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Efficacy of relaxation, backflushing, chemical cleaning and

clogging removal for an immersed hollow fibre membrane

T. Zsirai a, P. Buzatu b, P. Aerts c, S. Judd a,*

Cranfield Water Science Institute, Cranfield University, Bedfordshire MK43 0AL, United Kingdom
University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
The Dow Chemical Company, USA

article info abstract

Article history: A pilot-scale hollow fibre immersed MBR, challenged with real municipal wastewater, was
Received 23 February 2012 studied and operated under conditions identical to those prevailing at full-scale to assess
Received in revised form the relative influence of backflushing, relaxation, chemical enhanced backflushing (CEB)
19 April 2012 and declogging on permeability decline and recovery. The influence of relaxation and
Accepted 3 May 2012 backflushing was initially assessed using the conventional flux step method; results indi-
Available online 16 May 2012 cated reversible fouling to be similar for each method, whilst the irreversible fouling rate
was significantly reduced by backflushing. For a given total backflush volume, fouling
Keywords: mitigation was found to be marginally better through employing higher backflush fluxes
Membrane bioreactor than longer backflush durations.
Hollow fibre The impact of the CEB on permeability recovery assessed at low and high fluxes indi-
Backflush cated operation at more conservative fluxes to yield more sustained permeability. Under
2 1
Chemical enhanced backflush more aggressive operating conditions - fluxes of up to 35 L m h at specific aeration
3 2
Clogging demand values of 0.25 Nm /(m h) e long-term permeability decline took place which was
Permeability recovery not significantly ameliorated by chemical cleaning. On declogging the membrane through
gentle agitation permeability recovery was significant, but was followed by a rapid
permeability decline over the course of a few hours. Results suggested control of clogging
to be of greater importance than that of fouling in sustaining permeability.
ª 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction (Brepols, 2010; Zheng et al., 2011). Sustainable operation

relies on physical cleaning through relaxation or back-
Economical operation of microfiltration/ultrafiltration (MF/ flushing, or a combination of both, supplemented with
UF) systems relies on optimisation of operating conditions, periodic chemical cleaning in place (CIP). Relaxation, the
normally through fouling minimisation. This entails identi- intermittent cessation of permeation, permits some flux
fying the maximum flux at which the transmembrane recovery if the membrane is immersed and scoured with air,
pressure (TMP) increases at an acceptable rate. The selection such as for immersed membrane bioreactors (iMBRs). Back-
of operation and maintenance (O&M) parameters for flushing (BF) is the reversing of permeate back through the
sustaining membrane permeability is then generally based membrane, and is routinely applied to hollow fire (HF) iMBRs
on rules of thumb, pilot plant and full-scale plant studies (Judd, 2010).

* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ44 1234 754842.

E-mail address: (S. Judd).
0043-1354/$ e see front matter ª 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
4500 w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 6 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 4 4 9 9 e4 5 0 7

During BF, the loosely attached cake detaches from the hydrodynamic conditions (Lin and Bérubé, 2007). For MBRs,
membrane together with some colloidal and soluble material, the CIP normally employs a combination of hypochlorite
such as bound EPS (extracellular polymeric substances), (primarily for removing organic polymers through oxidation),
entrapped in it (Jiang et al., 2003; Smith et al., 2006; Kim and and mineral and/or organic acids (for dislodging scales and
DiGiano, 2006; Geng et al., 2007; Wu et al., 2008; Hwang metal dioxides through solubilisation) (Judd, 2010). For HF
et al., 2009). Cake materials removed by physical cleaning iMBRs the CIP “maintenance” clean takes the form of
comprise “reversible fouling” (Judd, 2010). So-called “irre- a chemically enhanced backflush (CEB), where chemicals are
versible fouling”, thought to relate to membrane pore blocking added to the BF water to enhance foulant removal.
in the early period of the filtration cycle prior to cake forma- MBR operation thus relies upon appropriate selection of
tion (Jiang et al., 2003; Hwang et al., 2009), is removed only be physical and chemical cleaning protocols. Cleaning parameter
chemical cleaning (Judd, 2010). Reversible fouling can become values taken from existing full-scale operating plants (Table 1,
irreversible at overly challenging operating fluxes and predominantly from Judd, 2010) indicate filtration, relaxation

Table 1 e Summary of O&M protocols and fouling trends in full-scale installations.

