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BASISTO, Christian Anne A.

MAY 2022

The purpose of the study is to gather information about early adolescence in the contemporary

Philippines. To achieve, sustainable implementation of the conduct of orientation and programs

about early pregnancy. Moreover, I look at the possible heuristics to generate a sound selection

Philippines has one of the highest teenage pregnancy rates among ASEAN member states, despite

the decrease in the overall number of live births to teenage mothers at an early age. I thus, obtain

an impatient but rather good representative mother. I look back at the problem of creating a

program for early mothers to have a child at an early age. I set the problem by first defining the

interest itself that describes young and early mothers and proceed to create a rule that will help to

give the child a responsible mother to reposition itself almost anywhere in a particular situation. I

look at possible strategies that the responsible mothers can look for the intelligence while at the

same time looking for a stable in advance. These studies can serve as a foundation for future

research. Launch, several educational changes, thus reducing executing time and allowing the

possibility of looking more than one shot ahead.



This chapter presents the introduction of the research study and its problem. It includes the

dependent and independent variable that used in the study as well as the significance and



Over the days gone by few decades, child-bearing at early age has turned into a public

concernment which has caused an outstanding deal of concern in every community and industrial

consequences about pubescent child-bearing has guided into a consensus assumption in

association with organization makers and every governmental that teenage pregnancy and child-

bearing is a compelling social issue. It has been related to an array of another social issues,

similar as welfare dependency, youth health and well-being, out of wedlock births, fatherhood

responsibility, child abuse and neglect, institution drop-out and personnel development.

Teenage pregnancy concludes 5.99 percentage of all Filipinos young lady that is the

secondary maximum rate in South Asia based on Save the Children’s Global Childhood Report

by 2019. (OCHA, 2019) The baselines report by OCHA Ph, there is no individual motivation for

the growing rate of teenage pregnancy, although rather an encouragement of aspect from

biological, social, and cultural. This aspect includes the following, although are not defined to

early sexual debut, lack of access to extensive sex information and education, Parents, who are

comprehensible by adolescents as one of their picked sources of information on Sexual

Reproductive Health Information have defined communication skills, lack of access to family
planning, cultural practices of early union, and lack of adolescent sexuality and reproductive

health policy.

Comparisons among remedy and manage organizations display that each one 4 packages

that measured adjustments in prices of sexual initiation amongst teens had a considerable impact

on that outcome, decreasing the share of teens who initiated sexual interest with the aid of using

as a good deal as 15 percent points; the packages have been maximum a success once they

focused more youthful teens. Three of those 4 packages additionally drastically extended prices

of contraceptive use amongst members relative to controls, the maximum a success consignment,

which extended contraceptive purpose with the benefit of using as a good deal as 22 percent

points, equipped get admission to contraceptive offerings and focused teens who have been more

youthful and people who have been now no longer but sexually experienced. Two packages

drastically reduced the share of teens who have become pregnant. Those packages have been the

2 that have been maximum lively in presenting get admission to contraceptive offerings by

(Frost, Jennifer J; Darroch, Jacqueline E, 1995). Teen Pregnancy Prevention program is a

national, confirmation support grant program that assets contrary organizations working to avoid

teen pregnancy beyond the United States. OPA invests in the operations of effective teen

pregnancy prevention programs and provides resources to develop and criticize new and

contemporary approaches to avoid teen pregnancy, avoid sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

among adolescents, and promote optimal health.

Background of the Study

Early child-bearing is one of the highest demanding issues surface young Filipinos this

day (Herrin, Alejandro N., 2016). Pregnancy for the time being adolescence is also synchronous

with an increased risk of health problems. Adolescent youth are additionally like to be victims of

violence and depression, which can increase the risk of mental disorders. The very last have a look

at effects indicates that a younger teen is substantially extra challenging, medically, and

psychologically problematic. Teenagers were committed at teenage being pregnant mainly

withdraw of college and also, it may be nonetheless relying on their parents. Psychological

intervention programs to minimize the mental issues skilled through pregnant young adults

performed in maternal and child health centers.

In Republic Act No. 10354 also known as the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive

Health Act Of 2012, it is an action presenting for a country wide coverage on accountable

parenthood and reproductive health and it's far the responsibility of the State to shield and improve

the own circle of relatives as a primary self-reliant social organization and similarly defend the

existence of the mom and the lifestyles of the unborn from conception.

