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Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Procrastination is a widespread phenomenon in academic settings. It has been studied

from many different theoretical angles, and a variety of causes and consequences have been

suggested. Recent studies support the notion that academic procrastination can be seen from a

situational perspective and as a failure in learning self-regulation. It suggests that interventions

should address situational as well as deficits in self-regulation to help students overcome their

procrastinating tendencies (Zacks & Hen, 2018).

Procrastination is the act of delaying or putting off tasks until the last minute, or past their

deadline. Some researchers define procrastination as a "form of self-regulation failure

characterized by the irrational delay of tasks despite potentially negative consequences" (Prem et

al., 2018).

Furthermore, Rior (2016) attested that time pressure is a most common problem among

students. There are class assignments and quizzes and new lessons to tackle every day. Students

are left feeling there is no way to cover everything with the time available. Too many tasks are

asked to fit in a limited time and results in time pressure. But, in fact, almost always time

pressure is avoidable. The secret is in developing an organized approach to the student's

schedules in order to work more efficiently. Truth is, there is enough time for everything. The

problem is, people don't usually identify the right thing to do at the right time. They inundate

themselves with all kinds of tasks to do all at the same time.

Research on adolescent development stresses the need for sleep, playtime, downtime, and

family time. However, many teenagers struggle to find enough time to fit these essentials into

busy schedules chock full of extracurriculars, academics and tutoring outside of school,

demanding course loads and homework, chores, family responsibilities, paid work, and

commutes (ASCD, 2019).

According to Ceglie et al. (2020), much literature has focused on academic

procrastination, defined as a tendency to delay academic tasks to the point of experiencing

anxiety associated with them. The concept is derived from behavioral theories, according to

which the act of delaying academic tasks is interpreted as a task-specific avoidance behavior

associated with Skinner’s theory of learning and reinforcement. Academic procrastination should

be prevalent among students who have been directly or indirectly given rewards or have not been

receiving enough punishment for this act of purposely delaying academic assignments.

Moreover, Cuerpo (2017) affirmed that the Philippine education system is already

halfway through its second year of its senior high program.

The Department of Education (DepEd) argued that the K to 12 program is the most

courageous move that it has launched. It is a known matter that there are a few hindrances to the

program. On the other hand, the government has a different perspective about the program which

is what they want to assure to the citizens. Instead of thinking about the K to 12 program as an

additional two years to the curriculum, the public should think of it as two years less due to

employability. The DepEd affirms that a Senior High graduate can already be employed that

remains to be seen in several years. (Department of Education; as cited in Cuerpo 2017).

Thus, this research aims to produce results regarding the learning productivity of STEM


Statement of the Problem

This research endeavors to identify the perceived effects of academic procrastination to

the learning productivity of the selected grade 11 STEM Students. This research specifically

aimed to respond to the following questions:

1. What are the factors that influence the student’s academic procrastination?

2. What are the positive and negative effects of academic procrastination to the learning

productivity as perceived by the students?

3. What are the possible solutions to prevent academic procrastination among Grade 11

STEM Students?

Significance of the Study

This study will help to identify the perceived effects of academic procrastination to the

learning productivity of Grade 11 students. It will be beneficial not just for the researchers of this

study but to other readers as well. It can also help future researchers due to the fact that this

research expounds our findings and enhances it to be ready for researchers alike. To add to this,

the existence of this research can be of great help to other researchers because of the fact that

procrastination is an ever-occurring problem, and as the researchers aim to provide knowledge or

information exclusive only to that period of time.

For the Students, this study can help them to be more aware of the ever-growing problem

regarding procrastination. This can give them prior knowledge about the problems arising along

with procrastination, as well serve to be a self-assessment of sorts regarding their learning

routine. Teachers can also benefit from this study, this would help them to be aware of their

students’ learning productivity. This study would provide data as to why some students are not

doing well in school while others are excelling in their studies solely because of the students’

efficacy of using their time upon learning. With this data, the teachers’ teaching experience

would be more effective and they would be able to give advice to their students that are

struggling to manage their time efficiently. School Administrators will also benefit from this

by determining the extent of students' knowledge of academic procrastination and how

procrastination affects the learning productivity. This can also help the administrators to engage

in the different webinars/training related to academic procrastination. The Researchers, will also

be a beneficiary of this study by helping the researchers to have knowledge about the possible

effects of conducting this kind of research to develop a better understanding about the

importance of time management in achieving better studies. For the Future researchers, this

study would serve as a foundation for more discoveries ready to be made surrounding this topic.

This can help them set a footing regarding this topic and also be able to gather more information

with the luxury of it being exclusive, and up to date. For the Department of Education

(DepEd), this study would give qualitative data upon the different learning styles of the STEM

students. This would also be an eye-opener for how most students managed their time effectively

upon learning. This study will determine why effective time management is a significant concern

among the students. Furthermore, considering effective time management needs to have a

realistic schedule plan that will help the students to manage their time effectively. Furthermore,
this study also clarifies certain aspects that are still missing within our extensive knowledge

regarding our phenomenological study. This study will help us learn more about the information

that will be collected and how it can lead to an objective and impartial point of view. The

qualitative data collected from students is focused on their own interpretation as well as specific

and personal experiences, allowing the researchers to immerse themselves in the respondents'

point of view.

Scope and Delimitation

This study aims to understand the productivity of Senior High School students upon

learning with the help of STEM students at a certain private school in Caloocan City. In this

research, the researchers would only focus on the learning experiences of the STEM students and

how they manage their time effectively while learning. In regards to this, this study aims to

specifically gather data on how they manage their time when studying. Senior High School

Department during the academic year 2022-2023. Selected students will be interviewed with

subjective questions and this would provide a source for the study. The researchers will also

draw conclusions as to how efficient the students’ learning productivity is in the present day. The

researchers would also discuss the different methods of the students' learning. On the contrary,

the research would not further discuss the number of methods of the traditional education

system, but rather how the students adapt to changes upon learning and still manage their time

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter emphasizes primarily on the studies and literature that define the terms

"academic procrastination" and "learning productivity." This also covers completed dissertations

as well as those that focus on the internal and external factors that contribute to it. Additionally,

this chapter discusses the profound impact that academic procrastination has on students as well

as potential solutions. These were included in this chapter to assist researchers in becoming

acquainted with relevant and related facts to the current investigation.

Academic Procrastination

Academic procrastination is a problem behavior with negative consequences for students.

The extent of this phenomenon among students and the negative impact on their academic

achievement requires more attention and research on this issue. The present study was conducted

with the aim of investigating the role of fear of failure and sub-scale of self-regulation (memory

strategy goal-setting, self-evaluation, helping assistance, responsibility, organization) in relation

with academic procrastination (Gracia et al., 2020).

