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Chapter 1 (Lesson 1) ECONOMICS – is a social science that deals with how

people organize themselves in order to allocate scarce
LEARNING OBJECTIVES resources in order to produce goods and services that
At the end of the lesson the learners shall be able to: will satisfy the unlimited and multiplying wants and
1. define basic terms in applied economics needs of man.
2. Understand economics as an applied science
3. Identify the basic economic problems of the From the Greek word Oikos meaning household and
country Nomos meaning management = household
4. Explain how applied economics can be used to management
solve economic problems The wise production and use of wealth to meet the
demands or needs of the people
Paul Samuelson (Economics) The term “applied economics” is believed to have
“the study of how people and society end up started 200 years ago in the writings of two economists:
choosing, with or without use of money, to employ JEAN-BAPTISTE SAY JOHN STUART MILL
scarce resources that could have alternative uses to (1767-1832) (1806-1873)
produce various commodities among various persons
Roger Le Roy Miller (Economics, Today and Tomorrow) APPLIED ECONOMICS - is the study of economics in
“Economics concerns situations in which choices relation to real world situations. It is the application of
must be made about how to use limited resources, economic principles and theories to real situations, and
when to use them and for what purposes. Resources trying to predict what the outcomes might be.
can be defined as the things people use to make the SIMPLER DEFINITION • Applied economics – is the study
commodities they want.” of observing how theories work in practice.
Hall and Loeberman (Macroeconomics: Principles and
“The study of choice under the condition of • First, focuses on wealth
scarcity” • Wealth-giving and Wealth using
Bernardo Villegas (Guide to Economics for Filipinos) • Second, stresses the decision making process
“A social science that studies and seeks to • Economics is defined as a science of making
allocate scarce human and non-human resources choices.
among alternatives in order to satisfy unlimited human • Opportunity cost - means that our choices
wants and desires.” must give us additional benefits that at
Gerardo Sicat (Economics) least equal to or more than the additional
“a scientific study which deals with how benefits derive from forgone alternatives
individuals and society make choices,” • Third, concentration on allocating process
• There are five elements in the definition of
DEFINITION OF TERMS economics – social sciences, resources,
Scarcity- a situation wherein the amount of something human wants, scarcity, and allocation.
available is insufficient to satisfy the desire for it. • Fourth, economics is primarily a social science
Resources- The labor, capital, land and natural • As a Social Science, Systematic or scientific
resources and entrepreneurship that are used to method is being used in the study of
produce goods and services. society and its components.
Production – refers to the process of producing or • As a Social Science, Economics studies how
creating goods needed by the households to satisfy individuals make choices in allocating
their needs scarce resources to satisfy their unlimited
Distribution – refers to the marketing of goods and wants.
services to different economic outlets • As a Social Science, Economics pertains to
Consumer – use of goods and services by a household. the study on how society creates its
Commodities - goods and services material wealth, how it makes wealth
Unlimited – without limits, infinite available to its people with minimum
Wants –desires difficulties, and how it expands wealth.
• Economics is related to other social
sciences that study other dimensions of
society such as sociology, anthropology, solve these problems have failed, and help us to design
psychology, and political science, new, more effective solutions.
 To help prepare for other careers
Economics has long been a popular college
major for individuals who are intending to work in
BRANCHES OF ECONOMICS business. But it has also been popular among those
MACROECONOMICS planning careers in politics, international relations, law,
A division of Economics that is concerned with the medicines, engineering, etc. This is for good reason
overall performance of the entire company. because practitioners in each of these fields often find
It studies economic system as a whole rather than the themselves confronting economic issues.
individual economic units that make up the economy.
MACROECONOMICS is about the nature of economic ECONOMIC SYSTEM
growth, the expansion of productive capacity and the Chapter 1 (Lesson 2)
growth of national income.
- Gross national product - Level of employment - ECONOMIC SYSTEMS The economic system is the
National income - General level of prices means through which society determines the answers
to the basic economic problems mentioned.
Is concerned with the behavior of individual entities TRADITIONAL ECONOMY Decisions are based on
such as the consumer, the producer, and the resource traditions years and passed on and practices upheld
owner. over the from generation to generation. Methods are
It is more concerned on how foods flow from the stagnant and therefore not progressive. Traditional
business firm to the consumer and how resources move societies exist in primitive and backward civilizations.
from the resource owner to the business firm.
It is also concerned with the process of setting prices of COMMAND ECONOMY This is the authoritative system
goods that is also known as PRICE THEORY. wherein decision-making is centralized in the
MICROECONOMICS studies the decision and choices of government or a planning committee, Decisions are
the individual units and how these decisions affects the imposed on the people who do not have a say in what
prices of goods in the market. goods are to be produced. The economy holds true in
dictatorial, socialist, and communist nations.