Moreover, it is then stated to the Implementation of the RH Act, Save the Children

Philippines — a corporation beside the motive of helping Filipino children — encouraged the

Teenage Pregnancy Prevention invoice. The corporation additionally support for requiring

faculties to combine Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) into their curriculum. Save the

Children Philippines hopes to fight the country’s excessive rate of teenage pregnancy. CSE

withinside the Philippines consists of subjects together with consent, sexual violence,
contraceptives, and others. The invoice could additionally get increase admission to reproductive

fitness services, similarly supplementing the desires of the RH Act.

For their interest of those teens changed into added about through manner of method of

getting lack of expertise with inside the course of the problem regarding sexual relations thinking

about that the Philippines is a conservative country, the difficulty concerning intercourse changed

into now no longer regularly mentioned round teens and mother and father do now no longer

experience of coaching or enlightening their youngsters on that matter. Due to this problem on

lack of know-how concerning intercourse, there were an obtrusive growth of teens getting pregnant

at a completely younger age.

Today, early pregnancy became a social challenge to an individual in the community to

prevent adolescent pregnancies and strengthen the capacity to make self-sustaining and

knowledgeable choices approximately their reproductive and sexual fitness by ensuring the right

to get admission to entry to complete sexuality training, reproductive fitness, and rights services.

Theoretical Framework

This frame work assumed that there is a relationship between the Level of Awareness and

Practices in Teenage Pregnancy according to the study of (Giliana M. Maxwell, Makondelele

Radzilani-Makatu, James F. Takalani, 2016) stated that there is significant relationship between

the variables.

In 2008, the Philippines' adolescent being pregnant turned into 10%. However, via way of

means of 2017 it had dropped to 9%. Teenage mothers a long time 10-19 had 203,1/2 stay births
in 2016, a touch discount to 196,478 in 2017 and 183,000 in 2018. Despite this, the Philippines

has one of the maximum quotes regarding youngster being pregnant amongst ASEAN members

(Herrin, Alejandro N., 2016)

The independent variable is the Level of Awareness of Teenagers because it can surely

stand its own towards the teenagers. According to (Akullo, P. S., Akena, P. R., & Mwesigwa, D.,

2020) their studies support my independent variable

The dependent variable is the Prevention on Teenage Pregnancy that is surely affected by

the level of awareness of the Teenagers. According to (Abad, 2021) (Nichols, 2020) (Maravilla,

J.C., Betts, K.S. & Alati, R, 2018) their studies support my dependent variable.

Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Level of Awareness of Teenagers Prevention on teenage pregnancy

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the relationship between the teenager’s awareness and

practices on teenager pregnancy among the Community residence in General Santos City.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following question:

1. Can the teenagers handle their current situation financially, physically,

emotionally, and mentally?

2. Do the teenagers pursue their studies even though they have a child?

3. What are learning or lesson they have in early motherhood?

4. What are their aspirations that they can share with us based on experience in

early motherhood?

5. What advice they can give to this generation in early motherhood?


There is no significant relationship between the level of awareness and practices of

teenagers on teenage pregnancy.

Scope And Delimitation of the Study

The study determined the level of awareness and practices among the Teenagers of

General Santos City. There were 15 randomly selected Teenagers who participated in this study.

The instruments used were self-made and validated by researcher. Frequency count, weighted

mean was used in this study.

Significance of the Study

This study is beneficial to the following:

Youth. This study would help them to understand and reflect about the early pregnancy in

early age that would probably help them to analyze their behavior. In addition, it will give

them an idea in managing their own prospective doings.

Teenagers. This study they’re those concerned on this research. They will be help thru this

information content material of this study. They should comprehend the consequences of

adolescences being a youth and the way it may alternate their life.

Parents. This study would help parents to guide their children to educate in adolescence

to preserve the importance of God’s gift.

Local Government. This study would help the government to analyze, educate and

implement an action plan about the early pregnancy in perspectives barangay.

Church. It helps in preparing to be a good and responsible man and women in a society

where they belong.

Operationalization of Variables

The following were the functional definitions of terms as they were used in this study.

Society. This refers to the proportion of unmarried parenthood the various community. To know

own the circle of relative’s contributors on how youth being responsible can have an effect on the

own circle of relative’s maximum specially the youth.

Practices. This refers to the act of doing regularly of constantly as an ordinary part of life.
Level of Awareness. This refers to the Teenagers specific amount knowing and understanding on

Teenage Pregnancy.

