and according to rumors, an E-Sport

competition will be held in the Philippines. Moreover, E-Sports, a term commonly used

to designate electronic sports, has become particularly emerging in the Philippines. E-

Sports also known as electronic sports is a kind of multiplayer video game that is played

competitively especially for teenagers. Playing this kind of video game is sometimes used

to escape or to temporarily forget the bad side of reality. E-Sports also make us

experience the thrill of playing with different people around the world. The quality of

video games has improved a lot that surpasses all the previous versions of computers. It is

also a reason why a lot of teenagers are addicted to it.

E-sport games are part of the student’s pastime to hang out with friends.

But it also has a negative effect on students' well-being. Focusing more on the E- sports
student might lose time to focus on academic, personal and other forms of socialization.

If gaming starts to take over a student’s life, it leads them to become addicted that may

cause various effects on students' well-being.This is the main objective of the study.

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of playing E-Sports on

IPESR BPED students' well-being at Bicol University. Specifically, it seeks to answer the


1. What is the Demographic profile of the respondents in terms of;

a. Age

b. Sex

c. Family Monthly Income

d. Hours spend in playing e-sports

e. Types of E-Sport

2. What are the factors that effects of e-sports along?

a. Personal

b. Academic Performance

c. Psychological

3. Determine the extent of the effect of the factors e-sports

a. Personal

b. Academic Performance

c. Psychological
4. Recommendation/Suggestions to address the effects of e-sports on the



E-Sport does not affect the well-being of the students.

Scope and Delimitation

The main focus of this present study is the effects of E-sports in IPESR BPED

student’s well-being S.Y 2023-2024 and the recommendation to lessen the effects of

e-sports on the respondents. This study will focus on those students who officially

enrolled in IPESR campus and those who are gamer.

The researcher wants to conduct the study at the Institute of Physical

Education Sports and Recreation. The two selective groups of student gamer are

students who are not in an E-sports program but play video games and student

athletes who are officially in Bicol University E-sports program. The respondents are

BPED students who are gamer.

This study will be conducted at the Institute of Physical Education Sports

and Recreation (IPESR), non-students and students from other campuses are not

included since the study is focused on the status and condition of BPED students who

are gamer. Those students who are not gamer are not included in this study. The time

frame of this study will be from the month of January 2023 to May 2023.
Significance of the Study

The result of this study, effect of E-sport in IPESR BPED student’s well-being

will benefit to the following:

BPED 3rd Year Student. This study aims to provide benefits to them since the

respondents themselves were the gamers of E-Sports in this study. So, this research

would be beneficial to them as this will give an adequate knowledge regarding the

effects of playing E-Sports on student’s well-being of chosen respondents of IPESR.

Out of School Youth. This research will also benefit the Out of School Youth to

have a broad knowledge on the effects of e-sports on their personal and psychological

well-being. It will also help them to better understand the importance of caring for

themselves rather than spending too much time on the Internet shop.

Family. Safety of gamers is the responsibility of parents. With this research, every

family of the students will be given a view about what is playing computer games and

what are the negative effects on the health of students of too much gaming. With this

research, they will be having an adequate insight about E-Sports and they could

discipline their children to minimize online gaming.

Community. This could provide answers to enrich the community understanding,

coping on the effects of the esports to the students and other children in collaboration

with the parents, school, community in regulating and monitoring E-sport games.

This will also help the community to become aware of the effects of esports on
student’s well-being, it serves as a guide for the possible activity that surely

encourages the students to join than playing online games.

Internet Shops. This research will benefit the internet shop because it may serve as

their information regarding the effects of e-sports. This research will help the owner

to limit the open hours of their internet shop so that the students, children and out of

school youth will never spend too much time on playing e-sports.

Professional/Teacher. This research would be beneficial to teachers as this will be a

cause to teach their students and give them a lesson not only academically but also

about the health that they may get specifically, in playing ESports.

Department of Health. The Department of Health will be given a comprehensive

view about the negative effects of playing E-sports to the youth. They may see the

factors affecting the youth in excessive gaming with this. The Department of Health

will formulate a study about the negative effects of playing E-sports.

School Head. The school head or the principal of the school can declare a memo or

an order to every teacher of the school to address the negative effects of playing

computer or mobile games. With this research, the school head will have a motivation

to not just lead the school. But also, to have a comprehensive review about this

situation. The school head would also have a reason to tackle and inform the students

of the school about playing e-sports games to avoid or minimize it.

