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OVERCALLS (Style; Responses; 1/2 Level; Reopening) OPENING LEADS STYLE D C B A

Usually 5+ cards & 6+ HCP; RESPONSES: new suit construc- Lead In Partner's suit
tive, but NF, unless o/c @ 2-level & new suit @ 3-level, then F; Suit 3rd from even,low from odd 3rd from even,low from odd Category: BROWN
CUE = limit raise + or 16+HCP; Jump raise = PRE; Jump CUE = NT 4th; 2nd from bad suit 4th NCBO: USA EVENT: Women's
equivolent to limit raise considering HCP & distribution; Subseq as above; ATT as above; ATT PLAYERS: Mildred Breed
if raised, Hi from xxx; Lo from H; if not raised, 3rd & 5th vs suit &
Shawn Quinn
4th vs NT ***@5 level & above: K from AK(x)
1NT OVERCALL (2nd/4th Live; Responses; Reopening) LEADS
1NT O/C=15-18, system on; 1NT in reopening seat: over 1m = SYSTEM SUMMARY
Lead Vs. Suit Vs. NT
10 - 14 and over 1M = 12-16 (system on over both 1NT bids) Ace AKx, Ax+ AKx, Ax, Axx, AQx GENERAL APPROACH AND STYLE
1NT by PH = unusual for 2 lower unbid suits if not in balancing King KQ, KQx+, Kx AKJT, KQT9, Kx 2/1 FG or 4 of m; 1NT resp: F1/1M, semi-F by PH; 4th suit FG;
Queen Qx, QJ, QJx+ Qx, QJ, QJx, QJT+ mod. 2-way CB/1NT rebids except 1C-1D-1NT & /1m-1H-1S;
Jack Jx, JT, JTx, KJT+ Jx, JT, JTx+, KJT+, AJT+ PRE: classic minor(6), wk 3M(7) ; Multi 2D; 2H=0-10 w/S & H(4)
JUMP OVERCALLS (Style; Responses; Unusual NT) 10 Tx, T9, T9x, HT9+ Tx, T9, T9x+, HT9+ 2S=wk PRE in C or D (5); Limit raise in M; WJS in competition;
PRE jump overcalls; good hand & suit in pass out position 9 9x, 98+, 9x, 98x+ PH Flower @ 2 level (9); Bypass D/1C w/ less than INV hand;
2NT jump overcall = unusual for 2 lower unbid; Hi-x Xx, Xxx if raised Xx, Xxx, xXxx Strong JS @ 2-level and INV JS @ 3-level; Open 1NT=14+-17;
Lo-x HxX, HxXx, xxXx not raised HxX, xxX Bal 1NT/1m=10-14 and /1M=12-16 with system on over both
Jump reopen 2NT=19+ - 21 and system on SIGNALS IN ORDER OF PRIORITY Inverted minor (off in competition)(36)
DIRECT AND JUMP CUE BIDS (Style; Responses; Reopen) Partner's Lead Declarer's Lead Discarding SPECIAL BIDS THAT MAY REQUIRE DEFENCE
Michaels CUE: 1m-2m=5+5+ Majors, 1M-2M=5OM & 5+m; 1 Lo = ENCRG UD count Lo=ENCRG OPEN BIDS except 4th seat: Multi 2D = weak 2 in H or S (3)
