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PT 3356 (C)

( B)
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Difpers'd among the NATIVE stat
MALABAR, and other Parts in the
EAST-INDIES ; and alfo for
furnishing fome other Helps to the Mif
fionaries fent thither to Propagate the
GOSPEL banning A
O app on bus op ni
HEREAS the Reverend Mr.
Bartholomew Ziegenbalgh, and Mr.
Henry Plufcho, who were educated
under the Direction of Profeffor Franck, at the
University of Hall in Germany, were fent in
A the
( 2 )
the Year 1705. to Propagate the Goſpel as
mong the Malabarians in the Eaft - Indies,
where they arrived in July 1706. And where
as fince their Arrival in thofe Parts, they have,
by God's Bleffing on their Endeavours, been
very fuccefsful in their Miffion, having built a
Church at Tranquebar, on the Coaft of Coroman
del, where they conftantly Preach, Pray,
either in the Malabarick or Portuguese Lan
guage, to a Congregation of Perfons actually
baptized, and of Catechumens, mounting to a
Hundred and Sixty, befides great Numbers of
others, who flock thither to hear the Sermons
and other Parts of divine and have
likewife erected Two Charity Schools , for the
Educating and Inftructing the Malabarian
Children in the Principles of the Chriftian
Religion ;, befides which, they have begun to
Tranflate the New Testament into Malabarick,
and in January laft had nigh finished the Four
Gofpels ; and God be praised, there are no
fmall Hopes of a much greater Success from
the indefatigable Labours and Zeal of thefe
Two Miffionaries, and of Three others, (Two
whereof were bred at the fame University)
that have been fince fent to affift them, as ap
pears by their Letters which have been printed
here, intituled, The Propagation of the Gospel in
the East : Part I, II , printed by Mr. Downing,
in 1709, and 1170 .
And whereas it is too plain from the Letters
of thefe Millionaries, that the Support they have
hitherto had, has been much too fmall for fo great
an Undertaking, and that the faid Miffionaries
labour under very great Difficulties for want
( 3 )
of a Printing Prefs ; It is therefore propos'd by
the Reverend Mr. Boehm , late Chaplain to His
Royal Highness Prince GEORGE, and by
feveral other Pious and Charitably difpofed
Perfons, That fome Thoufand Copies of the
New-Teftament shall be printed in Portuguese,
(being a Language commonly understood in
the East Indies) in a neat Elzivir Character,
and be diftributed among the Malabarians,
Chinefes, and other Nations in thofe Parts,
which through the Bleffing of God, (' tis hop'd)
will very much tend to promote the true
Chriftian Religion among thofe ignorant and
idolatrous People. Befides which, it is alfo
propofed, that the faid Miffionaries may be
fupplied with fome Money, for the better en
abling them to carry on their pious Deſign of
Erecting Charity- Schools, and profecuting that
glorious Work, which they have fo happily
And forafmuch as upon the firſt Publication
of this Propofal, feveral Perfons have already
contributed to this good Undertaking ; all which
Contributionsare , and fhall be appropriated to the
Purpoſes abovementioned ; and whereas there
is a Profpect, that the like pious Defign may be
fuccessfully carry'd on in the feveral British
pos'd, inthe
Factories theMone that fois further pro
Eaft yIndies;
the future may
be collected, fhall be apply'd as well for pro
pagating the Gofpel in the faid Factories, by
erecting Charity- Schools , and all other proper
Methods that hall be found practicable, as for
aflifting the Endeavours of the Millionaries
now at Tranquebar.

