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larynx - known as the voice box

asthma - bronchial tubes contract quickly causing shortness of breath, coughing, and wheezing
bronchitis - when bronchial tubes are irritated
letter d - which structure shown in the diagram below contracts, causing a pressure change…
trachea - a tube about 12cm long
lung cancer - caused by inhaling tar in cigarette smoke
lungs - made up of spongy, elastic tissue that stretches as you breathe
nasal cavity - passage way that moistens the air
diaphragm - muscular structure that helps to expand and contract the lungs, forcing air in and out
to remove carbon dioxide and supply oxygen to the body - main function of gas exchange
cilia and mucous membranes - which structures filter and moisten air as it passes through the
bronchioles - smaller tubes within the lungs
pharynx - tube-like passage used for food, liquid, and air
trachea - organ label #6
more O2 and CO2 to exchange - alveoli increase the surface area in the lungs to allow
capillaries - the thin, moist membranes of the alveoli
respiration - a process that allows the body to get oxygen to burn food
emphysema - disease is linked to smoking and results in a reduction in the number
larynx - the airway that has two pairs of vocal chords
bronchi - two main branches from the trachea
trachea - after air moves through the pharynx it continues downward
bronchi - two short tubes that carry air into the lungs
take in O2 and remove CO2 - the function of the respiratory system
alveoli - clusters of tiny air sacs that allow the exchange
two CO2 - diagram that illustrates the function of an alveolus
trachea - respiratory structure supported by rings of cartilage
oxygen - the gas known to stay alive
trachea - the windpipe is also called the..
cellular respiration - the cellular process which uses oxygen and sugar
rib cage - main bone structure that protects the lungs
pneumonia - illness of the lungs where the alveoli become inflamed
carbon dioxide - breathed out from our mouth and nose
trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, and alveoli - sequence
they permit exchange between the external atmosphere and the circulatory system - which
statement best describes the function of the respiratory passageways of a human

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