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■ What were the best and worst parts of the Senior Project/Senior Seminar?
My favorite parts of my project was the recording process and my least favorite part was the planning and research. I never
knew how much went into pre-production of simple topics with a basic setup.

■ List three things you now know after completing your Senior Project.
1. I know how to efficiently use Audacity audio editing software.
2. I know how to upload and manage audio files recorded by myself or downloaded off the internet.
3. I know how to publish Podcast episodes on multiple different platforms.

■ Which aspect of the Senior Project/Senior Seminar stretched you the most? How did
you feel about and react to this challenge?

The Editing Process was definitely the biggest stretch for me, I had zero experience prior to the project. Once I
got the hang of the software I started to really have fun with tools and features that I could apply to my

■ How has the Senior Project/Senior Seminar changed you (skills, attitudes, work
habits, capabilities, confidence, poise, presentation, etc.)?

My project really helped me grow my interview and podcast conversation skills. I learned how to apply my
scripted questions and then be able to change things up on the fly to address a question that myself or the
listener could have. I also learned how to make clean transitions between topics and questions from myself and

■ Has this experience influenced your future plans?

Yes, I would really like to do podcast editing and learn more about that in college. They have a production studio
in Kansas that I could use for various assignments and projects. This project has really increased the appeal of
production work and what goes into putting together a high quality product. I would definitely consider doing
behind the scenes work on a podcast or show in the future.

■ What would you do differently if you had to do the whole Senior Project/Senior
Seminar process again?

I would have gotten a higher quality microphone right away. I used an average audio setup for my first few
recordings and there was even an entire project I had to scrap due to the low quality. I would have invested into a
better setup right away and this would have made the process a lot easier and more enjoyable.
■ What advice do you have for next year’s seniors?
Pick a project that you are interested in and can have fun with. I never once felt like doing this project was a task,
I really enjoyed the processes that I had to go through. The knowledge and growth that I gained from the
experience was just a bonus to the fun that I was having.

■ What grade would you give yourself for your Senior Project and what justification do
you have for that grade?

A-, I would give myself this grade because I created a product that over 500 people got to experience and enjoy. I
still think that I have room for growth in areas of scheduling and pre production so that is why I give myself the

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