Residentiary. It refers the residency to promote awareness in social and health services.


This review of literature focuses on the level of awareness and practices of teenagers on early

pregnancy, to be used as a basis or guide that provides a broad range of additional background

information that supports the study.


This study is anchored in the following body of knowledge.

A. Foreign Literature

These person changes can inspire hobby and anxiety in some-particularly on the

occasion that they do now not recognize what to predict or what is regular. Initial teenagers take

concrete, black and white questioning. Things are both proper or offend, high-quality or awful,

after a great deal of room in between. Early teenagers are regularly self-aware of their looks sense

pre-teenagers sense an elevated want for privacy. (Brittany Allen, MD, FAAP & Helen Waterman,

DO, 2019)

Most of the early being pregnant because of the interest of young adults. The mindset of

young adults who had abortions tended to have higher education and career goals came from higher

socioeconomic commands than young adults who selected to preserve their pregnancies. (Teenage

being pregnant and motherhood: an assessment of the literature, 1980) In 1981, of the various
28,781 premarital conceptions amongst young adults, 49% led to miscarriage, 39% to premarital

delivery, and 12% the marital births. Data from South Australia for 1978-eighty-three imply that

for the ones beneath 15 years of age, the variety of pregnancies and abortions declined wish list

the share of pregnancies that led to aborticide increased. (Siedlecky, S, 1984)

Medical and non-medical research on being pregnant and its results, and the country of

our cutting-edge expertise are asses. It is usually recommended that, even as the everyday teenage

lady is biologically equipped for motherhood, a complicated set of social and mental variables

leads the ones least well-perfect for the function into turning into youth parents. The effectiveness

of unique packages for pregnant youngsters and their offspring and examined, and implications

for coverage and prevention are offered. (Phipps-Yonas, 1980)

Learning, an instrument for political progress is a critical response to development

problems because it provides access to information. Connection to scientific and technological

acquaints people with social issues. (Hang-Chuon, 2017)

B. Local Literature

Adolescence can be a time of multiplied spurts and alternate puberty. A teenager may also

develop several inches over several months, accompanied by a period of terribly gradual gain, and

then have each alternate gained. The large numbers of physical, sexual, cognitive, social, and

emotional modifications a particular show up at some stage in this time can convey prospect and

tension for each kid and their families. Understanding what to expect at stages can promote

development sooner or later in early life and into early adulthood. Manila, Philippines — nearly

seven women aged fourteen and additional younger are giving begin within the employment of
each day, consistent with the trendy findings released thru manner of way of the Commission on

Population (PopCom) over the weekend. (Josefina N. Natividad, 2013)

Between 1993 and 2013, the Philippine population health surveys collected data on

7091 women aged 15 to 24 who had at least one pregnancy. The prevalence of RP and RB in three

and five age groups was computed annually and stratified by location, type of habitation, and

wealth index. Trend estimates were using Cochran–Armitage testing and multivariate logistic

regression. (Joemer C. Maravilla, 2018)

When a teen elderly 15–19 years had at the least pregnancies, which includes modern-

day pregnancies, that both ended in a live delivery or pregnancy loss, she was deemed to have

undergone recurrent pregnancy (RP). A teen with as a minimum stay birth turned into categorized

as a case of recurrent birth (RB). The CDC and associated review publications were used to

develop these definitions. (Kim S, Rosa Alati , 2018)

Early pregnancy forces more youthful girls to give up their studies with a purpose to

deliver begin or beautify their children. Pregnant women are sentenced from school, mainly at

Catholic faculties like Lourdes College, for the sake of opposition to the school's ethical principles,

delaying their capacity to get a diploma so one can assist them offer for his or her kid. Education

turns into a decrease priority, and its miles regularly postponed till they may be financially stable

sufficient to depart their youngsters at habitat. However, there are young woman who have a

consideration while caring their child and we refer to them as student mothers. The particular

females' obligations had been doubled on account that they should attend to each college and their

families. (All Answers Ltd. , 2021)

Therefore, the authorities in partnership with the one-of-a-kind non-authority’

organizations have to employ achievement in reconstruction this issue. Teenage pregnancy is

frequently related to social improvement troubles including loss of enough schooling and

deficiency. This regularly effects to single motherhood which circulate conditions that distribute

the mothers to become irresponsible. Hence, it communicates a social dishonor in diverse nations

and discrimination. ( Jordan S,, 2016)


This study is generated form the various studies which are relevant to awareness and

practices of the teenagers on teenage pregnancy.