Bicol University. This research would help the Bicol University to promote an

awareness of the "The effect of E-sport in IPESR BPED students' well-being. It also

helps the University to gather information about the students' behavior and why they
play e-sports games, so that the University can promote activities that surely help the

students to escape the bad side of reality.

Deped. The Deped will be given an idea what possible way to do the nearest

computer shop/ internet shop on the school. This research will help the Deped to

know the effects of e-sports on student’s well-being and also it gives ideas to the

Deped on how to implement the said e-sports game in the school.

Researcher. This study is highly beneficial to the researchers because most of them

are gamers and experienced a health problem too. As IPESR students who’s always

facing online games frequently, they will have an insight about the negative effects of

playing too much online games.

Future Researcher. This may serve as a guide and reference for future researchers

who will take a similar path and choose a topic related to our study. As this research

can provide them essential insights that could further improve their work and

understanding. Furthermore, this researcher could inspire them to do well in their

chosen topic and through this; they may inspire and help other researchers as well.

Ind Psychiatry J. (2021). Influence of E-sports on Stress. 29(2): 191–199.

Kocadag, M. (2020). An e-sports research: psychological well-being differences of teenagers in

terms of several variables.

Lo, C. (2022). Defining E-sports Student-Athletes and the Behaviors that Affect Academic
Performance. University of Wisconsin-Stout Journal of Student Research, 20, 31-42.

Ricky Layderos. (2012). Effects of Playing E-Sports to the Health of Grade 12 students.

Nurul Nadiah Rasdi, Ahmad Najmie Rusli. (2021). Playing E-sport among University Students:
Benefits and Disadvantages. Vol. 17, P-P 73-80.
Chapter 2

Related Literature and Studies

To support the result of the study, literature and studies were collected in order to

know more about the effects of e-sport on student’s well-being. The sources of literature

include published journals, books, and web articles. The chapter also includes the

theoretical framework, conceptual framework, and the definition of terms.



 According to Jackson (2011) showed that the factor of video games can negatively

influence one’s academic performance based on the number of hours being put into video

games. Jackson is able to show that skills, such as visual spatial skills, were gained from

internet use and video games that can benefit academic performance, but the study was

not able to provide insight if being a student-athlete. Moreover, the study by Adžić et al.

(2021) is one of the few that explained how the amount of time spent on video games can

affect academic achievement and the more time invested into games will decrease

academic achievement. The conflict that arises is if an E-Sports student athlete is

expected to devote dedicated time into E-Sports, it is important to identify gaming can

negatively affect a student’s academic performance. It is one of the related literature that

has similarity in our study which also focuses on the effect of e-sports on students’
academic, however it differs from focusing also on the benefits of playing e-sports on

students’ academic. 

            Wohn & Freeman (2020) stated that computer games’ effect on psychological

well-being, also spectating esport games via online may cause to develop problematic

gambling behaviors and spending money habits. From the aspect of spending money,

viewers are spending money on streamers, games and betting. Most of the viewers are

donating high value money on the explanatory and game-play talents and skills of the

streamer. Physical attractiveness of streamer is not the primary reason to donate for

spectators. The above literature has similarity in our study particularly the effect of e-

sports on psychological well-being which is present on the study.

According to Pachoke L. (2019) the critics of the e-sports concept in Thailand are

increasingly claiming the negative consequences of its development, such as an increase

in the young people dependence on gadgets, a change in their consciousness and attitude,

an increase of young people unreadiness to live in the real world. The article presents

results of study of Bangkok residents and their relationship to the problem of electronic

sports, outlined the prospects for its legalization and growth of attractiveness for Thai

business. In the stated above it has been related in the present study in terms of personal

effect of e-sports it focuses on the increase in the young people dependence on gadgets. It

differs from it focuses also on the industry.

According to André B, Rune A, Mentzoni, Eilin K, Ståle P. (2022) twenty

participants Norwegian between 17 and 21 years of age studying e-sports were recruited

from high schools and folk high schools. The participants were interviewed through

Zoom using a semi-structured interview guide, and the data were analyzed using a
thematically analysis approach. The emerging themes were: 1) energy and focus, 2) the

impact of gaming and e-sports on sleep, and 3) mental health and lifestyle factors. Proper

nutrition, sleep, and reduced intake of energy drinks was considered essential factors for

optimal energy and focus. Although this was the consensus, many participants reported

skipping breakfast, sub-optimal sleep patterns, and habitual consumption of energy

drinks. The participants also reported that sleep was negatively affected by playing right

up until bedtime. The above related literature is similar to our study since it also focuses

on the effect of e-sports on students’ personal behavior.  It also focuses on the effect of e-

sports on psychological which is the health of the students.