( 2 )
the Year 1705. to Propagate the Goſpel a
mong the Malabarians in the Eaft -Indies,
where they arrived in July 1706. And where
as fince their Arrival in thofe Parts, they have,
by God's Bleffing on their Endeavours, been
very fucceſsful in their Miffion , having built a
Church at Tranquebar, on the Coaſt of Coroman
del, where they conftantly Preach, Pray, a
either in the Malabarick or Portuguel Lan
guage, to a Congregation of Perfons actually
baptized, and of Catechumens, mounting to a
Hundred and Sixty , befides great Numbers of
others, who flock thither to hear the Sermons
and other Parts of divine Worfhip , and have
likewife erected Two Charity Schools , for the
Educating and Inftructing the Malabarian
Children in the Principles of the Chriftian
Religion ; befides which, they have begun to
Tranflate the New Testament into Malabarick,
and in January laft had nigh finished the Four
Gofpels ; and God be praised, there are no
fmall Hopes of a much greater Succefs from
the indefatigable Labours and Zeal of theſe
Two Miffionaries, and of Three others , (Two
whereof were bred at the fame University)
that have been fince fent to affift them, as ap
pears by their Letters which have been printed
here, intituled , The Propagation of the Gospel in
the East : Part I, II. printed by Mr. Downing,
in 1709, and 1170.
And whereas it is too plain from the Letters
of thefe Millionaries, that the Support they have.
hitherto had, has been much too fmall for fo great
an Undertaking, and that the faid Miffionaries
labour 7 very great Difficulties for want
( 3 )
of a Printing Preſs ; It is therefore propos'd by
the Reverend Mr. Boehm, late Chaplain to His
Royal Highness Prince GEORGE , and by
feveral other Pious and Charitably difpofed
Perfons, That fome Thoufand Copies of the'
New-Teftament fhall be printed in Portuguese,
(being a Language commonly underſtood in
the East Indies) in a neat Elzivir Character,
and be diftributed among the Malabarians,
Chinefes , and other Nations in thofe Parts ,
which through the Bleffing of God , ('tis hop'd)
will very much tend to promote the true
Chriftian Religion among thofe ignorant and
idolatrous People. Befides which , it is alſo
propofed, that the faid Miffionaries may be
fupplied with fome Money, for the better en
abling them to carry on their pious Deſign of
Erecting Charity- Schools, and profecuting that
glorious Work, which they have fo happily
! And forafmuch as upon the firft Publication
of this Propofal, feveral Perfons have already
contributed to this good Undertaking ; all which
{ Contributionsare, and fhall be appropriated to the
Purpoſes abovementioned ; and whereas there
is a Profpect, that the like pious Deſign may be
fuccessfully carry'd on in the feveral Briti
Factories in the Eaft Indies; It is further pro
pos'd, that the Money that for the future may
be collected, fhall be apply'd as well for pro
pagating the Gofpel in the faid Factories, by
erecting Charity- Schools , and all other proper
Methods that fhall be found practicable, as for
affifting the Endeavours of the Millionaries
now at Tranquebar.
( 2 )
the Year 1705. to Propagate the Goſpel as
mong the Malabarians in the East - Indies,
where they arrived in July 1706. And where
as fince their Arrival in thofe Parts, they have,
by God's Bleffing on their Endeavours, been
very fuccefsful in their Miffion, having built a
Church at Tranquebar, on the Coaft of Coroman
det, where they conftantly Preach, Pray, &c.
either in the Malabarick or Portuguese Lan
guage, to a Congregation of Perfons actually
baptized, and of Catechumens, mounting to a T
Hundred and Sixty, befides great Numbers of
others, who flock thither to hear the Sermons
and other Parts of divine Worship ; and have
likewife erected Two Charity Schools , for the
Educating and Inftructing the Malabarian
Children in the Principles of the Chriftian
Religion ; befides which, they have begun to
Tranflate the New Testament into Malabarick,
and in January laft had nigh finished the Four
Gofpels ; and God be praised, there are no
fmall Hopes of a much greater Succefs from
the indefatigable Labours and Zeal of thefe
Two Miffionaries, and of Three others, (Two &
whereof were bred at the fame Univerſity)
that have been fince fent to affift them, as ap
pears by their Letters which have been printed
here, intituled, The Propagation of the Gospel in
the Eaft : Part I, II . printed by Mr. Downing,
in 1709, and 1170.
And whereas it is too plain from the Letters
of theſe Miſſionaries, that the Support they have.
hitherto had has been much too fmall for fo great
an Undertaking, and that the faid Miffionaries
labour under very great Difficulties for want
(3 )
of a Printing Prefs ; It is therefore propos'd by
the Reverend Mr. Boehm, late Chaplain to His
Royal Highness Prince GEORGE, and by
feveral other Pious and Charitably difpofed

