Sex Education of Married Women Based On Theory of

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Original Article

Sex Education of Married Women Based on Theory of Planned Behavior

Abstract Zeinab
Background: More than half of the sexual problems which cause life destruction and marital Jalambadani,
relationships are due to insufficient knowledge or false beliefs about sexual relationships. Theory of Gholamreza
planned behavior (TPB) is one of the important theories that explain the main process of adopting health
behaviors. This study investigates sex education based on TPB in married women visitors to Mashhad Garmarodi,
health‑care centers in Iran. Materials and Methods: In this quasi‑experimental study, 80 women Mahmood Tavousi1
visiting health centers of Mashhad city were studied, selected from 5 health centers by random‑cluster Department of Health Education
method. Methods and data collection tool were the questionnaire which completed through the interview. and Promotion, Faculty of
The validity and reliability of this questionnaire were determined through face and content validity and Health, Tehran University of
Medical Sciences, 1Health
through Cronbach’s alpha and test‑retest, respectively. Statistical Analysis Used: Data were analyzed
Education & Promotion
using statistical SPSS  (22) software, Spearman’s correlation coefficient tests, and linear regression Research Group, Health Metrics
analysis. Results: In linear regression analysis, it was determined that attitudes, subjective norms, and Research Center, Iranian
perceived behavioral control  (PBC) predict 0.45 overall of total variance of sexual function intention, Institute for Health Sciences
which among these variables, the effect of subjective norms was more than the other ones  (P value Research, ACECR, Tehran, Iran
< 0.05). After educational intervention, the average rates of knowledge, attitude, PBC, and intention
to sexual function in sex education group were increased meaningfully  (P value < 0.05); these
changes were not meaningful in control group. There was also no statistically meaningful difference
in subjective norms between two groups after intervention. Conclusion: According to findings, it is
proposed that TPB be used to improve sex education.

Keywords: Sex education, sexual function, theory of planned behavior

Introduction sexual disorders in women were reported

sexual desire disorder  (22%–63.3%),
Sexual instinct is one of the most important
sexual arousal disorder  (31.6%–43%),
human needs causing generation survival
orgasmic disorder  (34.5%–45.8%), and
and reproduction, and researchers have
sexual pain disorder  (12.8%–36.8%).[3‑5]
accepted it as the foundation of family
The cited statistics are the reasons for the
formation and considered its satisfaction to
be significant and essential. The researches importance of attention to sexual health
show that sexual inadequacies are closely since sexual instinct is one of the inherent
associated with social problems such as human needs as Maslow has put it into
crimes, sexual assaults, mental illnesses, the categories of physical or basic survival
and divorce. Furthermore, being nervous, needs.[6] Regarding intercourse can be
the incidence of lower abdominal and also said that although happy married life
back pains, inability to concentrate, and is only somewhat related to intercourse,
even inability to do daily affairs are the this relationship may be one of the most
significant reasons of happiness or lack Address for correspondence:
other consequences of failure to satisfy Dr. Gholamreza Garmarodi,
the sexual instinct.[1] However, desirable of that in marital life.[7] Because if this Department of Health Education
sexual function is the factor to strengthen relationship not to be satisfactory, it will and Promotion, Faculty of
family and the foundation to obtain and result in deprivation and failure feeling, the Health, Tehran University of
lack of safety feeling, jeopardizing mental Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
stabilize a consistent culture. Possibly, even E‑mail:
couples having sexual inadequacies and health, and finally family disintegration.
they themselves are unaware of its effect on Therefore, sex education programs include
marital life problems and its role in building issues that have been considered to raise Access this article online
poor communication, low self‑confidence, awareness and reduce sexual problems at Website:
and depression in themselves and their all social levels.[8] To develop sexual health
DOI: 10.4103/cjhr.cjhr_3_17
spouses.[2] In the studies, the most common education program, it is essential to pay
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attention to particular aspects of culture,
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 3.0
License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the How to cite this article: Jalambadani Z, Garmarodi G,
work non‑commercially, as long as the author is credited and the Tavousi M. Sex education of married women based
new creations are licensed under the identical terms. on theory of planned behavior. CHRISMED J Health
For reprints contact: Res 2017;4:180-5.