A. Foreign Study

Ethiopia is one of the African countries with the best charges of adolescents being

pregnant.24 According to the Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey (EDHS), the frequency

of teen pregnancy at 16 percent in 2016. Teen pregnancy is the more commonplace region in rural

areas 15 percent than in metropolis areas 5 percent.25 Most adolescent girls in Ethiopia's rural

areas emerge as pregnant every three hundred and sixty-five days outdoor of marriage. 26 Teen

being pregnant changed into additionally not unusual place among people with no education at 28

percent, number one stage schooling at 12 percent, and secondary stage schooling at 12 percent

and 3 %. (Mezmur H, Assefa N, , 2021)

The incidence of weight problems in adolescent being pregnant on this research (30.2%)

Is extra than that pronounced in an Ethiopian countrywide file from 2016 changed into thirteen
percent. 25 The discrepancy among those figures is probably due to the countrywide study's large

pattern size, which protected each city and rural regions. This research, on the opposite hand,

happened in a rural segment of the Oromia Region with an excessive fee of pre-marital sex. About

32.4 percent of the contributors had been married, with 79.6 percent marrying before turning 18,

and the average age of first marriage is 15.7 years. As a result, all of these variables may have a

role in the area's high rate of early pregnancy. (Alemayehu T, 2021)

By Alan Guttmacher Institute conducted a statistical examination of variables related to adolescent

fertility in 37 advanced nations, in addition to an intensity comparative assessment of the United

States and five special superior countries (Sweden, France, Netherlands, England and Wales, and

Canada). According to the report, the United States has a greater rate of adolescent pregnancy,

abortion, and childbirth than practically every other industrialized country. In the United States,

the pregnancy rate among teenagers aged 15 to 19 was 96 per 1000. The Netherlands, Sweden,

France, Canada, and England and Wales had rates of 14, 35, 43, 44, and 45, respectively. (J

Murray, 1986)

Unfortunately, cultural situations in which many young people today live complicate

this command. Poverty and minority status are aggravating the consequences of a generation of

young people whose options are severely constrained. To improve the sexual atmosphere,

something must be done to address the social and economic challenges that youngsters in inner

cities and the Appalachian area of the United States face. The studies present a few specific within

side the realm of intercourse schooling for folks that are impatient with extra worldwide topics.

Teacher schooling seems to be a near-prevalent requirement. (J Dryfoos, 1985)

However, despite considerably improved medical treatment, adolescent pregnancies are

still considered dangerous, and legislation seeks to discourage too early parenthood in high-income

nations. This is due to a variety of factors, including medical issues and, most importantly, the

social ramifications of adolescent motherhood. As a result, there has been some of research and

debate about the motives and implications of more youthful pregnancies. The current research

focuses on the biological, medical, and social aspects of adolescent pregnancies, with a specific

cognizance on Austria, a state with strangely tremendous clinical and social care standards. (Sylvia

Kirchengast, 2016)

B. Local Study

Teenage being pregnant is one of the maximum vital worries confronting state-of-the-art

Filipino youth. In 2016, In 2016, UNFPA-commissioned studies determined that teens withinside

the Philippines who began out childbearing earlier than the age of 18 are much less probably to

complete secondary faculty than the ones who've now no longer commenced childbearing. Non-

finishing touch of secondary schooling has a power on destiny paintings opportunities and own

circle of relative’s general lifetime incomes. (Sunin Kim, 2020)

To create accurate statistics representation of the entire nation entirety, as well as the 17

regions, the number of women polled in each area should pitch in. the whole amount of money

(national) sample size in relation to the geographical area. If, however, some small populations

in some areas then a sample is assigned in each region's percentage. It is possible that the

population does not include enough women from each group area to be studied. To address this,

a difficulty, tiny regions oversampling occurs in populations. For Consider the following
scenario: adequate money to interview 25,074 women and wish to provide data that is

representative of the population Philippines and its areas as a whole. However, the Philippines'

overall population is not evenly distributed throughout the areas: some regions, such as the

National Capital Region, have disproportionately high levels of poverty. Others, such as the

MIMAROPA Region, are sparsely inhabited. Thus, the MIMAROPA Region must be protected.

(Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), 2018)

The Philippines Commission on Population and Development stated over the year

that births amongst women elderly 15 and underneath stepped forward with the resource of the

use of 7% in 2019, in contrast to the same period in 2018. PopCom quoted the modern-day

information from the Philippine Statistics Authority in a declaration on Sunday, declaring that

the range of Filipino young people who gave start in 2019 jumped to 62,510 from 62,341 in

2018. The United States has visible a boom in adolescent pregnancies for the 8th yr. in a row, in

step with PopCom. "In 2019, 2,411 girls categorized as very younger young people elderly 10 to

fourteen gave start, or almost seven each day," according to the commission, a three-fold rise

from 2000, when just 755 girls in this era bracket reproduce. (CNN Philippines Staff, 2019)

To make the statistical data on the effect of early childbirth before the age of 18 on

easier to understand, high school graduation, we calculated the average probability of high

school graduation. Assesses whether women aged 18-19 years had an early childbearing

experience and whether they did not, with all other variables fixed to their mean values. If

women did not begin childbearing before the age of 18, 72 percent of women aged 18-19 years

are predicted to complete high school, whereas 65 percent are projected to complete high school

among those who started having children early. (Herrin, Education, Earnings and Health Effects

of Teenage Pregnancy in the Philippines, 2016)

(National Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS), 2013) provides data on the

following topics: There is a link between early childbearing and some health consequences,

including child mortality and underprivileged weight preterm infants. Women under the age of

19 have a twofold increased chance of dying during childbirth. Related to women who were not

at all in any danger level (age 20-34 years, more than two times as many) before the age of five

years year’s delay between births and no more than three children).


This chapter presents the research design, the unit of analysis, data collection, sampling

design, instrument and the statistical tools used in the study.

Research Design

This study employed a descriptive correlation design to describe the relationship between

the level of awareness and practices of teenagers on teenage pregnancy.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study were at the General Santos City residentiary. There were 15

teenager mothers Residentiary selected from Place of General Santos City.

Table below present the distribution of respondents.

Table 1.

Distribution of Respondents

Places Age Respondents Places Age Respondents

Calumpang 19 2 Silway 22 2

Fatima 18-19 3 GenSan 18-19 2

Lagao 18 1

Labangal 18-20 3

Tambler 15-22 2

Total 11 Total 4

Overall Total 15

Data Gathering Procedure

In gathering data, the researcher first asked permission to the respondent to conduct a

study through online forms. Upon approval, the researcher coordinated with a consent and

conducted orientation attached to the form was given to the respondents. After coordinating, the

researcher administered and retrieve the questionnaire. The data turned into analyzed and


Source of Data
Problem Data Analysis
Data Gathering
1. Can the teenagers RESIDENTIAL
handle their current OF GENERAL
situation financially, SANTOS CITY Survey Frequency
physically, Count
emotionally, and Calumpang Questions
Fatima Weighted

2. Do the teenagers
to pursue their Product
studies even though Moment
they have a child? correlational
3. What are learning Silway
or lesson they have
in early motherhood?


2 Respondents- 1 Place
4. What are their
aspirations that 2 Respondents- 2 Places
they can share with
us based on 3 Respondents- 2 Places
experience in early
2 Respondents- 1 Place
1 Respondent -1 Place
5. What advice
they can give to
this generation in
early motherhood?

Fig.1 Flow of the Conduct of the Study

Sampling Design

This study used a proportionate sampling for an equal distribution of respondents and

stratified random sampling where respondents were randomly selected. Thus, Slovin’s formula

was utilized to identify the sample size.

Slovin’s Formula:

1 + 𝑁(𝑒)2

where: n = no. of samples

N= total population

e = error margin

The respondents at this study were the residential of General Santos City from the any

Places in General Santos City. There were 15 aged composed of 1 aged composed of 18 to 22

aged composed of 14 respondents, a total of 15 respondents of General Santos City residential.

Research Instrument

In this study, the researchers made survey questionnaire were utilized to achieve the

objective. The questionnaires were validated and checked by researcher. Respondents read a

statement and answer it in a checklist manner using the following rating scales.
Research Question

Responses to the questionnaire by Teenagers mothers Residential of General Santos City

were statistically analyzed with date requirements and instruments of the study. Descriptive

statistics such as frequency count and mean were used.

In determining the level of awareness and practices of the Teenagers on Teenage

Pregnancy, Frequency count and Weighted mean were used.

In determining the relationship between the level of awareness and practices of teenagers on

teenage pregnancy, Pearson Product Moment Coefficient was utilized.

