Obs He

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Obs case

gravida 2 para named Nasma Mostafa
Aged 23 housewife from mansoura with No special
habit of medical importance

cessation of menstruation since Lamp which
started it 101612022 Patient Refeed t

outpatient clinic for follow op

obstetric ha
63 P2 No previous full term normal deleveries
preterm labor
no no stir birth or Difficile labor
Two previous lower segment Cs Resulted in two normal
full term living male

LNMP Was 101612022 The estimated date of

Delivery is on 171312023 she is now 37 weeks

The patientundergo urine pregnancy test which

revealed the She had had abdominal us Examination
No ht of bleeding escape of fluid from vagina fever
or symptom Related to preetlampcia no sx of
pathological pregnancy

The patient Appeared well fully conscious and oriented

To time place and person BP were lox 760
No Abnormalities Detected on examination

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