Bus Pass System

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This is to certify that Mr. Chitalkar Mangesh Dattatray , Mr. Divate

Akshaykumar Subhash of T.Y.B.Sc (Computer Science) has completed the Project

titled “ Bus Pass System” as per syllabus laid down by the University of Pune

during academic year 2013-14. They are sincere honest and completes the work

allotted to them within stipulated time.

Their performance is Good.

Project Guide Internal Examiner External Examiner Head of Department


• Acknowledgment
• Problem Definition
• Existing System & Need Of New System
• Scope of System
• Feasibility Study
• Requirement Analysis
• Entity Relation Diagram(ERD)
• Data Dictionary
• Data Flow Diagram
• UML Diagram
▪ Class Diagram
▪ Use case Diagram
▪ Collaboration Diagram
▪ State Chart
▪ Component Diagram
▪ Deployment Diagram
▪ Sequence Diagram
▪ Activity Diagram
• Input / Output Screens
• Report Layout
• System Testing
• User Manual System
• Limitation
• Bibliography

With all respect and gratitude we would like to thanks all

people who stood by us and helped us directly and indirectly to
complete this project.
The project titled “BUS PASS SYSTEM” would not have been
completed without the valuable guidance and encouragement of
Prof.A.U.Lasure and all teachers of the department. We have to
acknowledge them for their moral support.
Because of moral support of my parents I am able to complete
each and every particular task.
We would also like to thanks our classmates for their co-operation
and inspiration us to complete this project.

Mr.Chitalkar Mangesh Dattatray,

Mr.Divate Akshaykumar Subhash.

• The system is totally manual.

• It is time consuming & tedious.

• All the student and passenger information is recorded

into manually register.

• There is the lost of documents, chance of document


• Searching of the previous records of the student is also

time consuming & tedious. They have not found in all
the registers.

• Because of this the system is physically hard. So we try

to solve this problem by computerising the system.

Existing System:-
This system is based on passenger pass in which passenger
can travel with concession along with from his/her village or city.
This system is also based on student & passenger pass. There
are two types of passes like student pass & passengers pass.

Student Pass Passenger Pass

One Month Pass One Month Pass Three Month Pass

A) Student Pass :
This is based on student pass in which student travels from
his / her village / city. The student pass is only of type one month
pass. In this student pays the money for ten days &get 20 days
money concession means Student pays amount with 66.66%
concession. The system is working manually & includes lots of
paper work.
The student pass procedure is as follows:-

• The student approaches to Bus Depot along with bonafide.

• The Clerk takes the bonafide and gives the form to the
• The student fills the form & takes down it to college principle
for college stamp & signature.
• Student has been submitting the form to bus depot clerk.
• Clerk gives that form & writes the number of form onto the
student bonafide.
• This process clerk this takes the student name, class, date
of birth, college name, route onto the register.
• Clerk prepares an ID card& pass.
• The amount is calculated on the basis of route distance.
• The given ID Card is unique, but pass is renewed at every
month by paying next month’s fees .So the total is manual
and lots of documentation work is involved . So, it is time

B) Passenger Pass:-
This is based on Passenger pass in which Passenger
travels from his / her village / city. In this, Passenger pass is
valid for all passengers such as Employees, Teachers, Private
class Students or any person. The system is working manually
& includes lots of paper work.
There are two types of Passenger Pass are as follows:
1) One Month Pass.
2) Three Month Pass.
1) One Month Pass :

There is a concession for one month pass is 33.34% of total

amount. It means that the Passenger pays amount for 20
days and can do the journey for 30 days.
The procedure of one month pass for passenger is as

• First passenger takes the form from the clerk.

• Passenger fills that form with his/her name, address, e-
mail ID, mobile number, industry/workstation, date of
birth, route, etc.
• Passenger submits that form to the clerk with
Identification proof. Then Clerk takes the form and
writes the information of the passenger into the
• The amount of pass is calculated on the basis of route
• Then Clerk prepares ID-Card & passes and gives to the
passenger and takes money which is calculated on the
basis of route distance.
The total is manual and lots of documentation work is
involved. So, it is time consuming.
2) Three Month Pass :

There is a concession for three month pass is 44.45% of

total amount. It means that the Passenger pays amount for
50 days and can do the journey for 90 days.
The procedure of three month pass for passenger is same
as One Month Pass.