180 © 2017 CHRISMED Journal of Health and Research | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow
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Jalambadani, et al.: Sex education

religion, laws, norms, and prevailing values in the society Attitude

and families. Media, the appropriate message and the
This scale had 12 items, indirect attitude assessed
appropriate message transmitter, is also very important to
(1) behavioral beliefs by six  5‑point items ranging
success of every educational program.[1] Theory of planned
from “disagree strongly” to “agree strongly”  (−2–+2)
behavior  (TPB) was made by Ajzen and   Fishbein  in
and (2) outcome evaluations by six  5‑point items
1980. This theory is considered the intention of doing
ranging from “not at all” to “very much”  (+1–+5). Once
a behavior as the main cause for doing that. Intention is
multiplied together, possible indirect subjective norm
also influenced by the attitude toward behavior, abstract
scores ranged from  −8 to  +40, the items had high internal
norms toward that, and individual’s sense of control over it
consistency (Cronbach’s α = 0.85).
(in terms of its ease or difficulty). The behavioral intention
of an individual is the most significant determinant of that Subjective norm
behavior. The individual’s behavioral intention depends on
This scale had 8 items, indirect subjective norm
his/her attitude toward abstract behaviors and norms related
assessed  (1) normative beliefs by four 5‑point items
to that behavior.[9,10] The review of prior studies indicates
ranging from “disagree strongly” to “agree strongly”
that there has never been study yet on sex education based
(−2–+2) and  (2) motivation to comply by four 5‑point
on the TPB of women in Iran. Thus, the current research
items ranging from “not at all” to “very much”  (+1–+5).
has been carried out with the aim of applying sex education
Once multiplied together, possible indirect subjective norm
based on the TPB of women visiting health‑care centers of
scores ranged from  –8 to  +40, the items had high internal
Mashhad city.
consistency (Cronbach’s α = 0.80).
Materials and Methods Perceived behavioral control
Participant This scale had 6 items, indirect PBC assessed control
In this quasi‑experimental study, the married women beliefs and their perceived power of the behavior by   three
visiting health centers of Mashhad in 2015 were 5‑point items   ranging from “disagree strongly” to “agree
investigated. The sample was included 80 women visiting strongly”  (−2–+2 )  and   three 5‑point items   ranging from
Mashhad health centers which were selected from 5 health “not at all” to “very much”  (+1–+5). Once multiplied
centers by cluster‑random sampling method. The selection together, possible indirect subjective norm scores
criteria included age between 18‑  and 49  years old, ranged from  −6 to  +30. The items had moderate internal
visiting research‑related health‑care centers to receive consistency (Cronbach’s α = 0.79).
family planning services, marital status, living with spouse Intention
currently, having a tendency to participate in the study,
not being pregnant, being Iranian, the absence of certain This scale had 3 items, intention was measured as the
circumstances which hinder them from their common sum of three 5‑point items  (+1–+5) that assessed intention
intercourse. All of the participants provided informed to have the sexual function in the future  (e.g.,  “I intend
consent to be involved in the study. to always orgasm during vaginal sex with my partner
during the next months” from “not at all” to “very
Measure tools much”). The items had moderate internal consistency
The data collection tools of multiple‑choice questionnaire (Cronbach’s α = 0.70).
included demographic data  (13 questions), awareness Sexual function
(21 questions), dimensions of the TPB   including attitude
(12 questions), subjective norms  (8 questions), perceived This scale had 19 items, index of sexual functioning for
behavioral control  (PBC)  (6 questions), behavioral women  (Rosen R, Brown C, et  al., 2000) is a 19‑item
intention (3 questions), and sexual function (19 questions). self‑report inventory that measures current levels of sexual
functioning and satisfaction in women. The items had high
external consistency (r = 0.93).
It included 21 questions about sexual function. The questions
Educational intervention
of this part were as four multiple‑choice and true and false
ones. The scores of 1 and 0 were assigned to true and In the first step  (before providing education), the
false responses, respectively; for instance, one of the four questionnaire was completed by participants; participants
multiple‑choice questions was such as “which part of the were divided into two groups of sex education and control
women genital is more sensitive to sexual stimulation than randomly. Then, educational intervention was conducted
others?” Furthermore, a sample of true and false questions is during four training sessions of 75  min each, based on
as follows: “If appropriate stimulation be done, are women the analysis of the results obtained from the first step
able to experience multiple orgasms during an intercourse?” for experimental group. In the first session, the group
The items had high external consistency (r = 0.93). individuals discussed and exchanged the experiences of

