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Worksheet 1

Prevailing truth is that everybody is somehow biased towards or against an idea or individual.
Sometimes, an idea or an act which appears comfortable to us may be construed by some
people as discrimination, misogyny, homophobia etc. This lesson tries to identify community
biases and prejudices in Filipino community to help students to be more mindful of their own
discrimination leanings and eventually stop them.


In this worksheet, you will be able to:

A.Differentiate biases from prejudices. EN9LC-IVf-13.3;

B. Determine the relevance and truthfullnes of the ideas presented
in the material viewed. EN9VC-IVa-14; and
C. Judge the validity of the evidence listened to. EN9LC-IVh-2.15.
D. Accept or reject ideas mentioned. EN9LC-Id-13.2;

Activity 1
Charge: Biases in Ads

Students click on the following links. Fill in the box below.

A. P&G (the look)

B. NIKE (what will they say?)
C. SMART (in-accept na rin kita)


A. Black people The black man proved himself Bias against black people.
through his success.

B. Women Promote feminism and just do Bias against women.

what they like to do.

C. LGBTQIA+ Be supportive of one’s sexual Sexual prejudice.

Guide Questions

1. In P&G commercial, will he be an effective judge? Why? (5 sentences)

- The commercial features a young Black man who has faced discrimination and negative
stereotypes due to his appearance. However, his personal experience with
discrimination does not automatically make him a more effective judge than any other
individual of any race or ethnicity. Anyone, regardless of their race or ethnicity, can be an
effective judge if they possess the necessary qualifications, training, and experience. It is
important to embrace diversity and inclusion and evaluate individuals based on their
skills, qualifications, and experience rather than their race or ethnicity. Therefore, being
Black does not diminish this man's skills or talents and should not affect his ability to be
an effective judge.

2. If you are one of the women in the Nike commercial, should you stop the things that you
really like because of what people may say to you? Why? (5 sentences)

- Following your interests and doing what you love can bring you joy and satisfaction.
Remember that others might have different thoughts, but it's your choice whether you
want to listen to them or not. By pursuing what you believe in and working towards your
goals, you can motivate others and be a role model for those who face similar
challenges. Ultimately, it's your decision to keep doing what you love, even if people try
to discourage you. Just remember to base your choices on your own values and what
you want to achieve.

3. In the SMART commercial, should a child tell his parents about his orientation? Why? (5

- Deciding whether to tell parents about their sexual orientation is a personal choice that
depends on many things like the child's age, the parents' beliefs, and whether the family
will accept and support them. The SMART commercial showed acceptance of one's
orientation but we need to acknowledge that not all families/parents are like that. Usually,
it's good for children to tell their parents if they feel comfortable and safe, because it can
make them feel more accepted and supported. But if they're worried about how their
parents might react, they should also think about their safety and talk to other people
they trust. The choice to tell parents is personal, and each person should think about
what's best for them.
Prepared by: Checked by:
Teachers Head, English Department


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