Perfons, That fome Thoufand Copies of the
New-Teftament fhall be printed in Portugueſe,
(being a Language commonly understood in
the East - Indies) in a neat Elzivir Character ,
and be diftributed among the Malabarians,
Chinefes, and other Nations in thofe Parts,
which through the Bleffing of God, (' tis hop'd)
will very much tend to promote the true
Chriſtian Religion among thofe ignorant and
idolatrous People . Befides which, it is alfo
propofed, that the faid Miffionaries may be
fupplied with fome Money, for the better en
abling them to carry on their pious Defign of
Erecting Charity- Schools , and profecuting that
glorious Work, which they have fo happily
1 begun.
And forafmuch as upon the firft Publication
of this Propofal , feveral Perfons have already
contributed to this good Undertaking ; all which
Contributionsare,and fhall be appropriated to the
Purpoſes abovementioned ; and whereas there
is a Profpect, that the like pious Deſign may be
fuccessfully carry'd on in the feveral Briti
Factories in the Eaft Indies ; It is further pro
pos'd, that the Money that for the future may
be collected , fhall be apply'd as well for pro
pagating the Gofpel in the faid Factories, by
erecting Charity - Schools , and all other proper
Methods that thall be found practicable , as for
affifting the Endeavours of the Millionaries
now at Tranquebar.
( 2 )
the Year 1705. to Propagate the Goſpel as
mong the Malabarians in the East -Indies,
where they arrived in July 1706. And where
as fince their Arrival in thofe Parts, they have,
by God's Bleffing on their Endeavours, been
very fuccefsful in their Miffion, having built a
Church at Tranquebar, on the Coaſt of Coroman
det, where they conftantly Preach, Pray, c.
either in the Malabarick or Portuguese Lan
guage, to a Congregation of Perfons actually
baptized, and of Catechumens, mounting to a
Hundred and Sixty, befides great Numbers of
others, who flock thither to hear the Sermons
and other Parts of divine Worfhip ; and have
likewife erected Two Charity. Schools, for the
Educating and Inftructing the Malabarian
Children in the Principles of the Chriftian
Religion ; befides which, they have begun to
Tranflate the New Testament into Malabarick,
and in January laft had nigh finished the Four
Gofpels ; and God be praised, there are no
fmall Hopes of a much greater Succefs from
the indefatigable Labours and Zeal of thefe
Two Miffionaries, and of Three others , (Two
whereof were bred at the fame Univerſity)
that have been fince fent to affift them, as ap
pears by their Letters which have been printed
here, intituled , The Propagation of the Gospel in
the East : Part I , II, printed by Mr. Downing,
in 1709, and 1170 .
And whereas it is too plain from the Letters
of thefe Millionaries , that the Support they have
hitherto had, has been much too small for fo great
an Undertaking, and 18 that the faid Miffionaries
labour under very great Difficulties for want
( 3)
of a Printing Prefs ; It is therefore propos'd by
the Reverend Mr. Boehm, late Chaplain to His
Royal Highness Prince GEORGE, and by
feveral other Pious and Charitably difpofed
Perfons, That fome Thoufand Copies of the
New-Teftament fhall be printed in Portuguese,
(being a Language commonly understood in
the East Indies) in a neat Elzivir Character,
and be diftributed among the Malabarians,
Chinefes, and other Nations in thofe Parts,
which through the Bleffing of God, (' tis hop'd)
will very much tend to promote the true
Chriftian Religion among thofe ignorant and
idolatrous People. Befides which, it is alfo
propofed, that the faid Miffionaries may be
fupplied with fome Money, for the better en
abling them to carry on their pious Defign of
Erecting Charity-Schools, and profecuting that
glorious Work, which they have fo happily
begun . 1
And forafmuch as upon the firſt Publication
of this Propofal, feveral Perfons have already
contributed to this good Undertaking ; all which
Contributionsare,and fhall be appropriated to the
Purpoſes abovementioned ; and whereas there
is a Profpect , that the like pious Deſign may be
fuccefsfully carry'd on in the feveral Britiſh
Factories in the Eaft Indies; It is further pro
pos'd, that the Money that for the future may
be collected , fhall be apply'd as well for pro
pagating the Gofpel in the faid Factories, by
erecting Charity - Schools, and all other proper
Methods that hall be found practicable , as for
affifting the Endeavours of the Millionaries
now at Tranquebar.
( 2 )
the Year 1705. to Propagate the Goſpel as
mong the Malabarians in the Eat - Indies,
where they arrived in July 1706. And where
as fince their Arrival in thofe Parts, they have,
by God's Bleffing on their Endeavours, been
very fuccefsful in their Miffion, having built a
Church at Tranquebar, on the Coaft of Coroman Six
del, where they conftantly Preach, Pray,
either in the Malabarick or Portuguese Lan
guage, to a Congregation of Perfons actually www
baptized, and of Catechumens, mounting to a
Hundred and Sixty, befides great Numbers of
others, who flock thither to hear the Sermons
and other Parts of divine Worship ; and have