According to Gargari et al. (2011), depending on its cognitive, affective or behavioral

components, procrastination will have different manifestations including academic, decisional,

neurotic or compulsive procrastination. The most common form, however, is academic

procrastination. It is defined as a pervasive and permanent desire on the part of learners to

postpone academic activities.

Procrastination in high school students can and does jeopardize both student grades and

health. As the work piles up and time dwindles away, students can lose important study time and

rush through assignments, negatively affecting the overall quality of their performance. This

accumulation of work weighs heavily on the shoulders of these busy students, increasing the

pressure to compete and succeed in their classes (Kumar, 2017).

Learning Productivity

Lastiri (2022) stated that productivity for students relates to their efforts and capacity to

work effectively on their academics. This pertains to their efficiency with time management,

their capacity for prioritization, and their overall contribution to obtaining academic


Moreover, Lastiri (2022) added that this may be assessed by looking at how well they

succeed academically. Making a short-term goal, creating a study schedule, removing

distractions, joining a study group, getting adequate sleep, limiting screen time, learning

compartmentalization, and avoiding procrastination are all ways that students may become more


According to Highcrest Academy (2023), there are several factors that positively impact

academic productivity. They include spending sufficient time on high-return study projects,

maintaining outstanding attendance, reading at an age that is at least consistent with one's

chronological age, getting enough sleep to perform at one's best, and avoiding distractions like

social media.

In addition, it is also emphasized that there is a spectrum of academic production, from

high to poor. Academically successful students form and adopt habits that optimize their
learning. High levels of academic production are facilitated by assignments with a high rate of

return that have been found for each subject area.

Relation of Academic Procrastination to Learning Productivity

Academic procrastination is a student’s delay in studying or completing academic

assignments; it is a common problem affecting the learning and achievement of university

students. This challenge is important to address because procrastination can develop into a habit

that can seriously impact your ability to be productive. Prior literature explores the link between

academic procrastination and academic performance and generally finds that academic

procrastination is negatively related to academic performance (Akinsola et al. 2007; as cited in

Zarrin, 2020).

Procrastination is also linked to other adverse behavior and outcomes, including poor

study habits, test anxiety, cramming for examinations, late submission of coursework, fear of

failure, fear of social disapproval by peers, lower grades, sense of guilt, and depression (Ferrari

and Scher 2000; as cited in Zarrin, 2020). The findings of the previous studies reveal that the

reports of students of their procrastination indicate a negative meaningful difference with their

academic performance (Beswick et al., 1998; as cited in Zarrin, 2020).

According to Valerio (2017), the procrastination tendency of a person to put off doing

their work until it's too late. The possibility that this approach will influence workplace and

academic conduct is extremely disturbing, occupying oneself with anything in order to avoid

doing the necessary task. Students that procrastinate will experience a number of detrimental

repercussions, and their work will be ineffective and inefficient.

Nature of Academic Procrastination among Senior High School Students

In today’s generation, people are severely attached to a lot of things that are actually just

wasting their time without them knowing, especially students who find wasteful things as

their comfort zone. This reason might become one of the sources of procrastination that can

have a possibility of them taking less care about their studies. Postponing academic tasks

becomes the number one factor why they do not excel in academics (Alih, 2021).

Evidently, the issue of procrastination affects many students in secondary schools.

However, numerous students do not know that their inability to read is a problem of postponing

their time to study because they are engaged more in pleasurable things that would not benefit

their studies. Moreover, the students who study their books perform better than those who are not

taking it seriously (Thomas 2014; as cited in Alih, 2021).

Possible Solutions to Academic Procrastination


Motivation is the force that drives a person to do something. It can be either

intrinsic or extrinsic, a concept first introduced by (deCharms, 1968; as cited in Harrison

2014). Achievement motivation, both intrinsic and extrinsic, affect procrastination (Steel,

2007; as cited in Harrison 2014). Motivation is the activation of goal-oriented behavior.

Intrinsic motivation arises from inside the individual and involves personal gratification.

Extrinsic motivation arises from outside the individual and will often involve some type

of reward.

It is similar to learned helplessness. Academic motivation is about producing

energy required for academic tasks (Sirin, 2011; as cited in Harrison, 2019). There are
several different theories of motivation in psychology. According to (Steel, 2011; as cited

in Harrison, 2019), Temporal Motivation Theory (Steel & Konig, 2006; as cited in

Harrison, 2019) gives the best explanation for procrastination. Its premise is that we

choose to do things that give us a good chance of an enjoyable outcome. The longer the

delay is in receiving this outcome, the less motivated you will be. Ergo, the effect of

delay is very important for procrastinating.

Training Programmes

Presented by Häfner (2014), procrastination is a serious issue for many students

and associated with different negative consequences, such as anxiety or low grades. As

procrastination is described as a self-regulatory failure, a training programme focussing

on self-regulatory skills might be helpful. As hypothesized, participants of the control

group showed procrastination: they spent more time on a self-selected, important

academic task right before the deadline was reached compared to the weeks before. The

participants of the treatment group, instead, allocated their work time more equally and

did not show procrastination. Therefore, the explored time management intervention

prevents a serious time management problem.

Improved time management

To stop procrastinating on your studying or schoolwork right now, you should

identify the smallest possible thing you can do to make progress on it, and then modify

your environment to make it as likely as possible that you will do it. For example, if you

need to study for an exam, the smallest possible step that you can take toward doing this

might be to open your notes and go over just the first paragraph that you have written
down. Once you realize that this is all you need to do, you can start modifying your study

environment to help yourself achieve this, for example by going to a room with no

distractions and leaving your phone outside (Shatz, 2023).

With time pressure and in-demand use of technology, people nowadays tend to

put off things or delay intended courses of action. The behavior tendency to voluntarily

postpone, delay, or put off a task or decision is described as procrastination. This can lead

to serious negative outcomes. However, (Ferrari and Tice, 2019; as cited in Bojuwoye,

2019) assert that chronic procrastination is not only a time management issue but also

indecisiveness with making decisions is a behavior that correlates positively with


To add to this, Since procrastination is found to seriously impact academic

performance of students, there is, therefore, the need to provide appropriate interventions

such as time management to combat the damaging consequences of procrastination

(Bojuwoye, 2019).

