Prophet's Daughters

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Q. (a) Write about the lives of Fatima and any one other of the
Prophet’s daughters. [10]
Hadrat Zaynab Bint Muhammad (ra)
 She was married to Abul Aas b. Al- Rabi’, the son of Khadija’s
sister before December 610.
 Khadija gave her a wedding present of an onyx necklace.
 They had two children; Ali and Omama.
 When Prophethood was announced she accepted Islam but
with her mother but her husband did not.
 Makkans used to demand him to divorce her and they would
give any woman in his marriage but he didn’t as he loved her.
 In Battle of Badr her husband was made a captive. When
ransom was demanded she sent her necklace to free him but he
freed him without ransom.

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 He asked him to send Zaynab to Madina as now it was not
allowed to live with a non-Muslim husband.
 About a month after the battle, Zainab's adopted brother, Zayd,
arrived in Mecca to escort her to Medina.
 She entered a hawdaj and her brother-in-law, Kinana, led the
camel to Zayd in broad daylight. The Quraysh perceived this as
an unnecessary flaunting of Muhammad's triumph at Badr.
 A man named Habbar ibn Al-Aswad threatened her with his
lance and pushed her. She fell out of the hawdaj onto a rock.
 Kinana took Zainab home again. There she suffered a
miscarriage, losing a great deal of blood, which she attributed to
having been assaulted by Habbar.
 A few nights later, Kinana took her quietly to meet Zayd, and
he escorted her to Medina.

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 Zainab did not see her husband again until September or
October 627.
 When he entered her house in Medina by night, asking for
protection. Muslim raiders had stolen some merchandise that
he was keeping in trust for other Quraysh, and he wanted to try
to recover it.
 The next morning, Zainab shouted in Fajr: "I have given
protection to Abu al-As ibn al-Rabi!"
 Prophet also said: “We protect whomever she protects.”
 He told Zainab to treat Abu al-As like a guest.
 Then he arranged for the Quraysh merchandise to be returned,
and Abu al-As took it to its owners in Mecca.
 Abu al-As then converted to Islam and returned to Medina.

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 They resumed their married life.
 Unfortunately she passed away soon after that in 8 AH.
 The Prophet led her funeral and she was buried in Jannat ul
 Abul A’as said, "By Allah, I can't stand life anymore without
Zainab". He died one year after Zainab's death.
 Her son Ali was the person who sat with the Prophet on the
camel’s back at the time of his triumphal entry into Mecca.
 Hadrat Ali married Omamah after the death of Fatima -his first

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Hadrat Ruqayyah (ra)/ 601-624
 She was betrothed to Utba, son of Abu Lahab before 610.
 When the Prophet warned Abu Lahab of Hell he forced his
son to divorce her.
 Later she was given in the marriage of H. Uthman in 615.
 They both migrated to Abyssinia in the first batch.
 The Prophet said: “It is the first couple to migrate in the way of
Allah after Ibrahim and his wife.”
 She gave birth to a son, named Abdullah in 619, but he died
when he was six years old.
 They came back to Makkah in 619 and then migrated to
Madina in 622.
 She fell ill and passed away in 624 when Prophet was in Badr.
 She was buried in Jannat-ul-Baqi.
 Uthman was excused from military duties due to her illness.

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Hadrat Umm-e-kulthum (ra)/ 603 - 630
 She was given in the Nikah of Utaiba, son of Abu Lahab.
 After Muhammad warned Abu Lahab of hellfire in 613, Abu
Lahab told Utaybah that he would never speak to him again
unless he divorced Umm Kulthum, so he did.
 After divorcing her, Utaibah came to the Prophet
Mohammad and used most insolent words to him.
The Prophet Mohammad cursed him by praying: “O Allah!
Depute one of Your dogs to punish him.”
 Her maternal brother Zayd came to take them to Madina not
long after Prophet’s migration in September 622.
 Their uncle Al-Abbas put them on a camel; but as they were
setting off, Huwayrith ibn Nuqaydh goaded the animal so that it
threw them to the ground.

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 However, Umm Kulthum and Fatima arrived safely in Medina.
 The Prophet remembered the assault and, when
he conquered Mecca in 630, he sentenced Huwayrith to death.
 After the death of Ruqayyah she was married to Uthman in
December 624.
 The Prophet said: “I have given Umme Kulsum in marriage to
Uthman by Allah’s command.”
 Hence he was given the title of Zunnurain (Possessor of two
 She passed away in 630.
 Her father tearfully conducted her funeral prayers;
then Ali, Usama ibn Zayd and Abu Talha laid the corpse.
 Prophet said, “If I had ten daughters, I would marry them all to

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Hadrat Fatimah (ra)/ 610-632
Q. (a) Write about the life of the Prophet’s daughter, Fatima.
[10] [J 2021/12]
Paragraph 1
 She was the youngest daughter of the Holy Prophet (pbuh).

