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COVID – 19 Pandemic:

Its Impact to the Studies of Grade 12 Students in AMACC Batangas








MAY 2022




Pandemic, outbreak of infectious disease that occurs over a wide

geographical area and that is of high prevalence, generally affecting a significant

proportion of the world’s population, usually over the course of several months.

Pandemics arise from epidemics, which are outbreaks of disease confined to one part of

the world, such as a single country. Pandemics, especially those involving influenza,

sometimes occur in waves, so that a post-pandemic phase, marked by decreased

disease activity, may be followed by another period of high disease prevalence. Infectious

diseases such as influenza can spread rapidly—sometimes in a matter of days—among

humans living in different areas of the world.

The COVID-19 Pandemic started 2 years ago. It created the largest disruption of

online learning; it affects billions of people all over the world. The COVID-19 Pandemic

has triggered new ways of learning. When the COVID-19 Pandemic started, all of the

students are expecting to be back in school in just a week and it started to go on and on

until today that it has been 2 years since the COVID-19 Pandemic started. When the

online learning began, many students are having difficulties on their class and on how

they can attend their class. Not all of us have the same lifestyle, not all of us have internet

and electronic devices at home. There are some students who have committed suicides

just because they cannot pass their module on time, and they cannot attend their class

because they do not have internet or electronic devices at home. We live in a world of

technology these days. Technology has changed our lives right away. It has advantages

and disadvantages.

Online Learning has its own set of positives and negatives, understanding the

positives and negatives will help the teachers on how their discussions will be effective in

these days. Teachers have their own different ways on how they can make their class

enjoyable and exciting. One of the advantages of Online Learning is the efficiency, it offers

teachers an efficient way on delivering lessons to the students. And, one of the

disadvantages of online learning is the inability to focus on screen. Most of the students,

one of the biggest challenges to them is the struggle on focusing many hours on screen.

There is also a big chance for students to be distracted easily by social media or any

other sites. During this time, each of us has trials and tribulations that we face and

overcome. This Covid-19 pandemic has caused a variety of problems, difficulties, and

challenges. Some people can no longer cope and end their lives because of lack of food,

because of the stress they get and can't survive each day because they cannot work due

of different circumstances and protocols. Today, the pandemic is more than a year

already and online learning is still going on in different places in the Philippines but not

anymore in the other countries. Many are still getting positive with the virus, and health

workers continue to expand the mind of the people so that they can be vaccinated to

reduce covid-19 cases.

Education is a must but at this time of the pandemic, safety and good health are

what we need. And in today's era of the proliferation of various technologies, the internet

is also one of the human needs, so with their help, online learning has spread or

implemented so that students can learn more than just module learning. In this case,

students can be flexible with their learning and will be guided by their teachers virtually.

But also, technology, social media and internet can be a hindrance to the students,

Nowadays, we all are staying in our homes due to the lockdown policy

implemented by the government. However, learning should not halt. Different countries

worldwide have introduced various answers during the pandemic to continue the

education process - the introduction of distance learning. These are online learning

platforms such as google, TV broadcasts, guidelines, resources, video lectures and online

channels were introduced (UNESCO, 2020).

Background of the Study

The word "pandemic" comes from the Greek "pan-", "all" + "demos," "people

or population" = "pandemos" = "all the people." A pandemic affects all (nearly all) of the

people. By contrast, "epi-" means "upon." An epidemic is visited upon the people. And

"en-" means "in." An endemic is in the people. An epidemic (a sudden outbreak) that

becomes very widespread and affects a whole region, a continent, or the world due to a

susceptible population.

An epidemic is an outbreak of disease that spreads quickly and affects many

individuals at the same time. A pandemic is a kind of epidemic: one which has spread

across a wider geographic range than an epidemic, and which has affected a significant

portion of the population. An outbreak is “a sudden rise in the incidence of a disease” and

typically is confined to a localized area or a specific group of people. Should an outbreak

become more severe, and less localized, it may be characterized as an epidemic. If it

broadens still further, and affects a significant portion of the population, the disease may

be characterized as a pandemic.

