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The start of senior year is going good, coming in after a couple months seeing my peers and

seeing what we can do with capstone. It is definitely exciting to work with some of my peers and

watch how they improve and add to their capstone project. The football season started off great.

So we look promising this season to win it all but it’s all too early to tell. My teammates are great

and I appreciate them a lot because we are creating a brotherhood bond between each other. Us

as a family I know we will create and build great things this season. The team is looking

promising this season. Over the offseason the team in general got better, got in the lab and put in

the work required for us to be a better team. Last year the team had a chance but didn’t fit well.

My classmates are great and it’s also great to finally see female faces I saw for years. Senior year

is different i would say but it’s not so bad. Especially playing football again. It's like the best

thing that could happen in my last year of high school. Coming from not being able to play

football since middle school and missing most of my high school football career, but now having

the opportunity to play high school football and training all offseason to be the best player I

could possibly be, it’s an amazing feeling to finally play again. Also being a leader and role

model in school and all the little middle schoolers being cool with me, it’s definitely a great

experience to see and influence the young generation. I have to set an example for the little ones

especially in this school cause it’s easy for a young one to get distracted and get off track but the

student athletes are the role models and example for ones coming after us. Senior year is looking

exciting and promising for the school but for me as well. I been thinking about a capstone to do

but i still i'm debating on what to choose it’s a lot of different options to choose from but i'm

going to try to find a capstone that would fit well for senior year.

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