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Alternative Approaches to Modeling reasonably accomplished.

In this article, we comment on the

two main alternative approaches that have been used to model
Epistemic Uncertainty in Ground Motions in epistemic uncertainty in GMPEs. These two alternatives are
Probabilistic Seismic-Hazard Analysis (1) direct use of multiple GMPEs drawn from the technical
literature, with weights assigned to each GMPE based on the
Ground-motion prediction equations (GMPEs) describe the judgment of the analyst concerning their relative merits or
amplitude of shaking as a function of earthquake magnitude, applicability, and (2) use of GMPEs, data analysis, and
distance from the source, site conditions, and sometimes other judgment to define a representative suite of models to capture
variables. Amplitudes are predicted for peak ground accelera- the uncertainty, including one or more central (or backbone)
tion and velocity and for such measures of engineering interest models along with high and low alternatives. We argue that the
as the response of a damped oscillator of a specified natural development of a representative suite is a superior approach to
period. Selection of appropriate GMPEs is a critical step in building ground-motion characterization (GMC) logic trees, in
a probabilistic seismic-hazard analysis comparison with the more widely prac-
(PSHA), and therefore their selection is ticed use of multiple GMPEs drawn from
an issue of major practical significance. the literature.
For PSHA applications, we are interested The multiple-GMPE The multiple-GMPE method has
in more than just a best estimate of the approach has the advantage been used in standard PSHA practice
GMPE; equally important is the range of of expediency, in that it for many site-specific analyses and is also
alternative models used to characterize makes use of previous work used in national seismic hazard maps (e.g.,
the uncertainty in the GMPEs and and thus minimizes the need Montaldo et al., 2005; Petersen et al.,
thereby to express the limitations of our for model development. 2008) as well as for the Global Earthquake
current knowledge. Explicitly, we wish to However, it also has many Model (Stewart et al., 2014). The multi-
capture the center, the body, and the shortcomings. ple-GMPE approach has the advantage of
range of defensible technical judgments expediency, in that it makes use of pre-
regarding the GMPEs (Budnitz et al., vious work and thus minimizes the need
1997; U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis- for model development. However, it also has many shortcom-
sion, 2012). ings. The first of these is that none of the available models may
Two types of uncertainty are recognized in GMPEs and actually be very applicable to the target region or the actual site
modeled in a PSHA : (1) aleatory uncertainty, expressing random conditions, which means that not even the center of the dis-
variability of amplitudes about a median prediction equation, tribution of earthquake ground motions may be captured prop-
and (2) epistemic uncertainty, expressing uncertainty concern- erly. This is why it is often necessary to extensively adjust
ing the correct value of the median. Aleatory variability is GMPEs for specific conditions (e.g., Cotton et al., 2006;
handled relatively easily in a PSHA by integrating over the dis- Van Houtte et al., 2011; Ghofrani and Atkinson, 2014). More-
tribution of ground-motion amplitudes about the median over, the selected set of GMPEs may use different definitions
(Bommer and Abrahamson, 2006). Epistemic uncertainty is for explanatory and predicted variables, thereby necessitating
usually handled by considering alternative GMPEs in a logic- adjustments for compatibility (Bommer et al., 2005). It may
tree format (e.g., Bommer and Scherbaum, 2008; Bommer, even be necessary to develop new GMPEs for site-specific
2012). Construction of a logic tree involves populating the PSHA studies (Bommer, 2012) if the existing GMPEs are
branches with alternative models and then assigning weights not sufficient.
to the branches; together, the branches and their weights are in- For many smaller projects, it can be tempting to assign and
tended to represent the underlying continuous distribution of weight the GMPEs that make up the logic tree without suffi-
possible ground motions. cient analysis of ground-motion data (or lack thereof ) that
The logic tree must capture both the best estimates of might inform the exercise. Simply populating the logic-tree
what is known and the potential range of alternatives in light branches for median motions with a wide selection of existing
of what is currently not known. There has been considerable GMPEs is unlikely to correctly capture the range of epistemic
confusion, misunderstanding, and controversy in the technical uncertainty in the magnitude–distance ranges that drive the
community over what this really means and how it may be hazard analysis. A better judgment regarding appropriate

