11TH CH 1 - 13 80M PAPER 4 Sol

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11TH                                CH : 1 -13 COMBINE    PAPER 4 SOL                MARKS : 80

(1) What is full form of NMR?

(a) Neutron Magnetic Resonance (b) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
(c) Neutrino Magnetic Resonance (d) Nuclear Motion Resonance
Ans : (b)
(2) Which particles are emitted during the -decay from the nucleus?
(a) Neutron and proton (b) Electron and proton
(c) Electron and neutron (d) Electron and neutrino
Ans : (d)
(3) Space is isotropic. Which law of conservation is the result of this?
(a) Law of conservation of energy
(b) Law of conservation of charge
(c) Law of conservation of linear momentum
(d) Law of conservation of angular momentum
Ans : (d)
(4) The equation of stationary wave is y = 1A sin kx coswt (in metre). Where A and x are in meter.  is angular frequency.

Dimensions of are …….

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Ans : (d)

The dimensional formula of

= dimensional formula of A dimensional formula of


(5) Which type of phenomena occurring in our surrounding?

(a) Natural
(b) artificial
(c) man made
(d) any one from natural and man made.
Ans : (d)
(6) Which of the following physical quantity is a derived physical quantity?
(a) mass (b) force (c) length (d) time
Ans : (b)
(7) N bullets, each of mass m, are fired normally towards a wall at the constant rate of n bullets per second with velocity v. They
stop on the wall. Hence, the reaction on bullets by the wall is ………..

(a) nmv (b) (c) (d)

Ans : (a)
 According to Newton's third law of motion
Reaction on bullets by wall
= Action (force) applied by n bullets on the wall

11TH                                          CHIRAG SIR                                      9427491740

11TH                                CH : 1 -13 COMBINE    PAPER 4 SOL                MARKS : 80
= nmv
(8) A force acts on an object of mass 1.5 kg at rest, for 0.5 s. After the force stops acting, the object travels a distance of 5 m in
2s. Hence, the magnitude of the force will be…..
(a) 5N (b) 7.5 N (c) 10 N (d) 12.5 N
Ans : (b)
 After the force stops acting, velocity does not change i.e. velocity remains constant.

 Initial velocity and force acts on it.

Now, force F =

(9) As shown in the figure blocks of masses 2 kg, 5 kg and 3 kg are arranged with light strings and frictionless pully fitted on
frictionless horizontal surface. What is the acceleration of this system? (Take    g = 10 ]

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Ans : (a)
 Let acceleration produced in system = a
 From figure,

(block with mass moves upward)

(block with mass moves downwards)

Adding above all equations,

11TH                                          CHIRAG SIR                                      9427491740

11TH                                CH : 1 -13 COMBINE    PAPER 4 SOL                MARKS : 80

(10) A stationary bomb exploded into three pieces. If the momentum of two pieces are unit and unit respectively, then
what is the value of the momentum of the third piece.
(a) unit (b) 5 unit (c) 6 unit (d) 13 unit
Ans : (a)
 As per law of conservation of momentum,
Initial momentum of bomb = Final momentum of three pieces.
Mass of bomb (0) =

(11) To bring the body into motion from its rest position and to slow down or stop its motion, some external agency required
known as.......
(a) force (b) velocity (c) momentum (d) acceleration
Ans : (a)
(12) The force field like magnetic field (or electric field) is called.....
(a) Contact force (b) normal force (c) field force (d) friction
Ans : (c)
(13) The velocity of a body of mass 0.8 kg is So its kinetic energy is............
(a) 10 J (b) 40 J (c) 32 J (d) 16 J
Ans : (a)
Sol : m = 0.8 kg

Kinetic energy

(14) A rough ideal of work done by knowing the change in the magnitude of...........
(a) momentum (b) velocity (c) acceleration (d) force
Ans : (b)
(15) The formula for the magnitude of work is................

(a) (b) (c) Fd (d)

Ans : (c)
(16) Work is a..............quantity.
(a) Scalar (b) Vector (c) Scalar or vector (d) None of these
Ans : (a)
(17) NS is the unit of……….
(a) force (b) velocity (c) Linear momentum (d) acceleration
Ans : (c)
Unit of linear momentum

11TH                                          CHIRAG SIR                                      9427491740

11TH                                CH : 1 -13 COMBINE    PAPER 4 SOL                MARKS : 80

(18) The linear momentum of a body of mass 50 kg. is 1000 Hence its velocity is………
(a) 20 m/s (b) 10 m/s (c) 200 m/s (d) 50,000 m/s
Ans : (a)
Linear momentum P = m