Intermittent outbreaks of infectious diseases have had profound and lasting effects

on societies throughout history. Those events have powerfully shaped the economic,

political, and social aspects of human civilization, with their effects often lasting for

centuries. Epidemic outbreaks have defined some of the basic tenets of modern

medicine, pushing the scientific community to develop principles of epidemiology,

prevention, immunization, and antimicrobial treatments.

Since the initial transmission of the COVID-19 our country is facing a really hard situation

that even some of the students are requesting an academic freeze. According to them

there are many hindrances in learning that the students may face like the temptation of

social media, online games, noise, etc. Philippines is one of the 100 poorest country in

the world. The country is not yet ready for this kind of new mode of learning and not all

students are able to access wi-fi’s, mobile phones, laptops and computer’s this can affect

the effectivity of online learning to grade 12 students.

Theoretical Framework

The theoretical framework of this study is based on a theory of online learning can

be seen in the concept that the computer and internet are used to deliver course content

in Technology Enhanced Learning Environments and to facilitate communication and

assessment using Synchronous and Asynchronous Communication Tools for

Collaboration, primarily asynchronous methods. A variety of theories have been proposed

to describe traditional distance education. They include theories that emphasize

independence and autonomy of the learner, industrialization of teaching, and interaction

and communication. The term ‘distance education’ covers the various forms of study at

all levels which are not under the continuous, immediate supervision of tutors present

with their students in lecture rooms or on the same premises, but which, nevertheless,

benefit from the planning, guidance and tuition of a tutorial organization (Holmberg, 1977,

p. 9). Distance education implies that the majority of educational communication between

(among) teacher and student(s) occurs non contiguously. It must involve two-way

communication between (among) teacher and student(s) for the purpose of facilitating

and supporting the educational process. It uses technology to mediate the necessary two-

way communication (Garrison and Shale, 1987, p. 11). Since the early 1900’s, distance

education has been incorporated into the practices of many institutions, as has the

traveling of faculty to meet students off campus to conduct educational instruction (Moore,

1990). According to Meyer (2002), in order to help alleviate the demands of travel for

faculty and students, institutions began utilizing available technologies, such as audio

connections (i.e. telephones), videotapes, and television, to conduct distance education

efforts. These types of delivery methods and media continued to be used, as distance

education began to grow as a form of education. For Wedemeyer (1981, see Saba), the

fundamental nature of distance education is “a distinct ‘non-traditional’ type of education,”

which focuses on the independence of the student learner (Keegan, 1996, Saba, 2003).

The ideal distance education system that encompasses what Wedemeyer believed to be

the essence of distance education is made up of ten characteristics. As evident by the

previous discussion on the few well-known theories of distance education, rapid changes

in the field, whether it is brought about by sudden shifts of paradigms, such as the push

toward post-industrial economics, or by technological advances and/or global

developments, requires “a paradigm congruent with the pragmatic temperament in order

to absorb” all of the changes (Saba, 2003, p. 17). According to Saba (2003), pragmatism

can help formulate a systems view of distance education, and “provides a foundation for

employing systems philosophy, methodology, and technology to establish an

epistemology capable of serving the field in the foreseeable future” (p.17). The online

learning environment varies profoundly from the traditional classroom situation when it

comes to learner’s motivation, satisfaction, and interaction, as stated in a study in which

385 college students of various disciplines in Nepal were asked about their opinions

regarding online classes implemented during COVID-19 lockdown (Aditya and Jha, 2020)

Conceptual Framework


Impact of the Survey form will be Positive and negative
pandemic to the provided for 30 impact
studies respondents
Interaction limit
Teacher-student Collect Data
interaction; student- Change in learning
student interaction Analyze Data attitude

Social media Less concentration and

less focus on learning

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

This study focused on impact of the Covid-19 pandemic to the studies of Grade 12

students in AMACC Batangas. The input in this conceptual framework as illustrated in

figure 1 shows impact of the pandemic, interactions of students and teachers and social

media. Why social media? Because social media is the cause why students will be

distracted, loss their focus and concentration on their studies.

