DM - s2019 - 259 WINS

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om No. April 11, 2019 SION MEMORANDUM QF s. 2019 CONVERGENCE MEET FOR BRIGADA ESKWELA CUM COMMUNITY BASED SCOUTING ORIENTATION To: 2 ‘Assistant Schools Division Superintendents Chief- Curriculum Implementation Division {CID) Chief- School Governance and Operations Division (SGOD) C Education Program Supervisors Public Schools District Supervisors Public Elementary and Secondary School Heads All Others Concerned rss Inreference to DepEd Memorandum No. 036 s. 2019 re: Brigada Eskwela iplamentde Cuidetines 2019. and as a preparation for its implementation, this division will conduct the Convergence Meet on Brigada Eskwela Cum Community Based Scouting Orientation on April 23, $019 Tuesday, 8:30 am at Calaca Central School. Brigada Eskwela 2019 known as the National schools Maintenance Week will be implemented from May 20-25, 2019 with the theme Matatag na Bayan para sa Maunlad na Paaralan. In convergence of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines Batangas Council (GOCC), PTA Federations (Civic Organization), Barangay Officials and Sanguniang Kabataan (LGU's), 2 forum on community based scouting and its role to Brigada Eskwela and other Adopt-A-Schoo! program will be conducted. Participants of this activity are Public Schools District Supervisors, Education Program Supers, SGOD Personnel, Municipal (Oistricts) PTA Federation Presidents, Provincial PTA Federation Officers and Board Members, Municipal Association of Barangay Chairmen Presidents, ‘Municipal Sanguniang Kabataan Presidents and school heads of the 2018 Division BE Best implementers of all four (4) categories from elementary and secondary schools, public Schools District Supervisors are requested to inform the respective participants in the districts Confirmation of attendance to the event shall he submitted to Social Mobilization and Networking Section of the SGOD on or before April 17, 2019. second phase of the activity is community based scouting orientation which is intended for PTA, Goce. SK and Barangay Chairmen. itis optional for DepEd personnel to attend on this activity. Below is a communication plan which will serve as your reference for the conduct of monitoring ‘and evaluation of Brigada Eskwela 2019. —_—_—"— Program/ Activities Subjects Source/ Subject Timeline ‘Brigada Eskwela 2019 | AllSchools January 30 May 17, 2019 Srgada Fojwala Division WOM | Kick Off and Caravan at | S05, ASDS, CD, SOP May 17, 2019 Program and Caravan Sto Tomas North Sto Tomas Central | Friday Central Schoo! Schoo! ‘Brigada Fakwela Week and ‘Schoals Maintenance | SDSASDS,CID,SGOD | May 20025, Monitoring Week and Monitoring | SD0 Monitoring Team _| 2019 Submission of BEAccomplishment | Consolidated Report | SGOD-Soc. June 31, 2019 Consolidated Report in DPDS per District Mob,/District PFP District Brigada Eskwela District Level/ All School Head, Distret | June 12-24, 2019 Competition/ Evaluation Categories PEP, PSOS, Division Personne! Submission of District BE BE District Level District PFP, PSS, | June 18, 2018 Competition Result $GOD-SOC.MOB ‘Area Brigada Eskwela Competition/ | Area Level/ ll School Heads, District | June 19-21, 2018 Evaluation Categories PFP, PSDS, Division Personne! Submission of Area BE Competition | Area Level ‘School Heads, District | June 27, 2019 Result PEP, PSDS Division Brigada Ekwela Division Level/All 500 Team July 35, 2019 Competition/ Evaluation Categories scon/cid Regional Selection and Deliberation | Regional Level Regional Office /S00 | August 1 of BE Awards Candidates Batangas September 27, 2019 BE Regional Awarding Ceremony | Regional Office Regional Office” BE | Within October — Winners November 2019 National Awarding Ceremony National Office ‘Nat'l Office/ Winners | November 28, 2019 1. To enhance the Division BE Implementation, new important moritering tool and technique on tre week long activity and competition will be issued and discussed in this meeting. Schedule ee monitors in charge will be announced later. Attached is the monitoring tool for Your review and comments. 8, Monitoring report shall be submited three days after May 25, 2019 to SGOD Social Mobilization aoe Networking Section. Online monitoring will also be conducted and reported on the same day of BE implementation. chargeable againts local fund. 9, Travel and other incidental expenses of DepEd participants: 10, For more details and concerned you may contact Ms. Anabel €. Magalon@ at (09171326208 or Farmil G, Ginete at 09278256182 of SGOD Social Mobilization and Networking Section. 