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Jalambadani, et al.: Sex education

Table 1: Mean age and marriage age in sex education and control groups before of education
Variables Mean±SD Independent‑samples t‑test
Sex education Control t P df
Age (year) 10.53±35.75 10.77±36.35 −0.252 0.802 78
Marriage age (year) 4.56±21.15 6.47±21.18 −0.02 0.984 78
SD: Standard deviation

Table 2: Median duration of marriage, the number of children, income status, and the age of the oldest and youngest
child, in two groups of sex education and control before training
Variables Median (IQR) Mann‑Whitney U‑test
Sex education Control Z P df
Marriage duration (years) 14.00 (23.00) 11.00 (30.75) −0.512 0.609 78
Number of children 2.000 (2.00) 2.00 (2.75) −0.09 0.928 78
Oldest child age (years) 11.00 (23.00) 11.5 (22.000) 0.211 0.833 78
Youngest child age (years) 1.00 (13.00) 1.00 (12.00) −0.145 0.855 78
Income status (Rials) 50,00,000 (2,00,000) 6,00,000 (5,00,000) 0.436 0.663 78
IQR: Interquartile range

their friends and familiar individuals with themselves. Results

Discussion and exchange of ideas were directed within
The study results have been expressed in three sections
75  min by the educator to determine positive opinions and
including demographic variables, predictor of intention of
attitudes of individuals so that it can indirectly provide
having intercourse, and constructs of the TPB before and
positive motivation for them to talk about their sexual
after training, in the groups of sex education and control.
affairs with spouse, to make new attitudes, and to change
negative attitude toward intercourse. In the second session, Demographic variables
sexual identity, steps, and process of sexual function were
Before training in two groups of test and control, Mann–
explained by displaying training slides and to be tried
Whitney U‑test did not show any statistically meaningful
to make more motivation for marital relationship, based
difference in terms of age, marriage age [Table 1], marriage
on being necessary for intercourse, with emphasis on
duration, the number of children, income status, and the
satisfactory one, and were followed by 30  min discussion
oldest and youngest child [Table 2].
with women on hardness and easiness of intercourse;
also, common beliefs and misconceptions about sexual The majority of sex education and control group has
relationship were discussed within 75  min so that the university  (42.5%) and high school  (37.5%) degree,
intensity of these misconception would be reduced and respectively, and the education level of husband in
the ground be prepared for attitude and belief change. The sex education and control group has been high school
third and fourth sessions took 75  min. Indirect training degree  (50%) and university degree  (40%), respectively.
was provided using one booklet and two education leaflets. The job of majority of research units in both groups was
There was no educational intervention in control group. homemaker (70%). The husband’s job in sex education and
Then again, after 1  month follow‑up, the questionnaires control group was freelance  (52.5%). The income of the
were completed by two groups of sex education and control. majority of research units (90%) was enough. The majority
of research units  (66.3%), in terms of housing status, had
Data analysis
their personal home.
After collecting data, the questionnaires were encoded
Predictor of having intercourse intention
and data entered into the computer, and the analysis was
carried out by SPSS 22 software, Spearman’s correlation Table  3 displays the Spearman’s correlation coefficient
coefficient tests, and linear regression analysis. Descriptive among TPB variables, intention, attitude, subjective
statistics including mean and deviation frequency were norm, and PBC. As shown, all the components of the
used to describe demographic information of research TPB correlated significantly with behavioral intention.
samples. Independent samples t‑test, Mann–Whitney U‑test, Subjective norm  (r  =  0.465, P <  0.01) was significantly
and Chi‑square test were used for homogeneous test. The and strongly correlated followed by the PBC  (r  =  0.31,
correlation coefficient of Pearson and Spearman and linear P  <  0.01) and attitude  (r  =  0.292, P <  0.01). Since they
regression were used to determine correlation between correlated positively an increase in the value of one, TPB
TPB variables and to determine the predictive power component was accompanied by an increased intention
TPB variables, respectively. The level of significance of to sexual function. However, knowledge did not correlate
P < 0.05 was considered for all tests. significantly with any of the TPB component. Table 4