Statement of the Problem

General Problem

This study is all about the impact of COVID-19 to the studies of Grade 12 students

in AMACC Batangas Year 2021-2022.

Specific Problem

1. Is there a difference on how students feel when they have physical interactions

than virtual interactions?

2. Does pandemic have a positive impact for the students and also for the


3. How did instructional strategies, students’ engagement with faculty and

classmates, impact their acceptance of online learning?

4. What are the thoughts of the students about today’s situation?

5. How do Grade 12 students manage learning online mentally and physically

during this time of pandemic?


Alternative Hypothesis: The Grade 12 students is expected to be more active on online

learning or in face-to-face classes, and the respondents are expected to share their

thoughts and answer the survey honestly. This research is also expected to determine

and understand the positive and negative impact of the pandemic to the studies of Grade

12 students in AMACC Batangas.

Scope and Delimitation


This study limits its coverage of the Grade 12 students in AMACC Batangas Year

2021-2022 that have thirty respondents. Its main purpose of this study is to identify the

effects of COVID-19 in the studies of Grade 12 students to provide a possible solution

regarding to this problem.


Research was conducted at AMACC Batangas.

Limitation of the study

This includes the positive and negative effects of COVID-19 in the studies of Grade

12 students in AMACC Batangas Year 2021-2022.

Significance of the Study

The research was conducted to develop new and reliable information. Most

importantly, will now be able to know what is the impact of COVID-19 in the studies of

Grade 12 students in AMACC Batangas Year 2021-2022.


For students, in this research we will see the possible effect of pandemic in every

student and how it affects them to overcome this kind of situation.


The result of this study will give the parents an understanding of what possible

circumstances that their children will come through.


Teachers will benefit from this study from the findings and its recommendation

therefor they would be able to keep track and assess the students profile behavior and

academic performance especially those who have online learning schooling.

Future researchers

For the future study, this research may help serve as a guide and reference to the

researcher to expand understanding in this alike situation.

Research Instrument

The proponents prepared a set of questionnaires to be distributed to the

respondents. The questionnaire will be consisting of a ten (10) question that is related to

the study. Copies of survey questionnaire shall be distributed among the thirty (30) Grade

12 students in AMACC Batangas. Respondents shall be asked to accomplish them

honestly and patiently. The instrumentation used will give way and support in retrieving

data for the research.


I. How may the profile of the student-respondents be described in terms of:

a). age:
b) sex; and
c) field of specialization/course?

1) What technology do you commonly use in education?

o Mobile phone

o Tablet

o Laptop

o Computer

2) How long do you use this kind of technology?

o Occasionally / as needed

o 1 – 5 hours / week

o 5 – 10 hours / week

o More than 10 hours / week

3) What are common purposes of using gadgets?

o Educational

o Entertainment

o News and information

o Communication

4) What are the effects of excessive use of these technologies on your studies?

o Low grade

o You cannot pass or study your lessons

o You forgotten to review for your exam

5) What are the effects of excessive use of these technologies on your behavior at

home and in school with your peer/s?

o Lack of socialization

o Distraction

o Laziness

6) What are the problems you encounter while studying during COVID-19 pandemic?

o Internet problems

o House chores

o Working hours

o Can’t catch up

7) What do you prefer?

o Online Class

o Home Schooling

o Face to Face Class

8) Is it easy for you to have an online class?

9) Is there a big impact of this pandemic to your schooling? Why?

10) If this pandemic continue, would you rather stop your studying or not?



This chapter discusses the methods that shall be used in the collection and

analysis of data to answer the primary and secondary research questions of the study. It

explains the research design, sampling techniques and data collection methods used;

and describes how data to be collected from the research shall be analyzed. Quantitative

research methods shall be used in carrying out this research. The evaluation shall be

carried out using a system of data collection in the form of questionnaires.