New Studying Techniques and Usage of Library Materials

The main possible solutions to academic procrastination are the provision of

opportunities in the school to easily use library resources. The use of teaching methods

that will ensure students’ active participation in the lesson, increasing student

participation is important in courses that include frequent discussions and small-group

work, and it is important in a lecture course. Giving oral warnings to students who do not

attend or participate in classes and who do not complete their assignments regularly;

punishing these students (with deduction of points. criticism. etc.) if the undesirable
situation persists. Teacher’s provide examples from his/her study habits and experiences

to encourage students to study regularly. Reminding the students regularly that the

questions are so difficult that they cannot be studied overnight or in the exam week.

Praising students who work continuously and regularly in the presence of their peers

(Asmali & Sayin 2020).

Counseling Process/es

The solution should not be time consuming but has an impact immediately felt by

students with a procrastination habit. In this regard, treatment through counseling

services can be the right way. This is based on the philosophy of the counseling process

itself, which, according to (Nurihsan, 2006; as cited in Kurnanto, 2019) is an effort to

empower counselees so that they can identify their problems as well as solutions that

they can choose to address the issues.

Considerable Effects of Academic Procrastination to Learning Productivity

Affects Life Satisfaction

Academic procrastination has detrimental effects that make procrastinating

students' lives complicated and seem unmanageable. The delaying student is thus likely

to have a negative college experience. Academic procrastination may thus have an

impact on students' level of life satisfaction. Students' contentment with their academic

lives may be influenced by their level of procrastination. According to Kumar & Dileep

(2006), academic life satisfaction is "operationally defined as the expected satisfaction in

one's life in school by the fulfillment of his/her important academic goals or aspirations"

as cited in Balkis (2013).

Self–related perceptions have turned into an essential subject in education, given

its impacts on students' behavior and academic performance. These self-related

psychological perceptions include self – concept, self – esteem, and self – efficacy.

Education in the Philippines represents the ever-changing facets of life. Augmenting the

current educational system through the implementation of the K to 12 curriculums. An

additional year for primary education has been implemented, facing the reality that

students' workload and financial problems caused most stress

(Essel & Owusu, 2017; as cited in Tus 2020).

Gracia et al. (2020) affirmed that academic procrastination brings significant

problems to students and affects them. Students may experience elevated stress, bad

sleep, limited time to do assignments, uncertainty, blaming oneself, stunted self-esteem,

unease, and sadness due to academic procrastination, which would result in disruptive

academic outcomes such as poor academic achievement and work quality; lack of

knowledge; time; academic pressure; suspension or dropout; and longer course of study

(Blankenship & Jones, 2021; Craig et al., 2019).

Stability has an effect on people's behaviors in a manner similar to locus of

control. Stability evaluates whether or not people feel their behavior can alter over time

and takes into account people's propensity to continue and engage in future activities

(Weiner, 1980; as stated in Janssen, 2015). Because they are challenging, if not

impossible, to change, stable causes like intelligence and rules are typically thought of as
being largely stable in nature. Unstable causal factors are those that are easily modifiable,

such as how much effort is put into an activity.

Putting off tasks

Several potential causes of procrastination have been proposed. However,

procrastination is primarily a failure of self-regulation. In a study of 456 undergraduates,

Klassen, et al. (2018) found that a person’s view of their own ability to self-regulate was

a strong predictor of procrastination. Tuckman theorized that an inability to overcome

procrastination tendencies might be related to the gradual transfer of responsibility from

teachers and parents to individual students that occurs throughout the school years.

Because this transfer of responsibility reaches its peak during the college years, he

theorized that researchers should examine techniques that can assist students in the

regulation of their own learning. Such techniques should include providing information

to students so that they are aware of the appropriate progress needed to successfully

complete a task. (Steel, 2010; as cited in Martin et al., 2021) has proposed temporal

motivation theory (TMT) for modeling procrastination. TMT incorporates four factors to

account for the desirability of a task: expectancy of success (E), value of the task to the

individual (V ), the delay before one is rewarded for the task (D), and the individual’s

sensitivity towards that delay (Γ). Utility is (E×V )/(Γ×D). This theory

influences the interventions we designed.

Internet Addiction
Naturally, the Internet is considered to be a good tool for relieving perceived

stress and a promoter of procrastination (Davis et al., 2002; as cited in Gong, et al.,

2021), which means that people will use the Internet to deliberately delay their actions,

although this delay may lead to negative consequences. CIU correlated significantly with

mean hours online (Durkee et al., 2012). When a person often uses the Internet for

procrastination, it is more likely to suffer the negative consequences of using the Internet,

one possibility is Internet addiction, correlation analysis revealed that Internet addiction

was positively correlated with procrastination (Gong et al., 2018). In addition, there are

two possible behavioral tendencies when individuals are in a stressful and bad emotional

state. One is to actively seek solutions to remove pressure; the other is to use

procrastination to temporarily escape pressure, because procrastination is a common

behavioral trait based on self-regulatory failure and the network is a tool for carrying out

procrastination. Therefore, based on the relationship between perceived stress and

Internet addiction, the procrastination variable is added to this study. Thus, the second

hypothesis of this study is that perceived stress affects Internet addiction through the

mediating effect of procrastination (Gong et al., 2021).

Technology Reliance

Long-standing research (Dillon & Gunawardena, 1995; Leidner & Harvenpaa,

1993) has identified three key factors that influence student achievement in online

learning: technology, instructor qualities, and student characteristics. The online

environment, as stated by Jones and Blankenship (2021), fosters procrastination, and its

popularity is adverse to student learning and performance. Procrastination among

students and its impact on academic performance online were thus further examined by

the authors for this research study. It should be mentioned that although our study did not

distinguish between active and passive procrastinators, Yilmaz (2017) suggested more

research to determine if procrastinators in the online environment are active or passive. A

Turkish public university conducted a study in 2017 by Yilmaz comparing the

relationship between assignment and exam performance between 88 face-to-face and

distant learning students. Academic procrastination and assignment grades had a bad

correlation in both the face-to-face and distant learning groups. The distant learning

group, however, saw a stronger impact of this. It's interesting to note that only in the face-

to-face group were exam results and academic procrastination associated, whereas in the

distance learning group, there was no relationship between total assignment and exam

score. The author provided an explanation for why students who procrastinate may

benefit from distant learning because all exam study materials are available right away.

According to study results, procrastinators may find distance learning situations to their

detriment (Jones & Blankenship, 2021).

Factors Influencing Academic Procrastination

Internal Factors that contribute to Academic Procrastination


It has been demonstrated in a recent study that academic motivation partially

mediates the association between academic self-efficacy and academic procrastination.

(Cheng et al., 2020). The primary driver of everyone's activities, needs, and wants is
motivation. Men are driven by their motives, which also give rise to certain moral

tendencies. An essential component of a student's academic readiness and desire to learn

is motivation. These driven pupils are curious and eager to understand the value of

education. In addition, by promoting kids' commitment and motivation, parents and

instructors may foster an environment where students' learning will be organized and

accomplished (Johnson, 2017).