Need of Computerization:
There is a need of computerisation of existing system
because of following reasons:
• The existing system is totally manual.
• It is time consuming & tedious.
• All the student and passenger information is recorded
into manually register.
• There is the lost of documents, chance of document
• Searching of the previous records of the student is also
time consuming & tedious. They have not found in all
the registers.
• Because of this the system is physically hard. So we try
to solve this problem by computerising the system.
Proposed System:-

• The proposed system is fully computerised and

Graphical User Interface (GUI) based. So, it is easy to
handle efficient and requires less time.
• By using this system the data can be easily updated
and searches.
• There is security to the data. No chances of the data
lost, data can be backed up on the disk, flash drive.
• Most important are the student and passenger will get
the pass as fast as possible.
• No need to wait in a long queue.
• Renewal of the pass will be easy.
• Pass cannot be cancel.
• Generation of the pass and ID card will computerise
and easily printed.

• All work should systematic.

• Consistency in department.

• Database management and data oriented.

• Various kinds of reports.


The different types of feasibility studies which are carried out

during the project developments are as follows:

1. Technical Feasibility:
The project is technically feasible. No additional software
or hardware is required for the implementation, as the system is
platform independent.

2. Economical Feasibility:

System has very low development cost, development time

and easy construction techniques reduces operational cost,
maintenance cost That’s why. The system is economically
feasible .

3. Operational Feasibility:

The system is user friendly that is no prior computer

knowledge required to operate this system. A normal training
can make any person feasible to operate this system.
Requirement Determination:-
A) Software Requirements:
1) Operating System: Windows XP and above.
2) Front End Tool: Java.
3) Back End Tool: Microsoft Office Access.

B) Hardware Requirements:
1) Hard Disk Drive: 100 GB Onwards.
2) RAM: 128 MB Onwards.
3) Processor: 1.0 GHz Onwards
4) Printer.

Fact finding techniques

Following fact finding techniques has been used for system study
and information gathering

• Interview
• Record Review
• Questionnaire
• Observation

1. Questionnaire:-
A questionnaire is sequence of questions to collect
information from the user. The questions are clear and simple and
to the point. The success of collecting data through a
questionnaire mainly depends on how skillful and imaginatively
the questionnaire has been designed, we ask them how the
system actually works, how you collect the information or which
type of peoples uses which type of scheme etc.
The questionnaire is as follows:-
1. What is the process to pass system?
2. What is the type of passes?
3. How much concision of passes?
2. Record Review:-
Information related with the system may be present through
journals, forms, documents, circulars, notices which are previous
official documents.
The kind of record review provides very valuable information
to the analyst about the system, organization and various
procedures and rules.

3. Observation:-
Observation allows us to gain information. In this method we
have observed various documents, the flow of documents; way of
process is carried out etc.

Name of c/s

Student/Passenger has





Clerk issue


cid cname

Login Table:-

Sr.No Field Data Description Constraint

1 Uname Text User Name -
2 Pword Text Password Primary key

Student Registration Table:-

Sr.No Field Data type Description Constraint
1 Regno Number Registration Primary key
2 ResDate Text Resent Date -
3 Lname Text Last name -
4 Fname Text First name -
5 Mname Text Middle Name -
6 Address Text Address -
7 Name of Text Name of -
C/S College
8 DOB Text Date Of Birth -
9 Gender Text Gender -
10 pass type Text Pass Type -
11 Route Text Route -
12 Bncf Text Bonafite -
13 Mncf Text Manual Form -
Student One Month Pass Table:-
Sr.No Field Data Description Constraint
1 Regno Number Registration Foreign Key
2 Sname Text Student Name -
3 Address Text Address -
4 Rs Text Amount -
5 Age Text Age -
6 Name of Text Name of College -
7 Route Text Route -
8 Validity Text Validity -
9 To Text To -
Passenger Registration Table:-
Sr.No Field Data type Description Constraint
1 Regno Number Registration Primary key
2 ResDate Text Resent Date -
3 Lname Text Last Name -
4 Fname Text First Name -
5 Mname Text Middle Name -
6 Address Text Address -
7 Workstation Text Workstation -
8 DOB Text Date Of Birth -
9 Gender Text Gender -
10 pass type Text Pass Type -
11 Route Text Route -
12 Id prove Text Id Prove -
13 Mncf Text Manual Form -
Passenger One Month Pass Table:-
Sr.No Field Data Description Constraint
1 Regno Number Registration Foreign Key
2 Name Text -
3 Address Text Address -
4 Rs Text Amount -
5 Age Text Age -
6 Workstation Text Workstation -
7 Route Text Route -
8 Validity Text Validity -
9 To Text To -

