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A. Say if these sentences express a promise, a polite request, an offer,

an arrangement a prediction or an intention.
1. I will give you a ring when I get home.
2. Will you carry this bag for me, please?
3. I´m visiting your aunt this evening.
4. I´m going to make a cake tonight.
5. It will be sunny tomorrow morning.
6. I´ll help you with your exercise, if you want me to.
B. Read these hints and make predictions about what is going to happen.
1. He is eating too much.
2. She has gone to the hairdresser´s.
3. He still hasn´t arrive at the train station, and the train is leaving.
4. The sky is dark with clouds.
5. He´s been drinking and he´s driving.
6. She hasn´t studied at all for tomorrow´s exam.
7. He´s late again for the English class.
C. Complete these sentences using the correct future form of the verbs
given in brackets:
1. Yes, I promise_________(not do) it again, mother.
2. What time_____________(return) tonight?
3. I_______________(buy) a present for my father´s birthday.
4. I______________(start) a diet and I______________(give up) smoking, but I
don´t know if I________________(can) go to the gym twice a week.
5. She´s pregnant, she____________(have) a baby, I think it__________(be) a
6. My daughter___________(be) 20 years next Tuesday.
7. ______________(someone answer) the phone? Sure, I__________(do) it.
8. What time______________(take) the train tomorrow?
9. Be careful! You______________(hit) that wall!
10. Have you decided what to wear tonight? Yes, I________________(wear) my new
11. By 7,00 pm they_______________(play) for six hours.
12. I____________(finish) painting your room by the time you get home.
13. Phone me tomorrow morning, I_____________(not do) anything then.
14. What do you want to have? I____________(have) a glass of wine.
15. She____________(phone) me as soon as she gets home.
16. By five o´clock, they______________(finish)their exam.
17. By the year 2010, scientists_____________(find) a cure for AIDS.
18. What______________(your son/be) after he passes his exams?
19. He says he______________(be) a teacher, though perhaps
he__________(change) his mind.

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