12. Immediate dissemination ofthis Memorandum is desired INUELA S, TOLENTINO, Ed. D. nools Division Superintendent ene Republic of the Philippines Department of Rducation Region IV-A CALABARZON DIVISION OF BATANGAS Batangas Provincial Sports Complex, Bolbok, Batangas City BRIGADA ESKWELA MONITORING TOOL S¥ 2019-2020 Division: Name of Schoot ‘School Address: School: (Please check appropriate box) Type of School! Category Level sma 2 Elementary O wen 1D High schoo OO warce Deca, ‘School Head: Contact Number: Brigada Eskwela Coordinator: Contact Number: Enrolment SY 2019 ~ 2020 Total Amount of Resources Generated ‘otal Number of Volunteers Pho. Total Number of Hours (labor) Generated ‘A, SCOPE OF WORK 30% (Please include the quantity) Physical Facilities in BE Plan ‘Repair Works | Maintenance Works | New improvements Total (Repainted, Beautification Replaced Et.) Roofs Guiters Ceilings walls Windows Blackboards Chairsidesks Tables Tighting Doors Signage Fence Gillayan Landscaping Leamers Kiosk installation Others ( Please Speciy) Percentage of work completed ola: ABE projed and programs shouldbe ented in the Sohoal Annual Implmeniaion Pan, The ompulaton is based onthe perceniage of work completed multiplied by 30% Page 1015 DEPEDBATS-SMN-F-006/R0/06-01-2018 Bossy 720-19401 722-1796/ 7122-14371 722-2675) 722-1662 (04>) 723-2816 DXloeped Kalwww sepedatangns.o1g Republic of the Pt pines: Department of Zducation Region IV-A CALABARZON DIVISION OF BATANGAS Batangas Provincial Sports Complex, Bolbok, Batangas Clty Tron. Tho span remnren gowevid Se nace l donee n ns and oquvlet anu a aafale ved la He soope of wrk aconplshed rag ‘te Brgeda Eshwea Week. shel also indie ol reapices ace fer fhe teing and wring commites were lamed nd commen © exoeu0 ei nets, EADS es Type of volunteer ‘Name of Organization (use Number of Volunteers per Day separate sheets, needed) | Day | Day | Day | Day | Day | Day | Total + |2ialais |e 1._ Parent Volunteers -15% The computation is based on number of parent volunteer turn-out over the targeted number of volunteer multiplied by 15% The target parent volunteer participation is up to 200% of the leamers total population. 2 Other Volunteers = 10% Target representative per group is 5 volunteers per entity to get 2 points, below 5 shall be given 1 point then multiplied by 100% _ GA's and other LGU's ‘Community Private Sector Involvement | PupilStudent government Barangay! Involvement including | including Corporate Organization ‘organization and City/Provincial NGO's and Foundations and Private (SSG/SPG) Alumni public corporations Professional Schools Associations - Associations | _ z 2 2 2 PE ec ee Elementary Level Secondary Level Category Number of Resource Category Number of Teachers | Resource _| Teachers (National) | Generated _ (National) ——_| Generated ‘Small School ‘and below 99,999 and below | SmaliSchool | 15 and below 99,999 and below Medium Schoot | 10-28 700,000- 299,999 | Medium School | 76-30 +00,000- oe 299,998 Large Schoo! 30-50 "300,000: 499,998 | Large School | 31-50 300,000- - 999,999 ‘Wega School ‘1 and above 500,000 and above | Mega School | 51 and above 7,000,000 and ‘above D._ Alignment to Brigada Eskwela Th The evaluation shall consider Schools Safety and Preparedness Guide 21 pts., computed as points meet X 6% and the WINS shall consider 12 activities and provisions, computed as points meet /12 x 6%. Sch ints meet x 06 = product Wash in seo points meet x 06 = product Advocacs i yhment on Brigada Eskwela x 03 = product 1 ‘Add SSPG + WINS + Advocacy ‘SUM = 16 Pope 2015 DEPEDBATS-SMN-F-006/R0/06-01-2018 BR (04s) 722-10401 722-17961722-14371 722.2675) 722-1662 (04s) 723-2616 DALceped Boo Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region IV-A CALABARZON DIVISION OF BATANGAS ‘Botangas Provincial Sports Complex, Bolbok, Gatangns City Eee | Evaluated based on the presence of value added projects: ( sponsors) 1._ Medical and dental mission 25 | 2.