When it comes to the relationship between perfectionism and procrastination,

studies suggest that many people procrastinate because they are perfectionists (Burke &

Yuen, 1983; Onwuegbuzie, 2000; as cited in Kurtovic et al., 2019). Perfectionists have

overly high expectations for oneself and put things off because they think they won't

meet them, they're never content with their work, or they're worried about making a

mistake and getting bad feedback. Studies repeatedly demonstrate that while adaptive

components of perfectionism are either unrelated to procrastination or negatively

correlated with it, maladaptive aspects of perfectionism, as conceived in various models

of perfectionism, are positively correlated with procrastination.

However, there has been little research on different forms of perfectionism

(maladaptive vs adaptive) and the relationships with procrastination. One study (Seo,

2008; as cited in Kurtovic et al., 2017). has suggested that self-efficacy mediates between

adaptive perfectionism and procrastination in academic settings and leads to more

productive outcomes. Identifying further such positive productive factors may prove

useful in helping individuals deal with their perfectionism and-or their procrastination
tendencies. Positive psychological capital (PsyCap) may be one such other mediator, as

PsyCap involves not only self-efficacy but also resilience, hope and optimism—attributes

that have been associated separately each in their own right with positive behavior and

not with normal academic procrastination Most studies of PsyCap have occurred in

organizational settings and may also be considered to be important attributes in the

academic setting.

Fear of Failure

A classic distinction in the literature on achievement and motivation is between

fear of failure and success orientations. From the perspective of self-worth theory, these

motives are not bipolar constructs but dimensions that interact in ways that make some

students particularly vulnerable to underachievement and disengagement from school.

The current study employs the quadripolar model of need achievement (Covington, 1992;

Covington & Omelich, 1988; as cited in Castella, 2013). to explore how these approach

and avoidance orientations are related to self-handicapping, defensive pessimism.

The study of (Gabriel et al. 2009; as cited in Tus 2020 ) stated that failure or

success in life or schoolwork would depend on how much individuals feel regarding the

attributes and qualities they hold for themselves. It is noted that achievement rests a lot

on the student's self-concept of their ability.

Performance Avoidance is the focus of students to evade ineffectiveness in their

studies (Dullas, 2018; as cited in Ibrahim, 2022). According to (Jury et al., 2015; as cited

in Ibrahim, 2022), the purpose of performance avoidance is to avoid demonstrating

incompetence among other students. Hence, students focus more on doing other unrelated
activities to avoid failure rather than to do things that will help in striving for success

(Jury et al., 2015; as cited in Ibrahim, 2022).

Task Aversion

According to research, one of the key factors influencing procrastination is task

characteristics such as task aversiveness, combined with unclear instructions and the

timing of rewards and punishments. (Harris and Sutton, 1983; as cited by Yan & Zhang,


Task aversiveness is a phrase that nearly goes without saying. It also relates to

acts that one considers unpleasant and is also referred to as dysphoric affect (Milgram,

Sroloff, & Rosenbaum, 1988; as cited in Steel, 2017) or task appeal (Harris & Sutton,

1983; as cited in Steel 2017). Its relationship is known in advance. One strives to avoid

unpleasant stimuli by definition, hence the more unpleasant the circumstance, the more

likely one is to try to avoid it. (e.g., procrastinate). Although a range of personal traits,

such as boredom propensity and intrinsic drive, may have an impact on how much people

detest a task, research has shown that if people find a task unpleasant, they are in fact

more inclined to put it off. It predominantly predicts task avoidance on its own, not task

delay (Steel, 2017).

Physical and Mental Exhaustion

Student burnout is also an important issue regarding students' physical and mental

well-being. Even when compared to workers who report experiencing high levels of

weariness, such as doctors, students frequently experience the first sign of burnout, which
is exhaustion. (Law, 2007; As cited by Gusy et al., 2021). Burnout in students is

described as the result of prolonged exposure to certain study demands, such as extreme

physical, emotional, and cognitive strain. (Gusy et al., 2015). When feeling worn out,

people are less productive when they exert effort or work. If people are given a brief

break, it can be recovered, but for those who have long-term weariness, the likelihood of

procrastination and productivity loss does not improve after a brief break (Beutel et al.,


Being Overwhelmed

According to Mclean Hospital (2022), feeling overwhelmed manifests itself as

procrastination. People typically dwell on the things they wish they could do more

effectively, frequently, or never at all. They can experience a sense of being "stuck" and

unable to advance or move in any way. Paradoxically, it feels like looking into what

keeps people in this state will simply fuel the fires. When this happens, they could feel

scared, tense, apprehensive, or bewildered. In this situation, there is typically a feeling of

overwhelm. They get more and more anchored in their sense of helplessness to take

action toward the things they seek to accomplish in their lives as a result of the

overpowering sentiments, which make them feel even more paralyzed.

Sensation Seeking

Simply said, novelty is preferred by sensation seekers over tradition, and if you

have this personality type, you are more likely to get sidetracked from your task the

instant something dazzling happens. The issue is that academic life doesn't always offer
such thrills, and if you are a student who needs a lot of stimulation, it can be challenging

to remain focused and involved with work that doesn't measure up to other kinds of

excitement (Tefula, 2014).

Time Management

(Mercado, 2001; as cited in Maliwanag 2019) adds that the Filipinos' peculiar

view of time corresponds to their language.In contrast to the Western linear approach,

they believe that the Filipino concept of time is more spiral or circular, as represented by

the common term "may bukas pa" (there is yet tomorrow), among others. Filipino Time

has been normalized or deemed permissible under certain circumstances (Bernad, 2002;

as cited in Maliwanag 2019). The practice has also been noticed in formal settings, such

as business and academic meetings (Australian Trade and Investment Commission

(Austrade); Bernad, 2002; as cited in Maliwanag 2019). The culture of Filipino time has

moral ramifications, most notably a low regard for or even apathy toward being on time.

Because the practice is tolerated, it has become habitual. Such an attitude is troublesome

since it has a detrimental impact on certain outcomes. (i.e. learning and academic

performance, economic loss) (Alam, 2013; as cited in Maliwanag, 2019).

This study is anchored on De Leon's (2012) series of 10 articles that discuss

glaring backward Filipino attitudes. This addressed the lack of discipline and

consideration for other people's time, which is typically demonstrated by students and

certain professionals. This is the most glaring feature of Filipino virtue when people pass

up on doing responsibilities at the expense of doing leisure activities. He explained that

we lose a moment of possible success in our life by being lazy and by procrastinating.