Passenger Three Month Pass Table:-

Sr.No Field Data Description Constraint
1 Regno Number Registration Foreign Key
2 PName Text Passenger -
3 Address Text Address -
4 Rs Text Amount -
5 Age Text Age -
6 Workstation Text Workstation -
7 Route Text Route -
8 Validity Text Validity -
9 To Text To -

Context Level DFD:-

Form Request Form Request

Student / Clerk
Form & Amount Form

Form Issue
Form System
Pass ID
Pass ID 0.0

Reports Amount
Management Account

First Level DFD








Class Diagram:-

Student / Passenger Clerk

#name : Name #name : Name

#address : String #address : String
#reg no : Number #id : Number

+addStudent() +addStudent()
+addPassenger() +addPassenger()
+deleteStudent() +deleteStudent()
+deletePassenger() +deletePassenger()
+takePass() +takePass()

1..* 1*

1 1


#id : Number
#name : String
#address : Number

Use case Diagram:-




Sequence Diagram:-
Student/Passenger Clerk System

Ask Information

Give information & forms

Fill Form & Amount

Insert Data

Pass & ID

Pass & ID
Activity Diagram:-

Valid Student / Passenger

Valid invalid

Student Passenger

1 Month 1 Month 3 Month

New Old New Old New Old

Fill Form Take Details Fill Form Take Details Fill Form Take Details

Component Diagram:-

Student /Passenger


Deployment Diagram:-


Student / Clerk

Collaboration Diagram:-

Student / Passenger System

1: Ask Pass Information 4: Insert Student /

2: Give Information 3: Give Form & Amount
& form 5: System Create and
6: Give Pass & ID give Pass & ID

State Chart Diagram:-


Ask Information

Give Information &form

Give form & amount

Insert data in system

System create pass &


Give Pass & ID


Student One Month Pass Report:-

Passenger One Month Pass Report:-

Passenger Three Month Pass Report:-


Testing is very important for every system to be

successfully implemented. The common view of testing is
performed to prove that there are no errors in the system.
Testing gives the guarantee that the software does not fail &
will run according to specifications & in the way user

Types of Testing:-
1. Black-Box Testing :-
In this, the structure of the program is not considered.
The software is considered as a black box to which defined
inputs are given. From this the defined outputs are obtained. In
this the tester only knows what the software is supposed to do
but he cannot look in the box to see how it operates.
We have given all possible Inputs checked all correct outputs:
▪ Enter Username & Password- valid- Login
▪ Enter student & passenger details - Add records
into database successfully.
▪ Enter register no. & other details- records are
inserted successfully.
2. White Box Testing :-

In this type of testing every line of the code is tested. It is also

called logic-driven structural testing. Using this testing method
we can develop highly reliable software.
We have checked all the frames independently. Also tested all
the loop conditions, databases and GUI very carefully.

• Enter Username & Password-invalid- gives message not

valid user.
• For validation we use equals method i.e. uname=pwd.
• First register the student or passenger.
• Enter integer student reg.no not enter the characters. If all
fields are not filled then it gives message Field cannot leave
• Enter register no. to obtain the all details of student. Firstly it
checks student or passenger has register or not. If yes, the
students or passengers passes & ID carts are printed.

User manual is a guideline for the user for operating the

system. The user gave a guideline about the system. It is
essential that it should meet the entire requirement and user
should give a glimpse to the user manual in order to acquire
the sufficient knowledge of the new system so that it
becomes easy for him to use it and handle it in a proper
The “Bus Pass System” is developed in Java. The
System is developed as per the user requirement that they
mentioned at the time of the data collection.
This system is very simple to use. It is user friendly.

Due to lack of time we could not offer more facilities.

It should be handled by one and only one person to gain security
since at a time only one password is set & hence it should be
known to that person.

Following is the list of books and the tutorial software’s that
helped us to create our project.

Java complete Reference book

…….By – Herbert Schield

Software Engineering
…….By- Roger Pressmen
Object Oriented Software Engineering
…….By- Mrs.Sharada Patil & Mr.Alok Pawar


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