(19) In a xy system, there are three identical particles having co-ordinates (1, 1), (2, 2) and (3, 3) then the coordinates of centre of
mass of this system will be……..
(a) (1, 2) (b) (2, 2) (c) (4, 2) (d) (6,6)
Ans : (b)
The position vector of centre of mass

(20) The total linear momentum of the system of n-particles, is

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Ans : (b)

(21) The angle between the direction of two fragments made by the blasting of a stationary bomb is…………
(a) 0º (b) 90º (c) 180º (d) 360º
Ans : (c)
(22) Kepler's..........Law indicates the Law of conservation of momentrem.
(a) First (b) Second (c) Third (d) All these three
Ans : (b)
(23) The gravitational force between two body have same distance in air is now if they place in water at the same distance,

the gravitational force between them will be ..........

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Ans : (a)
The medium is not affected gravitational force between two bodies.
(24) The gravitational force between two bodies is F and distance between them is r then F    .........
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Ans : (c)
(25) The intensity of gravitation is maximum at ..........          of earth.
(a) Pole (b) equater (c) centre (d) all place
Ans : (a)
 At the pole earth is flat so the magnitude of g is more and hence the gravitational intensity

becomes more.

(26) The unit of gravitational intensity is........

11TH                                          CHIRAG SIR                                      9427491740

11TH                                CH : 1 -13 COMBINE    PAPER 4 SOL                MARKS : 80

(a) (b) m/s (c) (d)

Ans : (a)
(27) The ratio of the radius of two planets is x : y and the ratio of the their is m : n. So the ratio of their acceleration is...........
(a) nx : my (b) mx : my (c) ny : mx (d) my : nx
Ans : (b)

(28) With reference to Reynolds number in which of the following cases flow is more likely to be streamline?
(a) low  (b) high , high  (c) high , low  (d) low , high 
Ans : (d)
 For stream line

So if  is less and  is more, we get less and we have streamline flow.

(29) Which of the following is not a unit of pressure?
(a) tar (b) Pa (c) N-m-1 (d) atm
Ans : (c)
(30) Work required to be done to blow the bubble having volume V is W. So work required to be done to double its volume

(a) W (b) 2W (c) (d)

Ans : (d)



(31) Blood flows through pipe having cross-sectional area at the rate 100 cm3/s. Average velocity of blood flowing
through the tube is..............mm/s.
(a) 400 (b) 40 (c) 4 (d) 0.4

11TH                                          CHIRAG SIR                                      9427491740

11TH                                CH : 1 -13 COMBINE    PAPER 4 SOL                MARKS : 80
Ans : (d)
 R = A

(32) A ideal gas at is compressed adiabatically to of its original volume. If , then the rise in temperature is

(a) 450 K (b) 375 K (c) 225 K (d) 405 K
Ans : (b) 375 K
 In adiabatic process the relation between volume and temperature,
= constant

Increment in temperature

(33) Which of the following will be the relation between temperature and pressure for ideal gas observing adiabatic change ?
(a) constant (b) constant (c) constant (d) constant
Ans : (d) constant
 For adiabatic change constant



(34) For adiabatic process which one is wrong statement ?
(a) (b) (c) Q = constant (d) entropy is not constant
Ans : (d) entropy is not constant
(35) Amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a body through 1K is called its ………. .
(a) water equivalent (b) thermal capacity (c) entropy (d) specific heat
Ans : (b) thermal capacity

11TH                                          CHIRAG SIR                                      9427491740
11TH                                CH : 1 -13 COMBINE    PAPER 4 SOL                MARKS : 80
(36) A system can possess............., but cannot possess..............
(a) heat, heat energy (b) heat energy, heat
(c) heat, mechanical energy (d) work, heat energy
Ans : (b)
(37) A certain ideal gas undergoes a polytropic process PV`` = constant such that the molar specific heat during the process is
negative. If the ratio of the specific heats of the gas be γ, then the range of value of n will be
[A] 0 <    n < γ [B] 1 < n < γ [C] n = γ [D] n > γ
Ans : [B]
(38) If the ratio of specific heat of a gas at constant pressure to that at constant volume is γ, the change in internal energy of the
mass of gas, when the volume changes from V to 2V at constant pressure p, is
[A] R/(γ - 1) [B] pV [C] pV/( γ - 1) [D] gpV/(γ - 1)
Ans : [C]
(39) The temperature of a gas is raised while its volume remains constant, the pressure exerted by the gas on the walls of the
container increases because its molecules
[A] lose more kinetic energy to the wall
[B] are in contact with the wall for a shorter time
[C] strike the wall more often with higher velocities
[D] collide with each other with less frequency
Ans : [C]
(40) Two containers of equal volume contain the same gas at pressure P 1 and P2 and absolute temperature T1 and T2, respectively.
On joining the vessels, the gas reaches a common pressure P and common temperature T. The ratio P/T is equal to