Entertainment Software Association (2014). Gender differences have been found

in terms of playing video games. Despite the increase of female gamers, gaming is still an

activity dominated by males (52% males vs. 48%) although most females tend to play

casual games Moreover, According to neuroimaging studies on gaming, males show

greater activation in the mesocorticolimbic reward system compared to females, and this

may partly explain why males are more attracted to rewarding activities such as gaming

(Hoeft, Watson, Kesler, Bettinger, & Reiss, 2008). The related literature above is similar

to our study in that it focuses on the active gender-oriented individuals who play video

games frequently. It is connected in terms of the effect of e-sports in the personal of the

student’s well-being.

King (2013) found that playing violent video games for 150 min decreased

adolescent’s TST by 27 min, while sleep efficiency fell by 7%, indicating sleep levels

similar to those of individuals suffering from sleep disorders such as insomnia. Sleep can

also be directly displaced by gaming time, especially with time-consuming games such as
MMOGs. Another effect of time-consuming games is the long hour’s gamers spend in a

sitting position. There have been instances of gamers dropping dead after 50 hours or

more of constant playing. The above related literature is similar to our study on the effect

of playing e-sports that focuses on the psychological behavior of the student’s well-being

because it focuses the effect of a person in lack of sleeping effect of gaming video games.


Healthy Children (2019) Those who played violent video games online against

human opponents expressed greater tolerance of violence, a lower empathy attitude and

more aggressive behavior than those who played against computer opponents.

Engagement with/against human opponents may strengthen gaming experiences and

therefore, in accordance with the GAM, increase their effects on players’ thoughts,

feelings and behavior. The above related literature is similar to our study that is

connected to the effect of e-sports in personal attitude and aggressive behavior against

playing e-sports opponent. It is also related to the psychological behavior of the student’s


According to Regal (2012) gaming can cause physical harm like muscle pain.

Today there are some real-life active games for Xbox Kinect and Nintendo Wii, which

actually needs you to move in front of the camera, track your motions and turn them into

gaming commands. Still the majority of video games involve sitting in front of computer

or TV screen with little or no movement. As a study of Pediatrics International found

publishes, “excessive television-game playing” led to increasing muscle stiffness, mainly

in the shoulder areas. The above related literature is similar to our study that focuses on

personal which the effect of watching and playing e-sports that no need to move can

cause harm muscle pain.

Robinson (2016) online gaming is one of the widely used leisure activities by

many people. Teenagers who are playing these online games said that they are playing

these games just for fun, to keep away from the heat of the sun, without knowing that

there are a lot of effects of playing these games that are more than what they think.

Playing online games, according to some research, is beneficial. It enables the mind of

the players to be more active, especially those puzzle-based games. It helps the player to

come up with decisions in tight situations, especially those adventure games that keep the

players to be alert, active and strategic. Playing these types of games makes the player

experience different feelings because it is as if the player is really the one taking the

challenges. The above related literature is similar to our study that is connected to the

effect of e-sports in psychological which is players experience different feelings that

related to the students well-being.

According to Ryan V. Lavana, Adrian R. Imperial (2020) the rise of excessive

online gaming is emerging in the Philippines, with 29.9 million gamer recorded in the

country. The incidence of depression is also increasing in the country. The current

correlation analysis evaluated the association between online game addiction and

depression in Filipino adolescents. Depression, as associated with online game addiction,

is a serious threat that needs to be addressed. High level of online game addiction, as

positively correlated to the rate of depression among adolescents in Manila, could

potentially be attributed to the booming internet industry and lack of sufficient mental
health interventions in the country. Recommended interventions include strengthening

depression management among adolescents and improving mental health services for this

vulnerable population groups in schools and within the communities. The above related

literature is similar to our study on the effect of playing e-sports that focuses on the

psychological behavior of the student’s well-being because it focuses the effect of

depression in adolescents by playing e-sports.