Installation Feeda SADm, Filtration/backflush Filtration/backflush TMP Maintenance clean
Nm3/(hr m2) periodb min/sec flux, L/(m2h) increasec, bar (CEB) cycle time,
day (protocol)

Wenyu river R 0.2e0.28 9 min/60sec 20 (summer), 0.1e0.3 7 (0.5 g/l NaOCl)

5 (winter)/24
Avranches M 0.15 6 min/30 sec 18.5/30 e 7 (1 g/L NaOCl,
citric acid at pH 3)
Bei Xiao He M 0.33 12 min/60 sec 16.5/x e 14 (0.5 g/L NaOCl)
Beijing Miyun M 0.22e0.35 7 min/60 sec 28 (summer), 0.1e0.6 7 (0.5e3 g/L)
relaxation 21 (winter)/x
Brescia M 0.127 11.9 min/85 sec 20e24/x e 7 (0.5 g/L NaOCl,
relaxation 0.2 wt% citric acid)
Dalsung M 0.12e0.16 12 min/3 min 12.5/x 0.065e0.56 14 (2 g/L NaOCl)
Hammatsu M 0.2 9 min/60 sec 19/24 0.15 mean 14 (3 g/L NaOCl)
Jinqiao M e 9 min/60 sec 20e25/- e 7
Karcag M 0.64 12 min/60 sec 12/33 e e
Monheim M 0.3 6 min/30 sec 10/33 0.6 max 14 (2.5 g/L H2O2,
2 g/L NaOCl)
Nordkanal M 0.43 6.6 min/50 sec 23.7/38 e 7 (0.5 g/L NaOCl,
2 g/L citric acid)
Okchun M 0.2e0.232 12 min/3 min 10.3/x 0.065e0.53 14 (2 g/L NaOCl)
Oroszlány M 0.67 12 min/60 sec 13e15/33 0.2e0.5 7 (0.15 g/L, citric
acid at pH 2)
Peoria M 0.2 12 min/45 sec 17.5/x 0.03e0.1 7 (0.20 g/L NaOCl)
Perthes en M 1 9 min15 sec/ e 0.2e0.5 7 (NaOCl)
Gatines 45 sec
ShenDingHe M 0.26e0.31 e 25 0.1e0.25 7 (0.5 g/L NaOCl)
Sinopec Jinling M e 8 min/60 sec e/x 0.6 max 7 (0.5 g/L NaOCl)
Traverse M 0.18 11.33 min/40 sec 19.2/x e 10 (0.2 g/L NaOCl);
relaxation 20 (2 g/L citric acid)
Ulu Pandan M 0.2 12 min/30 sec 25/x 0.015/year 14 (0.2 g/L NaOCl)
Basic American I 0.21 12 min/35 sec 17.5/x e 7 (0.1 g/L NaOCl)
Machida Food I 0.2 9 min/60 sec 16/16 0.15 mean 14 (1 g/L NaOCl)
Shenghong I 0.3 9 min/60 sec 21/20 0.2e0.6 7 (0.2 g/L NaOCl)
Sinopec I e 9 min/60 sec 12/x 0.03e0.3 10 (0.3 g/L NaOCl)
Guangzhou relaxation
Backflushing is not applicable for relaxation mode or data has not been found.
a Feedwater type: R river, M municipal, I industrial.
b Backflushing applied unless relaxation stipulated.
c Increase in pressure over the cleaning cycle or time period.
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and BF durations of 5.8e15, 0e3, and 0e1 min respectively. In

