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Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai

Prepared by

SoftTech Engineers Ltd.

Table of Contents

1. MCGM Login Page and Architect’s Console ............................................................................ 3

2. Applying for Fence and Wrap .................................................................................................. 4

3. File (Draft Stage) ...................................................................................................................... 5

4. Advertisement details ............................................................................................................. 6

5. Document Checklist ................................................................................................................. 6

6. Additional Document............................................................................................................... 7

7. File (In Process) ........................................................................................................................ 7

8. Approval flow........................................................................................................................... 8

9. File approved ........................................................................................................................... 8

User Manual | MCGM

1. MCGM Login Page and Architect’s Console

Click the link, it redirects to the MCGM
Login page. Login with username, password and captcha. Click Login button to proceed further.

After login, the Architect Console appears. It includes Project Action and Applications buttons
as highlighted. User can select their project proposal type from the dropdown list and can check
their status in tabular form.

Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM) ©Copyright 2019 3|P a g e

User Manual | MCGM

2. Applying for Fence and Wrap

To create the new application for applying Fence & Wrap NOC:
(i) Click Applications button.
(ii) Select Create Application.

Choose Department as Advertisement.

Select Project as per requirement.

Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM) ©Copyright 2019 4|P a g e

User Manual | MCGM

Select Permission type as Fence and Wrap.

After selecting type of notice and application type, click Create Application.

Choose Advertisement in drop down list and click Go. The above table of Fence and Wrap
Permit displays. The application can be seen in draft section.

3. File (Draft Stage)

The file is in draft section as shown in above figure.

Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM) ©Copyright 2019 5|P a g e

User Manual | MCGM

4. Advertisement details

In this section, fill the required field, click Save button.

5. Document Checklist

In Document section, upload the documents as per requirement.

Click Save to proceed further.

Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM) ©Copyright 2019 6|P a g e

User Manual | MCGM

6. Additional Document

Add the additional documents, as per requirement.

Click Submit to proceed further.

7. File (In Process)

The file is in the process, where user can check the workflow by clicking on application flow
label user Application Summary block.

Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM) ©Copyright 2019 7|P a g e

User Manual | MCGM

8. Approval flow

The user can see the approval flow by clicking on application flow as shown in above figure.

9. File approved

Once the file is approved from concerned authority. It can be seen in approved and verified

Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM) ©Copyright 2019 8|P a g e

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