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INST 1 – Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management

1. Title of the Module

Chapter 2: Physical Processes on Earth

2. Introduction
Solar energy is the main source of energy of all living organisms on Earth. The
atmosphere the layer of the Earth that serve as protecting envelope and hence its
natural consistencies are to be maintained. Imbalance in solar energy distribution is
causing what we called as global warming with the increase in greenhouse gases
maximizing the greenhouse effect. The hydrological cycle is the process of moving
and transforming water molecules from liquid to vapor and back to liquid again.
Condensation above the earth’s surface produces clouds.

3. Learning Outcome
At the end of Chapter 2, you are expected to be able to: a) identify different
physical processes on Earth that affects climate and climate change b) define
the effects and impacts of solar energy, atmosphere, earth system, water
cycle and cloud formation to the changing climate c) analyze how these
factors affects lives on earth and d) evaluate the impacts of human activities
that affects these factors that continually changes the climate system of the
4. Learning Content
Nature of Solar Energy
The sun produces a vast amount of energy. The energy emitted by the sun is
called solar energy or solar radiation. Despite the considerable distance
between the sun and the earth, the amount of solar energy reaching the earth
is substantial.
Terms and Definitions
Solar zenithal angle: The angle formed by the direction of the sun and the
local vertical.
Radiant energy: The amount of energy that is transferred by radiation. It is
expressed in J (Joule).
Spectral distribution of the irradiance: The distribution of the irradiance as
a function of the wavelength. Total irradiance, irradiation: The irradiance,
irradiation, integrated over the whole spectrum.
Extra-terrestrial radiation, irradiance or irradiation: The total radiation,
irradiance and irradiation originating from the sun impinging on a horizontal
surface located at the top of the atmosphere.

Solar Radiation at the Top of the Atmosphere
Solar radiation is the earth primary natural source of energy and by a long
way. Other sources which are all negligible relative to solar radiation are:
 the geothermal heat flux generated by the earth interior
 natural terrestrial radioactivity, and
 cosmic radiation
As a consequence, the solar radiation influences many aspects of the earth,
 weather and climate
 oceans
 life on earth
 agronomy and horticulture
 forestry
 ecology
 oenology
 energy
 architecture and building engineering
 materials weathering
Solar radiation is a key factor controlling the climate of the earth. There is a
global radiative equilibrium between the earth and extra-terrestrial space. It
means that the part of the incoming solar radiation that is absorbed by the
earth and its atmosphere is equal to the outgoing longwave radiation from the
earth and its atmosphere.
Solar Radiation at Ground Level
As the solar radiation makes its way from the top of the atmosphere
downwards the ground, it is depleted when passing through the atmosphere
due to interactions with the constituents of the atmosphere. On average, less
than half of extra-terrestrial radiation reaches ground level. The description
and modelling of the optical processes affecting the solar radiation within the
atmosphere is called radiative transfer.
Absorption is a process present in the atmosphere whereby the energy
absorbed by a constituent at a given wavelength is converted into another
form and is no longer present in the light. Absorption may occur at very
specific wavelengths, called absorption lines or may occur over a wide
continuum of wavelengths. Scattering is a physical process associated with
light and its interaction with matter occurring at all wavelengths. Particles and
molecules deflect the incident wave and re-radiate that energy in all
directions, thus abstracting energy from the incident wave. The scattering
pattern indicates the relative probability of a photon to be scattered in a given
direction; it depends on the size of the particle or molecule, its shape and
other properties, and on the incident wavelength.

Whatever the sky conditions, cloud-free or cloudy, the solar zenithal angle
plays a major role in the radiative transfer as it influences the optical path of
the radiation. The smaller the solar zenithal angle, the smaller the optical
path, and the smaller the extinction of the radiation.
In clear skies, cloud-free skies, aerosols and water vapor are the main
contributors to depletion. In such conditions, approximately 20 % to 30 % of
the total extra-terrestrial radiation is lost during its down welling path by
scattering and absorption phenomena by aerosols and molecules. This
amount differs with wavelength and the spectral distribution of the solar
radiation is modified as the radiation crosses the atmosphere downwards.
Clouds have a major importance as a whole; they are the major depleting
constituents in the atmosphere.
Only direct radiation is present at the top of the atmosphere. A horizontal
surface at ground level receives a depleted part of this direct radiation. It also
receives the radiation that has been scattered by the constituents of the
atmosphere and that originates from the sky vault in all directions, except that
of the sun which is already accounted for. This multi-source radiation is called
the diffuse radiation. The global radiation is the sum of the direct and
diffuse radiation. If the receiving plane is inclined, it may receive the direct
radiation only partly and the fraction of sky viewed by the plane must be
considered for computing the diffuse part impinging on the plane. The plane
may also receive a part of the radiation that is reflected by the surrounding
landscape towards the plane.

