At The Drive Through

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At the Drive Through

Mom, Dad, Girl, Teenage Boy.

The family is driving through the Drive through. Dad is driving, mom is in the passenger seat and kids
are in the back. Everyone is polite and full of smiles.

Dad (very friendly): Okay, does everyone know what they want? I know I sure do!

Mom: Oh yes dear. I’m so excited to place my order. I’ve been craving “The Nagging Wife” for a
week now.

Girl: Oh good choice Mommy!

Teenage Boy: Dad, will it be okay if I take the Teens Happy Meal?

Dad: Oh you mean the one with the “Attitude Problem”, “Rolling the Eyes” and a side order of

Teenage Boy: Jip, that will be the one.

Dad: Splendid! Sounds good to me. And you sweetheart? What would you like?

Girl: Uhm....I think I will have the “Brat”.

Mom: Fantastic!

Lady at Window: Welcome to Pigs on a Stick. How may I take your order?

Dad (still really friendly): Let’s see. I will have one “Nagging Wife” for this beauty sitting next to me, a
Teens Happy Meal for my boy, a Brat meal for the little princess and for me...I’ll have the “Wife
beater” combo.

Lady at the Window: GREAT choices everyone! Can I throw in a “Tantrum” toy for the little girl?

Dad: Sure. Why not?

Lady at the Window: Great! Well, that will be your marriage certificate, depression and your house.

Dad: Wow, that sure is cheap!

Lady at the Window: Yes! Here at Pigs on a Stick we just want to make our customers happy.

Dad hands over the paperwork.

Lady at the Window hands him a bag of goodies.

Dad gives out the orders: Okay, here’s the “Nagging Wife”, the Teens Happy Meal, The Brat Meal
with the Tantrum Toy....and my Wife Beater. Enjoy everyone!

Everyone pretends to open up their orders and take a bite

Everyone talks at the same time:

Teenage Boy: I hate you guys! You make me sick!

Girl: I wanted the Teen Happy Meal. I want it. I want it. I want it!!!!
Dad shakes his wife...

Mom: I can’t stand it when you chew like that!! It makes you look so ugly and it completely puts me
off my food...

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