According to a study by Garcia, Jarabe & Paragas (2018), online gaming can have

a negative influence on school performance by displacing time that would have been

spent in other educational activities such as reading and homework. Many of the students

spend hours a day playing online games, it becomes a primary source of entertainment

for them that leads to forgetting to forget the role of being a student. Several studies in

psychology have found out that increased time spent on the Internet can lead to negative

impact on a person’s ability to communicate appropriately face-to-face with friends,

peers, family members including parents. Studies revealed that the human brain is easy to

destruct and one of the reasons is using technology. It is critical to understand gaming

problems not only by means of the observable symptoms but to situate them within the

broader context of the game, the individual, and the attitudes. While there have been a

number of studies of the effects of online game addiction on academic performance, none

has looked at the influence of online computer game addiction on students’ academic

performance in Zamboanga del Sur Garnada (2020). To bridge the gap, this study aims to

determine the effects of online games on the academic performance of senior high

students in Our Lady of Fatima University. The above related literature is similar to our
study on the effect of playing e-sports that focuses on the personal behavior of the

student’s well-being.

            According to Gianne D. (2020) the competition is tough with hundreds of

millions of gamer competing for limited spots. To reach that goal, you need to have

gaming hours played each day, and the fact that you spend most of the day sitting in a

chair in a dark room with your eyes strained from staring at the screen is a health

concern. Some e-sports athletes suffer from musculoskeletal injuries (in the neck, back,

and upper body), metabolic imbalance, and poor posture. Mental health problems due to

gaming addiction can also cause poor cognitive functioning, social isolation, social

behavior disorder, and emotional difficulties, such as depression and anxiety. The above

related literature is similar to our study on the effect of playing e-sports that focuses on

the psychological of a person which is the addiction of e-sports can cause cognitive

functional, social isolation, social behavior, emotional difficulties, such as depression and



In order for researchers to gain better insights and design of the study, a review of

previous study was noted.


According to The Anti-Defamation League’s findings, players have experienced

harassment like physical threats, stalking, and psychological pressure in online games. In

addition, e-sports players may stay under pressure from different aspects. Internal
stressors depend on team issues like in game communication, criticism, lack of

confidence may cause stress on individual player when it happens aggressively (Nilsson

& Lee, 2019). Team criticism puts pressure on players causing anxiety for game

performance or potential drop from the roster. External stressors may come from

audiences or opponent teams and may be formed at different levels such as being bullied

on social media, abusive opponents etc. (Smith, Birch, & Bright, 2019). It is one of that

relates in the study where it is similar in focusing to the effect of e-sports on personal and

psychological well-being. It differs from focusing only on personal and psychological

effect of e-sports.

Adachi PJ and Willoughby T (2020) conducted a study on E-sports and

aggression, in which competitive online games were found to be positively associated

with aggression. Spending most of the day on a computer screen has a lot of negative

effects on a person which can be physical, psychological, or emotional. E-sports athletes

are subject to cognitive and emotional stressors in many tournaments. Moreover, internal

stressors contribute to team conflicts such as in-game interaction, critique, loss of trust,

etc., whereas external stressors can come from the crowd and other competitors. Online

gaming affects an individual’s mental health and at the same time harms physical health.

The above study is related to the current study in that it focuses on the negative effects of

spending too much time in front of a computer screen on their personal health, such as

physical, psychological, and emotional health. It differs from concentrating solely on the

personal impact.

According to Pew (2020) Research study, 43% of American adults enjoy e-sports

using a computer, game console and/or cell phone. Orthopedic surgeon Pedro
Beredjiklian, who specializes in hand surgery at Rothman Orthopedics at Jefferson

Health (in Pennsylvania and New Jersey), stated he’s seen an increase in injuries from

video gaming, the most common of which are carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis and

synovitis (an inflammatory issue). Of all the digital joints, thumb joints are most affected

by constant use on game console controllers, as well as texting and swiping, he added.

According to the study that it differs that it focuses on the effects of e-sports on the

physical well-being of students.

Kocadağ M (2020) on E-sports and well-being the research sample comprised 368

individuals from all over the world. The web-based questionnaire and the psychological

well-being scale were used to gather data obtained across the Steam Community and

Face book. In this research, adolescents' psychological well-being was contrasted with

facets of their job status and everyday playtime. In line with the findings, professional E-

sports athletes had slightly poorer psychological well-being than that of the other two

working classes. And the group of two who play over than six hours a day has slightly

poorer psychological well-being than that of the group of two who play fewer than six

hours a day. According to the above study, players who play for more than six hours have

lower psychological well-being than players who play for less time, and this is similar to

our study, particularly the effect of e-sports on psychological well-being, which is present

in the study.

