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Gede Satya Narayana Mantha (04)

Komang Emy Windayani (15)
Paulus Denizu Amaral Pereira(28)
Putu Intan Teja Pretiwi (32)


sandwich is a food made from various kinds of sliced bread and filled with various fillings. In general,
sandwiches are served as a snack, for people who don't have enough time for eating and for people who
want to make easy lunches for school or work. Besides being easy to make, sandwiches also contain
many nutrients such as protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin A, riboflavin, folate, and others.

we will tell you how to make an easy, delicious and healthy breakfast, named chicken sandwich. We
make chicken sandwiches because sandwiches are easy to make, have lots of nutrition, cheap
ingredients and are easy to get.
Ingrediens : Materials:
two slices of white bread stove
1 chicken nugget pan
1 tomato cutting board
1 cucumber a knife
1 slice of cheese
Tomato sauce
Chili sauce
a claw
Mayonnaise plastic wrap
lettuce plate

Steps :
1. Toast the bread on pan with a little butter. toast until the bread is golden brown.
2. Heat oil and Fry the chicken ham on a low heat until it turns golden brown,then drain
3. Cut tomatoes and cucumbers into 2 slices
4. Add the tomato sauce,Chili sauce and mayonnaise on the bread as your taste
5. Put the lettuce, cucumber slices, tomato slices, chicken ham and cheese. Then put a piece
of bread on it as the last layer.
6. Put the plastic wrap and wrap the sandwich tightly with plastic wrap so it doesn't fall
7. Cut the bread into the triangle shape and your sandwich is ready to serve.

Its easy isnt it? You can make it yourself at home… thank you

Job desk member :

1. Gede Satya Narayana Mantha (04) :editing,opening presentation,do 6 th-7th step
2. Komang Emy Windayani (15) :making the video,do 3rd-5th step and platting
3. Paulus Denizu Amaral Pereira(28) :cut and cook on video,tell tools and material,do 2 nd
4. Putu Intan Teja Pretiwi (32) :making the video,closing presentation, do 1 st step

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