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1. The Present Simple Tense (V+s/es; do/does+V; don’t/doesn’t +V)

Koristi se za radnju koja je deo televizijske šeme, reda vožnje, rasporeda, kalendara...

– My bus leaves at 10. (Moj autobus polazi u 10h.)

– When does the English football season start ? (Kad počinje fudbalska sezona u Engleskoj ?)
– The school year in Serbia ends in July. (Školska godina u Srbiji se završava u junu.)
– The film starts in ten minutes. (Film počinje za 10 minuta.)

2. The Present Continuous Tense (am/are/is + V+ing; inversion; am/are/is+not)

Označava lične planove za budućnost, pri čemu obično bar 2 osobe znaju za tu radnju.

– I’m meeting Jane tonight. (Večeras ću se videti sa Džejn.)

– She’s leaving tomorrow morning. (Ona odlazi sutra ujutru.)
– We’re having dinner at the restaurant on Friday. (U petak ćemo večerati u restoranu.)
– What are you doing tonight ? (Šta radiš večeras ?)

3. The Future Simple Tense (will+V; inversion; won’t+V)

a) za trenutne odluke:
– It’s cold. – I’ll close the window.( – Hladno je. – Zatvoriću prozor.)
– I’ll pay for the tickets. (Ja ću kupiti karte.)
– (telefon zvoni): I’ll answer ! (Ja ću se javiti !)
– Are you sick ? I’ll make you some chicken soup. (Jesi li bolestan ? Napraviću ti malo pileće supice.)

b) za predviđanja zasnovana na ličnoj proceni, mišljenju, očekivanju, sudu:

– I don’t think he’ll come tonight. (Mislim da neće doći večeras.)
– If you ask him, he’ll probably help you. (Ako ga zamoliš, verovatno će ti pomoći.)
– It is expected that the Parliament will pass the law. (Očekuje se da skupština donese zakon.)
– Who do you think will win the game ? (Šta misliš, ko će pobediti u ovom meču ?)

4. „Going to“ Structure (am/are/is + going to + V; inversion; am/are/is not + going to+V
a) za odluke već donete pre trenutka govora:
– When I grow up, I’m going to be a doctor. (Kad porastem biću lekar.)
– We’re not going to paint the house tomorrow. (Nećemo krečiti kuću sutra.)
– When are you going to go on holiday ? (Kad ideš na odmor ?)
– They are going to adopt a child. (Oni će usvojiti dete.)

b) kada imamo neki očigledan dokaz da će se nešto desiti:

– Look at those clouds. It’s going to rain heavily. (Vidi one oblake. Pašće jaka kiša.)
– Watch out ! You’re going to hit that car ! (Pazi ! Udarićeš u onaj auto !)
– It’s 9 o’clock. You’re going to miss the bus. (Devet je sati. Zakasnićeš na autobus.)
– They’ve been together forever. I think he’s going to propose her. (Zajedno su 100 godina. Mislim da će
je zaprositi.)
5. The Future Continuous Tense (will be+V+ing; inversion; won’t be + V+ing)
Koristi se za radnju koja će biti u toku u nekom trenutku u budućnosti.

– This time tomorrow I will be flying to Paris. (Sutra u ovo vreme ću leteti u Pariz.)
– Don’t call between 3 and 4. I will be taking the exam. (Ne zovi između 3 i 4, biću na ispitu.)
– By Christmas I will be skiing like a pro. (Do Božića ću skijati kao profesionalac.)
– Just think, on Friday you’ll be lying on the beach. (Samo pomisli da ćeš u petak ležati na plaži.)

6. The Future Perfect Tense (will have +Past Participle; inversion, won’t have + PP)
Koristi se za radnju koja će se završiti do nekog trenutka u budućnosti.

– He will have bought the car by Friday. (Do petka će kupiti automobil.)
– I will have read the book by the time you’re back. (Dok se ti vratiš ja ću pročitati knjigu.)
– Call me at 7. I will have arrived home by then. (Zovi me u 7 sati. Do tad ću stići kući.)
– He will have returned by 11. (Vratiće se do 11h.)

7. The Future Perfect Continuous (will have been +V+ing; inversion; won’t have been
Koristi se da se projektujemo napred u budućnost i napravimo osvrt unazad, koliko dugo
će neka radnja u tom trenutku biti u toku.

– Next year I will have been working for ten years. (Dogodine će biti 10 godina kako radim.)
– By 2025, she will have been living in Rome for a decade. (Do 2025, biće decenija kako živim u Rimu.)
– At 5 o’clock, he will have been studying for 10 hours. (U 17h biće 10 sati kako uči.)
– When I pass C1 level, I will have been learning French for 20 years. (Kada položim nivo C1, biće 20
godina kako učim francuski.)

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