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CCC- justice and ownership

Play within a play starting in the Soviet Union and Nazis burned everything they lose so when people
come back, they discuss if goats or apples should be grown on a particular field, they end up on
apples, so Brecht says that change is better.

Chalk Circle is called that because it’s performed in WW2 village in Soviet Union but it’s not in Russia.

Who has the right to a lost child

Should be benefit of all and not one.

If Grusha gets Michael, then he will be loved.

Dialectic- Thesis {} Antithesis = Synthesis

Physical manifestation of a dialectic with the acts in the stuff

Epic because everyone in society is included

Realism doesn’t need to explore everyone in society.

If Brecht did SOTA then everyone from Aboriginals to the rich would be seen and Dulcie would grow
wings and escape as she kills Stan

Deus Ex Machina

SOTA is a memory play= Some representational and some presentational

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