general, the change in TMP over the course of a cycle should 2. Material and methods
not exceed 0.6 bar and, according to this data set, chemical
cleaning is applied every 7e14 days. It follows that the 2.1. Pilot plant
maximum allowable rate of pressure change is 0.6 bar/week,
or 0.42 mbar/h, and that the CIP must be expected to return The pilot plant comprised a 2.4 m3 bioreactor with a vertically
the membrane to a condition whereby this underlying irre- mounted module containing seven membrane elements
versible fouling rate is not exceeded. (Table 2), each fitted with a single header at the base. The three
The precise physical and chemical cleaning protocol central elements (E1eE3) of differing permeabilities, E1 having
demanded for sustaining operation is dependent to a large a substantially lower surface porosity, but otherwise similar
extent on the membrane flux and air scouring rates selected, specifications (Table 3) were used for testing. The elements
and on the fouling propensity of the mixed liquor. Whilst the were individually fitted with peristaltic pumps (Watson Mar-
nature and characterisation of membrane foulant compo- low, 520 Du) and pressure sensors for permeate extraction and
nents has formed the focus of many studies, with inconclu- transmembrane pressure (TMP) monitoring respectively. The
sive trends reported for full-scale plants (Reid et al., 2008; two pairs of outer elements were each connected to further
Delrue et al., 2011), fewer studies have focused on cleaning peristaltic pumps (Watson Marlow, 620 Du). The module
efficacy. frame was fitted with a skirt to ensure air, provided by eight
Studies of physical cleaning by BF have generally revealed coarse-bubble aerators having 6 mm ports and placed 10 cm
net permeability to increase more with BF flux and frequency below the membrane elements, was directed through the
than with duration (Decarolis et al., 2001; Schoeberl et al., membrane element channels. Air flow was applied intermit-
2005; Smith et al., 2006; Kim and DiGiano, 2006). In a study tently (Table 4) through a Programmable Logic Control
of an HF iMBR the BF frequency (8e16 min) was found to have (Schneider) actuated solenoid valve and regulated with flow-
a greater impact on foulant removal than either aeration meters. Scoping trials conducted on a module fitted with three
intensity (0.3e0.9 m3/h per m2) or BF duration (25e45 s) identical test elements revealed the recorded fouling rate
(Schoeberl et al., 2005). Against this, it has been claimed that standard deviation to be generally within 10% across the three
BF may exacerbate pore plugging (Wu et al., 2008), and that an modules.
extended filtration cycle time can increase BF efficiency if the The biotank base was fitted with both a fine-bubble diffuser
cake formed suppresses membrane pore plugging and so (FBD) for providing dissolved oxygen (DO) and a ring aerator
enhance permeability recovery (Hwang et al., 2009). Optimi- for mixing. The FBD and ring aerators collectively delivered air
sation of the BF protocol can significantly improve perfor- at a rate of 110 L/min; supplementary tests revealed this air
mance; initiation of a BF at an optimal threshold pressure has flow not to significantly contribute to membrane scouring.
been shown to reduce the BF volume by up to 40% and The DO concentration was continuously monitored, and
maintain consistent 80e85% removal of organic matter (Smith aeration actuated via a solenoid valve with the PLC.
et al., 2006). The TMP and permeate flow were respectively monitored
There have been relatively few studies of chemical clean- every 10 s by immersed pressure transducers and ultrasonic
ing impacts on MBR membrane permeability recovery. Recent flow metres, connected to a data logger (Pico data logging
examples include practical, heuristic data from actual MBR system, Pico Technology) and monitored by a PC. The pressure
installations (Brepols et al., 2008; Brepols, 2010; Stüber et al., transducers were installed adjacent to the permeate header to
2009), optimisation methods such as statistical quality ensure accuracy of the readings. Permeate was collected in de-
control (Kim et al., 2011), and small-scale/ex-situ practical aeration/backflush tanks equipped with ultrasonic flow
determination (Raffin et al., 2011; Mahendran et al., 2011). metres at the discharge, preventing suspended air bubbles
Practical studies have included an assessment of the impact if from interfering with measurements. An additional tank was
chemical cleaning sequence (Brepols et al., 2008; Brepols,
2010) and, for a bench-scale anaerobic MBR, a study of phys-
ical and maintenance/recovery chemical cleaning efficacy
(Mahendran et al., 2011). Whilst Table 1 suggests a degree of Table 2 e Hollow fibre membrane element specifications.
variability in operating and maintenance (O&M) conditions, in
Parameter Value
practice these mean O&M parameter values do not appear to
correlate with sludge quality. Notwithstanding this, there Membrane material PVDF
remains little understanding of the basic differences in effi- Pore size, mm 0.2
Internal fibre, mm 1.2
cacy of backflushing, relaxation and chemical cleaning by
Extenal fibre, mm 2.2
CEB, particularly for full-scale modules operating under
Fibre length, mm 1500
hydrodynamic conditions representative of those encoun- Elements dimensions 169  40  1620
tered at full scale. (L  W  H), mm
This work presents the results of such a study, focussing on Number of fibres per element 315
(a) permeability decline over the course of the cleaning cycle Fibre separation, mm 1
(i.e. the period between chemical cleans), and (b) permeability Element separation, mm 20 mm
Element membrane area, m2 3.33
recovery from chemical cleaning using chemically enhanced
Module (seven elements) total 23.4
backflushing. The work includes analysis of both fouling and membrane area, m2
clogging, the latter being assessed qualitatively.
4502 w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 6 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 4 4 9 9 e4 5 0 7