doi: 10.1785/0220140120 Seismological Research Letters Volume 85, Number 6 November/December 2014 1141
GMPEs may be made through analysis of ground-motion data (e.g., Toro et al., 1997; Douglas et al., 2013). With the hybrid
to explore the relative performance of different models (e.g., empirical approach (Campbell, 2003), multiple versions of the
Scherbaum et al., 2009; Atkinson and Adams, 2013; Kale backbone GMPE can be generated using multiple sets of model
and Akkar, 2013). Methodologies are also available to facilitate adjustments to represent various effects. The representative
less arbitrary choices in the assignment of branch weights suite approach has been implemented in major projects, includ-
(Runge et al., 2013). However, the relationship between ing the SSHAC Level 3 PSHA studies for the Hanford nuclear
weights on GMPEs and weights on ground-motion amplitudes site in Washington (Coppersmith et al., 2013), the BC Hydro
is unavoidably obscured in the process of assigning weights to PSHA for hydro-electric dams in British Columbia, and for a
models, rather than to the outcomes of models. nuclear site characterization project in South Africa (Bommer
Even if appropriate GMPEs are available, there is no reason et al., 2014). A partial use of the approach is encountered in the
to expect that the selected multiple equations will correctly U.S. national hazard maps (Petersen et al., 2008), in which the
represent the underlying epistemic uncertainty in median am- GMC logic tree for the western United States included addi-
plitudes over all important magnitudes and distances. For ex- tional branches on the median predictions of three selected
ample, ground motions from crustal earthquakes in California GMPEs to provide additional epistemic uncertainty. The na-
are now commonly estimated using the Next Generation tional seismic hazard maps in Canada have used the represen-
Attenuation (NGA)-West 2 GMPEs (see Douglas and Kramer, tative suite approach since ∼2000, including the GMPE model
2014, special issue), which were derived from a common suite for the 2015 maps (Atkinson and Adams, 2013). The
strong-motion database and which yield similar predictions common feature in all of these applications, which vary signifi-
for scenarios well represented in the database. All of the data cantly in detail, is that some (or all) of the branches of the
for earthquakes of magnitude greater than M 7.2 come from ground-motion logic tree are populated by scaled versions of
regions outside California (Alaska, Iran, Turkey, China, and a backbone GMPE.
Taiwan), with the exception of a single re- The choice between the repre-
cording from the 1952 Kern County event. sentative suite or the more traditional
Thus, the application of the alternative NGA multiple-GMPE approaches to episte-
GMPEs to large events in California may not In our view, there are no mic uncertainty in ground motions
be properly centered and may underestimate advantages to the traditional has been controversial and often
epistemic uncertainty. When exported to approach, other than that of hotly debated. In our view, there
other applications, there are often other allowing one to quickly and are no advantages to the traditional
problems, such as poor constraint of the effortlessly produce a logic approach, other than that of allowing
equations at large distances (important in
tree, albeit one of unknown one to quickly and effortlessly pro-
low-hazard regions) and poor constraint of
worth. duce a logic tree, albeit one of un-
moderate events at very short hypocentral known worth. Proponents of the
distances (important in induced-seismicity multiple-GMPE approach argue that
applications). Thus even if the overall approach is to be based use of multiple models with alternative functional forms is re-
on applicable and well-founded existing GMPEs, there is often quired to properly capture uncertainties in form as well as am-
a need to modify these GMPEs, or create additional branches, plitude. However, there is no guarantee that the use of multiple
to properly represent the center and range of defensible tech- equations will fully capture uncertainty in functional form. In
nical assessments. fact, if uncertainty in some aspect of the functional form (such
We conclude that in most cases the multiple-GMPE ap- as how amplitudes scale with magnitude at close distances) is a
proach will not meet the objective of describing the center, driving uncertainty, then one should examine this uncertainty
body, and range of technically defensible interpretations of explicitly—which is unlikely to happen by simply assigning
the data. We believe that this objective is better met using the multiple GMPEs. Ultimately, what matters to the hazard result
representative suite approach. The essence of this approach is is not the functional form so much as the dependence of the
to make adjustments to one or more central or backbone ground-motion amplitudes on magnitude, distance, and so on.
GMPEs as required, so that each model is transformed into a Advantages of the representative suite approach are that it
suite of alternative models that describe the epistemic uncer- facilitates explicit judgments regarding magnitude and distance
tainty explicitly and transparently. The explicit modeling of scaling and enables greater control over how the selected mod-
epistemic uncertainty is consistent with the original suggestions els will satisfy data constraints that are important to the
made in the Senior Seismic Hazard Analysis Committee project. Moreover, for projects of large geographic scale, it al-
(SSHAC) guidelines (Budnitz et al., 1997) and has already been lows control over how both the median GMPEs and their un-
used widely in practice (Bommer, 2012). certainty will behave across regions and event types. Thus,
The representative suite approach can be implemented in one can ensure that the epistemic uncertainty is larger in regions
a number of ways. For GMPEs developed with the stochastic with sparse data, for example, regardless of whether alternative
method, the alternative models required to capture the body published GMPEs fortuitously happen to be similar (e.g., Atkin-
and range of the distribution can be generated using suitably son and Adams, 2013). By contrast, the traditional approach can
sampled ranges of the stochastic source and path parameters never represent a wider range of uncertainty than that covered by

1142 Seismological Research Letters Volume 85, Number 6 November/December 2014

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