1. Can you handle your current situation financially, physically, emotionally, and


2. Do you continue to pursue your studies even though you a child?

3. What are learning or lesson you have in early motherhood? and why?

4. What are your aspirations that can you share with us base on experience in early


5. What is your advice can you give to this generation in early motherhood?

Range Interpretation

0.81-1.0 (Very High ± Correlation)

0.61-0.80 (High ± Correlation)

0.41-0.60 (Moderately ± Correlation)

0.21-0.40 (Low ± Correlation)

0.01-0.20 (Negligible ± Correlation)

The Level of Awareness on Teenage Pregnancy of the Teenagers

Scale Verbal Description Interpretation

5 Extremely Aware Very High

4 Moderately Aware High

3 Somewhere Aware Moderate

2 Slightly Aware Low

1 Not Aware Very Low

The Level of Practices on Teenage Pregnancy of the Teenagers

Legend: Verbal Description Interpretation

5 Always Very High

4 Very Often High

3 Sometimes Moderate

2 Rarely Low

1 Never Very Low



This chapter presents, analyzes, and interprets the data gathered in this study. The

different result of the study is presented in the various variable.

The Level of Awareness of Teenagers on Teenage Pregnancy

As shown in the table 2, teenager’s mom has a low awareness of the Responsible

̅ = 2.2) and also the Implementation of the

Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act Of 2012 (𝒙

̅ = 2.2) whereas they are highly aware of the (𝒙

RH Act (𝒙 ̅ = 4.73) early pregnancy in the

̅ = 4.93) possible illness of having a child in early age (𝒙

Philippines, (𝒙 ̅ = 4.8) Contraceptive

materials. They are very highly aware on the rest of the indicators.

̅ = 4.11) interpreted as “High”. It implies

Generally, the overall weighted mean was (𝒙

that the teenager’s mothers have enough knowledge on early adolescence. They have high level of

awareness on pregnancy although they are not familiar with Republic Act No. 10354 or The

Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act Of 2012.

In connection with this, the findings were supported by the study of (UNFPAph, 2020)

entitled “Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act” regulation targets to empower the

Filipino people, in particular girls and youth, thru knowledgeable preference and age- and

development- suitable education. Further, the regulation ensures get entry to information, centers

and offerings maximum in particular for the bad through making sure solid and sustainable

reproductive fitness packages are in vicinity thru partnerships among country wide and
neighborhood governments in collaboration with CSOs, simple sectors, academe and personal


Meanwhile, the study of (Blum, R. W., Astone, N. M., Decker, M. R., & Mouli, V. C.,

2015) entitled by “A conceptual framework for early adolescence” across those five years, a

younger man or woman bodily improve in progress from a childbearing with unaffected

capabilities prior to a person by a grownup impression. Provided that, this era is noticeable via

way of means of social and experimental that the degree for enduring capacities and passion.

Sociable relationships regularly enlarge past the own circle of relative’s unit to encompass extra

peer organization influences; and younger humans start to gather behaviors which have a

knowledgeable effect on afterward. In many associations, those generation embody a prime

academic change from number one to second-rate or against, to immediately institute leaving,

profession withinside the legal or casual zone, and possibly early spousal.
Table 2.

Awareness of the Teenagers on Teenage Pregnancy


Indicators Mean Description Rank

As a person I am …

1. aware on Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health 2.2 Low 6th


2. aware on Early Pregnancy in the Philippines. 4.73 Very High 2th

3. aware on the Implementation of the RH Act. 2.2 Low 6th

4. aware on the corresponding sanctions of any violations on the 3.6 High 5th

early pregnancy.

5. aware about the possible illness of having child in early age. 4.93 Very High 1th

6. aware on the Contraceptive materials. 4.73 Very High 2th

7. aware that implementation will be successful and effective if 4.2 High 4th

concerned people will participate.

8. aware on about the growing number of cases of teenage 4.8 Very High 3th

pregnancy in the Philippines.

9. aware about many children are left with their parents, aborted, 4.8 Very High 3th

or just discarded.

10. aware those affected by early pregnancy are in the age group 4.93 Very High 1th

of 10-19.