The Atmosphere
Our atmosphere is a delicate life-giving blanket of air that surrounds the
fragile earth. In one way or another, it influences everything we see and hear
—it is intimately connected to our lives. Living on the surface of the earth, we
have adapted so completely to our environment of air that we sometimes
forget how truly remarkable this substance is. Even though air is tasteless,
odorless, and (most of the time) invisible, it protects us from the scorching
rays of the sun and provides us with a mixture of gases that allows life to
The earth’s atmosphere is a thin, gaseous envelope comprised mostly of
nitrogen (N2) and oxygen (O2), with small amounts of other gases, such as
water vapor (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2). Nested in the atmosphere are
clouds of liquid water and ice crystals.
The thin blue area near the horizon below represents the most dense part of
the atmosphere. Although our atmosphere extends upward for many
hundreds of kilometers, almost 99 percent of the atmosphere lies within a
mere 30 km (about 19 mi) of the earth’s surface. This thin blanket of air
constantly shields the surface and its inhabitants from the sun’s dangerous
ultraviolet radiant energy, as well as from the onslaught of material from

interplanetary space. There is no definite upper limit to the atmosphere;
rather, it becomes thinner and thinner, eventually merging with empty space,
which surrounds all the planets.

*Image source: Essentials of Meteorology: An invitation to the Atmosphere, 2001

Composition of the Atmosphere

Various gases are present in a volume of air near the earth’s surface. Notice
that nitrogen (N2) occupies about 78 percent and oxygen (O2) about 21
percent of the total volume. If all the other gases are removed, these
percentages for nitrogen and oxygen hold fairly constant up to an elevation of
about 80 km (or 50 mi).
The concentration of the invisible gas water vapor, however, varies greatly
from place to place, and from time to time. Close to the surface in warm,
steamy, tropical locations, water vapor may account for up to 4 percent of the
atmospheric gases. The changing of water vapor into liquid water is called
condensation, whereas the process of liquid water becoming water vapor is
called evaporation.

*Source: Essentials of Meteorology: An invitation to the Atmosphere, 2001

Water vapor is an extremely important gas in our atmosphere. Not only does
it form into both liquid and solid cloud particles that grow in size and fall to
earth as precipitation, but it also releases large amounts of heat— called
latent heat—when it changes from vapor into liquid water or ice.
Latent heat is an important source of atmospheric energy, especially for
storms, such as thunderstorms and hurricanes. Moreover, water vapor is a
potent greenhouse gas because it strongly absorbs a portion of the earth’s
outgoing radiant energy. Thus, water vapor plays a significant role in the
earth’s heat energy balance.
Layers of the Atmosphere