Filipinos have to realize the value of time, especially if we want change to happen in our

lifetime. Filipinos have to understand the urgency and the gravity of losing time over


External Factors that contribute to Academic Procrastination

Problematic Work Environment

Procrastination is not something that a person is born with; rather, it is something

that a person learns as time goes on in their life. One aspect that may cause people to put

off doing their work is the workplace environment, which includes the policies and

procedures of an organization, the leadership style, the peer group, etc. (Pasha & Jyothi,


Employees that experience a poor work environment become disengaged and

disillusioned. It may result in excessive stress, exhaustion, despair, anxiety, and even

burnout sensations. A hostile workplace can make employees feel demotivated, which

can reduce productivity. They could find it more difficult to interact with others and

express their wants and boundaries in an open way (Stoltz, 2022).

Lack of Sufficient Communication from Instructors

Students will always comprehend and be able to complete the task as you want if

clear directions are given. They will also be able to engage with the topic more

successfully and ultimately have more fruitful experiences. On the other hand, when
given confusing directions, students fail to follow them, which disrupts class. Unclear

instructions are the precursor to dropout and learner shortcomings, as the accompanying

case shows. If they don't comprehend the teacher's directions, they think they are doing

poorly in their studies or won't be able to continue studying (Badshah, 2022).

Locally, the physical opening of classes in the Philippines were determined by the

risk severity level or grading assigned to a particular community by the Department of

Health (DOH), the Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) for the Management of Emerging

Infectious Diseases in the Philippines, and the President’s Office (OP). This tendency

becomes troublesome as it encourages students to procrastinate more and, eventually, to

develop a procrastination habit (Buladaco et al., 2021; as cited in Ibrahim, 2022).

According to (Littlejohn, 2016; as cited in Ibrahim 2022), the involvement of the

learner and the attainment of personal learning objectives are both tied to self-regulated

learning. That being the case, students who receive self-regulated learning help are more

likely to succeed in their online studies. In a normal setting of education, students who

excel in self-regulation are most likely to be the type of people who are well off

independently in studying.

Definition of Terms

Academic Procrastination is defined as the deliberate act of postponing an activity or task until

another point in time which can result in not having enough time to complete the work. This also

has a direct correlation to learning productivity by being a factor that directly affects the

productivity of which students learn.


Learning Productivity is defined as the progression of student achievement in a variety of

desired outcomes and their involvement in educationally relevant activities. Additionaly,

learning productivity is directly influenced by academic procrastination.

Perceived Effects can be defined as the creation of sense data by categorization. This means that

human beings tend to view objects as examples of larger concepts rather than as a unique object

in itself. This can also mean to be the effects that are observed by the relation of two concepts.

Motivation is defined as the source of productivity by students. In this sense, motivation can be

perceived as a factor that affects the learning productivity of such student/s.

Time Management can be defined as the wise usage of time to fully maximize one’s

productivity. Furthermore, time management can also be defined as a factor affecting academic

Chapter 3

Research Methodology

This chapter discusses the various methods used to carry out the researchers' study on the

students’ perceived effects of academic procrastination to their learning productivity.

Furthermore, the researchers will go over the research design, research locale, research

instrument, and data gathering procedure individually.

Research Design

The study used a qualitative method of research to ascertain how students felt about the

impact of academic procrastination on the productivity of their learning. Because it aims to

explore the phenomena of academic procrastination through how they are seen by the learners in

their situation, the researchers applied a phenomenological design. The researchers will also

employ the interview technique in order to get the data they need for the study.

Research Locale

The study will be conducted at a private school in Caloocan City. Given that the

researchers are in senior high school and they wanted to learn about the problems and

experiences of their fellow classmates and batchmates, the responses will come from randomly

selected Grade 11 STEM students who have admitted to procrastination in their academic work.

Individual interviews with the participants will take place in the school library or another

appropriate spot of their choice. The chosen participants are capable of providing accurate and

sincere answers to the interview, according to the researchers.


Research Instrument

In this study, the researchers will be using structured interviews as the instrument. The

researchers will use self-created questions that will be validated by experts in specific fields. The

questions that the researchers formulate consist of questions about the perceived effects of the

participants on academic procrastination. Most of the participants are experiencing academic

procrastination which the researchers believe is the easiest way to collect information that is

needed in the study. This interview by the researchers is required to adequately address the


Data Gathering Procedure

At the beginning of the second semester, the researchers are given time to gather the data

to finish a thesis paper on a particular subject, Practical Research 1. The researchers are obliged

to gather data and materials from reputable sources based on the Senior High School Students'

perception in regards to effects of Academic Procrastination, in order to understand the

connection of Academic Procrastination in the Learning Productivity of these students.

Researchers agreed upon to use the one-on-one interview method because it can be used to

gather data and filter out pertinent information (Lochrie, et al., 2015). Although doing the

interview is not essential at this time, the researchers must nevertheless validate the one-on-one

interviews they will use in the future.


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Self-Efficacy and Academic Procrastination among Tourism and Hospitality Students in

the New Normal of Education. Journal of Hospitality Research Article, 4(1-2), 1–14.

Janssen, J. (2015). Academic Procrastination: Prevalence Among High School and

Undergraduate Students and Relationship to Academic Achievement.

John, R., & Maliwanag, S. (2019). The Interaction of Filipino Time and Informal Power

Dynamics in the University of the Philippines School of Economics: A Case Study.

English 13: Writing as Thinking.

Johnson, D. (2017). The Role of Teachers in Motivating Students To Learn. BU Journal

of Graduate Studies in Education, 9(1).

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undergraduate online students. Research in Higher Education Journal, 39(4).
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self-regulate predicts higher levels of procrastination.



Kumar, T. (2017, February 27). The Issue of Procrastination Among High School

Students. The Spokesman.


Kurnanto, M. E. (2019, June). Solution Focused Brief Counseling (SFBC): Study in

Students with Academic Procrastination.


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Appendix A: Letter of Request to the Principal

Mrs. Ma. Louren Clamor-Canlas

School Directress-Principal
Escuela de Sophia of Caloocan, Inc.

Dear Mrs. Ma. Louren Clamor-Canlas,

We, Angelic Nicolle P. Bautista, MJ B. De Galicia, Jan Marion N. Salazar, Kyle Tiffany A.
Simbillo, Clarissa Joyce A. Sorio, and Eunice Herschel O. Tera, the researchers from Grade 11
- STEM, are writing this letter to ask permission from your good office to allow us to conduct
an interview for our thesis entitled “The Perceived Effects of Academic Procrastination to
the Learning Productivity of the Selected Grade 11 - STEM Students.”

Attached is a copy of our research questionnaire.

