Timeline 0448 Section B

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Timeline 0448/01

Date Events
1883 First INC conference
1905 Partition of Bengal
Swadeshi Movement
1906 Simla Deputation
Formation of AIML
1908 Press act passed
1909 Morley-Minto reforms
1911 Reversal of Bengal
1914 WW1 started
1916 Lucknow Pact
1919 Montagu-Chelmsford reforms
Rowlatt Act
Amritsar Massacre
First and Second Khilafat conferences
1920 Policy of Non-Cooperation started
Hijrat Movement
1921 Third Khilafat Movement
Moplah Uprising
1922 Chauri-Chaura incident
Ghandi’s non-cooperation movement called off
1927 The Delhi Proposals
Simon Comission
1928 Nehru Report
1929 Jinnah’s Fourteen points
1930 Salt March
First Round Table Conference
Allahabad Address
1931 Second Round Table Conference
1932 Communal Award
Third Round Table Conference
1933 Rahmat Ali writes ‘Now or Never’
1935 Government of India Act
1937 Congress wins election
1939 WW2 Started
Congress resigns from government
Day of Deliverance
1940 Pakistan Resolution
1942 Cripps Mission
Quit India Resolution
1944 Ghandi-Jinnah Talks
1945 Elections
1946 Cabinet Mission Plan
Direct Action Day
Constituent Assembly Elected
1947 India Independence Act
Pakistan created

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