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Explain the importance of checking vital signs, the procedure of checking vital signs, the normal
and abnormal values and actions taken when noticed any abnormalities.
Word count 500
Address the learning outcome in module 5 while you are writing the answers.
learning outcomes in module 5:
1. Check temperature, pulse and respiration
2. Check blood pressure
Due date- 19th February 2023

Vital signs are an objective measurement of the essential physiological functions of a living
organism. Usually, the vital signs consist of temperature, pulse rate, respiratory rate and blood
pressure. These four vital sign limitations provide useful informations early. Abnormal values
helpful to take fundamental actions.
Body temperature is a variable, which is complex as well as nonlinear and is affected by many
sources of internal and external variables. The normal body temperature for a healthy adult is
approximately 37.0 degrees centigrade /98.6 degrees Fahrenheit (36.5-37.5 C /97.7 - 99.5 F).
Health care providers use the axillary, rectal, oral, and tympanic membrane most commonly to
record body temperature, and the devices most commonly used are the mercury, electronic and
infrared thermometers. They can monitor temperature at different sites, and each site has its
range as well as advantages and disadvantages. For example, oral, tympanic or axillary
temperature., these sites are convenient but generally less accurate. Rectal temperature is more
accurate but it’s not convenient.
The pulse rate is a measurement of the heart rate, or the number of times the heart beats per
minute. The most common sites of measuring the peripheral pulses are the radial pulse, ulnar
pulse, brachial pulse, carotid pulse. the radial pulse is the most frequently used site for checking
the peripheral pulse. The normal range used in an adult is between 60 to 100 beats/minute with
rates above 100 beats/minute and rates below 60 beats per minute. If rate is higher than 100 we
call Tachycardia and lower than 60 Bradycardia.
The respiratory rate is the number of breaths per minute. The normal breathing rate is about 12 to
20 breaths per minute in an average for adult. Parameters important here again include rate,
depth of breathing and pattern of breathing. Rates higher or lower than expected are named as
tachypnea and bradypnea, respectively. Tachypnea is described as a respiratory rate of more than
20 breaths per minute that could occur in physiological conditions like exercise, emotional
changes. Pathological conditions like pain, asthma, Bradypnea described as ventilation less than
12 breaths per minute can be seen due to worsening of any underlying respiratory condition
leading to respiratory failure or due to usage of central nervous system depressants like alcohol,

Blood pressure is the force of circulating blood on the walls of the arteries. It’s come with two
measurements, Systolic and Diastolic. Respectively for Normal Adults Systolic less than 120 and
Diastolic less than 80. It is essential to prerequisites are met before checking the blood pressure
of the patient. The Blood pressure will give higher readings because of, caffeinated drinks,
nicotine smoke, full bladder, talking during the process, keeping crossed legs etc.., Using the
correct cuff size is very important. Ideal blood pressure is between 90/60mmHg and
120/80mmHg.High blood pressure is considered to be 140/80mmHg and low blood pressure is
Since vital signs are an indication of the changes in physiological processes. As a caregiver we
have responsibility to take record regular basics. And if any abnormal figures there we can direct
to responsibility person’s advice. It’s may save our client’s life threatening injury or life.

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