Your positive response will significantly contribute to the success of our research.


____________________ ____________________ ____________________

Angelic Nicole Bautista MJ B. De Galicia Jan Marion N. Salazar

____________________ ____________________ ____________________

Kyle Tiffany A. Simbillo Clarissa Joyce A. Sorio Eunice Herschel O. Tera

Noted by:
Mrs. Lhora Chelsea T. Logronio
Practical Research 1 Teacher

Appendix B: Sample Interview Questions

To our participants,

Greetings! We, the Group 1 of Grade 11-Kadayawan B, are undertaking a research proposal on
how the perceived impacts of academic procrastination on learning productivity are experienced
by STEM students. We humbly chose you to become one of the participants for our study. The
questions we want you to answer are listed below. Your honesty and openness will assist our
group in conducting reliable research. Your participation in this research project carries no
known risks. It will take about 10 minutes to complete the interview. We promise to keep your
identity confidential in this situation.

Your participation in this research project is entirely voluntary. Any questions that make you feel
uncomfortable are not required to be answered. You have the option to abstain completely. If
you want to participate in the study, you can withdraw at any time. If you decide not to
participate in this research or if you stop participating at any point, you will not forfeit any
advantages for which you may be eligible. Thank you very much.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Very truly yours,

The Researchers

Noted by:
Mrs. Lhora Chelsea T. Logronio
Practical Research 1 Teacher
Appendix C: Letter of Validation

April 18, 2023

Mr. Carlo Liporada

Practical Research 1 Teacher
Escuela de Sophia of Caloocan, Inc.

Dear Mr. Liporada,


We, the researchers from Grade 11 - STEM, are currently conducting a research entitled “The
Perceived Effects of Academic Procrastination to the Learning Productivity of the Selected
Grade 11 - STEM Students.” We would like to seek your help in validating and checking our
research questionnaire.

We appreciate your support and assistance in this research endeavor. Attached here is the copy
of our research questionnaire.

We are looking forward to your positive response.

Thank you for your approval.

The Researchers

Noted by:
Mrs. Lhora Chelsea T. Logronio
Practical Research 1 Teacher

April 18, 2023


Mrs. Armthia Sambrano

Grade 11 Head Coordinator
Escuela de Sophia of Caloocan, Inc.

Dear Mrs. Sambrano,


We, the researchers from Grade 11 - STEM, are currently conducting a research entitled “The
Perceived Effects of Academic Procrastination to the Learning Productivity of the Selected
Grade 11 - STEM Students.” We would like to seek your help in validating and checking our
research questionnaire.

We appreciate your support and assistance in this research endeavor. Attached here is the copy
of our research questionnaire.

We are looking forward to your positive response.

Thank you for your approval.

The Researchers

Noted by:
Mrs. Lhora Chelsea T. Logronio
Practical Research 1 Teacher
Appendix D: Sample Questions

Name (Optional):__________________________ Section: ________________

General Instructions: Kindly answer the following questions.

1. What thoughts come to mind when you have a task to complete? Why?
2. How frequently do you put aside an activity? Why?
3. What specific situations (or events) caused you to procrastinate? (Could you tell me about
your experiences?)
4. What factors contribute to you postponing your academic responsibilities?
5. What do you think is the primary reason you put off or delay a particular academic task?
6. What effect does academic procrastination have on your learning?
7. What are the positive and negative consequences of academic procrastination?
8. Could you describe your procrastination experiences? Has it helped you in any way?
9.What are the things that gets hindered upon practicing academic procrastination
10. How do you deal with these consequences? (Could you tell me about your coping
11. What are possible solutions you might offer to help students like you in overcoming the
challenges of academic procrastination?
12. What do you think is the most efficient way to avoid academic procrastination?
13. What are factors that help you to combat academic procrastination?

Noted by:
Mrs. Lhora Chelsea T. Logronio
Practical Research 1 Teacher


227 Deparo Kabatuhan Road. Caloocan City

Contact Number: 09385359059

Email Address:

Personal Information:

Nickname: Nics

Birthday: December 09, 2005

Age: 17

Birthplace: Bernardino General Hospital, Quezon City

Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Civil Status: Single

School Attended:

Escuela de Sophia of Caloocan Incorporated

Bagumbong, Caloocan City
2022 - present
Deparo High School
Deparo, Caloocan City
2018 - 2021

Deparo Elementary School

Deparo Elementary, Caloocan City
2016 - 2018

Children's Foundation Center

Deparo, Caloocan City

2011 - 2016

Academic Achievements

● Consistent Honor Student from Preschool to Junior High School

● Completed Junior High School with Honors at Deparo High School 2021

● Graduated Elementary with Honors at Deparo Elementary School

● Preschool and Elementary Spelling bee winner

● Best in English Preschool to Elementary

● Best in Mathematics - Elementary

● Best in Science - Elementary

Leadership Records

● English Club officer - Vice President 2019

● Science Club Officer - Secretary 2018

● English Club officer - Vice President 2019

● Science Club Officer - Secretary 2018

● Class President S.Y 2015-2016 (Grade 4)

● Class President S.Y 2016-2017 (Grade 5)

● Class Vice President S.Y 2017-2018 (Grade 6)

● Class President S.Y 2018-2019 (Grade 7)

Off-Campus Achievements

● NPSAC badminton 3rd place at Deparo Elementary School

● Division badminton 3rd place at Deparo Elementary School

● 2017 District Palaro badminton 3rd place at Sampaguita Elementary School

● NPSAC table tennis silver at Escuela de Sophia Inc.

● 3rd Place Quiz bee in English (Grade 6)

● 2nd Place Spelling bee (Grade 6)

Skills & Hobbies:

● Editing skills, creativity, writing, reading, and teamwork

● Watching Netflix movies and shows, dancing, cooking, volleyball, badminton and table



Highview Homes, Congressional Rd., Brgy. 171,

Caloocan CIty, Philippines 1421

Contact Number: 09365766794

Email Address:

Personal Information:

Nickname: MJ

Birthday: February 12, 2005

Age: 18

Birthplace: Pasig City

Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Civil Status: Single

School Attended:

Escuela de Sophia of Caloocan, Inc.