Overall Weighted Mean 4.11 High

The Level of Practice of Teenagers on Teenage Pregnancy

Table 3 shows the result on the practices of the teenager’s mom on early


As shown in the table 3, teenager mother’s have a low practice to go any

programs about sex educational pregnancy or any programs that connect to early

̅ = 2.86). Whereas, they high practices the rest of indicators.

adolescences (𝒙

̅ = 3.92) interpreted as “High”. It

Generally, the overall weighted mean was (𝒙

implies that the teenager’s mothers have good practices on early pregnancy although

teenager’s practices to go any programs about sex educational pregnancy or any

programs that connect to early adolescences somehow needs to be improved.

In line with this, the findings were supported by the study of (Josefina Natividad,

2014) entitled “Teenage Pregnancy in the Philippines: Trends, Correlates and Data

Sources”, stated regarding the result from National Demographic and Health

Survey(NDHS) the cutting-edge conclusion of the 2011 Family Health Survey, suggests

that teenagers being pregnant with inside the Philippines, calculated being as percentage

of girls who have all started child-bearing of springtime, would be step by step growing

over a period. These underage moms are in general impoverished, are living in provincial

regions and feature level instructional fulfillment. However, this paper discovers a fashion

of a growing range of teens that fact isn’t poor, who have higher training and citizens of a

city regions, who have all started procreative. Surrounded by the elements such might assist

provide an explanation for this fashion are the more youthful adulthood, extracurricular

relations by generation the upward thrust in married couples on that grow up institution

and every usable lower surrounded by the disgrace of illegitimacy being pregnant.
Table 3.

Practice of the Teenagers on Teenage Pregnancy


Indicators Mean Description Rank

As a person I…

1. in mind the possible outcome of having a child at an early age. 4.2 High 4th

2. bring Contraceptive materials anywhere you go. 2.46 low 10th

3. go to any programs about sex educational pregnancy or any 2.86 Low 9th

programs that connect to early adolescences.

4. the cautions and responsible for early pregnancy. 4 High 6th

5. decide that no one effect that possible outcome. 4.13 High 5th

6. rescue the child/children affecting from early pregnancy. 3.86 High 7th

7. to about care of the surroundings. 4.4 High 3th

8. study more about the safety way to avoid early pregnancy. 3.6 High 8th

9. being a good influencer with everyone that whether I have a 4.8 Very High 2th

child or not, it’s not a barrier as a good person and have a stand.

10. be responsible for having a child when the day come. 4.93 Very High 1th

Overall Weighted Mean 3.92 High

Table 4.

Significant Relationship between the Level of Awareness and Practices of Teenagers on

Teenage Pregnancy


Teenage Extent of
Mean Computed P-value Remarks
Pregnancy Relationship

Awareness 4.11 Low +

0.25 .0001 Significant
Practices 3.92

Table 4. present the relationship between the level of awareness and practice of

Teenagers on Teenage Pregnancy. The result revealed that there was a positive low correlation

between the said variables as support by r-value of 0.25. However, since a p-value is less than

0.05 (p=.0001 < .05), it indicates that the relationship between these two variables is significant.

Consequently, the result calls for the rejection of the null hypothesis.

This implies that teenagers’ awareness on teenage pregnancy influenced their practices. It

means that the more teenagers were aware on the teenagers pregnancy program the more they

had a good practices.



This chapter presented the summary of findings, the conclusions made, and the recommendations.

Summary of Findings

The following were the findings of the study:

1. The teenager’s mother awareness about those affected by early pregnancy are in the age

̅ = 4.93) interpreted as "Very High"

group of 10-19 with the highest weighted mean of (𝒙

̅ = 4.93). The least weighted

and also about the possible illness of having child in early age (𝒙

̅ = 2.2) interpreted as “Low” on the Republic Act No. 10354 or The Responsible
mean of (𝒙

Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act Of 2012. The overall weighted mean was (𝒙

4.11) interpreted as "High".

2. The teenager’s mother practices about the responsible for having a child when the day

̅ = 4.93) interpreted as "Very High”. The least

come with the highest weighted mean of (𝒙

̅ = 2.46) on Contraceptive materials interpreted as “Low”. The overall

weighted mean of (𝒙

̅ = 3.92) interpreted as 'High".

weighted mean was (𝒙
3. The two variable has low correlation from each other through the computed r which is

0.25. It is also remarked that there is significant relationship between the level of awareness

and practices of teenagers on teenage pregnancy as shown by r-value of .25 and p-value of

.0001. Since p=.0001 > .05, therefore, null hypothesis is rejected.


A summary of conclusion drawn by the researcher were based on the findings of the study.