  According to Elham D, Muhammad-Reza S, Ali D (2013) A cross-sectional study

in Tehran (capital of Iran) by Elham Dirandhe, Muhammad-Reza Sohrabi Ali Darendhe

(2013) have studied and explained both the positive and negative effects of gaming of life

of gamers, target’s perceived dangerousness, sociodemographic characteristics.

According to them a child starts to play video games around the age of 7 years. The study

above stated that, esport games can have both positive and negative effects on students'

social, personal, and psychological well-being.

According to the report of The Indian Express, A 19-year-old man, who was

arrested for allegedly killing his parents and sister, was addicted to online battle

game PUBG (Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds), a senior Delhi police officer was quoted

as saying by news agency PTI. Suraj alias Sarnam Verma killed his father Mithilesh,

mother Siya and sister in the early hours of Wednesday and later ransacked the house to

make it look like a case of robbery. He was arrested the same evening (Express Web

Desk, 2018). According to the study mentioned, which is related to our current study,

being addicted to playing online games excessively can lead to people losing control over

their behavior, which can lead to physical abuse and other undesirable outcomes. It

differs the effects on students' social, personal, and psychological well-being.

Karapetsas, Zyggouris, Fotis, (2014) online gaming addiction can indistinctively

cause problems to teenagers and their social background. The result of such an extensive

internet use is the user’s gradual alienation from real life. The entire world is replaced by

a virtual reality neglecting all commitments that constitute a prerequisite for further

advance and academic progress. Thus, the confrontation of the problem is not essential

only for the addicts’ rehabilitation. It also manages to successfully and gradually

incorporate in society the power of active teenagers, previously consuming their energy

in a virtual world. The current study is part of a wide attempt to confront the problem of

internet addiction and support both teenagers and their families. The study stated that

addiction, particularly among teenagers, can have a negative impact resulting on their
personal, academic, psychological, and social well-being, and both student and their

parents should address this potential problem that they may encountered in their lives.


Regal (2012) Aside from mental problems, gaming can cause physical harm like

muscle pain. Today there are some real-life active games for Xbox Kinect and Nintendo

Wii, which needs you to move in front of the camera, track your motions and turn them

into gaming commands. Still the majority of video games involve sitting in front of a

computer or TV screen with little or no movement. As a study of Pediatrics International

found publishes, “excessive television-game playing” led to increasing muscle stiffness,

mainly in the shoulder areas. The study is somehow related in the present study because it

focuses on the effect of excessive playing of e-sports and the possible problems may

encounter on it.

          Ryan V, Jehan L, and Daniel C. (2020) Depression, as associated with online game

addiction, is a serious threat that needs to be addressed. High level of online game

addiction, as positively correlated to the rate of depression among adolescents in Manila,

could potentially be attributed to the booming internet industry and lack of sufficient

mental health interventions in the country. Recommended interventions include

strengthening depression management among adolescents and improving mental health

services for this vulnerable population groups in schools and within the communities. It is

related to the study because it is also concern on how to address the effect of e-sports on

student well-being.
The study of Amandal and Amano focused on the effect of online games on

academic performance of BPE students. Based on their study, of the fifty (50)

respondents composed of 1st – 4th year students the first year – 2nd year students were

always in feeling rather than 3rd year and 4th year and they said that the 16 – 18 years

old were more prone in playing online games. The game they were always playing was

Ran Online and Ragnarok and most of the respondents were male by forty – seven (47)

and only three (3) were female. The students who were always playing online games had

family income from four thousand to eight thousand pesos. The study is related in the

present study because it focus on the age of the students who play e-sports, it differs from

focusing on the family income which is not related on the present study.


             The review of literature both local and foreign were found to be related to the

present study since this provides ideas and background of information that were useful in

the conceptualization of the study through the review of similarities and differences of

this study.

 Different authors from Literature and studies like Robinson (2016),

Garcia, Jarabe & Paragas (2018), Jackson (2011), Adžić et al. (2021), Kocadağ M (2020)

and Elham D, Muhammad-Reza S, Ali D (2013) showed both the positive and negative

effects and influence to academic performances that can also lead to negative impact on

a student’s ability to communicate appropriately face-to-face with friends, peers, family

members including parents. Teenagers who are playing these online games said that they
are playing these games just for fun, and widely used leisure activities by many people. It

helps the player to come up with decisions in tight situations, especially those adventure

games that keep the players to be alert, be more active and strategic. And who play over

than six hours a day has slightly poorer psychological well-being than that of the group of

two who play fewer than six hours a day.