2.3. Plant operation

Table 3 e Membrane material specification.
Sample K, BP pore dia, Mean flow All filtration cycles were 10 min long (Table 4). Initial studies
LMH/bar mm pore dia, mm
compared the irreversible fouling rate dPirr/dt (based on the
E1 300 0.670 0.128 physically-recovered TMP at the start of the 10 min filtration
E2 2160 0.981 0.216 cycle) sustained by a 1 min relaxation compared with 30 s of
E3 1560 0.845 0.185 backflushing at a flux of 25 LMH. A standard flux step method
was used, with step length of 1 h. Subsequent trials employed
backflushing exclusively, step durations of 16e23 h. The
membrane elements were subjected to daily CEBs after each
connected to the three test permeate streams via three way test using 500 mg/l sodium hypochlorite applied at 25 LMH
valves for daily chemically enhanced backflushing (CEB). based on 10 pulses of 30 s with 2 min relaxation between
The test and the control pumps were connected to and pulses e similar to protocols applied at full scale (Table 1).
controlled by programmed software (Debaru Kft) through the The impact of BF time and flux on fouling was studied over
PLC system. An additional peristaltic pump was used for a 21 h period at a constant operating flux J of 25 LMH and total
hourly sludge wasting to control the solid retention time (SRT) filtration cycle time (filtration þ backflush) of 10 min. BF
at around 30 days to maintain the mixed liquor suspended duration sp was altered from 10 to 30 s at fixed backflush flux
solids (MLSS) concentration at 10 g/l. The bioreactor was fed of 25 LMH, and subsequently BF flux Jb altered from 10 to
with settled sewage (427  20% mg/L TSS, 164  23% mg/L COD 25 LMH at a BF duration of 30 s. The net flux Jnet is then given
and 35  27% mg/L NeNH3) from the primary settlement tank by (Judd, 2010):
at the Cranfield University Wastewater Treatment Works, 
with a float switch used to control the maximum bioreactor n Jtp Jb sp
Jnet ¼ (1)
sludge level. At the 8 h hydraulic residence time (HRT) and tc þ s p
10 g/L MLSS (w7 g/L MLVSS), the calculated F:M ratio was
where tp and tc are the filtration cycle and CEB cycle times, sp
w0.07/d e comparable with reported full-scale plants (Delrue
and sc and are the BF and CEB durations and n is the number of
et al., 2011).
filtration cycles per CEB (i.e. tc/(tp þ tc)).
The permeability recovery from backflushing for constant
2.2. Analytical methods flux operation is given by:

ð Þ
Feed, effluent and sludge were monitored twice weekly from dP
samples collected from the reactor vessel top and base to dt
Rback flush ¼ 1  100% (2)
assess mixing efficiency. Measured feedwater quality dpp
parameters included total suspended solids (TSS), total and
where dP/dt is the irreversible fouling rate in mbar/min (Fig. 1),
soluble chemical oxygen demand (COD), and ammonia
tp the BF cycle time of 10 min and dPp the change in pressure
(NHþ4 N), all according to standard methods (APHA, 1999).
across the filtration cycle.
Permeate was monitored for ammonia and nitrate (NO3 N)
Permeability recovery from the chemical clean (CEB) or
to ensure nitrification, as well as turbidity for membrane
declogging is defined as:
integrity. Sludge quality was monitored with reference to non-
volatile and voliaite mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS and Lc Lend
Rclean ¼  100% (3)
MLVSS respectively), sludge volume index (SVI), capillary Lstart Lend
suction time (CST), and soluble chemical oxygen demand
where Lstart, Lend and Lc refer to the respective permeabilities
(sCOD), all according to standard methods (APHA, 1999). COD
(J/P) in L/(m2h bar) at the start and end of the filtration cycle,
was determined using a Merck Spectroquant (Nova 60 Spec-
and after cleaning. The effect of successive CEB applications
trophotometer, Spectroquant).
using sodium hypochlorite at 500 mg/L concentration was
assessed, along with declogging by ex-situ washing with low-
pressure water combined with gentle agitation. For the CEB
trials the plant was operated at gross fluxes of 22.5e27.4 and
32e38.8 LMH for 21 h under constant BF conditions. Four CEBs
Table 4 e Operation conditions.
in succession were applied, interspersed with 15 min of
Parameter Value(s) filtration at 25 LMH to allow measurement of Rclean following
Hydraulic retention time, 8 each clean.
HRT, h
MLSS concentration, g/L 10
Flux range, J, L/(m2h) or LMH 5e40
Specific aeration demand, 0.25 3. Results and discussion
SADm, Nm3/(hr m2)
Aeration mode Intermittent (10ʺ on/ 10ʺ off) 3.1. Permeate and sludge quality
Filtration mode, relaxation 10 min suction/60 s relaxation
Filtration mode, backflush 9.5 min suction/30 s backflush
The permeate turbidity remained below 0.5 NTU throughout,
Backflush flux 25
and 0.3 NTU 30% on average: there was no evidence of
w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 6 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 4 4 9 9 e4 5 0 7 4503