1. The level of awareness on teenage pregnancy of teenagers was high with a meaning to say the

residentiary have enough knowledge on pregnancy in early adolescence.

2. The level of awareness and practices of teenagers on teenage pregnancy in community citizen

was high in other words the residentiary has good knowledge on pregnancy in teenage


3. There is a significant relationship between the level of awareness and practices of teenagers on

teenage pregnancy in General Santos City.


Based on the findings of the study and the conclusion formulated, the following are the


1. To the all teenagers be responsible of what you are doing and think about our families

and the future.

2. Philippines Government should conduct a seminar for the teenagers and youth about

pregnancy and adolescences and allow the all teenagers and youth as participants to

provide the enough information about it.

3. The Coordinator of Social Protection Program for Teenage Mothers and their Children

(SPPTMC) program should lead the campaigns such as strictly implementation of early


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Research Questionnaire Validation Form

Instruction: Check mark (/) the box that corresponds to your rating for every component.

5 - Very high extent 2 - Less extent 3 – Moderate extent

4 - High extent 1 – Least extent

INDICATORS 5 4 3 2 1 Mean
Adequacy 1. The questionnaire contains
enough questions.
2. All he researches problems
are covered in the list of
3. The questionnaire includes
always complying with-up
Appropriateness 1. The word used in the
questionnaire are easy to
2. The questions are
successfully constructed in
phrases of grammar,
punctuation and spelling.
3. All the questions are
applicable to the study and to
the studies problems / questions.
Acceptability 1. The questions do not interfere
the respondent’s life
2. The questions are objectively
written and not biased.
3. The questions not use
insensitive and impolite phrases
that might violate the culture,
gender, religion, and age of the
Other comments
or suggestions

Overall Mean


Title: The Level of Awareness and Practices of Teenagers on Early Pregnancy in General Santos

Instruction: Check mark (/) on the box that corresponds to your answer according to the
following scale.

Legend: Verbal Description Interpretation

5 Extremely Aware Very High

4 Moderately Aware High

3 Somewhere Aware Moderate

2 Slightly Aware Low

1 Not Aware Very Low

A. Awareness on Early Pregnancy of the Teenagers

Description 5 4 3 2 1
As a person I am
1. aware on Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive
Health Act Of 2012.
2. aware on Early Pregnancy in the Philippines.
3. aware on the Implementation of the RH Act and the
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
4. aware on the corresponding sanctions of any
violations on the early pregnancy.
5. aware about the possible illness of having child in
early age.
6. aware on the Contraceptive materials.
7. aware that implementation will be successful and
effective if concerned people will participate.
8. aware on about the growing number of cases of
teenage pregnancy in the Philippines.
9. aware about many children are left with their
parents, aborted, or just discarded.
10. aware those affected by early pregnancy are in the
age group of 10-19.
Legend: Verbal Description Interpretation

5 Always Very High

4 Very Often High

3 Sometimes Moderate

2 Rarely Low

1 Never Very Low

B. Practice on Early Pregnancy of the Teenagers

Description 5 4 3 2 1
As a person I
1. in mind the possible outcome of having a child at an
early age.
2. bring Contraceptive materials anywhere you go.
3. go to any programs about educational pregnancy or any
programs that connect to early pregnancy.
4. the cautions and responsible for early pregnancy.
5. decide that no one effect that possible outcome.
6. rescue the child/children affecting from early pregnancy.
7. to about care of the surroundings.
8. study more about the safety way to avoid early
9. being a good influencer with everyone that whether I
have a child or not, it’s not a barrier as a good person and
have a stand.
10. be responsible for having a child when the day come.

1. Can you handle your current situation financially, physically, emotionally, and mentally?

2. Do you continue to pursue your studies even though you a child?

3. What are learning or lesson you have in early motherhood? And why?

4. What are your aspirations that can you share with us base on experience in early

5. What is your advice can you give to this generation in early motherhood?

Letter to the Respondents

May 7, 2022

Dear Respondents,


I am, the Grade Twelve student of AMACC Gensan Branch, are undertaking a research study

entitled “The Impact of Pregnancy in Early Adolescence in the Philippines” as a

requirement in my subject RSCH2122 Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion.

In this connection, I humbly request your permission to honestly answer my questionnaires.

Rest assured that your answer will keep confidentially.

Thank you very much for your cooperation and may God bless you.

Respectfully yours,

Christian Anne A. Basisto

The Researcher

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