Rice Tariffication

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Casinillo, L. (2020). Econometric Modelling On Satisfaction In Rice Farming Under

Philippine Rice Tariffication Law. Journal of Research and Multidisciplinary, 3(2), 326-
336. https://doi.org/10.5281/jrm.v3i2.38

 - This type of study focused on the farmers satisfaction and its influencing determinants under
the implementation of Rice Tariffication Law (RTL) in Leyte, Philippines. By studying the
satisfaction in rice farming, each one of us will understand the grievances  of the famers. It says
here that the Farmers with high income also experience high expenses in agricultural inputs
which negatively affects their well-being. This is very true because the more income will come
to you the more expenses will go. it's better to have just the right income so you don't feel guilty
in the end..

Briones, R., (2019). (PDF) Welfare Impacts of Rice Tariffication.

- Rice being the staple food served on the table of Asian and other people is already scared that
sometimes, other people may not eat rice anymore due to its high cost and the production of this
commodity is declining. this study propose between the consumers between rice producers, I
agree on this study because this study focused on small rice farmers in areas suffering from the
biggest drops in palay price.

Briones, R., (2021). (PDF) Does rice tariffication in the Philippines worsen income poverty
and inequality?.

- Rice tariffication ultimately causes an increase in income poverty, I don’t think that
tariffication worsen income because Farmers gain more revenue and more importantly, makes
the economy more turnover and more prosperous. Tariffication in general benefits governments
not importers, exporters, or consumers, but tariffs are good in away because it increases
governments’ revenues and there will be an economic growth. If a government gets more tariffs
there will be a good health care system and the government will create more jobs. Imports will
not benefit from tariffs because they are the ones who are paying the tariffs.

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