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18 May ABC Skit

Mrs Thickle: Goodafternoon class. Today I

will be teaching you the A,B,C. Listen
carefully. Sings ABC
Headmaster enters
Headmaster: Afternoon mrs Thickle.
Mrs Thickle: Oh! Afternoon Headmaster! Class
say afternoon to the headmaster, mrs Stiffle.
Hello mrs Stiffle
Mrs Stiffle: Can I see you for a moment?
Mrs Thickle: Of course.
Mrs Stiffle: What are you doing?
Mrs Thickle: I am teaching the class the
Mrs Stiffle: It goes like this abcdefg...
(says the whole alphabet rhyme)
Mrs Thickle: I’ll never remember that!
Mrs Stiffle: It is your job to remember.
(Shows her to go and teach that to the
Mrs Thickle: Walks away and then comes back.
How does it go again?
Mrs Stiffle: Sigs... ABCDEFG
Mrs Thickle: That will do. (walks away)
Mrs Stiffle: Grabs her arm and pulls her
back No that won’t do! ABCDEFG
Mrs Thickle: ABCDEFG
Mrs Stiffle: HIJKLMNOP
Mrs Thickle: That’s the bit I struggle with!
It’s too much. How about this. turns to the
class ABCDEFG Now let’s all count to 3.
1,2,3 1,2,3...
Mrs Stiffle: Grabs her arm and pulls her
back again. No, that won’t do. What are we
busy with?
Mrs Thickle: The alphabet
Mrs Stiffle: Now repeat. ABCDEFG
Mrs Thickle: ABCDEFG
Mrs Stiffle: HIJKLMNOP
Mrs Thickle: HIJKemilyP
Mrs Stiffle: A bit louder?
Mrs Stiffle: Are you singing Emily p?
Mrs Thickle: Yes! It’s too fast!
Mrs Stiffle; It needs to be fast to rhyme!
Mrs Thickle: Oh, it needs to rhyme!
Mrs Stiffle; Yes
Mrs Thickle: So how about this instead.
turns to the class A S RYEUG MFOPINB
Mrs Stiffle: grabs her back No, it needs to
be in order.
Mrs Thickle: Your just picking on me now!
Mrs Stiffle: Repeat after me ABCDEFG
Mrs Thickle: Looks away
Mrs Stiffle: Eyes to me. ABCDEFG
Mrs Stiffle: HIJKLMNOP
Mrs Thickle; HIJK...lemony p
Mrs Stiffle: HIJKLMNOP!
Mrs Thickle: I want to go home!
Mrs Stiffle: HIJKLMNOP!
Mrs Thickle: HIJKLMNOP
Mrs Stiffle: QRSTUV
Mrs Thickle; QRSTUV
Mrs Stiffle: WXY and Z
Mrs Thickle: WXY and Z
Mrs Stiffle: Now I know my ABC
Mrs Thickle: HIJK....
Both: Come along and sing with me.
Mrs Thickle: Turns to class Okay class. I
think we’ve had enough of the alphabet
today. Let’s do some nursery

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