If - You - Struggle - With - Thread - by - Nickbussola - Nov 18, 22 - From - Rattibha

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Nick Bussola


14 Tweets • 2022-11-18 •  See on Twitter

rattibha.com 

If you struggle with poor focus, read this:

You have a lot of work to do.

But can't help getting distracted every 5 minutes.

So a job that'd take 20 minutes now takes 2 hours.

Here are 11 techniques to elevate your focus and get

more done quicker:
1) Monk-Mode Morning

Be unreachable to the world in the first hour of the


This will block out external distractions and boost


Add a block to your calendar every morning and

name it "monk mode"

Go analog as much as possible and silence all your

2) Capture, Configure, Execute

Your brain is full of information which affects you.

Offload it to block internal distractions:

• Capture thoughts by writing them down.

• Configure them by creating lists e.g. life, work
• Execute now urgent and important stuff only.

3) Deep Work Blocks

Formally schedule focused work.

This will make focus intentional and not accidental:

• Add 2 hour blocks to your calendar every day.

• Get rid of internal and external distractions before
• Focus on 1 single task only for the two hours.
4) The Green Zone

We all have performance zones in the day.

We perform best in our green zone.

Find your green zone and fill it with important

activities only:

• Record your mood and energy every day for a

• Detect your green zone.
• Assign critical tasks to it.
5) Create Rituals

A ritual is an easy action that can trigger a difficult


Create rituals right before working to trigger deep

focus and do more.


• Meditate for 10 minutes.

• Go for a 10-minute walk.
• Write down your thoughts in a journal.
6) Train Your Focus Up

Focus is a finite resource.

It can be exhausted, recharged and expanded.

Train it up in small chunks to make it last longer:

• Move to a quiet place.

• Picture 1 thing in your mind.
• Focus on it for as long as possible.
• Improve over time.
7) Tweak The Environment

Your body and mind adapt to the environment at

any given moment.

Be in a "working" environment to facilitate focus

and performance.


• Move briefly to a different place when focusing

• Tweak your room to make it look like a proper
8) Sleep Better

If focus was a car sleep would be the fuel.

The worse you sleep, the less energy you feed your

To sleep better:

• Make your room dark.

• Make your room cool.
• Go analog 1H prior to bed.
• Avoid fatty foods at dinner.
• Stick to the same bed time.
9) Extreme Silence

Sounds are information you need to digest.

Exposing your brain to it while doing other stuff

equals multitasking.

Get rid of as much noise as possible around:

• Put on noise-cancelling headphones.

• Don't listen to music.
• Move to a quieter place.
10) Do a regular brain dump

Your brain can hold a limited amount of


Write it down to eliminate the noise in your head.

Use a bullet journal with pre-filled prompts:

• Now I'm thinking...

• Now I feel...
• I want to...
• I don't want to...

11) Subscribe to my newsletter nextLvLprod.

Every week I share one comprehensive piece of

advice to make you more focused, more organised
and less distracted.

It's free:

That's a wrap!

If you enjoyed this thread:

1. Follow me @nickbussola for more of these

2. RT the tweet below to share this thread with your

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