likewife erected Two Charity Schools, for the
Educating and Inftructing the Malabarian
Children in the Principles of the Chriftian
Religion ; befides which, they have begun to
Tranflate the New Testament into Malabarick,
and in January laft had nigh finifhed the Four
Gofpels ; and God be praised, there are no
fmail Hopes of a much greater Succefs from i
the indefatigable Labours and Zeal of thefe
Two Miffionaries, and of Three others, (Two
whereof were bred at the fame Univerſity)
that have been fince fent to affift them, as ap.
pears by their Letters which have been printed
here, intituled, The Propagation of the Gospel in
the East : Part I, II. printed by Mr. Downing,
in 1709, and 1170 .
And whereas it is too plain from the Letters
of theſe Millionaries, that the Support they have
hitherto had has been much too fmall for fo great
an Undertaking, and that the faid Miffionaries
labour under very great Difficulties for want
(3 )
of a Printing Prefs ; It is therefore propos'd by
the Reverend Mr. Boehm, late Chaplain to His
Royal Highness Prince GEORGE, and by
feveral other Pious and Charitably difpofed
Perfons, That fome Thoufand Copies of the'
New-Teftament fhall be printed in Portuguese,
(being a Language commonly understood in
the East Indies ) in a neat Elzivir Character,
and be diftributed among the Malabarians,
Chinefes, and other Nations in thofe Parts,
which through the Bleffing of God, (' tis hop'd)
will very much tend to promote the true
Chriftian Religion among thofe ignorant and
idolatrous People. Befides which, it is alfo
propofed, that the faid Miffionaries may be
fupplied with fome Money, for the better en
abling them to carry on their pious Deſign of
Erecting Charity- Schools, and profecuting that
glorious Work, which they have fo happily
1 And forafmuch as upon the firſt Publication
of this Propofal, feveral Perfons have already
contributed to this good Undertaking ; all which
[ Contributionsare,and fhall be appropriated to the
Purpoſes abovementioned ; and whereas there
is a Profpect, that the like pious Deſign may be
fuccessfully carry'd on in the feveral Briti
Factories in the Eaft Indies ; It is further pro
pos'd, that the Money that for the future may
be collected , fhall be apply'd as well for pro
pagating the Gofpel in the faid Factories, by
erecting Charity- Schools, and all other proper
Methods that fhall be found practicable, as for
affifting 匪 the Endeavours of the Millionaries
now at Tranquebar.
( 2 )
the Year 1705. to Propagate the Goſpel as
mong the Malabarians in the East -Indies,
where they arrived in July 1706. And where
as fince their Arrival in thoſe Parts, they have,
by God's Bleffing on their Endeavours, been
very fuccefsful in their Miffion, having built a
Church at Tranquebar, on the Coaft of Coroman
det, where they conftantly Preach, Pray, Gra
either in the Malabarick or Portuguese Lan
guage, to a Congregation of Perfons actually
baptized, and of Catechumens, mounting to a
Hundred and Sixty, befides great Numbers of
others, who flock thither to hear the Sermons
and other Parts of divine Worfhip ; and have
likewife erected Two Charity Schools, for the
Educating and Inftructing the Malabarian
Children in the Principles of the Chriftian
Religion ; befides which, they have begun to
Tranflate the New Testament into Malabarick,
and in January laft had nigh finiſhed the Four
Gofpels ; and God be praised, there are no
fmall Hopes of a much greater Succefs from
the indefatigable Labours and Zeal of thefe
Two Miffionaries, and of Three others , (Two
whereof were bred at the fame University)
that have been fince fent to allift them , as ap
pears by their Letters which have been printed
here, intituled, The Propagation of the Gospel in
the East : Part I, II. printed by Mr. Downing,
in 1709, and 1170.
And whereas it is too plain from the Letters
of theſe Miſſionaries, that the Support they have.
hitherto had, has been much too fmall for fo great
an Undertaking, and that the faid Miffionaries
labour under very great Difficulties for want
( 3 )
of a Printing Preſs ; It is therefore propos'd by
the Reverend Mr. Boehm, late Chaplain to His
Royal Highness Prince GEORGE , and by
feveral other Pious and Charitably difpofed
Perfons, That fome Thoufand Copies of the
New-Teftament fhall be printed in Portugueſe ,
(being a Language commonly understood in
the East Indies) in a neat Elzivir Character ,
and be diſtributed among the Malabarians ,
Chinefes, and other Nations in thofe Parts,
which through the Bleffing of God, (' tis hop'd)
will very much tend to promote the true
Chriftian Religion among thofe ignorant and
idolatrous People. Befides which, it is alfo
: propofed, that the faid Miffionaries may be
fupplied with fome Money, for the better en
abling them to carry on their pious Defign of
1 Erecting Charity- Schools, and profecuting that
glorious Work, which they have fo happily
t begun.
And forafmuch as upon the firſt Publication
of this Propofal, feveral Perfons have already
contributed to this good Undertaking ; all which
Contributions are,and fhall be appropriated to the
Purpoſes abovementioned , and whereas there