*Image source: Randy Russell, UCAR

The region of the atmosphere from the surface up to about 11 km contains all
of the weather we are familiar with on earth. Also, this region is kept well
stirred by rising and descending air currents. Here, it is common for air
molecules to circulate through a depth of more than 10 km in just a few days.
This region of circulating air extending upward from the earth’s surface to
where the air stops becoming colder with height is called the troposphere—
from the Greek tropein, meaning to turn, or to change.
The region, where the air temperature remains constant with height, is
referred to as an isothermal (equal temperature) zone. The bottom of this
zone marks the top of the troposphere and the beginning of another layer, the
stratosphere. The boundary separating the troposphere from the
stratosphere is called the tropopause.
Above the stratosphere is the mesosphere (middle sphere). The air here is
extremely thin and the atmospheric pressure is quite low. Even though the
percentage of nitrogen and oxygen in the mesosphere is about the same as it
was at the earth’s surface, a breath of mesospheric air contains far fewer
oxygen molecules than a breath of tropospheric air. At this level, without
proper oxygen-breathing equipment, the brain would soon become oxygen-
starved—a condition known as hypoxia—and suffocation would result. With
an average temperature of –90°C, the top of the mesosphere represents the
coldest part of our atmosphere.
The “hot layer” above the mesosphere is the thermosphere. Here, oxygen
molecules (O2) absorb energetic solar rays, warming the air. In the
thermosphere, there are relatively few atoms and molecules. Consequently,
the absorption of a small amount of energetic solar energy can cause a large
increase in air temperature that may exceed 500°C, or 900°F.
The region where atoms and molecules shoot off into space is sometimes
referred to as the exosphere, which represents the upper limit of our
The ionosphere is not really a layer, but rather an electrified region within the
upper atmosphere where fairly large concentrations of ions and free electrons
exist. The ionosphere plays a major role in radio communications. The lower
part (called the D region) reflects standard AM radio waves back to earth, but
at the same time it seriously weakens them through absorption. At night,
though, the D region gradually disappears and AM radio waves are able to
penetrate higher into the ionosphere (into the E and F regions), where the
waves are reflected back to earth. Because there is, at night, little absorption
of radio waves in the higher reaches of the ionosphere, such waves bounce
repeatedly from the ionosphere to the earth’s surface and back to the
ionosphere again. In this way, standard AM radio waves are able to travel for
many hundreds of kilometers at night.

*Image source: Essentials of Meteorology: An invitation to the Atmosphere, 2001

Earth System
The earth is our home and habitat, without its abundant resources (air, water,
heat) we would not be in existence today. The Earth is approximately 4.6
billion years old. Interdisciplinary study of the earth's naturally occurring
phenomena, its processes and evolution. Earth Science by necessity involves
the marriage of a number of specialty sciences.
a. Astronomy- study of the origin, evolution and composition of the universe,
solar system and planetary bodies.
 Cosmology: origin of the universe
 Astrogeology: comparison of extra-terrestrial planetary bodies with
the earth
 Astrophysics: quantitative study of the physical nature of the
b. Geology- study of the earth, its composition, origin, evolution and
 Mineralogy/Petrology: study of rocks and minerals
 Geophysics: study of earth physics and processes
 Volcanology: study of volcanoes
 Seismology: study of earthquakes and seismic waves
 Geomorphology: study of surface processes and landforms

 Paleontology/Historical Geology: study of past life and historical
evolution of the earth through time
 Plate Tectonics
c. Meteorology: Study of atmospheric phenomena
Climatology: study of geographic climate patterns: processes and
 Future Climate Prediction: Green House
 Paleoclimatology
Weather studies and weather prediction
 Storm Prediction and Emergency Management
Atmospheric Science: study of physics and chemistry of earth's
 Environmental/Air Pollution Control
d. Oceanography: study of earth's ocean systems
 Earth's surface covered by 70% ocean water... hence the
reference to the "Blue Planet".
 Study of ocean chemistry and circulation patterns
 Physical study of seafloor
Environmental Spheres of the Earth
The earth can be subdivided into spheres" of composition represented by the
complex interface of four principal components of the environment: the
lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere.
A. The Geosphere: comprised of the solid, inorganic portion of the earth's
framework including elements to form atoms to form minerals to form rocks
(the very foundation of the planet)
(1) Lithosphere and Interior of the Solid Earth - The earth is comprised
of a series of compositionally distinct shells of rock.
(a) inner core, a solid iron-rich zone with a radius of 1216 km
(b) outer core, a molten metallic layer 2270 km thick
(c) mantle, a solid rocky layer 2885 km thick
B. The Atmosphere: the gaseous envelope of air that surrounds the earth
(1) a thick envelope of air (100's of miles thick) that surrounds the
earth's surface. Provides the air we breathe, together coupled with the
sun's energy, drives our climatic and weather systems.