a b

Fig. 1 e Examples of fouling rate responses: (a) 1 h flux step (E1 membrane), and (b) 21 h run (E1eE3 membranes) indicating
the irreversible fouling rate.

membrane integrity impairment throughout this study. (Wu et al., 2008), though comparable to data reported by Geng
Ammonia and COD removal were 96 and 98% on average. et al. (2007) for their pilot-scale study conducted at lower MLSS
Sludge quality was reasonably consistent at 10.8  7% g/L levels (3.3e4.1 g/L).
MLSS, 119  29% mL/g SVI, and 10.9  29% s CST. Increasing the step length to 21 h produced measurable
increases in irreversible fouling (Fig. 1b), the rate of which (i.e.
3.2. Relaxation vs. backflush (BF) dPirr/dt) was found to increase roughly linear with applied flux
(Fig. 3a) e albeit with significant data scatter e with a corre-
Typical transients are shown in Fig. 1a and b for flux steps of 1 sponding decrease in permeability (Fig. 3b). This is at odds
and 21 h respectively. Irreversible fouling rates (dPirr/dt) were with the quasi-exponential behaviour of reversible fouling
determined by linear regression of the maximum pressure shown in Fig. 2 and reported many times previously (Judd,
reading (Pmax) data (i.e. those recorded prior to the BF). 2010). However, even at fluxes exceeding 35 LMH the fouling
Reversible fouling rates (dPrev/dt), i.e. the rate of pressure rate was below 0.08 mbar/min. Moreover, this fouling rate is
increase during a 10-min filtration cycle, followed a similar somewhat conservative, since dPirr/dt tended to decrease with
exponential relationship with flux to that recorded for time (Fig. 1b).
relaxation-based operation on the same membrane material Whilst the two higher-permeability membranes E2 and E3
(Monclús et al., 2010). Small differences (Fig. 2a) are attribut- provided a correspondingly higher mean operating perme-
able to differences in sludge concentration and quality. For ability than the E1 membrane (Fig. 3b), the difference
irreversible fouling, however, relaxation was far less effective decreased with increasing flux. This derives from the more
in maintaining permeability than backflushing (Fig. 2b), which rapid fouling exerted at the higher membrane permeabilities
suppressed fouling to below 0.08 mbar/min (w0.8 bar/week). arising at the start of each cleaning cycle, with permeabilities
This was significantly less than that reported from previous decreasing more significantly over the course of the 21 h cycle
similar pilot-scale studies employing the same membrane at the higher imposed fluxes. The difference in permeability
scouring conditions (Yigit et al., 2009, tests 1e2, Fig. 2b) and between the fibres was thus greatest at the most conservative
slightly lower than that reported for a bench-scale system operating flux of 25 LMH, where the E1 permeability was
operating at much higher specific aeration demand, SADm respectively 31e41% and 21%e25% lower at start and end of

Fig. 2 e Reversible (a) and irreversible (b) fouling rate vs. operating flux, E1.
4504 w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 6 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 4 4 9 9 e4 5 0 7

Fig. 3 e (a) Irreversible fouling rate and (b) permeability vs. operating flux for membrane E1, E2 and E3, backflushing for 30 s
at 25 LMH every 9.5 min.