Research Design

Descriptive research design is a scientific method which involves observing and

describing on the learning of the grade 12 students in AMACC Batangas during this


Research Locale

The researchers will conduct the study in AMACC Batangas S.Y 2021 - 2022

Respondents of the Studies

From the population of the Grade 12 students of AMACC Batangas, the

researchers used thirty (30) respondents which composed of males and females from

random of Grade 12 students in AMACC Batangas. These were fifteen (15) males and

fifteen (15) females.

Sampling Techniques

In this research, we use random sampling to gather the data.

Data Collection

The proponents gathered the necessary information for the study by conducting

an online survey to the grade 12 students of AMACC Batangas about their classes during

this pandemic. At the same time, the respondents were also requested to answer

questionnaires. Eventually, the proponents tabulated the results of the survey from each

question will be able to help analyzing the problem of the study.



This chapter contains detailed presentation and discussion of data analysis and

the results of this study. The findings are presented under the following: common

technology used, how often selected technology used, common purpose of using it,

effects of excessive use of technology on studies and on student’s behavior, problems

encounter, Online class vs. Home schooling vs. Face-to-face class. The main

determining factor of response was the effect of technology to the students during the

pandemic that result to have an online class.

4.1. Respondents

4.1.1. Age and gender of respondents

Respondents of ages 16 to 20 were represented, with slightly larger numbers in

the lowest age 16-17 and 18-19 accounting for 24(70.6%) and 9(26.5%) of the

respondents. The oldest age was 20 which accounted 1(2.9%), respectively (Table 4.1)

The proportion males to females were about 55.9% and 44.1% in all age groups.

4.1.2 Field of specialization of respondents

The findings of this study showed that majority of the respondents 31(91.3%)

were STEM students and the 3(8.7%) were ABM, ICT and HUMSS students. The age

and gender distribution are summarized in Table 4.1.

Variable Category
Frequency Percentage (%)

Age 16-17 24 70.6%

18-19 9 26.5%
20 and above 1 2.9%
Total 34 100%
Gender Male 19 55.9%
Female 15 44.1%
Total 34 100%

Field of
STEM 31 91.3%

ABM 1 2.9%
ICT 1 2.9%
HUMSS 1 2.9%
Total 34 100%

Table 4.1. Age, gender and field of specialization of respondents

4.2. Analysis of Questionnaire

Of a target 30 respondents, 34 students answered honestly the distributed online

survey were the base for computing the results. Data gathered through the

questionnaire was subjected to frequency counts. In other words, the subjects’

responses for each individual question were added together to find the frequency of


The first section of questionnaire sought to identify how technology affect

students in any way during the pandemic, wherein technology is one of the problems

that students are distracted from their studies. The responses in each question are

presented in a pie graph below, of which consists of a maximum of 34 responses.

4.2.1 What technology do you commonly use in education?

This graph shows different technology that students used in education. The

percentage in this graph shows that the mobile phone is the most common gadget that

is being used of the students with a 67.6%, followed by a laptop with 26.5%.

4.2.2 How long do you use this kind of technology?

Here, students spend their time using the following technology. Most of the

respondents, 38.2%, answered that in a week they spent 5-10 hours using a

technology. While others, used it occasionally/ as needed only and more than 10 hours

per week. This only shows that students almost spend their day just using a gadget and

they lose a lot of time for other activities.

4.2.3 What are common purposes of using gadgets?

This graph shows that most of the students used their gadgets for everything. It

can be for communication, for educational purpose, for entertainment and other purpose

can technology do. Technology is helpful in some ways, but it is also not for other ways.

4.2.4 Effects of excessive use of technologies on:

• Studies

This graph shows the effect of excessive use of technology on studies of every

students, this shows that there’s a lot of effects that can harm their studies. Most of it

with a 55.9% is that “you forgotten to review for your exam”. Students are too distracted

that they are ending up having a low grade and having a low eyesight or a blurry vision.

• Behavior at home

This one shows the effect of excessive use of technology to the behavior at

home, this shows that it can be a lack of socialization (17.6%), lack of concentration

(29.4%) and the reason of being lazy (44.1%).

