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Student: Conor Gallagher

Classes Observed: All classes

Date: 12/12/2022-16/12/2022

Observations Week 2
• Policy and Practice
There are many different policies prevalent in this • Health and Safety
school, different from what I’m used to from As stated previously health and safety is a huge part of my subjects, they have to go hand in hand
previous schools, they are much stricter on some of with the work during the class in order to attempt to keep all students safe and unharmed during
their policies and are way more in control of the the classes. This is done by the correct learning of the health and safety procedures and
students, for example, I have noticed that students precautions through both theory first then through practical classes as the years go on. The the
are extremely scared of going on their phones in constant reinforcement is needed in order to remind students of these throughout the classes to
classes even if told to by the teacher, this is a great aid the students. this I witnessed first-hand through my team-teaching class especially as it is with
policy for me as it prevents me from telling students 3rd years and even though they have been studying wood technology for 3 years now they still
myself to get off them. This saves a lot of heartache appear to be needing reminders of how to correctly use tools and machines in order to prevent
for the teachers by having such a strict phone policy. harm. Therefore, demonstrations are still needed in order to reinforce this. Especially in this part
• Rules and routines of 3rd year as now they may be using machines they have never used before like that of the
The school has many different rules which also seem bandsaw. During the last team-teaching class, I gave some one-on-one demonstrations of this
to work well for this school. They are much stricter machine to pupils that needed to use it, and I felt that this went very well as all students then
on rules and using their strict policies they are followed proper procedure.
enforced well. The enforcement of the rules are done
well by the teachers I observed almost always outline Implementing common sense when using machinery and tools in the woodwork classroom is what
them at the beginning of every lesson, just to will keep you safe when using them as “The most effective safety tool is your brain” (Hintz,
reinforce them and maintain control of the 2007). Telling the students that common sense is critical in knowing when and how to use
classroom, I am yet to see or teach myself a class machinery and tools is key in the class if you don’t feel something is safe then do not use
that disobeys the rules. I am enjoying the classes and it until shown correctly. Safety is something that I continue to plan on incorporating into
I find that it is an extremely nice school to teach in
my class and to get the students to use common sense in all my classes.
because of the rules.
• Health and safety
• Homework
Health and safety are a big part of the subjects I
Homework can be a big part of school life, and for me, it was one of the reasons I disliked
teach. these are the likes of wood technology,
secondary school when I was a student. I always said to myself when I was training to be a teacher
construction, and even graphics it applies. More that I would not give any or even a lot of students as I felt that it bombarded the students when I
prevalent though is wood technology as that is what I was younger and made it feel like a chore that had to be done to get out of the way!
am teaching and team teaching at this time. The
constant reinforcement of the rules is key to the This observation raised many questions for me as I began in this school, as I had to follow the
health and safety of the classroom and reminding cooperating teacher’s rules and routines in some cases if they asked me to, therefore I was faced
them and quizzing them on the health and safety with having to give some classes homework on the order of the cooperating teacher. It certainly
precautions that are needed to be followed. Safety is was frustrating that I had to follow my cooperating teacher’s guidance for this topic, and It was
vital for all the students in all classrooms, and it is the something I just had to get on with. Comparing this class where I must give homework to the other
teacher’s responsibility to oversee that these class from the other cooperating teacher, the class appears to be much happier not receiving
precautions are being followed. homework but still appears to know the work just as well. There are obviously arguments for both
• Teaching strategies sides on this topic. However, according to a vast array of research on the topic, it appears that
There are so many different strategies that can be homework is just not worth the hassle (Vatterott, 2018)
brought into the practical classrooms, and I have
witnessed a lot of peer teaching this week during my Looking back on these two teachers differentiating opinions it’s clear to see that they both have
team teaching class, and I like this idea as they were their own points of view of what works for them and I intend to find out which works best for me
sharing ideas with each other to assist them in their too.
projects. The ideas of my cooperating teacher are
very interesting, and I am enjoying team teaching
with him. It’s interesting to see his ideas
incorporated into the class as he isn’t long out of
college and has some active learning strategies which
are good to see.
• Homework
I have myself the idea of teaching without giving out
homework especially if you get enough work done
within the class, I always felt that a good recap in the
class will outweigh the homework as it will just feel
like a chore for the students and they will only do it
to get it out of the way rather than do it to go over
what was covered in the class. This theory of mine is
difficult to do in some of my classes as one of my
cooperating teachers insists on giving homework
every single class no matter the occasion, which I feel
is a little unfair to the students however I will follow
his routines.

Hintz, T. (2007). Working Safely. New Woodworker Handbook: The Basics for Spending Wisely, Working Safely & Having Fun in Your Shop.

Vatterott, C. (2018). Rethinking Homework : Best Practices That Support Diverse Needs. Vol. Updated Second edition. ASCD.

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