the 36 LMH flux step than that of the two higher-permeability operating flux to be reduced to around 18 LMH (i.e. by 40e50%).
membranes. The impact of membrane permeability thus Clearly, it is more cost effective to apply more backflush water
decreased with increasing flux. than to reduce the flux to attain the same sustainable state in
this instance.
3.3. Backflush trials Significant differences in the fouling rate trend with
applied BF water volume were observed across the three
The impact of BF duration (30e10 s) on baseline fouling rate for membranes, with 35e43% increased recovery for the higher-
a BF flux of 25 LMH and a total filtration time fixed at 10 min is permeability membranes over that of the E1 membrane.
shown in Fig. 4a; the impact of BF flux (25e10 LMH) at a fixed Also, no significant change in the absolute permeability
duration of 30 s is shown Fig. 4b. Data refer to the mean linear recovery (at 25 LMH for 30 s) was evident with time: conse-
fouling rate over the 21 h cycle, and the change in backflush quently, the % permeability recovery tended to decrease with
condition is expressed as delivered backflush water volume. increasing fouling, in accordance with previously reported
Duplicate data are provided for both increasing and studies (Hwang et al., 2009; Yigit et al., 2009; Yang et al., 2011).
decreasing backflush condition, with CEBs conducted at the
end of each run to recover permeability. 3.4. CEB trials
Plots indicate an increased BF volume to generally decrease
irreversible fouling rate. Marginally greater efficiency was The effect of successive CEB applications with sodium hypo-
demonstrated from increasing the BF flux (Jb) (Fig. 4b) than chlorite (500 mg/l) was assessed at low (22.5e27.4 LMH, Fig. 5a)
from the duration (sp) (Fig. 4a) as reflected in the steepness of and high (32e38.8 LMH, Fig. 5b) operating fluxes. The initial
the dPirr/dt:BF volume gradient, corroborating other reported CEB yielded a similar Rclean (Eq. (3)) of around 65e75% for all
findings (Kim and DiGiano, 2006; Huang et al., 2007; Wu et al., membranes at both fluxes. However for subsequent CEBs the
2008; Zheng et al., 2011). Increasing the total BF volume from % recovery attained for low-flux operation greatly exceeded
w0.25 to 0.7 L, correspondingly decreasing the net flux from that from high-flux operation e by around a factor of two e
w23.6 to 22.4 LMH, (i.e. by 5%) approximately halved the again indicating the benefit of operation at more conservative
fouling rate. To obtain the same reduction in fouling rate by fluxes. The increased Rclean attained by the low-permeability
adjusting the flux would, according to Fig. 3, require the membrane (E1) reflects its more highly fouled condition,

Fig. 4 e Irreversible fouling rate against (a) backflush duration (30e10 s), at a backflush flux of 25 LMH, and (b) backflush flux
(25e10 LMH), at a backflush duration of 30 s, expressed in applied backwash volume at a 25 LMH operating flux.
w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 6 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 4 4 9 9 e4 5 0 7 4505

Fig. 5 e Average Rclean (%), (a) low-flux (22.5e27.4 LMH), and (b) high-flux (32e38.8 LMH) operation vs. CEB for each
membrane (E-1, black; E-2, grey; E-3, white; Average, hatched).

providing greater relative Rclean. The increased recovered fibres revealed relatively hard material (compared with the
permeability with successive CEBs is intuitive and in keeping biotank flocs), characteristic of widely encountered “sludging”
with reported lab-scale data indicating increased permeability or “localised dewatering” (Stone and Livingston, 2008; Mason
recovery with treatment duration (Yan et al., 2010). et al., 2010) rather than “ragging” by long rags or braids from
The standard CEB yielded an increased Rclean throughout agglomerated cellulosic matter (Mason et al., 2010; Stefanski
the campaign, from between 70e110% at the start to et al., 2011).
130e220% by the end (Fig. 6). This provides an indication The requirement of balancing the flux with membrane
accumulation of materials suppressing permeation over the aeration to suppress localised dewatering is well understood,
course of time, notwithstanding the apparent efficacy of and yet the impact of these two key operating parameters on
the CEB. sludging specifically has rarely been reported. A bench-scale
study of the impact of membrane aeration rate on clogging
3.5. Clogging within fibre bundles showed that a specific aeration demand
(SADm) of 1.36 Nm3/(h m2) allowed non-sludging operation,
It is widely recognised by practitioners that clogging forms whereas operation under high-flux (30 LMH) conditions at
a key limitation to iMBR operation (Santos et al., 2011; Lesjean 0.45 Nm3/(h.m2) did not (Lebegue et al., 2009). At the lower
et al., 2011), with its most obvious manifestation being the aeration rate “dead zones” were reported, corresponding to
failure of chemical cleaning to recover permeability. Since agglomerated solids accumulation. Clogging must clearly also
clogging is otherwise indistinguishable from irrecoverable be influenced by design parameters, and specifically packing
fouling as far as performance impacts are concerned, both density, aerator type/positioning and membrane module
leading to an inexorable permeability decline, clogging can dimensions.
currently only be monitored through periodic inspection of
the membrane module. 3.6. Declogging
On withdrawing and inspecting the test elements, clogging
was clearly visible as dark brown particulate matter partially Whilst manifestation of clogging is widely recognised, its
filling the voids space between the fibres along the length of all relative impact compared with fouling has not been previ-
the membrane elements. Manual separation of the individual ously assessed. Declogging of the membrane was attempted