C. The Hydrosphere: the waters of the earth including ground water (beneath
the surface), surface water (rivers, streams, lakes, oceans), and water locked
up as ice in the form of glaciers.
(1) the water and liquid that is present on the earth's surface, in its
atmosphere, and beneath its surface.
(2) Oceans cover 71% of the earth's surface and contain 97% of the
earth's water.
(3) Water cycles from the ocean's to the air via evaporation, moves to
land, precipitates as rain/snow, partially infiltrates the earth's surface,
and eventually flows back to oceans via rivers.
D. Biosphere: all living matter and cellular tissue on the earth, in the form of
plant and animal, both microscopic and macroscopic.
(1) All life on the planet is contained within its uppermost layer of the
earth, including its atmosphere.
(2) the vast majority of all earthly life inhabits a zone less than 3 miles
thick, and the total vertical extent of the life zone is less than 20 miles.
Hydrological Cycle and Clouds
Within the atmosphere, there is a continuous circulation of water. Since the
oceans occupy over 70 percent of the earth’s surface, we can think of this
circulation as beginning over the ocean. Here, the sun’s energy transforms
enormous quantities of liquid water into water vapor in a process called
evaporation. Winds then transport the moist air to other regions, where the
water vapor changes back into liquid, forming clouds, in a process called
condensation. Under certain conditions, the liquid (or solid) cloud particles
may grow in size and fall to the surface as precipitation—rain, snow, or hail.
If the precipitation falls into an ocean, the water is ready to begin its cycle
again. If, on the other hand, the precipitation falls on a continent, a great deal
of the water returns to the ocean in a complex journey. This cycle of moving
and transforming water molecules from liquid to vapor and back to liquid again
is called the hydrologic (water) cycle. In the most simplistic form of this
cycle, water molecules travel from ocean to atmosphere to land and then back
to the ocean.
Figure below illustrates the complexities of the hydrologic cycle. For example,
before falling rain ever reaches the ground, a portion of it evaporates back
into the air. Some of the precipitation may be intercepted by vegetation, where
it evaporates or drips to the ground long after a storm has ended. Once on the
surface, a portion of the water soaks into the ground by percolating downward
through small openings in the soil and rock, forming groundwater that can be
tapped by wells. What does not soak in collects in puddles of standing water
or runs off into streams and rivers, which find their way back to the ocean

*Image source: Essentials of Meteorology: An invitation to the Atmosphere, 2001

Even the underground water moves slowly and eventually surfaces, only to
evaporate or be carried seaward by rivers. Over land, a considerable amount
of vapor is added to the atmosphere through evaporation from the soil, lakes,
and streams. Even plants give up moisture by a process called transpiration.
The water absorbed by a plant’s root system moves upward through the stem
and emerges from the plant through numerous small openings on the
underside of the leaf. In all, evaporation and transpiration from continental
areas amount to only about 15 percent of the nearly 1.5 billion gallons of
water vapor that annually evaporate into the atmosphere; the remaining 85
percent evaporates from the oceans. The total mass of water vapor stored in
the atmosphere at any moment adds up to only a little over a week’s supply of
the world’s precipitation. Since this amount varies only slightly from day to
day, the hydrologic cycle is exceedingly efficient in circulating water in the
A cloud is a visible aggregate of tiny water droplets or ice crystals suspended
in the air. Some are found only at high elevations, whereas others nearly
touch the ground. Clouds can be thick or thin, big or little—they exist in a
seemingly endless variety of forms. To impose order on this variety, we divide
clouds into ten basic types. With a careful and practiced eye, you can become
reasonably proficient in correctly identifying them.
Classification of Clouds
Although ancient astronomers named the major stellar constellations about
2000 years ago, clouds were not formally identified and classified until the
early nineteenth century. The first person to propose the first system of cloud
classification is the French naturalist Lamarck (1744–1829 in 1802. However,
his system did receive good acclaim to many. A year later, an English

naturalist named Luke Howard, developed a cloud classification system that
found general acceptance.
Howard’s innovative system employed Latin words to describe clouds as they
appear to a ground observer. He named a sheet-like cloud stratus (Latin for
“layer”); a puffy cloud cumulus (“heap”); a wispy cloud cirrus (“curl of hair”);
and a rain cloud nimbus (“violent rain”). In Howard’s system, these were the
four basic cloud forms. Other clouds could be described by combining the
basic types.
In 1887, Abercromby and Hildebrandsson expanded Howard’s original system
and published a classification system that, with only slight modification, is still
used today. Ten principal cloud forms are divided into four primary cloud
groups. Each group is identified by the height of the cloud’s base above the
surface: high clouds, middle clouds, and low clouds. The fourth group
contains clouds showing more vertical than horizontal development. Within
each group, cloud types are identified by their appearance.
Four Major Cloud Group and Their Types
1. High clouds
a. Cirrus (Ci)
b. Cirrostratus (Cs)
c. Cirrocumulus (Cc)
2. Middle clouds
a. Altostratus (As)
b. Altocumulus (Ac)
3. Low clouds
a. Stratus (St)
b. Stratocumulus (Sc)
c. Nimbostratus (Ns)
4. Clouds with vertical development
a. Cumulus (Cu)
b. Cumulonimbus (Cb)
Approximate Height of Cloud Bases above the surface of Various Locations