(1 any)-p-(1M)-2M=NAT; 1any-(o/c)-2of o/c = LR+ or 16+ HCP; Suit 2 S/P S/P S/P 2H=5+5+M w/ 0-10HCP(4); 2S=WK PRE in C or D(5); IN 4th
(1X)-p-(1M)-2X=4 OM & 5+ om, Jump Q of RHO asks stop 3 UD count Count seat: 2D,2H & 2S = very good weak 2 bid; 3NT=Gambling w/
(1H)-p-(1S)-2H=C&D better than 2NT, 3H/S asks stopper 1 Lo = ENCRG UD count Lo=ENCRG feature(38). RESP: Unknown SPL/1M (8) ; 3m/1M = INV;
VS. NT (vs. Strong/ Weak; Reopening; PH) NT 2 S/P S/P S/P PH JS @ 2-level = Flower Bid (9); 12-14 HCP SPL/1M (10);
vs 10-12: X=13-16 or 20+, 2C=H&S, 2D=H, 2H=S, 2S=m trick tak 3 UD count Count
ing(2NT asks m & 3NT accepts), 2NT=17-19, 3M=good PRE; vs Upside down count & attitude; S/P in trump suit occasionally; IN COMP: LEB slow shows (23); LEB/ direct X of weak 2 bid (11)
12-18:X=1 suit or 4M&5m, 2C(D)=3+m&5M, 2H=H&S, 2S=NAT Smith Echo by both sides vs NT Flannery Def (12); Unusual/Unusual (13); Transfers over 1M - X
VS. PREEMPTS (Doubles; Cue-bids; Jumps; NT bids) (1NT->C, C->D, etc) (30); Transfers/1 suit - 1M - NEGX (31)
T/O DBL thru 4H; LEB/direct X of weak 2(11); weak 2-CUE asks (1M)-P-(2M)-4m=5+m+5+OM & forcing(39)
stopper; 2M-4m=bid m & OM; 2D-4C=C & 1 M (4D asks M)(39);
2NT=15-18 & system on TAKEOUT DOUBLES (Style; Response; Reopening)
10+HCP and support for all unbid suits or extra strength; CUE
by responder F until bid & raise; Reopen dbl usually as direct
VS. ARTIFICIAL STRONG OPENINGS SPECIAL, ARTIFICIAL AND COMPETITIVE (RE-)DOUBLES If oppo jump to 5m & we're in auction, P = F; if oppo bid 5m &
vs 1C STR & 1D resp: X=14+HCP, 1NT=H&S, 2NT=C&D NEG X thru 4D, SUPP X & XX (not of strong NT);1m-1S-NEGX- we have shown INV values, P = F; if oppo bid 4M, we have show
vs 2C STR & 2D resp: X=H&S, 2NT=minors 2S-X=3H&14+; 4th suit X (not as good as bidding 4th suit); Maxi- n INV values & established fit, P=F, P then pull stronger action
mal X when GT blocked (o/c or open); card showing X (action); IMPORTANT NOTES THAT DON'T FIT ELSEWHERE
DBL of SPL asks for next lower suit to be led; Dbls in front of Good-bad 2NT(35): Free bid @ 3-level=extras in competition
OVER OPPONENTS' TAKEOUT DOUBLE length tend to be T/O or card showing
1level NS = F1, JS = weak; Jump raises = WK, 2NT = Limit +; FSF (33); Most 2NT bids in competition are NOT NAT(34)
Transfers/1M-X(30); XX=9+HCP PSYCHICS:

1A 3 4D 10-21 HCP 1NT=8-10, 2NT=11-12,then 3M=SPL, 3NT=13-15, 1m-1M-1NT or 1m-1H-1S, then (2C -> 2D, 2D=FGCB, Jump= NAT & F, 1m-1M-1NT or 1m-1H-1S
bypass D w/less than INV val;Inverted minor (36); 2NT -> 3C weak, unless rebid 3NT); Wolf/2NT rebid(32); RKC (1) then 2D=1 rd F,2C->2D
1B 3 4D 10-21 HCP 1NT=6-10,SPL same as above

1C 5 4D 10-21 HCP, occasionally 4 1NT=F1; 2NT=F raise (14); 3M = 9-11 UNK SPL(8); 1H-1NT-2S-2NT->3C; 1H-1NT-3S=1633, 19HCP & semi-solid suit; self 2NT= 11-12, 1NT=semi-F;
cards in 3rd or 4th seat 3 O/M = 12-14 SPL (15); 3 way GT (16); SPL; 1H-1NT-2C-2S-2NT asks clarify (17); 2-way FIT Drury (20); PRE
3A/B, 4A/B/C/D = (42) 1H-1S-1NT-2C->2D (18); Serious 3NT (19) jump raise; 3C(D)= INV
1D 5 4D same Same as 1C 1S-1NT-2C-3D=weak; 1S-1NT-2C-2D=INV or weak w/5H (21) 1H-2S=4H&6S less than8
1 NT ** 14+ - 17 HCP, balanced STAY, JTB, 3M=short,Texas Trans & after STAY 1NT-2C-2M: 4C=RKC, 4D=4 bid M w/15-16HCP, 3OM=4 bid M, UNK NEG DBL of 2S or higher
Walsh(22); 3m=INV w/2 of 3;FITS/strength X(26) short & mild+ slam int; Baron(27) UPH or PH;
LEB(23);2S=D or C&D(25); 2NT=C or 5-5M(24)
2A 22+ HCP if balanced 2D waits, then cheaper m = xx neg; 2M=5+card 2C-2D-4C(D)=RKC; 2C-2D-3NT=22 HCP w/6 card m, then 4C = reverse /interference: X=Penalty
81/2 tricks if rebid M suit & values; 3m tends to be 6+card suit & valu puppet; 2C-2D-2H->2S, then 2NT = 24-26 HCP(28); 2NT-3S-3NT, then 2C-2any-p-p-X=
91/2 tricks if rebid m es; Kokish(28), 3S->3NT = minor(s) slam(29) 4C=C, 4D=D, 4M=short & 5-5m (all slam interest)(29);JTB&Texas/2NT 2NT rebid or 4x1
2B 4-10 HCP, 6 cards in H or S 2or3 M=P or C; 4C for suit below, 4D for suit;2nt 2D-2NT-3C(D)=min w/H(S), then next step asks & 3H(S)=min.min, 3NT=
occasionally 5 in 3rd seat describe; 4M=to play; 4NT=big w/ C&D, 5m=play 2 top H,4 level = SPL (2)
2C 3-10 HCP, 5+/5+Majors 2NT asks clarification, then 3C/D = shortness w/ 2H-2NT-3C(D)(H)(S)-then 4C=RKC (H), 4D=RKC (S), 4NT=6RKC w/ resp
min, 3H/S=max with short C/D;3m=NF, 4m=F onse:5C=0-3, 5D=1, 5H=2w/o a Q, 5S=2w/1Q & 5NT=2w/2Q
2D Weak PRE in C or D any C or D bid = P or C (ex 5D), bid P or C & re 2S-2NT then 3C=bad C, 3D=bad D, 3H=good C, 3S=good D; after bid 2
bid=to play; 3M=INV; 2NT asks suit quality NT, then NS = F; after 2S-X, P suggest play, XX=to penalize, 3H=NF
2 NT 19+-21 HCP STAY,TRF@3 & 4 level;3S->3NT minor(s) slam 3S->3NTthen4C=D&4D=C, respond KC 4,3,2; 3D-3H-3S=5-5 M game or strong slam try
3 bids 6 classic, 3m 1 loser in 1st/2nd NS=FG; 4Cor4D/3C=RKC(0,1w/o,1w/,2w/o,2w/Q
3NT Solid 7 card suit & 1 feature 4D asks short; 4C = PorC 3NT-4D-4H=H, 4S=S & 5m=om shortness, 4NT=no shortness
4th seat = to play 4NT=bkwd, 4M & 5m = to play; 4D ask short
4A 7 PRE

4B 7 PRE

4M 6 PRE 4NT = RKCB; 4S/4H=nat; 5 level asking bid HIGH LEVEL BIDDING
RKCB: cheapest non-trump suit asks queen, bid 1st K held with Q,return
4NT 7 Solid suit opening 5m to trump suit w/o, bid NT w/ Q & no king; Super Gerber (5C); 4 of same
minor (raised or jump <not 1-4>) = RKC (NT is not a step in asking for Q
5m 7 Broken suit or kings); Exclusion RKCB; DOP1; DEPO; Baron (36); QUANT 4S & 4NT
(37); 1M-4 level o/c-4NT = RKCB; 1m-4M-4NT=minors (at least 6-4); 4C/
5M 6 Missing AK of trump PRE & 4D/4C = RKC;

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