Rainbow Village V, Bagumbong, Caloocan City
2022 - present
Bagumbong High School
Rainbow Village V, Bagumbong, Caloocan City
2018 - 2022

Bagumbong Elementary School

Bagumbong Taas, Bagumbong, Caloocan City
2011 - 2018

Academic Achievements

● Consistent Academic Excellence Awardee since 6th grade

● Special Awards in Journalism 2017-2018

● With Honors AY 2018-2020 (Junior High School)

● With High Honors AY 2020-2022 (Junior High School)

● Special Awards in Journalism 2021-2022

● Bronze Seal Award - 1st - 2nd Quarter AY 2022-2023 (Grade 11)

● Silver Seal Award - 3rd Quarter AY 2022-2023 (Grade 11)

Leadership Records

● Campaign for Character Education Tenacity (CACHET) Member — 2019

● Filipino Club Officer — Vice President 2021-2022

● Class Officer — Auditor 2018-2019

● Class Officer — Peace Officer 2019-2020

● Class Officer — Vice President 2021-2022

● Class Officer — Secretary 2022-2023

Off-Campus Achievements


● Bagumbong ES School Paper Publication 2017-2018 - Editorial Cartooning English

Category (Individual)

● District School Press Conference 2018 - 1st place in Editorial Cartooning (Elementary


● Division School Press Conference 2018 - 7th place in Editorial Cartooning (Elementary


● Regional School Press Conference 2018 - 1st place in Editorial Cartooning (Elementary


● National School Press Conference 2018 - Qualifier in Editorial Cartooning (Elementary


● Bagumbong HS School Paper Publication 2018-2022 - Editorial Cartooning English

Category (Individual)

● Division School Press Conference 2018 - 7th place in Editorial Cartooning (Secondary


● Regional School Press Conference 2018 - Qualifier in Editorial Cartooning (Secondary


● Division School Press Conference 2019 - Qualifier in Editorial Cartooning (Secondary

● Division School Press Conference 2022 - Qualifier in Editorial Cartooning (Secondary


Other Significant Achievements

● Science Fair Poster Making District Level 3rd Place 2017-2018

● Science Fair Poster Making Division Level 3rd Place 2017-2018

● MAPEH Month Poster Making District Level Qualifier 2020-2021

● MAPEH Month Poster Making District Level Qualifier 2021-2022

Skills & Hobbies:

● Creative, meticulous, digitally competent, rational

● Traditional drawing, digital art, calligraphy, design, graphic design, binge-watcher,

watches marvel cinematic universe, listens to music



Blk 61 Lot 18 St. Claire,

Loma de Gato, Marilao Bulacan

Contact Number: 09757115349

Email Address:

Personal Information:

Nickname: Mari/Ion

Birthday: January 14, 2006

Age: 17

Birthplace: Quezon City

Nationality: Filipino

Religion: INC (Iglesia Ni Cristo)

Civil Status: Single

Schools Attended:

Escuela de Sophia of Caloocan Incorporated

Bagumbong, Caloocan City

2022 - present

Escuela Gabriel de Arcangel Foundation

Bagong Silang, Caloocan City

2018 - 2022

Sampaguita Elementary School

Caloocan City

2016 - 2018

Patulo Elementary School

Marilao, Bulacan

2010 - 2016

Academic Achievements

● Graduated With Honors, Rank 2 from 2019 to 2021

● Graduated With Honors, Rank 5 of S.Y. 2017-2018

● Special Awards in Journalism 2017-2018

● With High Honors AY 2018-2022 (Junior High School)

● Batch Salutatorian of ESGA Year 2021-2022 (Grade 10)

● Special Awards in Journalism 2021-2022

● Bronze Seal Award - 1st Quarter AY 2022 - 2023 (Grade 11)

● Silver Seal Award - 2nd Quarter AY 2022-2023 (Grade 11)

● Bronze Seal Award 3rd Quarter AY 2022-2023 (Grade 11)

Leadership Records

● Class President (2018-2022)

● Best President Award for 2018 - 2021

● SSG Grade Level Representative (Grade 6 - 10)

● 6th Most Active Leader all over North Caloocan (2017-2018)

● Science Club Vice President

● Editorial Chief (Grade 9 & 10)

● Leader for Extemporaneous Speech 2019-2020

● Editorial Journalism Duo 2017-2018

Off-Campus Achievements

● Mr. Eco Best in QnA And 1st Runner Up 2019-2020

● Science and Math Quizbee 1st Runner up 2018-2019

● Editorial Journalism 2nd Place District 2017 - 2018

● Editorial Journalism 4th Place Division 2017-2018

● Editorial Journalism Participatory Award Regional 2017-2018

● Science Exhibit (Fish Tank) 3rd Place 2018-2019

● Former Executive Member of Philippine Red Cross

● YES-O Former Leader

● Formerly Trained for Copy Reading, Feature Writing, Editorial Cartooning, and

Broadcasting Journalism 2017-2018

● Guest Award for Journalism Purposes at Deparo Elementary School 2017-2018

● Guest Award for Journalism Purposes at Morning Breeze School 2017-2018

● Has Joined lots of Academic Contests such as Spelling bees, Quizbees, Declamation,

Extemporaneous Speeches, Spoken Poetry.

● Co-Directed Ibong Adarna play for Interschool Competition 2018-2019

Skills & Hobbies:

● Problem solving skills, flexibility, organization skills, creativity, attention to details,

digital skills, computer editing skills, leadership skills

● Digital art, cooking, arts and crafts, reading, solving complex word problems, discussing

existing studies.


Princess Homes Executive Village, Brgy. 171,

Bagumbong, Caloocan City, Philippines

Contact Number: 09266586264

Email Address:

Personal Information:

Nickname: Kylie/Tiff

Birthday: January 17, 2005

Age: 18

Birthplace: Novaliches, Quezon City

Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Civil Status: Single

School Attended:

Escuela de Sophia of Caloocan Incorporated

Bagumbong, Caloocan City
2022 - present
Bagumbong High School Main
Bagumbong, Caloocan City
2018 - 2021

Rainbow V Christian Academy of Caloocan Incorporated

Bagumbong, Caloocan City
2016 - 2018

Probex School Incorporated Main

Santolan, Malabon City

2010 - 2016

Seibo College Catholic School

Panghulo, Malabon City


Academic Achievements

● Consistent 1st Honor Student from Preschool to Junior High School

● Completed Junior High School as the Batch Valedictorian with High Honors at

Bagumbong High School in 2021

● Graduated Elementary as the Batch Valedictorian with High Honors at Rainbow V

Christian Academy of Caloocan Incorporated in 2018

● A seal-bearer for 1st to 3rd quarter of grade 11 at Escuela de Sophia of Caloocan

Incorporated (Bronze & Silver)

Leadership Records

● Class Officer (Elementary - Senior High School)

● SSG Grade Level Representative for grades 7 and 8 (2018-2020)

● SSG Secretary S.Y. 2020-2021

● SSG President S.Y. 2021-2022

● Former Member of Campaign for Character Education Tenacity, and different clubs in

Junior High School

● Former Girl Scout of the Philippines (Caloocan North District 4) Senior Cadet Scout