*Source: Essentials of Meteorology: An invitation to the Atmosphere, 2001

Large temperature changes cause most of this latitudinal variation. For

example, high cirriform clouds are composed almost entirely of ice crystals. In

subtropical regions, air temperatures low enough to freeze all liquid water
usually occur only above about 20,000 feet.
Clouds cannot be accurately identified strictly on the basis of elevation. Other
visual clues are necessary. Some of these are explained in the following
Cloud Identification
High Clouds
High clouds in middle and low latitudes generally form above 20,000 ft (or
6000 m). Because the air at these elevations is quite cold and “dry,” high
clouds are composed almost exclusively of ice crystals and are also rather
High clouds usually appear white, except near sunrise and sunset, when the
unscattered (red, orange, and yellow) components of sunlight are reflected
from the underside of the clouds. The most common high clouds are the
cirrus, which are thin, wispy clouds blown by high winds into long streamers
called mares’ tails. Notice the figure above, that they can look like a white,
feathery patch with a faint wisp of a tail at one end. Cirrus clouds usually
move across the sky from west to east, indicating the prevailing winds at their

*Image source: Essentials of Meteorology: An invitation to the Atmosphere, 2001


*Image source: Essentials of Meteorology: An invitation to the Atmosphere, 2001

Cirrocumulus clouds, seen less frequently than cirrus, appear as small,

rounded, white puffs that may occur individually, or in long rows. When in
rows, the cirrocumulus cloud has a rippling appearance that distinguishes it
from the silky look of the cirrus and the sheet-like cirrostratus. Cirrocumulus
seldom cover more than a small portion of the sky. The dappled cloud
elements that reflect the red or yellow light of a setting sun make this one of
the most beautiful of all clouds. The small ripples in the cirrocumulus strongly
resemble the scales of a fish; hence, the expression “mackerel sky”
commonly describes a sky full of cirrocumulus clouds.

*Image source: Essentials of Meteorology: An invitation to the Atmosphere, 2001

The thin, sheetlike, high clouds that often cover the entire sky are cirrostratus
which are so thin that the sun and moon can be clearly seen through them.
The ice crystals in these clouds bend the light passing through them and will
often produce a halo. In fact, the veil of cirrostratus may be so thin that a halo
is the only clue to its presence. Thick cirrostratus clouds give the sky a glary
white appearance and frequently form ahead of an advancing storm; hence,
they can be used to predict rain or snow within twelve to twenty-four hours,
especially if they are followed by middle-type clouds.
Middle Clouds
The middle clouds have bases between about 6500 and 23,000 ft (2000 and
7000 m) in the middle latitudes. These clouds are composed of water droplets
and—when the temperature becomes low enough— some ice crystals.
Altocumulus clouds are middle clouds that appear as gray, puffy masses,
sometimes rolled out in parallel waves or bands. Usually, one part of the cloud
is darker than another, which helps to separate it from the higher
cirrocumulus. Also, the individual puffs of the altocumulus appear larger than
those of the cirrocumulus. A layer of altocumulus may sometimes be confused
with altostratus; in case of doubt, clouds are called altocumulus if there are
rounded masses or rolls present. Altocumulus clouds that look like “little
castles” (castellanus) in the sky indicate the presence of rising air at cloud
level. The appearance of these clouds on a warm, humid summer morning
often portends thunderstorms by late afternoon.