is a Profpect , that the like pious Defign may be
fuccessfully carry'd on in the feveral Briti
Factories in the Eaft Indies; It is further pro
f pos'd, that the Money that for the future may
be collected , fhall be apply'd as well for pro
pagating the Gofpel in the faid Factories, by
erecting Charity- Schools, and all other proper
Methods that thall be found practicable , as for
affifting * the Endeavours of the Millionaries
now at Tranquebar.
( 2 )
the Year 1705. to Propagate the Goſpel a
mong the Malabarians in the Eaft -Indies,
where they arrived in July 1706. And where
as fince their Arrival in thoſe Parts, they have,
by God's Bleffing on their Endeavours, been
very fuccefsful in their Miffion, having built a
Church at Tranquebar, on the Coaſt of Coroman
det, where they conftantly Preach, Pray,
either in the Malabarick or Portuguese Lan
guage, to a Congregation of Perfons actually
baptized, and of Catechumens, mounting to a
Hundred and Sixty, befides great Numbers of
others, who flock thither to hear the Sermons
and other Parts of divine Worship , and have
likewife erected Two Charity Schools, for the
Educating and Inftruating the Malabarian
Children in the Principles of the Chriftian
Religion ; befides which, they have begun to
Tranflate the New Testament into Malabarick,
and in January laft had nigh finished the Four
Gofpels ; and God be praiſed, there are no
fmall Hopes of a much greater Succefs from
the indefatigable Labours and W Zeal of thefe
Two Miffionaries, and of Three others, (Two
whereof were bred at the fame University)
that have been fince fent to affift them, as ap
pears by their Letters which have been printed
here, intituled, The Propagation of the Gospel in
the East : Part I , II . printed by Mr. Downing,
in 1709, and 1170.
And whereas it is too plain from the Letters
of thefe Millionaries, that the Support they have
hitherto had has been much too fmall for fo great
an Undertaking, and that the faid Miffionaries
labour under very great Difficulties for want
sit of
( 3)
of a Printing Prefs ; It is therefore propos'd by
the Reverend Mr. Boehm, late Chaplain to His
Royal Highness Prince GEORGE , and by
feveral other Pious and Charitably difpofed
Perfons, That fome Thoufand Copies of the
New-Teftament fhall be printed in Portugueſe,
(being a Language commonly understood in
the East Indies) in a neat Elzivir Character,
and be diftributed among the Malabarians ,
Chinefes , and other Nations in thofe Parts,
which through the Bleffing of God, (' tis hop'd)
will very much tend to promote the true
Chriftian Religion among thofe ignorant and
idolatrous People. Befides which, it is alfo
propofed, that the faid Miffionaries may be
fupplied with fome Money, for the better en
abling them to carry on their pious Defign of
Erecting Charity-Schools , and profecuting that
glorious Work, which they have fo happily
1 begun.
And forafmuch as upon the firſt Publication
of this Propofal, feveral Perfons have already
contributed to this good Undertaking ; all which
Contributionsare ,and fhall be appropriated to the
Purpoſes abovementioned ; and whereas there
is a Profpect , that the like pious Deſign may be
fuccefsfully carry'd on in the feveral Briti
Factories in the Eaft Indies ; It is further pro
pos'd, that the Money that for the future may
be collected , fhall be apply'd as well for pro
pagating the Gospel in the faid Factories, by
erecting Charity- Schools , and all other proper
Methods that thall be found practicable , as for
affifting the Endeavours of the Millionaries
now at Tranquebar.
( 2 )
the Year 1705. to Propagate the Goſpel as
mong the Malabarians in the East -Indies,
where they arrived in July 1706. And where
as fince their Arrival in thofe Parts, they have,
by God's Bleffing on their Endeavours, been
very fuccefsful in their Miffion, having built a
Church at Tranquebar, on the Coaft of Coroman
del, where they conftantly Preach, Pray, &c.
either in the Malabarick or Portuguese Lan
guage, to a Congregation of Perfons actually
baptized , and of Catechumens , mounting to a
Hundred and Sixty, befides great Numbers of
others, who flock thither to hear the Sermons
and other Parts of divine Worship ; and have www
likewife erected Two Charity Schools, for the
Educating and Inftructing the Malabarian
Children in the Principles of the Chriftian.
Religion ; befides which, they have begun to
Tranflate the New Testament into Malabarick,
and in January laft had nigh finished the Four
Gofpels ; and God be praised, there are no
fmall Hopes of a much greater Succefs from
the indefatigable Labours and Zeal of thefe
Two Miffionaries, and of Three others, (Two
whereof were bred at the fame University)
that have been fince fent to affift them, as ap
pears by their Letters which have been printed
here, intituled, The Propagation of the Gospel in
the Eaft : Part I, II. printed by Mr. Downing,
in 1709, and 1170.
And whereas it is too plain from the Letters
of theſe Miſſionaries, that the Support they have.
hitherto had has been much too fmall for fo great
an Undertaking, and that the faid Miffionaries
labour under very great Difficulties for want
(3 )

