Beauty and The Beast

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A very good morning to the honourable judges, teachers and my fellow friends.
Today I am going to present you a story on ‘Beauty and the Beast’. This is how it

Once upon a time, there was a merchant who had three daughters. Two of
them were lazy and proud, but his youngest daughter was polite and hardworking.
Her name was Beauty.

Before he went on one of his trips, his daughters asked him to bring them a
present each.

“I want some jewellery”, said the eldest.

“Bring me beautiful, expensive clothes,” said the second.

“All I ask for is a beautiful rose,” said Beauty.

Unfortunately, the merchant’s ship was robbed by pirates. He lost all his money
and the presents he had bought for his daughters.

“Oh, what misfortune!” said the merchant. At that time, it rained heavily. The
merchant began to look for shelter.

Soon, he saw a big castle. “I have to spend the night here,” the merchant said to

There were a lot of food in the castle but there was no one around. The merchant
ate to his heart’s content and fell asleep there.

The next day, as he was leaving the castle, the merchant plucked a rose from the
garden for Beauty. Suddenly, a huge beast appeared in front of him.

“Why have you eaten my food, slept on my bed and stolen my favourite flower?”
roared the beast who had the body of a man and the head of an animal.

The merchant was shocked and frightened. “I’m very sorry, sir. I did not intend to
hurt you. Please let me pay you for everything,” begged the merchant.

“There’s no need to pay. I’m rich enough,” said the beast. “Just send one of your
daughters to work here. Otherwise, I’ll kill you.”

“Very well, sir. I’ll do as you say,” the merchant answered sadly.

When he arrived home, the merchant told his daughters what had happened. The
two elder daughters refused to help their father.

“Let me go, father,” said Beauty. Tears rolled down the merchant’s cheeks. He
loved Beauty very much.

Beauty worked for the beast for some time. Soon, the beast fell in love with her.
One night, the beast asked Beauty, “Will you marry me?”

“No, I cannot marry you because I must look after my father,” answered Beauty.

One day, Beauty saw in a magic mirror that her father was very sick. So, she asked
the beast to let her go home.

“Remember, you must come back when your father is well,” said the beast. He
gave Beauty a magic ring.

Actually, the merchant missed his youngest daughter so much that he fell sick.
When Beauty returned, her father became well again.

Because she was so happy to see her father and sisters again, Beauty forgot about
her promise to the Beast.

One night, Beauty dreamt that the Beast was dying. When she woke up, she
quickly went back to the castle.

There, in the garden, Beauty found the beast lying on a flower-bed of roses. He
looked pale and tired.

Beauty felt very sorry. She should not have left the beast for so long. She realized,
then, that the beast truly loved her.

Beauty tried her best to nurse the beast, but everyday he became worse.

“Don’t die, my love. You’re a kind beast. I love you!” Beauty whispered into the
beast’s ear.

Suddenly, a very strange thing happened. Slowly, the beast’s face changed. He was
now a handsome, young prince.

Beauty was very surprised but glad.

The prince told her that his family had been cursed by a wicked witch. The king
and queen had died and he was turned into a beast. He could only change back into
a prince when a girl truly loved him.

Beauty and the prince were married. The prince invited Beauty’s family to stay
with him in the castle.

Beauty and the prince lived happily ever after.

Now my friends, what did we learn from this story?

The moral value of this story is kindness and love can overcome evil.

With that, I end my story. Thank you.


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