• To strengthen economic freedom.
• Promote economic efficiency. MARKET ECONOMY. This is the most democratic form
• Promote economic stability. of economic system. Based on the workings of demand
• To improve economic security. and supply, decisions are made on what goods and
• Attaining a high level of growth in the economy. services to produce. People’s preference are reflected in
the prices they are willing to pay in the market and are
THE IMPORTANCE OF APPLIED ECONOMICS therefore the basis of the producer’s decisions on what
 To understand the world better goods to produce.
Applying the tools of economics can help you
understand global and cataclysmic events such as wars, MIXED ECONOMY. A Mixed Economy with elements of
famines, epidemics, and depressions. Economics has the traditional, command, and free market are present in
power to help us understand these phenomena because varying degrees that is both private and public
they result from the choices we make under the institutions exercise economic control.
condition of scarcity.
 To gain self-confidence and become wise BASIC ECONOMIC PROBLEMS
decisions makers All societies are faced with basic questions in the
Mastery of economics will help you to economy that have to be answered in order to cope
understand how things work in your society thereby with constraints and limitations.
“feeling equipped”
 To achieve social change and contribute to WHAT TO PRODUCE? HOW MUCH?
National Development Society must decide what goods and services should be
Economics can help us understand the origins of produced in the economy. Having decided on the
serious social problems such as: unemployment, nature of goods that will be produced, the quantity to
hunger, poverty, disease, child abuse, drug addiction, these foods should also be decided on.
violent crime. It will also explain why previous efforts to HOW TO PRODUCE?
Is a question on the production method that will be 3. Low Investment in Human Resource
used to produce the goods and services. This refers to Development
the resource mix and technology that will be applied in 4. Weak Infrastructure
production. 5. Pursuing Food Security
FOR WHOM TO PRODUCE? 6. Slow Adoption of Modern Technology
Is about the market for the goods. For whom will the
goods and services be produced? The young or old, the HOW TO SOLVE ECONOMIC PROBLEMS IN THE
male or female market, the low- income or the income PHILIPPINES
groups? Unemployment
FACTORS OF PRODUCTION 1, Appropriate economic policies for labor-intensive
LAND industries.
These resources consist of free gifts of nature which 2. Improve the educational system of the country
includes: - soil - rivers - lakes, oceans - forests - especially in the rural areas
mountains - mineral resources 3. Minimize rural-urban migration by improving the
Land is considered an economic resource because it has economic environment in rural areas.
a price attached to it. Proper coordination between government and the
* we usually pay for it through rent or lease private sector to solve the problem of job mismatch.
Land is a limited resource. Physical land is a fixed 5. Slowing population growth. Philippine growth must
resource. increase faster than the population. Limit the size of
LABOR families.
Also called “human resources” 6. Provision of more investment opportunities to
Labor- refers to all human efforts, be it mental or encourage local and international investment.
physical, that help to produce satisfying goods and
services Infrastructure
In return, he earns an income in forms of wages and 1. The government shall implement fiscal reform
salaries program
CAPITAL 2. Continue reform in key sectors-particularly power,
Two economic definitions of capital: roads and water – to improve cost recovery,
a. Capital – can represent the monetary resources competition, and institutional credibility and to sharply
use to purchase natural resources. Ex: reduce corruption.
Companies use capital to buy land and other 3. Improving central oversight of the planning and
goods coordination of investments
b. Capital – represents the major physical assets 4. Focus on investments through public-private
individuals and companies use when producing partnerships to achieve faster delivery of service.
goods and services. Ex: buildings, vehicles,
equipment Poverty
*Income derived from capital is interest 1. Reduce unemployment
ENTREPRENEURSHIP 2.Appropriate policy on labor income
- is defined as a science of converting ideas into 3.Provision of unemployment benefits for those who
business and is related to economic activity of a will be unemployed due to natural or manmade
person who starts, manages, assumes the risk calamities.
of a business enterprise. Ex. Typhoon, Bombing of terrorists, Earthquake
Entrepreneur came from French word which means 4. Increase social services like education, health care
“enterpriser” and food subsidies for sustainable poverty reduction
- organizer and coordinator of other factors of 5. Appropriate policy on labor income.
production: land, labor and capital. He uses his
initiative, talent and resourcefulness to create Income Inequality
economic goods. 1. Policies to enforce progressive rates of direct
taxation on high wage earners and wealthy
DEVELOPMENT OF THE PHILIPPINES IN THE 21ST 2. Direct money transfers and subsidize food
CENTURY programs for the urban and rural poor
1. Poverty and Unequal Distribution of Income 3. Direct government policies to keep the price of
2. Demographic Changes and Its Economic basic commodities low
Implication 4. Raise minimum wage
5. Encourage profit sharing

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