*Image source: Essentials of Meteorology: An invitation to the Atmosphere, 2001

The altostratus is a gray or blue-gray cloud that often covers the entire sky
over an area that extends over many hundreds of square kilometers. In the

thinner section of the cloud, the sun (or moon) may be dimly visible as a
round disk, which is sometimes referred to as a “watery sun”. Thick
cirrostratus clouds are occasionally confused with thin altostratus clouds. The
gray color, height, and dimness of the sun are good clues to identifying an
altostratus. The fact that halos only occur with cirriform clouds also helps one
distinguish them. Another way to separate the two is to look at the ground for
shadows. If there are none, it is a good bet that the cloud is altostratus
because cirrostratus are usually transparent enough to produce them.
Altostratus clouds often form ahead of storms having widespread and
relatively continuous precipitation. If precipitation falls from an altostratus, its
base usually lowers. If the precipitation reaches the ground, the cloud is then
classified as nimbostratus.

*Image source: Essentials of Meteorology: An invitation to the Atmosphere, 2001

Low Clouds
Low clouds, with their bases lying below 6500 ft (or 2000 m) are almost
always composed of water droplets; however, in cold weather, they may
contain ice particles and snow.
The nimbostratus is a dark gray, “wet”-looking cloud layer associated with
more or less continuously falling rain or snow. The intensity of this
precipitation is usually light or moderate—it is never of the heavy, showery
variety. The base of the nimbostratus cloud is normally impossible to identify
clearly and is easily confused with the altostratus. Thin nimbostratus is usually
darker gray than thick altostratus, and you cannot see the sun or moon
through a layer of nimbostratus. Visibility below a nimbostratus cloud deck is
usually quite poor because rain will evaporate and mix with the air in this
region. If this air becomes saturated, a lower layer of clouds or fog may form
beneath the original cloud base. Since these lower clouds drift rapidly with the
wind, they form irregular shreds with a ragged appearance called stratus
fractus, or scud.

*Image source: Essentials of Meteorology: An invitation to the Atmosphere, 2001


*Image source: Essentials of Meteorology: An invitation to the Atmosphere, 2001

A low, lumpy cloud layer is the stratocumulus. It appears in rows, in patches,

or as rounded masses with blue sky visible between the individual cloud
elements. Often they appear near sunset as the spreading remains of a much
larger cumulus cloud. The color of stratocumulus ranges from light to dark
gray. It differs from altocumulus in that it has a lower base and larger
individual cloud elements. To distinguish between the two, hold your hand at
arm’s length and point toward the cloud. Altocumulus cloud elements will
generally be about the size of your thumbnail; stratocumulus cloud elements
will usually be about the size of your fist. Rain or snow rarely falls from

*Image source: Essentials of Meteorology: An invitation to the Atmosphere, 2001

Stratus is a uniform grayish cloud that often covers the entire sky. It
resembles a fog that does not reach the ground. Actually, when a thick fog

“lifts,” the resulting cloud is a deck of low stratus. Normally, no precipitation
falls from the stratus, but sometimes it is accompanied by a light mist or
drizzle. This cloud commonly occurs over Pacific and Atlantic coastal waters
in summer. A thick layer of stratus might be confused with nimbostratus, but
the distinction between them can be made by observing the base of the cloud.
Often, stratus has a more uniform base than does nimbostratus. Also, a deck
of stratus may be confused with a layer of altostratus. However, if you
remember that stratus clouds are lower and darker gray, the distinction can be
Clouds with Vertical Development
Familiar to almost everyone, the puffy cumulus cloud takes on a variety of
shapes, but most often it looks like a piece of floating cotton with sharp
outlines and a flat base. The base appears white to light gray, and, on a
humid day, may be only a few thousand feet above the ground and a half a
mile or so wide. The top of the cloud— often in the form of rounded towers—
denotes the limit of rising air and is usually not very high. These clouds can be
distinguished from stratocumulus by the fact that cumulus clouds are
detached (usually a great deal of blue sky between each cloud) whereas
stratocumulus usually occur in groups or patches. Also, the cumulus has a
dome- or tower-shaped top as opposed to the generally flat tops of the
stratocumulus. Cumulus clouds that show only slight vertical growth (cumulus
humilis) are associated with fair weather; therefore, we call these clouds “fair
weather cumulus.” If the cumulus clouds are small and appear as broken
fragments of a cloud with ragged edges, they are called cumulus fractus.