[A] [B] [C] [D]

Ans : [D]
A U tube contains water and methylated spirit separated by mercury. The mercury columns in the two arms are in level with 10.0
cm of water in one arm and 12.5 cm of spirit in the other. What is the relative density of spirit?
Ans : Ø For water column in one arm of U tube, h1 = 10.0 cm; r1(density) = 1 g cm-3
For water column in other arm of U tube, h 2 = 12.5 cm; r2 =?
As the mercury columns in the two arms of U tube are in level, therefore pressure exerted by each is equal.

Hence h1r1g = h2r2g or   

Therefore, relative density of spirit = r1/r2 = 0.8 / 1 = 0.8

(9) The electrical resistance in ohms of a certain thermometer varies with temperature according to the approximate law: R
= R0 [1 + a (T - T0)].
The resistance is 101.6 W at the triple - point of water 273.16 K, and 165.5 W at the normal melting point of lead (600.5K). What
is the temperature when the resistance is 123.4 W ?
Ans : Ø Here, R0 = 101.6 W; T0 = 273.16 K
Case (i) R1 = 165.5 W; T1 = 600.5 K
Case (ii) R2 = 123.4 W; T2 =?
Using the relation R = R0 [1 + a (T - T0)]
Case (i)               165.5 = 101.6 [1 + a (600.5 - 273.16)]


Case (ii)             123.4 = 101.6[1 + a (T 2 - 273.16)]




      = 384.83 K
(10) A cylinder a movable piston contains 3 moles of hydrogen at standard temperatures and pressure. The walls of the

11TH                                          CHIRAG SIR                                      9427491740

11TH                                CH : 1 -13 COMBINE    PAPER 4 SOL                MARKS : 80
cylinder are made of a insulator, and the piston to insulated by having a pile of sand on it. By what factor does the pressure of
the gas increase if the gas is compressed to      half its original volume?

Ans : Ø Here the process is adiabatic compression and , P2 = 1 atm and for hydrogen (a diatomic gas) g = 1.4.

Þ           P2 = (2)1.4 atm
                    = 2.64 atm.
(11) Let us assume that our galaxy consists of 2.5 ´ 10 11 stars each of one solar mass. How long will a star at a distance of
50,000 ly from the galatic centre take to complete one revolution? Take the diameter of the Milky way to be 10 5 ly.
Ans : Ø Here, r = 50000 ly = 50000 ´ 9.46 ´ 1015 m = 4.73 ´ 1020 m
M = 2.5 ´ 1011 solar mass = 2.5 ´ 1011 ´ (2 ´ 1030) kg = 5.0 ´ 1041 kg
We know that


or T =

= 1.12 ´ 1016 s.
(12) A Two Body System
Two bodies of masses 1 kg and 2 kg are located at (1, 2) and (- 1, 3), respectively. Calculate the coordinates of the centre of mass.
Ans : Ø Given, m1 = 1 kg, m2 = 2 kg
x1 = 1m, x2 = - 1m
y1 = 2m, y2 = 3m

xCM =

and yCM =

Thus, the coordinates of centre of mass are (- 0.33, 2.66).

Ø Note
The centre of mass of a system of two particles lies on the straight line joining the two particles.
(13) An elevator can carry a maximum load of 1800 kg (elevator + passengers) is moving up with a constant speed of 2 m s -1.
The frictional force opposing the motion 4000 N.    Determine the minimum power delivered by the motor to the elevator in
watts as well as in horse power.
Ans : The downward force on the elevator is
F = mg + Ff = (1800 x 10) + 4000 = 22000 N
The motor must supply enough power to balance this force.    Hence.
P = F. v = 22000 x 2 = 440000 W = 59 hp
(14) A cricket ball is thrown at a speed of 28 m s -1 in a direction 30o above the horizontal.    Calculate (a) The maximum
height, (b) The trine taken by the ball to return to the same level, and (c) the distance from the thrower to the point where the
ball returns to the same level.
Ans : (a)    The maximum height is given by

(b) the time taken to return to the same level is

11TH                                          CHIRAG SIR                                      9427491740

11TH                                CH : 1 -13 COMBINE    PAPER 4 SOL                MARKS : 80

(c)    the distance from the thrower to the point where the ball returns to the same level is

11TH                                          CHIRAG SIR                                      9427491740

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