Factors Affecting Climate

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DIRECTIONS: Read the story and answer the guide questions.

Anna is an American traveller. She cannot tolerate the winter in her country so she decided to visit the
Philippines. When she arrived, she stayed first in Metro Manila where she suddenly felt temperature
changes. So, she decided to move to Baguio to feel the cold weather. While traversing the winding
roads up to the mountain top, she felt the cold winds. She was amazed because it is much cooler
there than in Metro Manila. After staying there for a few hours, she opted to travel farther north and
went to Cagayan. Unfortunately, there was a typhoon during her stay. She observed that the people
were not badly affected due to Sierra Madre’s mountain ranges. After the typhoon, she headed to
Boracay to experience its majestic white beach. As soon as she arrived, she noticed that it was
warmer on land farther from the sea than when she stayed in the resort along the coastal areas.

Guide Questions:

1. When Anna went to the Philippines, she experienced a sudden temperature change. What factor
affects its climate change?

- The factor that affects the sudden change experienced by Anna is the difference in latitude.
America is far from the equator while the Philippines is near the equator. Countries farther away
from the equator have cooler temperatures, while countries near the equator have warmer

2. How does latitude affect the climate in relation to Anna’s travelling experience?

- Latitude affects climate because the amount of solar energy received by a location is dependent
on its distance from the equator. Areas near the equator receive more solar energy leading to
warmer temperatures. As Anna travelled farther north in the Philippines, she experienced cooler
temperatures because the areas she visited were farther from the equator.

3. How did Sierra Madre mountain ranges help minimize the impact of the typhoon? Cite the factors.

- The Sierra Madre mountain ranges helped minimize the impact of the typhoon because they act
as a barrier to the strong winds and heavy rainfall associated with the typhoon. The mountain
ranges serve as a natural shield, preventing the typhoon from causing as much damage as it
would have if the mountain ranges weren’t there.

4. How do you compare climate on land and climate near the sea?
- Climate on land and climate near the sea can differ significantly. Coastal areas generally have
milder temperatures due to the moderating effect of the ocean. The ocean can absorb and
release heat more slowly than land, which leads to less extreme temperature fluctuations. On the
other hand, land areas have greater temperature variations, with warmer temperatures during
the day and cooler temperatures at night.

5. Why do you think some locations that are distant from bodies of water have extreme climate?

- Locations that are distant from bodies of water have extreme climates because they lack the
moderating effect of the ocean. Without the ocean’s ability to absorb and release heat more
slowly, temperatures in these areas can fluctuate more rapidly and become more extreme.
Additionally, areas farther away from the bodies of water may have different atmospheric
conditions, such as lower humidity levels or increased exposure to wind, that can also contribute
to extreme climates.


DIRECTIONS: Fill the table with the needed information about the different global climatic phenomena.

Global Global Warming Climate Change El Niño La Niña


Description A recent and A change in the This happens The periodic

ongoing rise in average when the cooling of ocean
global average conditions — such temperature in the surface
temperature near as temperature eastern Pacific temperatures in
the Earth’s and rainfall — in a rises above the central and
surface. region over a long normal. east-central
period of time. equatorial Pacific.

Causes 1. Weaker trade 1. Strengthening

1. Burning fossil 1. Air pollution winds of trade winds
fuels 2. Volcanic 2. Weakening 2. Intense
2. Deforestation eruption upwelling of cold upwelling of cold
water water

Effects 1. Biodiversity
1. Melting glaciers depletion 1. Drought 1. Extreme
2. Floods 2. Increase in 2. Wildfires flooding
atmospheric CO2 2. Landslides
Did implementation of the travel ban during the Covid-19 improve the condition of the environment?
Cite your personal experiences that support your answer.

- Personally, I did notice some positive environmental changes during the Covid-19 pandemic,
such as a decrease in air pollution and clearer skies. However, these changes were likely due to a
combination of factors, not just the travel ban. Additionally, I also witnessed an increase in
single-use plastic waste as people relied more on takeout food and online shopping.

DIRECTIONS: Analyze the causes of global warming as shown in the pictures. Write your ideas on how
you, the government, and the world could lessen the impacts of global warming on the box provided.


Deforestation Burning Fossil Fuel Vehicle Pollution Quarrying

I could - participate in I could - reduce energy I could - consider using I could - reduce my
reforestation initiatives by consumption by turning alternative modes of personal consumption of
planting trees in my off lights and unplugging transportation such as quarrying products by
community, school, or electronics when they are walking, biking, or taking considering alternatives
local park. not in use, using public transportation to like recycled materials,
energy-efficient light reduce my carbon and be mindful of my own
The government could - bulbs, and setting my footprint. environmental impact.
establish protected areas computer to sleep mode
to prevent deforestation when not in use. The government could - The government could -
and promote sustainable improve public regulate quarrying
land use practices. The government could - transportation by activities by setting
invest in research and providing better and more standards for
The world could - form development of new accessible public environmental protection
cultural and spiritual technologies that can transportation options, and worker safety.
connections to forests help reduce the impact of which can reduce the
which can help to protect fossil fuel use. number of cars on the The world could - recycle
forests and reduce road and thus reduce and reuse construction
deforestation. The world could - reduce pollution. materials which can
the demand for fossil reduce the demand for
fuels through lifestyle The world could - new materials and
changes and increase the use of public decrease the need for
technological innovation transportation, such as quarrying.
which can also help buses and trains, which
lessen its impact. can significantly reduce
the number of cars on the
road, leading to lower

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