*Image source: Essentials of Meteorology: An invitation to the Atmosphere, 2001

Cumulus congestus

*Image source: Essentials of Meteorology: An invitation to the Atmosphere, 2001

Harmless-looking cumulus often develop on warm summer mornings and, by

afternoon, become much larger and more vertically developed. When the
growing cumulus resembles a head of cauliflower, it becomes a cumulus
congestus,or towering cumulus. Most often, it is a single large cloud, but,
occasionally, several grow into each other, forming a line of towering clouds,
as shown. Precipitation that falls from a cumulus congestus is always
If a cumulus congestus continues to grow vertically, it develops into a giant
cumulonimbus—a thunderstorm cloud. While its dark base may be no more
than 2000 ft above the earth’s surface, its top may extend upward to the
tropopause, over 35,000 ft higher. A cumulonimbus can occur as an isolated
cloud or as part of a line or “wall” of clouds.

*Image source: Essentials of Meteorology: An invitation to the Atmosphere, 2001

Tremendous amounts of energy are released by the condensation of water

vapor within a cumulonimbus and result in the development of violent up- and

downdrafts, which may exceed fifty knots. The lower (warmer) part of the
cloud is usually composed of only water droplets. Higher up in the cloud,
water droplets and ice crystals both abound, while, toward the cold top, there
are only ice crystals. Swift winds at these higher altitudes can reshape the top
of the cloud into a huge flattened anvil. These great thunderheads may
contain all forms of precipitation—large raindrops, snowflakes, snow pellets,
and sometimes hailstones—all of which can fall to earth in the form of heavy
showers. Lightning, thunder, and even violent tornadoes are associated with
the cumulonimbus.
Some Unusual Clouds

*Source: Essentials of Meteorology: An invitation to the Atmosphere, 2001

5. Teaching and Learning Activities

Activity 1: Identification.
1. Give factors in the atmosphere that affects the depletion of Solar Radiation
2. _______ is the sum of direct and diffuse radiation.
3. The process in which water vapor change into liquid water is called
4. The process in which liquid water change into water vapor is called
5. Water releases _______ when it changes in different matter form.

Activity 2: Answer the following questions.

1. What are the different spheres on Earth?

2. Give the layers of the Atmosphere and briefly describe them.

3. What is Transpiration?

Activity 3: Based on the pictures and description on the Learning Content,

identify each cloud by name, based on height above the surface and/or
vertical development.
1. Watery sun
2. Floating cotton
3. Wet-looking
4. Thin, sheetlike, halo
5. Wall of clouds
6. Mare’s tail
7. Mackerel sky
8. Head of cauliflower
9. Little castles
10. Dome- or tower- shaped
6. Recommended learning materials and resources for supplementary reading.
 Essentials of Meteorology: An invitation to the Atmosphere, 3 rd Edition by
Ahrens, Donald C.
Journal Articles
Ecological Chemistry by Timothy J. Wallington, Jayaraman Srinivasan, Ole
John Nielsen, Ellie J. Highwood
 Solar Irradiance of the Earth’s Atmosphere by Sultana N. Nahar
7. Flexible Teaching Learning Modality (FTLM) adopted
Online (synchronous)
//Google meet
Remote (asynchronous)
//module, exercises, problems sets, powerpoint lessons
8. Assessment Task
Answer the following questions below with short-response/essay writing
containing 100 to 150 words.
1) What is the importance of hydrological cycle to the Earth’s processes?
2) How does Inosphere layer helps in communication signals?

3) What is most useful information you learned that helps you understand
physical processes on Earth?
Your answers will be graded according to the given standards/basis for
Question No. 5 Points 3 Points 1 Point Score
1 Over or short
Followed the Over or short of more than
2 word count of 20 words at 20 words and
and presented most and presented a
a well- presented an not so good
organized organized idea.
idea. idea.


9. References (at least 3 references preferably copyrighted within the last 5

years, alphabetically arranged)
Ahrens, Donald C. 2001. Essentials of Meteorology: An invitation to the
Atmosphere, 3rd Edition. Brooks/Cole Publishing Co.
Timothy J. Wallington,Jayaraman Srinivasan,Ole John Nielsen,Ellie J.
Environmental and Ecological Chemistry, [Ed. Aleksandar Sabljic], in
Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the
Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford ,UK,
Nahar, Sultana N. 2010. Solar Irradiance of the Earth’s Atmosphere. Climate
Change and Food Security in South Asia. Page 31-42.

ISUE-CAg Syl- 014
Revision: 02
Effectivity: August 1, 2020


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