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The Effects of Online Classes or Online Learning on High

School Students at Gingergrace Academe

1.) Objectives

Enhance the quality of learning and teaching, meet the learning

style or needs of students, improve the efficiency and effectiveness,
improve user-accessibility and time flexibility to engage learners in
the learning process.
Besides all the challenges you could face during your online learning
experience, there are a lot of benefits and advantages to it. Some of
the positive effects of virtual learning on students include increased
efficiency in learning, accessibility and affordability, improvement
of students' attendance, and more
Having a time management system is perhaps the most difficult
challenge for students to overcome because it depends entirely on
self-motivation. Students need to be serious about their education,
learn how to manage time, set their daily schedule, and study
despite constant distractions.

2.) Reason for conducting the study

We chose to study more about the effects of online learning on

students to have more information on what exactly students
experience with online classes because for sure there would be ups
and downs in online learning. We can learn more about how the
student's mental health is affected in this way of education or about
the problems in using devices so that we can provide help on how to
fix their difficulties in this new way of learning.

3.) Possible respondents?

Students of Gingergrace Academe, possibly High School students,

since most or all students have experienced and is experiencing
online learning through online classes.

4.) When and where do you want it to take place?

Any place that has a stable internet connection and signal. If there's
no internet connection, cellular data will work as long as the
student or teacher has enough balance on their device. Online
classes/Online learning can start with the given schedule they were
given by their superiors and advisors.

5.) A short background of the research

Online learning can both be a problem when it comes to data, wifi,

or device usage since it's usually impossible to know whether the
following students are listening behind the screens while presenting
the possibility of them doing something else entirely. Some students
may be distracted, some may have trouble due to their connections
to their devices entirely or they just won't listen at all. Which can
affect their academic learning throughout the year and may lower
Distance learning is also proven to be much cheaper as you no
longer need to commute to school, and you no longer pay for the
miscellaneous fees and such. It is also much safer for the health of
the students, as the COVID still spreading across the world.

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