According to Pachoke L. (2019), Wohn & Freeman (2020), Healthy Children

(2019) and Karapetsas, Zyggouris, Fotis, (2014) stated that e-sports are increasingly

shows negative consequences effect on psychological well-being of its student’s

development, such as an increase in the young people dependence on gadgets, a change

in their consciousness, expressed greater tolerance of violence, a lower empathy attitude,

more aggressive behavior, increase of effects on players’ thoughts, feelings, develop

problematic gambling behaviors, spending money habits, It also manages to successfully

and gradually incorporate in society the power of active teenagers, previously consuming

their energy in a virtual world and an increase of young people unreadiness to live in the

real world.

According to authors in literature Regal (2012), King (2013), Gianne D. (2020),

Ryan V. Lavana, Adrian R. Imperial (2020) and André B, Rune A, Mentzoni, Eilin K,

Ståle P. (2022) that gaming hours played each day, and spending most of the day sitting

in a chair in a dark room with your eyes strained from staring at the screen with little or

no movement can cause physical harm health concern like muscle pain (in the neck, back,

and upper body), carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis and synovitis (an inflammatory

issue), metabolic imbalance, poor posture and thumb joints are most affected by constant
use on game console controllers, as well as texting and swiping. Sleep can also be

directly displaced by gaming time, especially with time-consuming games that reported

skipping breakfast, sub-optimal sleep patterns, and habitual consumption of energy drinks

that may cause individuals suffering from sleep disorders such as insomnia. Mental

health problems due to gaming addiction can also cause poor cognitive functioning,

social isolation, social behaviour disorder, and emotional difficulties, such as criticism,

lack of confidence, depression and anxiety among adolescent and is a serious threat that

needs to be addressed. Specially that it may formed at different levels such as harassment

like being bullied on social media, physical threats, abusive opponents, stalking, and

psychological pressure in online games stated by (Smith, Birch, & Bright, 2019),

(Nilsson & Lee, 2019) and Adachi PJ, Pew (2020) and Willoughby T (2020) in foreign

and local studies.


             The study will aim to determine The Effect of E-Sports on 3rd Year BPED

Students Well-Being 2020-2023.

             All studies have been made by the researchers to have an idea regarding The

Effect of E-Sports on Students Well-Being. The Researchers of Bicol University know

that there are already researchers who conducted the said topic, which is Quantitative

Research.  The study of Garcia, Jarabe and Paragas (2018) and Jackson (2011) have the

same focus on the effect of e-sports on students’ academic. It differs from this study

because it only focuses on the effect of e-sports on students’ academic. Among the
related literature and studies, there were no specific focus about the problem given

above.  This study can be use by the future researchers which will fill the gap upon

determining the effect of e-sports on student’s well-being. Through its process of

research, one should also determine the extent effect of e-sports on student’s well-being.


The study is anchored on the following theories. Theory of Self Determination

Theory and the Flow Theory. This two theories will support to the present study. The

Flow theory was developed by Mihaly Csikzentmahalyi, it is best describe as the state of

concentration and engagement that can be achieved when completing a task that

challenges one skills. Too much involvement in flow by being over absorbed and

engaged can harm every individual, since they might obsess with the state of enjoyment

but ignore self-care and interpersonal relationship. They might forget the importance of

their health and academics. This theory will support on the personal and academic effects

of e-sports because too much engaging on the e-sports can make the student obsess and

they might have a bad effect on student’s well-being.

The other theory that will support the present study is the self-determination

theory, is a theory of human motivation which help us understand human motivation and

personality by analyzing and build a deeper understanding of intrinsic motivation. By

learning about this theory we can seek to understand what motivates individuals to have a

certain ways and participate in certain activities like sports. The Self Determination

Theory can guide us on what makes great sporting experiences, and how we can create

environment in which participants are self-motivated to learn. In order to understand the

theory there are three psychological needs, which is relatedness, competence and


This two theory are related to the present study where is it focus on the bad effect

of too much concentration and engaging of the student in the sports. Self Determination

to win the game can lead a personal problem, psychological and academic problem

because they might obsess or addicted to once the student want to win the game.