182 CHRISMED Journal of Health and Research | Volume 4 | Issue 3 | July-September 2017
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Jalambadani, et al.: Sex education

Table 3: Correlations among the components theory of planned behavior, knowledge, intention, attitude, subjective
norms, perceived behavioral control, and sexual function
Variables Knowledge Attitude Subjective norms Perceived behavioral control Intention Sexual function
Knowledge ‑
Attitude 0.043 ‑
Subjective norms 0.034 0.268** ‑
Perceived behavioral control 0.03 0.186** 0.635** ‑
Intention 0.041 0.292** 0.469** 0.310** ‑
Sexual function 0.012 0.287** 0.143* 0.054 0.010 ‑
**P<0.01, *P<0.05

Table 4: Linear regression of intention on knowledge, groups about sexual health, scientific, and authentic issues
attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral related to sexual affairs is not high enough. Furthermore,
control the findings of before intervention of this study show the
Variables β Regression significance R2 same issue. The results of the current study show that
Subjective norms 0.382 0.001 0.450 the score of awareness after intervention in sex education
Attitude 0.200 0.002 group had a meaningful difference than the score of that
Perceived behavioral control 0.034 0.687 before intervention. In other words, the planned educational
Knowledge 0.053 0.392 intervention in this research has caused the increase of
knowledge of sex education group.
shows there was the highest correlation between subjective The sexual knowledge and awareness of couples is
norms and intention of having intercourse among attitude followed by pleasure and improvement of marital and
variables, subjective norms, and PBC; according to the emotional relationship between them. If couples have
results of linear regression analysis, attitude variables, a better understanding about this important dimension
subjective norms, and PBC predicted 0.45 overall of relationship, they will be able to change their
of variance of having sex intention that the effect of communication methods and to improve them and to take
subjective norms among these variables was more than an appropriate solution against the incidence of marital
other variables. The comparison among the average of conflicts and problems. The ignorance and the lack of
studied variables in group of education and control, before sexual knowledge and gaining inaccurate information about
and after intervention [Table 5]. intercourse will result in increasing sexual conflicts and
problems of couples. The issue of education’s impact on
Discussion increasing knowledge is consistent with studies of Kaviani
et al., Safarinejad et al., Rahimi et al., and McMullen and
This study was carried out as a semi‑experimental one
Rosen.[15‑18] The attitude score after intervention in sex
using TPB and education intervention based on variables of
education group had a meaningful difference compared
this theory, with the general aim of determining the effect
with that of attitude before intervention, which this score
of sex education based on TPB over sexual function of
was not meaningful in control group. As it can be seen,
women visiting health‑care centers of Mashhad city. The
although measured attitude status in this study has been on
results show that all attitude variables, subjective norms,
the average, the rate of attitude change after intervention
and PBC can explain the intention of having sex which
had a meaningful difference compared to that of rate before
subjective norms had the greatest power of predictor among
intervention. It seems that positive attitude by itself is not
these variables. The results of the study are consistent with
enough to have proper sexual function, and the awareness
the following studies.[11‑13]
level affects this issue as well. For instance, the intervention
The results of current study are not consistent with the group had a positive attitude toward enjoyment of sexual
study of Tavousi et  al. In the study of Tavousi et  al., there pleasure but was not aware of manner and quality of that.
has been a weaker relationship between subjective norms Taking this issue into consideration that the attitude of
with behavioral intention and behavior than relationship studied individuals in intervention group had a meaningful
of other constructs. The usages of self‑efficacy construct difference before and after training, but this difference
rather than the construct of PBC can be considered that has not been observed in control group indicates
the reason behind the difference between the results of that educational intervention has caused this difference in
mentioned study with this study, which regarding the intervention group. The current study was not consistent
issue of drug abuse, it had a more influence than other with study of Ahmadi et al.[19] The case of increasing
constructs with behavioral intention.[14] There has been attitude score of experimental group has stated that the
no developed sex education for none of the age groups average variable score of the attitude of experimental
in Iran, and thus, the knowledge level of different people group after intervention had not a meaningful difference

