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Km. 54 National Highway, Makiling Calamba City, Laguna

Tel. Nos.: (049) 502-0971 to 75; (049) 502-8946

High School

Mini PT 1: Hard News

What to do?
1. Look for two hard news for the following topics:
A. Community or local-based news that focus on the prevention of cigarette and alcohol use
through the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. (Health)
B. Tasks and program/projects in community and country level that help in promoting regional
and global peace, unity, and development. You may also produce your own campaign/project
that promotes or raises awareness on the mentioned aspects. (Social Studies)
2. Students must provide the resources they have used as reference or inspiration such as link,
name of newspaper, magazine, or journals where the article was taken, and the likes. They
should also collect related videos or pictures for their hard news to be used later on.
3. When done, upload your hard news via 4th Quarter Performance Task Channel> Hard News
>your group number. The file should be in Word Document. The English teacher will make
corrections or comments in terms of grammar, structure, and the likes.
File name convention: Ex.: Group#_Hard News#
Group 1_Hard News1
Group 1_Hard News2

4. Once the script has been checked already, apply all the changes and comments. Then print
the final script. It should be:
• encoded using Arial font size 12
• printed in a short bond paper
• headlines or news title must be in capital letters
• complete names of the members with their job assignment/contribution

*Once your group has printed the revised script already, you may start recording your
broadcasting. The subject teachers may also give you their time to do the taking of video/s
or photos.
Km. 54 National Highway, Makiling Calamba City, Laguna
Tel. Nos.: (049) 502-0971 to 75; (049) 502-8946

High School

When to do? Deadline of submission is on April 19, 2023, Wednesday.

Criteria for judging:
No factual errors or The article contains Some factual errors or Multiple factual errors or
omissions that accurate information and omissions that detract significant omissions that
Accuracy compromise the facts. from the overall accuracy compromise the overall
of the article accuracy of the article
overall accuracy of the
Engaging and Clear and concise Some unclear language, Unclear language, jargon, or
compelling language language that makes the jargon, or convoluted convoluted sentence structure
Clarity that makes the article article easy to understand sentence structure that that makes the article difficult
a pleasure to read and detracts from the overall to understand
easy to understand clarity of the article
Exceptional objectivity Balanced reporting that Some biased language or Biased language or lack of
that avoids any presents multiple lack of balance that balance that indicates a clear
indication of a perspectives or viewpoints detracts from the overall perspective or agenda
Objectivity particular perspective in a fair and objective objectivity of the article
or agenda, providing manner
an unbiased and
neutral perspective.
Timely and highly Clear connection to current Some connection to No clear connection to current
relevant to current events or relevance to the current events or events or relevance to the
events or the intended intended audience relevance to the intended intended audience
Relevance audience, providing
audience, but could be
valuable insights and
Km. 54 National Highway, Makiling Calamba City, Laguna
Tel. Nos.: (049) 502-0971 to 75; (049) 502-8946

High School

Mini PT 2: Infomercial
What and when to do?
1. Create a short infomercial (1 to 2 minutes) to be used in your broadcasting. It may depict
health, particular products, environment, and social issues that may be based on press
releases, raw data, or any other option with reliable and trustworthy information resources.
Use of music, effects, animations are allowed. Just make sure the speaker’s voice will remain
clear and audible.
Flow of MJPT: Hard News 1 > Infomercial > Hard News 2
2. Upload the script of your infomercial via 4th Quarter Performance Task Channel> Infomercial
>your group number. The file should be in Word Document. The English teacher will make
corrections or comments in terms of grammar and content.
3. Once your script has been checked already, apply all the changes and comments. Then print
the script.
• encoded using Arial font size 12
• printed in a short bond paper
• complete names of the members with their job assignment/contribution

4. Deadline of submission is on April 28, 2023, Tuesday.

*Once your group has printed the revised script already, you may start recording your
infomercial. The subject teachers may also give you their time to do the taking of video/s or
Criteria of judging:
(4) (3) (2) (1)
The content is clear, well- The content is clear, organized, The content is somewhat The content is confusing and
organized, and provides and provides sufficient detail. clear but lacks detail and difficult to understand.
thorough and detailed organization.
The delivery is dynamic, The delivery is engaging and The delivery is somewhat The delivery is monotone and
Delivery engaging, and captures the energetic. enthusiastic but lacks energy lacks enthusiasm.
audience's attention throughout. and engagement.
Visual aids are outstanding and Visual aids are well-designed Visual aids are present but No visual aids or poor quality.
Props or Visual Aids add significant value to the and used effectively to enhance poorly designed or not used
presentation. the presentation. effectively.
Km. 54 National Highway, Makiling Calamba City, Laguna
Tel. Nos.: (049) 502-0971 to 75; (049) 502-8946

High School

The presentation is perfectly The presentation is well-timed. The presentation is somewhat The presentation is too long
Time Management timed and fits within the allotted off time. or too short.

MJPT: Broadcasting
1. The chosen news anchor or news presenter must wear any plain collared shirt. It will help
the teachers distinguished the reporter from other roles (actor/actress of infomercial,
interviewee, guests/witness, and the likes).
2. Multiple roles can be done as long as everyone has a contribution in the group’s output.
3. The student/s who will be reported not participating in the mini pts and MJPT will be
assigned a SOLO task.
4. The broadcasting will be composed of the collated videos of your group’s hard news 1, 2,
and infomercial. Use of background music is allowed.

Submission is on May 19, 2023, Friday.

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