__Provision of school supplies and uniform 25 3, Awareness fliteracy campaigns: 25 4. Special services 25 Others (brief description) me eee Note: Determined based on the percentage of the increase of the current performance compared with the previouslast Brigada Eskwela accomplishments. (2.5% for resources and 2.5% volunteers ) 100% increased 5% 80-99% increased 4% 60-79% increased 3% 40-59% increased 2% 039% increased 1% Conformed ‘School Head Signature over Printed Name Monitored/Evaluated by: Signature over Printed Name Signature over Printed Name ‘Signature over Printed Name Signature over Printed Name Signature over Printed Name Signature over Printed Name RAMIL G. GINETE Division Brigada Eskwela Coordinator DAVID M. NUAY MARIO B. MARAMOT 'SGOD Chief CID Chief MANUELA S. TOLENT! v Schools Division Superintendent Page 35 DEPEDBATS-SMN-F-006/R0/06-02-2018 BR (012) 122-1040) 722-1706! 722-1437) 722-2675! 722-1662 (043) 723-2616 PA doped batangas@deped.gou ph Kalen. Republic of the Philippines Department of Giducation Region |V-A CALABARZON DIVISION OF BATANGAS ‘Batangas Provincial Sports Complex, Bolbok, Batangas City Evident | NotEvident | Remarks | Inspection of electrical system for repair & upg coordination with the Municipal Engineering Office. 2.__Repair minor classroom damages. '3._ Install appropriate and availabe fe Suppression equipment or resources. 4, Ensure that corridors and pathways are free from any ‘obstruction _ 5. Clean and clear drainage and provide cover to open canals. 8, Post safety precaution tips in the laboratories and workshops, 7. Prepare an evacuation and exit plan. Wentify evacuation areas and classrooms as temporary shelters during emergencies 8.__ Prune trees to avoid entanglement from electrical wing 9. Conduct earthquake, fire drills and frst aid Seminar to teachers _and students 10._Organize the school disaster risk reduction comes 1. Ensure that comfor rooms & hand washing ereas are functioning 12. Post waming signsflabels around the school campus. 73._Identity evaluation area “4, Post Directory of emergency contacis 5, Equip school with fist aid emergency Kits 16. Identity alerative sources supply of drinking water 17. Create database of students and their family contacts “18.__Secure vital school records and store in sae locations 19. Coordinated 7 _— 20. Documented records of students accident to improve ion 21. Identification cards with relevant students/teachers and personnel information DEPEDBATS-SMN-F-006/RO/06-01-2018 BB (043) 722-1 9401 7122-17961 722-14371 722-2675) 722-1862 (043) 723-2616 ph Eelwurw ” 6 Re Republic of ipnenge ie ; 8 Region IV-A CALABARZON we By) DIVISION OF BATANGAS Side Batangas Provincial Sorts Complex, Bobok, Batangas Cty WinS activities and Provisions Evident | Not Evident Remarks 1. Provision of water supply, through connection with barangay ‘water networks, construction of water pumping system, and/or installation of rainwater catchments; Z, Construction of additional toilets, particularly gender- segregated toilets for boys and girls; 3. Repair and improvement of existing toilets, including desludging to ensure functionality, privacy, comfort and security for children, especially girls; 4, Construction/ improvement of individual and group handwashing facilities; 5. Improving accessibility to water, toilets and handwashing, facilities through provision of concrete footpaths, disability ramps and roofing; 6. Provision of rest space for menstruating girls that are private, secure and comfortable; 7. Improvement of drainages, cleaning of roof gutters, and elimination of stagnant water; 8. Provision of hygiene supplies- soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, sanitary pads, etc. ~ and cleaning materials; ‘9, improvement of solid waste management, including the provision of garbage bins for waste segregation, compost pits and material recovery facilities and / or securing local garbage collection services; | 10. Putting up hygiene messages in strategic places (toilets and cating places) to motivate proper use of toilets and handwashing atcritical times, especially after using the toilet and before eating: 1. Orientation of parents and other stakeholders on WinS and engaging their support for developing proper WASH practices at home and the community, and 12 Orientation and certification of canteen operators, vendors and food handlers on proper hygiene and sanitary food preparation and handling. DEPEDBATS-SMN-F-006/R0/06-01-2018 BR oso) 720-10401 722-1796) 722-1437! 722-2675) 722-1662 (043) 723-2816 DAldeped Baron depedvatanaas.o1g

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