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Title of the Test: World Health Oranization Quality of Life-Brief Version

Aim: To Study the Quality Of Life of the participant using the WHO Quality Of Life
Scale Brief Version.

Quality of Life
Definition of Quality of Life
Explain various domain
Importance of Quality of Life on Health
Application of WHO Quality of Life

Review of Literature-5 latest studies

Description of the Test:

• WHOQOL-BREF, a generic health-related questionnaire developed by the WHOQOL

group was selected to quantify the health-related quality of life of ESRD patients. The
WHOQOL-BREF consists of 24 facets and provides a profile of scores on four
dimensions of quality of life: physical health, psychological, social relationships, and
the environment. WHOQOL-BREF is available in both self-administered and
interviewer-administered forms.
• The WHOQOL-BREF contains a total of 26 questions. To provide a broad and
comprehensive assessment, one item from each of the 24 facets contained in the
WHOQOL-100 has been included. In addition, two items from the Overall quality of
Life and General Health facet have been included.
Reliability of the Test: The instrument showed good internal consistency (Cronbach’s
a=0.87; p-value<0.01) as well as good content, construct and predictive validity
Psychological domain had best predictive validity, whereas, social relations domain had best
content validity.
Validity of the Test:
• The instrument showed good internal consistency (Cronbach’s a=0.87; p-value<0.01)
as well as good content, construct and predictive validity (pvalues<0.05).

• Psychological domain had best predictive validity, whereas, social relations domain
had best content validity.

a. Subject Preliminary
Educational Qualification
Occupation- (when performing on professionals)

b. Material Required: Paper, Pencil, questionnaire, Manual

c. Rapport Formation: The participant was made to sit comfortably. The participant
was engaged in an informal conversation to make them feel relaxed. Once it was
ensured that they are comfortable, the test was introduced. The instructions for the
test were given to the participant. The participant was assured that their results
would be kept confidential and not shared with anyone. If the participant had any
query, it was addressed, and the administration was started.

d. Instructions: As printed on questionnaire

e. Administration of the Test: It is a self-administering scale appropriate for
individual and group testing. Good rapport between testee and tester is important
in administering the test. Instructions to answer the items are printed on the title
cover of the test booklet. There is no limited time period for completion of the test
items. It was administered on college students.
f. Introspective Report: Write in First Person
g. Observational Report: Write in Third Person
h. Scoring of the Test: The WHOQOL-BREF produces a quality of life profile. It is
possible to derive four domain scores.

There are also two items that are examined separately: question 1 asks about an
individual’s overall perception of quality of life and question 2 asks about an
individual’s overall perception of their health. The four domain scores denote an
individual’s perception of quality of life in each particular domain.

Domain scores are scaled in a positive direction (i.e. higher scores denote higher
quality of life). The mean score of items within each domain is used to calculate the
domain score. The raw scores were converted to transformed scores. The first
transformation converts scores to a range of 4–20 and the second transformation
converts domain scores to a 0–100 scale. Higher scores reflect a better quality of life.

Result- (With Table)

Discussion- followed by aim, results and evidence based on review of literature.



Appendix (Questionnaire)

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