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Table 5: The comparison among the average of studied variables in group of education and control, before and after
Variables Groups Test
Sex education Control
Before After Significant Before After Significant P T Z
Knowledge 2.92±16.25 1.89±18.55 0.001 3.19±16.47 3.08±16.72 0.09 0.002 3.10
Attitude 5.92±23.32 15.34±29.35 0.02 6.46±21.70 15.98±22.80 0.62 0.03 2.17
Subjective norms 11.77±16.02 11.54±19.12 0.27 9.35±19.12 8.84±18.97 0.93 0.924 0.06
Intention 2.42±3.05 1.87±4.10 0.029 2.44±3.15 2.17±3.17 0.96 0.04 2.03
Perceived behavioral control 20.50 (17.50) 6.00 (24.00) 0.001 19.00 (19.00) 9.00 (17.00) 0.904 0.001 −5.05
(nonparametric tests)
Sexual function 3.42 (28.25) 5.25 (30.45) 0.013 2.67 (28.75) 4.65 (28.00) 0.051 0.002 −2.96
(nonparametric tests)

with control group.[19] The reason can be considered as has caused the increase of the behavioral intention in
less involvement of studied group in learning process, less experimental group. According to this, whenever women
self‑originating in spouses, and use of inactive learning acquire enough knowledge along with positive attitude
methods in the study of Ahmadi et al.[19] toward sexual function, and on the other hand, if women
feel that environmental factors (facilities and barriers) are
The obtained results from the average variable subjective
in their own willpower, they will be full of intention about
norms in sex education group had no meaningful difference
sexual function, and if intention express properly, they will
compare to before intervention.  Therefore, it may be
have the better sexual function have stated that there is a
required to be spent more time justifying and training
correlation between attitude and behavioral intention and
sexual function to increase the score of subjective norms,
subjective norms and the intentions of safe sexual behavior
or it may be required subjective norms such as their
as well.[23,24] The score of sexual function after intervention
spouses who are important for studied group to be entered in sex education group had a meaningful difference
into training sessions as well. compared to that of score before intervention in the same
In marital life, there are beliefs that are true and there is group, which this score has not been meaningful in control
no evidence to support them. These strongly held beliefs group. In the received trainings in educational intervention
create expectations that prevent spouses from achieving that were carried out in this thesis, it was tried to learn
their goals and put their sexual health in danger and women how they can use their own information tools and
become the main reason behind many conflicts, especially refuse behaviors that they do not like or be considered.[25]
between spouses, as dysfunctional beliefs.[20,21] Addis and Acknowledgment
Bernard stated in the study that subjective norms had the
most correlation with the intention of taking HIV test. The authors are thankful for supporting the study by Tehran
This inconsistent results can be linked to time issue since University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. Our gratitude
intervention, in the case of time, has been carried out in and thanks is also extended to all managers’ experts and
more amount of time than that of this study.[22] The results students.
of the current study indicate that the score of PBC after Financial support and sponsorship
intervention in sex education group had a meaningful
difference compared to that of score before intervention, Nil.
which this score was not meaningful in control group. In Conflicts of interest
the current study, PBC and the feeling of having the will
There are no conflicts of interest.
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