of a Printing Prefs ; It is therefore propos'd by

the Reverend Mr D late Chaplain to His
Royal Highness Prince GEORGE, and by
feveral other Pious and Charitably difpofed
Perfons, That fome Thoufand Copies of the
New-Teftament fhall be printed in Portugueſe,
(being a Language commonly understood in
the East Indies) in a neat Elzivir Character,
and be diftributed among the Malabarians,
Chinefes, and other Nations in thofe Parts,
which through the Bleffing of God, (' tis hop'd)
will very much tend to promote the true
Chriftian Religion among thofe ignorant and
idolatrous People. Befides which, it is alfo
propofed, that the faid Miffionaries may be
fupplied with fome Money, for the better en
abling them to carry on their pious Deſign of
Erecting Charity- Schools, and profecuting that
glorious Work, which they have ſo happily
And forafmuch as upon the firft Publication
of this Propofal, feveral Perfons have already
contributed to this good Undertaking ; all which
Contributions are,and fhall be appropriated to the
Purpoſes abovementioned ; and whereas there
is a Profpect, that the like pious Deſign may be
fuccessfully carry'd on in the feveral Britiſh
Factories in the Eaft Indies; It is further pro
pos'd, that the Money that for the future may
be collected, fhall be apply'd as well for pro
pagating the Gospel in the faid Factories, by
erecting Charity- Schools , and all other proper
Methods that fhall be found practicable , as for
affifting the Endeavours of the Millionaries
3. at Tranquebar.
( 4 )

E therefore, whofe Names are under

Wwritten, havefubfcribed and paid, for
the Purposes abovementioned, the feveral Sums
to our feveral Names annexed,

Subſcriptions are taken in by

Sir John Philipps Baronet, in Holborn-Row in Lin

Mr. Archdeacon Tenifon, at Lambeth- Palace.
Mr. Archdeacon Frank, Rector of Cranford in
The Reverend Doctor King, at the Charter
The Reverend Doctor Woodward, at Popler.
John Chamberlayne , Efq; in Petty-France, Weft
Daniel Dolins, Efq; at Hackney.
Peter Lavigne, Efq; in Henrietta -
street, Covent
The Reverend Mr. Whitfeld, in Warwick-Court,
The Reverend Mr. Boehm, at the Surgeons - Arms
near the May-Pole in the Strand.
The Reverend Mr. De la Mothe, in St. Mart
tins- Lang.
The Reverend Mr. Shute, in Bartlet's - Buildings
The Reverend Mr. Mayo, at St. Thomas's- Hof
pital in Southwark.
Mr. Ludolph, at Mr. Hart's, near Bernard's -Inn,
Mr. Henry Hoare, Goldfmith, in Fleet-ftreet.
Mr.John Hodges, Merchant, in Token- Houfe-Yard.
Mr. John Trollope, Merchant, in Aldermanbury:

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