● Caloocan Division Federation Supreme Student Government Board Member S.Y. 2021-


Off-Campus Achievements

● 3rd Placer (competed against 20 other private schools, including junior high schools) in

Caloocan Association of Private Schools (CAPRIS) Essay Writing Contest in English

Category 2016 (Grade 5)

● 4th Placer in CAPRIS Science and Math Quiz Bee 2017 (Grade 6)

● Filipino Collaborative Editorial Writer (2018)

● 6th Placer Pinakamahusay Pahinang Editoryal Collaborative Publishing (Filipino) 2018

Division School Press Conference

● Filipino Individual Columnist (2019)

● 2nd Placer Pagsulat ng Editoryal Division 2021 Exhibition Online Press Conference

(Grade 10)
Skills & Hobbies:

● Leadership skills, communication skills, emotional intelligence, project management

● Reading, writing wattpad novels, and watching netflix shows



Sunriser Village, Llano Rd., Brgy. 167,

Caloocan City, Philippines 1400

Contact Number: 09662691102

Email Address:

Personal Information:

Nickname: Clar

Birthday: January 29, 2006

Age: 17

Birthplace: Caloocan City

Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Civil Status: Single

School Attended:

Escuela de Sophia of Caloocan, Inc.

Rainbow Village V, Bagumbong, Caloocan City

2022 - present
Llano High School

Del Mundo Village, Llano, Caloocan City

2018 - 2022

Llano Elementary School

Llano Rd., Llano, Caloocan City

2016 - 2018

Mater Fidelis School of Llano

Zuniga Homes, Llano, Caloocan City

2011 - 2016

Academic Achievements

● Consistent Academic Excellence Awardee since Pre-Elementary

● Batch Salutatorian of Llano ES School Year 2017-2018 (Grade 6)

● Excellence in English School Year 2017-2018

● Special Awards in Journalism 2017-2018

● With High Honors AY 2018-2022 (Junior High School)

● Batch Salutatorian of Llano HS School Year 2021-2022 (Grade 10)

● Special Awards in Journalism 2021-2022

● Silver Seal Award - 1st Quarter AY 2022-2023 (Grade 11)

● Gold Seal Award - 2nd - 3rd Quarter AY 2022-2023 (Grade 11)


Leadership Records

● Gender and Development Club Officer — Secretary 2018

● Mathematics Club Officer — Vice President 2019

● Campus Integrity Advocators (Student Council) — Secretary 2021-2022

● Araling Panlipunan Club Officer — Grade 7 Representative 2018

Off-Campus Achievements


● Llano ES School Paper Publication 2017-2018 - Sports Writer and Sports Page Editor

● District School Press Conference 2018 - 4th place in Sports Writing (Elementary Level)

● Division School Press Conference 2018 - 3rd place in Sports Writing (Elementary Level)

● Regional School Press Conference 2018 - Qualifier in Sports Writing (Elementary Level)

● Llano HS School Paper Publication 2018-2020 - Sports Writer and Sports Page Editor

● Division School Press Conference Collaborative Desktop Publishing 2019 - Sports Writer

● Llano HS School Paper Publication 2020-2022 - Editor in Chief

● Division School Press Conference 2020 - 5th place in Sports Writing (Secondary Level)

● Regional School Press Conference 2020 - Qualifier in Sports Writing (Secondary Level)

● Online National Campus Press Congress 2020 - 2nd place (Secondary Level)

● Division School Press Conference 2021 - 2nd place in Sports Writing (Secondary Level)
Other Significant Achievements

● MTAP District Level Qualifier 2017-2018

● MTAP Division Level Qualifier 2017-202

● Science Fair Quiz Bee Division Level Representative 2016 - 2018

● English Reading Proficiency Test Division Level Representative 2016-2019

● Polytechnic University of the Philippines ( SHS passer )

● Mapua University ( SHS passer )

Skills & Hobbies:

● Problem solving skills, flexibility, organization skills, creativity, attention to details,

digital skills, computer editing skills

● Photography, digital art, cooking, arts and crafts, sketching, singing, watching historical

and korean dramas



Blk 18 Lot 14 Kingstown 1 Subd.

Bagumbong, Caloocan City, Philippines 1421

Contact Number: 09663810600

Email Address:

Personal Information: 

Nickname: Eunice

Birthday: August 17, 2006

 Age: 16 

Birthplace: Novaliches, Quezon City

Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Born Again, Christian

Civil Status: Single

School Attended:

Escuela de Sophia of Caloocan Incorporated

Bagumbong, Caloocan City

2022 - present

Bagumbong High School Main

Bagumbong, Caloocan City

2018 - 2022

Bagumbong Elementary School Main

Taas St. Bagumbong Caloocan City

2016 - 2018

Rainbow V Christian Academy of Caloocan Inc.

Bagumbong, Caloocan City

2010 - 2016

Academic Achievements

● Consistent Honor Student at Rainbow Christian Academy of Caloocan Inc. S.Y.

2010 - 2016 (Preschool to Grade 4)

● Quiz Bee Champion S.Y. 2014 - 2016 (Grade 3 and Grade 4)

● Araling Panlipunan Quiz Bee Champion S.Y. 2016 - 2017 (Grade 5)

● Graduated Elementary at Bagumbong Elementary School in 2018

● Consistent Honor Student from Grade 7 - Grade 9 at Bagumbong High School

from Batch 2018 - 2021

● Spelling Wizard Champion S.Y. 2018 - 2019 (Grade 7)

● Special Awards in Spelling Wizard S.Y. 2019 - 2020 (Grade 8)

● Excellence in Mathematics S.Y. 2019 - 2020 (Grade 8)

● Special Awards in English Quiz Bee S.Y. 2020 - 2021 (Grade 9)

● Mathematics Quiz Bee 3rd Place S.Y. 2021 - 2022 (Grade 10)
● Completed Junior High School at Bagumbong High School in 2021

● A Seal-Bearer from 2nd to 3rd quarter of Grade 11 at Escuela de Sophia of

Caloocan Inc.

Leadership Records

• Former Member of Campaign for Character Education Tenacity (CACHET) in Junior

High School

• Mathematics Club P.I.O. S.Y. 2021 - 2022 (Grade 10)

• Class Peace Officer S.Y. 2021 - 2022 (Grade 10)

• Former Member of Campus Integrity Crusaders in Junior High School

• Class P.R.O. S.Y. 2022 - 2023 (Grade 11)

Skills & Hobbies: 

• Problem solving skills, mathematical thinking, creativity, organization skills, ability to work

under pressure, active listening, study skills

• Watching documentaries, horror, and historical movies, doing household chores

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