Fig. 6 e % Rclean with standard CEB vs. average baseline permeability (mbar/min) over the study.
4506 w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 6 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 4 4 9 9 e4 5 0 7

Fig. 7 e 21 h trial, 25 LMH: (a) prior to, and (b) after declogging, with CEB using 500 mg/l NaOCl at the end of each trial.

by manual agitation accompanied by low pressure washing to innately permeable membrane providing the lowest absolute
remove the less tenacious of the clogged material. Membranes permeability recovery. Suppression of clogging alone can thus
were then re-inserted into the tank and a further test con- potentially maintain a higher permeability than that from
ducted at 25 LMH for 21 h following the standard CEB. conventional fouling control.
Visual inspection revealed more than 90% of the solids to
be removed by the manual declogging. The TMP transients
produced prior to and following declogging are shown in Fig. 7. 4. Conclusions
The clogged membranes (Fig. 7a) had a similar dPirr/dt profile
to those recorded originally (Fig. 1b), but with a lower Results from a two-month study of full-scale hollow fibre
permeability. Across the two months duration of the membrane modules in an immersed membrane bioreactor
campaign, the permeability decreased from 141 to 96, from have demonstrated the following overall trends in perme-
241 to 146 and from 206 to 106 LMH/bar for membranes E1, E2 ability and its recovery by physical and chemical cleaning:
and E3 respectively. Given that E2 and E3 had been operating
under nominally the same conditions, and were also initially 1. The high-permeability membranes initially provided
demonstrated as having similar permeability, the subsequent higher net permeability operation than the low-
divergence on operating permeability can only be attributed to permeability material, but this difference diminished at
either permanent fouling or clogging. higher fluxes and over the course of time due to the onset of
Following declogging, the permeability of the E1, E2 and E3 clogging.
membranes increased to 150, 310 and 290 LMH/bar, respec- 2. An increased backflush flux was found to be slightly more
tively - the highest permeabilities attained across the whole effective than increased backflush duration for the same
study other than for the virgin membrane (Fig. 8) - with cor- overall backflush volume.
responding permeability recoveries of w50%, albeit with 3. Permeability could be largely recovered through sequential
subsequent rapid fouling (Fig. 7b). As shown in Fig. 8, the CEBs, with little or no difference in behaviour between
absolute permeability recovery (normalised against that of the membranes of differing innate permeability, though an
virgin membrane) from declogging is 61e77%, with the less insidious decline on permeability was evident.
4. All membranes were found to become significantly clogged
after two months of operation, with the least innately
permeable membrane providing the lowest recovery of
permeability to its nominally clean condition.
5. A cursory examination of simple mechanical declogging
revealed it to be generally more effective than the CEB in
recovering permeability, albeit with a more rapid subse-
quent fouling rate.

Bulk membrane permeability appeared to have minimal

impact on sustainable performance of the MBR, since the
diminution of available membrane area due to clogging
becomes more significant at high fluxes regardless of the
membrane material properties. However, the CEB is effective
in sustaining permeability under more conservative operating
conditions (25 LMH flux, 0.25 SADm). Control of clogging over
Fig. 8 e Absolute membrane permeability recovery from the long term becomes critically importance if more aggres-
CEBs over the course of the campaign. sive operating conditions of flux are to be sustained.
w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 6 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 4 4 9 9 e4 5 0 7 4507

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