Flow Theory

The Effects of E-sports on

Students Well-being

Theoretical Framework: Figure 1


This study describes the following statement of the problem. The researcher wants

to know the effect of e-sports along with personal, academic performance and

psychological, and also the extent effect of e-sports. Through identifying the effects of e-

sports on student’s well-being. The researchers will able to gather information which

surely help in knowing the possible recommendations to address the problem.

The Figure 2 shows the effect of e-sport on student academic, personal, and

psychological and the possible recommendation to lessen the effect of e-sports. The data

will be collected will be analyzed and examine using purely descriptive method. The

result of the study, the researchers will describe how e-sports affect the student’s well-

being. The researchers presented this learning procedure and used a conceptual model to

show how the study will be conducted.

The Effects of E-Sports on
Institute of Physical Education ,
Sports and Recreation Bachelor
of Physical Education students
well-being 2022-2023

Demographic Profile

The effects of e-sports along


a. Personal
b. Academic Performance
c. Psychological

The extent of the effect of e-


a. Personal
b. Academic Performance
c. Psychological
The Conceptual Paradigm of the Study :Figure 2
Recommendation/Suggestion to address of e-
sports on the respondents.

The Conceptual Paradigm of the Study: Figure 2

Definition of Terms

For further understanding of this research and to facilitate easy reading, the

researchers listed the following terms as defined conceptually and operationally:

E-sport (electronic sport) - a video game played as a competition for people to watch as

entertainment. (Oxford Learner's Dictionaries). This E-sport is known as electronic sport

which is mostly played by people due to its popularity which can cause an effect on their


Well-being - is defined as a sense of health and vitality that arises from your thoughts,

emotions, actions, and experiences. When we have well-being, we feel happy, healthy,

socially connected, and purposeful most of the time. (Tchiki Davis, MA, PhD). Here we

will identify the effect of playing electronic sports whether it is good or bad on a person's


Effects - is a change which is a result or consequence of an action or other cause. (Oxford

Dictionary). This will help the researchers to determine the good and bad effects of

playing e-sports on their well-being.

Personal - a short newspaper paragraph relating to the activities of a person or a group or

to personal matters. (Merriam-Webster). It is defined as a system for supporting research

in storing and retrieving information of individuals to determine what the common effect

is by their behavior in playing E-sport for them to improve themselves.

Academic Performance - is the measurement of student achievement across various

academic subjects. Teachers and education officials typically measure achievement using

classroom performance, graduation rates, and results from standardized tests.

(Encyclopedia). The students are the people that we will conduct research on the effect of

E-sports on their academic performance experiences.

Psychological - means mental or emotional rather than physical. After a shock, your

problems, and even your physical pain, stem from psychological sources rather than any

bodily ailment. (Vocabulary). On this study psychological is the behavior, emotion,

attitude of the student.


Adzic et al. (2021). The impact of video games on students' educational outcome
André B, Rune A, Mentzoni, Eilin K, Ståle P. (2022). A qualitative study on Norwegian e-sports
students' sleep, nutritional and physical activity habits and the link to health and
Daniel L, King, Michael G., Aaron Drummond, Nicole Lovato, Jason Wessel, Gorica Micic,
Paul Douglas, Paul D. (2013). The impact of prolonged violent video-gaming on
adolescent sleep: an experimental study. Volume 22 (2), 137-143.

Dirandeh, E., Sohrabi, M.-R., Dirandeh, A., Kaghazloo, L., Hajihashemi, Z., & Pouriran, R.
(2016). The effect of video games on teenagers’ behavior and performance: A cross-
sectional study in Tehran. Social Determinants of Health, 1(3), 120-127.

Entertainment Software Association. (2014). Do Men Advance Faster Than Women? Debunking
the Gender Performance Gap in Two Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

Garcia, Jarabe & Paragas. (2018). RRL-Online-Games-Addiction-AND-Mental-Health.

Gianne D. (2020). The Rising Popularity of eSports in the Philippines.

Jackson et al. (2011). A longitudinal study of the effect of Internet use and video game.
Karapetsas, Zyggouris, Fotis. (2014). Internet gaming addiction. Reasons, diagnosis, prevention
and treatment.

Kocadağ M. (2020). An eSport research: psychological well-being differences of teenagers in

terms of several variables.

Nilsson & Lee. (2019). Looking into possible mental factor that affect professional E-sport
player (Dissertation) Retrieved.


Pew. (2020). Lending a hand to gamers: Mobility support.