 Fatima was born when Prophet was about thirty-five years old
in 605. Shia History says she was born in 612 or 615.
 Her title is "al-Zahra", meaning "the shining one", and she is
commonly referred to as Fatimah Zahra. She was also known
as "al-Batul" (the chaste and pure one) as she spent much of her
time in the acts of worship.
 When Uqba threw entrails of a camel on the Prophet she
removed it from his back.
 She migrated to Madinah with Sawdah.

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Paragraph 2
 She was given in the marriage of Ali in 625 after Badr.
 She gave birth to Hasan, Hussain, Mohsin (He died in infancy),
Zaynab and Umm e Kulthum.
 As with the majority of Muslims, the couple lived in severe poverty in
the early years of Islam in Madina.
 Ali worked at various jobs while Fatima was responsible for domestic
 Once she asked the Prophet for a slave girl but the Prophet said:
“Shouldn’t I tell you a better thing than a slave girl and he asked her
to say 33 times Subhanallah, 33 times Alhmdolillah and 34 times
Allah-o-akber.” It is called Tasbeeh e Fatimah.
 Their financial circumstances later improved after Khayber
Expedition. Then she gained some servants/maids but she treated
them like her family and performed the house duties with them.

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Paragraph 3
 After the Battle of Uhad she tended to the wounds of her father
and regularly visited the graves to pray for those killed in the
 Later Fatima rejected Abu Sufyan’s pleas to mediate between
him and Muhammad after they breached the treaty.
 The Prophet called her “Head of the ladies in Paradise”.
 The Holy Prophet loved her a lot. He used to stand up to
welcome her, kissed her forehead and offered his place to sit,
when she came to meet him.
 Once, the Prophet was at Umm Salama’s house. He called Ali,
Fatima, Hassan and Hussain and covered them with garment,
saying: “O Allah! These are the people of my house, so remove
the ‘Rijs’ (abomination) from them and purify them with a
thorough purification.” (Tirmidhi: 3205)

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 Whenever Prophet went for a journey she was the last person
he met and when he returned he wanted to meet her first.
 Aisha said: “I have not seen anyone who more resembled the
Prophet (S.A.W.) in words or speech or manner of sitting than
Fatima. He is used to kissing her when she comes and so does
she.” (Al-Adab Al-Mufrad: 947)
 When Ali intended to marry Abu Jahal's daughter, she was
very much grieved and expressed her grief to the Prophet.
The Prophet said : “Fatima is a part of me, and whoever
makes her angry, makes me angry.” (Sahih Bukhari: 3767)
 Ali never married any lady in the life of Fatima.
 However, the Prophet drew the attention of his beloved
daughter and others to the necessity of righteous deeds. One
day he called, “O Fatimah bint Mohammad! I have no power
to help you at all before Allah! Ask of me whatever you want
from my wealth.” (Tirmidhi: 3184)

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 The Prophet informed her that she would be the first from his
family to join him in paradise.
Paragraph 4
 ‘Aisha narrated: Fatima and Al ‘Abbas came to Abu Bakr,
seeking their share from the property of Allah’s Apostle and at
that time, they were asking for their land at Fadak and their
share from Khaibar.
 Abu Bakr said to them, “I have heard from Allah’s Apostle
saying, ‘Our property cannot be inherited, and whatever we
leave is to be spent in charity, but the family of Muhammad
may take their provisions from this property.”
 Abu Bakr added, “By Allah, I will not leave the procedure I
saw Allah’s Apostle following during his lifetime concerning this
property.” Therefore Fatima left Abu Bakr and did not speak
to him till she died.

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 She did not talk about Fadak till she died because she was
satisfied by the answer given by Abu Bakr afterwards.
 She passed away six months after Prophet’s death and was
buried in Jannat-ul-Baqi during night.
 According to some reports as she died between Maghrib
and I’sha so Ali led her funeral prayer and Abu Bakr
wasn’t informed as it happened during Prophet’s time also
and some reports said that Abu Bakr led her prayer.
 She asked specifically to be buried at night because she
didn’t want anyone to see her bodies even after death and
this is out of shyness.

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