4.2.5 What are the problems you encounter while studying during Covid-19 pandemic?

One of the biggest problems that a student encounter during this pandemic is

having a hard time because they can’t catch up easily with the lesson. Not all student is

a quick-learner, there are students who can’t understand the lesson with just one round

of tackling it. And because of the situation, they are left behind and they loss motivation

to continue to learn because no one hears them.

4.2.6 What do you prefer?

With 88.2%, students prefer the face-to-face classes than other. Only 8.8% of the

respondents prefer online class and did not disclose the reason why they prefer it.

Evidence from this graph clearly shows that students want physical interaction with their

teacher, classmates and friends. Because face-to-face class allow physical interaction.

4.2.7 Is it easy for you to have an online class?



0 5 10 15 20 25 30


Some of the respondent had no difficulty with the online class, while most of

them find it difficult. With some reason, they find it difficult because of the internet

connection, hard to adopt with the online surrounding, and others think positively of

having online things, they discovered new things from the new set up of learning.

4.2.8 Is there a big impact of this pandemic to your schooling? Why?



0 5 10 15 20 25 30


30 out of 34 respondents says that there is a big impact to their schooling. Most

of the reason they gave is that they are having a hard time on understanding the

lessons and they just don’t like online class. While the rest says that there is no impact

at all.

4.2.9 If this pandemic continues, would you rather stop your studying or not?



0 10 20 30 40


Most of them are willing to continue their study despite of the situation, because

studying is important for them. It is not a waste of time to study if you are willing to learn.

Studying builds personal skills.



This Chapter contains the summary, conclusion and recommendation of the

whole study. The findings of the study without so much detailed information are written

on the summary. Generalizations and other interferences would be seen on the

conclusion while the recommendations of the researchers to the beneficiaries of this

study can also be seen on this chapter. Generally, this chapter aims to cover-up the end

result of the study.


The primary objective of this study is to know how today’s situation affect the

Grade 12 students of AMA Batangas. The researchers identify the impact of the

pandemic by the thirty (30) respondents.

The research instrument used in this study was survey questionnaire. In the first

part, the researcher identifies the age, gender and field of specialization of the

respondents and for the second part are the questions related to this study.

The findings of this study, researchers able to understand the hardship of every

student struggle with today’s set-up. Students prefer face-to-face classes than online

class because they know that they can really learn and understand what is being taught

to them. Students had problem with the internet connection, catching-up with the

lesson, even though they get a high grade but they don’t really understand what is being

taught to them. Students use technology to answer the activities and assignments.

From the internet pass it to the teacher, as it is, as long that they submit it they can had

a grade.

This study only shows that students use technology or gadgets all the time,

because of it they got distracted, they lack in socialization, and they became lazy.


The researchers had come up with their conclusions based from the gathered

data and information.

Technology is now becoming even larger part of the students and teachers

experience. However, technology become a problem during this pandemic. The COVID-

19 Pandemic has triggered new ways of learning. When the online learning began,

many students are having difficulties on their class and on how they can attend their

class. Not all of us have the same lifestyle, not all of us have internet and electronic

devices at home.

So, simply put that this study shows that this pandemic really leaves a big impact

not only to the studies of the students but also to the behavior they create during this

time. One of the impacts of the pandemic is students had a hard time making up their

time with their class schedules. Lacking of socialization makes students to not interact,

maybe they interact but not verbally. They interact through social media and that make

it worst.


The researcher makes the following recommendations for students, teachers and


• Students should focus to their studies and lessen the time they spent using


• Students should develop time management skill so that they had control for the

precious time they had.

• Students should improve their self about knowing what is more important and

what is not worth it.

• Teachers should observe the performance and mood of the students.

• Teachers should improve the materials they used during the discussion, and

should not just present a recorded video lecture instead; they should explain it

well so that students that had a hard time to catch-up won’t leave behind about

the lessons.

• Parents can encourage their child to keep positive whatever the situation is.

• Parents should ask them if they had a difficulty learning and try to communicate

with them calmly.


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