Ryan V. Labana, Adrian R. Imperial, Kyeth Elmerson Jumawid, Marc Jayson M. Lupague, and
Daniel C. Malicdem 2. (2020). Online Game Addiction and the Level of Depression
among Adolescents in Manila, Philippines.

Smith, Birch, & Bright, (2019). Adachi PJ, Willoughby T. The longitudinal association between
competitive video game play and aggression among adolescents and young adults.

Wohn D and Freeman G. (2019). Live Streaming, Playing, and Money Spending Behaviors in
eSports. Volume 15, Issue 1
Chapter 3


This chapter presents the research design, population and sample of the study,
data gathering procedures, and statistical treatment of data.


This study will employ a quantitative-descriptive research design focused on The

effect of E-sport on IPESR BPEd 3rd year students well-being. This quantitative research

provides numeric and unchanging detailed data and convergent reasoning, which is used

to collect necessary information from the selected respondents in order to answer the

research questions of this study. To interact with the respondents, the researchers will

distribute questionnaires in collecting the necessary data.


The students from Bicol University College of Institute Physical Education Sports

and Recreation are the respondents of the study. The population consists of sixty (60)

IPESR students. The total enumeration of the population serves as the respondents of the


This study will use survey questionnaires formulated by the researchers to collect

responses from the target population. The following are the primary components of the

instrument. The first part of the questionnaire will determine the profile of the

respondents which include name, age, sex, family income. The second part of the

questionnaire will determine the effects of e-sports in terms of personal, academic

performance and psychological which were answered through Likert scale. The third part

will determine the extend of effect of e-sports in terms of personal, academic

performance and psychological. The choices range from 1-5 as 5 being the highest

(extremely to very slightly or not at all) so the researchers can get a holistic view of

people’s opinions. Lastly is the Recommendation or suggestions from the respondents to

lessen the effects of e-sports.


The questionnaire that will designed for this study will validate for process and

content validity. In the validation process of this study, copies of the questionnaire and

copies of the research questions are validate by the teachers who are expert and have

ethical standards of profession. These experts will go through research questions and the

questionnaire carefully to as certain to appropriateness and adequacy of the instrument.

Their corrections and suggestions will use.


The title of the study is The Effect of E-Sports on IPESR BPEd Students Well-

Being. The primary sources of data will the respondents who answer the survey
questionnaire. The secondary sources of the data are books, undergraduate theses,

journal, manuals, and other reading materials that are related to the present study. Internet

are also the secondary source of data. These sources will use by the researchers in order

to find the needed information of the study. This source will help them on ensuring and

giving them a lot of guided and reliable information.


The data gathering will be conducted solely on site. Initially, the faculty in-charge

of the course sought a letter of consent and approval from the Dean of the researchers'

college, Bicol University College of Institute Physical Education Sports and Recreation

(BUIPESR) then obtained valid consent from the target respondents. After the permission

granted, the researchers will conduct the data gathering from BPED 3A to BPED 3F

students as the target respondents involving the use of structured questionnaire made by

the researchers. Moreover, the gathering of information will help the researchers

summarizing data from surveys that will be conducted and data gathered analyzed and

interpreted by the researchers to be able to present the results and discussion.


The data will compile, collate, summarize, and present by the researchers. The

respondents for each item categorized based on the specific problem raised. The

following are utilized in the treatment of the data.

Frequency- used as the actual response to a specific item/question in the questionnaire

which the respondents pick his/her choice.

Percentage- used as a descriptive statistics or something that describes a part of the

whole, following the formula.

%=f/N ×100

Where: N= total number of the respondents 100 constant values

Frequency- rate of occurrence

Weighted Mean- pertains to a mean that is computed with extra weight given to one or

more element of the sample. It is used to compute the result to answer sub problems.


WM= (F5x5)+(F4x4)+(F3x3)+F2x2)+(F1Count x1)



F- Frequently count
N – Total number of respondents
To determine the effect of e-sports on BPED students wellbeing, the five-
point Likert-scale will use on the following interpretation.

Value Scale Verbal Interpretation Symbol Range

5.00 Always (A) 4.20-

4.19 Often (O) 3.40-

3.39 Sometimes (S) 2.60-

2.59 Rarely (R) 1.80-

1.79 Never (N) 1.00-


Albina Zakharenko (2019). Likert Scale Definitions and Examples.

Dr Geoffrey Mbuva (2023). Accounting Nest | RESEARCH-Quantitative descriptive research:

definition, types, methodology, methods, characteristics and examples.

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